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1、I left the room, feeling like a villain and a murderer.我离开了那个房间,感觉自己就像一个恶棍,一个杀人犯。2.N-COUNT The villain in a novel, movie, or play is the main bad character. (小说、电影、戏剧中的) 反面主角He also played a villain opposite Sylvester Stallone in Demolition Man (1992).他在1992年的影片超级战警中扮演了一个与西尔维斯特史泰龙敌对的反面主角。sin /sn/ CE

2、T4 (sinning,sinned,sins)义项 sin读作san。1.N-VAR Sin or a sin is an action or type of behaviour which is believed to break the laws of God. 罪过; 罪孽The Vaticans teaching on abortion is clear: it is a sin.梵蒂冈有关坠胎的教义是清楚的:这是个罪过。2.V-I If you sin, you do something that is believed to break the laws of God. 犯戒律T

3、he Spanish Inquisition charged him with sinning against God and man.西班牙宗教法庭指控他违背了上帝和人类的律法。3.N-COUNT 罪人 sinnerI was shown that I am a sinner, that I needed to repent of my sins.我被证明是个罪人,需要为我的罪孽忏悔。4.N-COUNT A sin is any action or behaviour that people disapprove of or consider morally wrong. 违背道德原则的行为

4、.the sin of arrogant hard-heartedness.狂妄冷酷的恶行。5.ABBREVIATION for sine sine的缩写ingratitude /nrttjud/1.N-UNCOUNT Ingratitude is a lack of gratitude for something that has been done for you. 不知感恩.the ingratitude of people toward their military forces in peacetime.在和平时期人们对他们军队好处的忽视。guilty /lt/ CET4 TEM4

5、(guiltier,guiltiest)1.ADJ If you feel guilty, you feel unhappy because you think that you have done something wrong or have failed to do something which you should have done. 内疚的I feel so guilty, leaving all this to you.把所有这一切都留给了你,我觉得很内疚。2.ADV 内疚地 guiltilyHe glanced guiltily over his shoulder.他内疚地向

6、后瞥了一眼。3.ADJ Guilty is used of an action or fact that you feel guilty about. 罪恶的Many may be keeping it a guilty secret.许多人可能将它作为一个罪恶的秘密保守着。4.guilty conscience see conscience5.ADJ If someone is guilty of a crime or offence, they have committed that crime or offence. 犯罪的They were found guilty of murder

7、.他们被判犯有谋杀罪。6.ADJ If someone is guilty of doing something wrong, they have done that thing. 有过失的He claimed Mr. Brooke had been guilty of a gross error of judgment.他声称布鲁克先生犯有“判决上的重大过失”。straightway /stretwe/1.ADV at once 一下子地witness /wtns/ CET4 TEM4 (witnessing,witnessed,witnesses)1.N-COUNT A witness t

8、o an event such as an accident or crime is a person who saw it. 目击者Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster.这起坠机事故的目击者说, 在灾难发生之前他们看到了爆炸。2.V-T If you witness something, you see it happen. 目击Anyone who witnessed the attack should call the police.任何目睹了那场攻击的人都应该报警。3.N-CO

9、UNT A witness is someone who appears in a court of law to say what they know about a crime or other event. 证人In the next three or four days, eleven witnesses will be called to testify.在随后的三四天里,11名证人将传唤来作证。4.N-COUNT A witness is someone who writes their name on a document that you have signed, to con

10、firm that it really is your signature. 连署人The codicil must first be signed and dated by you in the presence of two witnesses.该遗嘱附件必须首先由你当着两个连署人的面签名并写上日期。5.V-T If someone witnesses your signature on a document, they write their name after it, to confirm that it really is your signature. 连署Ask a frien

11、d, (not your spouse), to witness your signature.请一位朋友(不可以是你的配偶),来连署你的签名。6.V-T If you say that a place, period of time, or person witnessed a particular event or change, you mean that it happened in that place, during that period of time, or while that person was alive. 见证India has witnessed many pol

12、itical changes in recent years.印度近些年见证了许多政治变革。genteel /dntil/ TEM81.ADJ A genteel person is respectable and well-mannered, and comes or seems to come from a high social class. 有教养的It was a place to which genteel families came in search of health and quiet.这是一个上流社会家庭寻找健康和宁静的场所。2.ADJ A genteel place o

13、r area is quiet and traditional, but may also be old-fashioned and dull. 安宁而古朴的.the genteel towns of Winchester and Chichester.安宁而古朴的温切斯特和奇切斯特城。cove /kv/ 1.N-COUNT/N-IN-NAMES A cove is a part of a coast where the land curves inward so that the sea is partly enclosed. 小海湾The house is situated on a hi

14、llside overlooking Fairview Cove.这座房子位于山坡上,俯瞰费尔维尤海湾。2.N-COUNT/N-IN-NAMES a fellow; chap 家伙; 小伙子snooze /snuz/ (snoozing,snoozed,snoozes)1.N-COUNT A snooze is a short, light sleep, especially during the day. (尤指在白天的) 小睡I lay down on the bed with my shoes off to have a snooze.我脱了鞋,躺在床上打个盹儿。2.V-I If you

15、 snooze, you sleep lightly for a short period of time. 打盹Mark snoozed in front of the television.马克在电视机前打起盹儿来。pal /pl/ TEM81.N-COUNT Your pals are your friends. 朋友They talked like old pals.他们像老朋友一样交谈。strew /stru/ TEM8 (strewing,strewed,strewn,strews)1.V-T To strew things somewhere, or to strew a pla

16、ce with things, means to scatter them there. 散播; 往.上撒.The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food, and strew the contents all over the ground.浣熊为了找吃的弄翻了垃圾箱,垃圾撒的到处都是。An elderly woman was strewing the floor with chalk so that the dancing shoes would not slip.一位老妇人正在往地板上撒滑石粉以防止舞鞋打滑。By the

17、 end, bodies were strewn all round the building.最后,大楼四周遍布着死尸。squeal /skwil/ TEM8 (squealing,squealed,squeals)1.V-I If someone or something squeals, they make a long, high-pitched sound. 发出长而尖的声音Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me.珍尼弗高兴地尖叫着,拥抱了我。2.N-COUNT Squeal is also a noun. 长而尖的声音At that

18、 moment there was a squeal of brakes and the angry blowing of a car horn.那一刻响起了一阵刺耳的刹车声和汽车喇叭愤怒的鸣笛声。staunch /stnt/ TEM4 (stauncher,staunchest)1.ADJ A staunch supporter or believer is very loyal to a person, organization, or set of beliefs, and supports them strongly. 坚定的Hes a staunch supporter of con

19、trols on government spending.他是政府开支控制的坚定支持者。2.ADV 坚定地 staunchlyHe was staunchly opposed to a public confession.他坚决反对公开认错。3.ADJ solid or substantial in construction 坚固的; 牢固的ache /ek/ CET4 TEM4 (aching,ached,aches)1.V-I If you ache or a part of your body aches, you feel a steady, fairly strong pain. 疼

20、痛The glands in her neck were swollen, her head was throbbing and she ached all over.她脖子里的淋巴腺肿了,头一跳一跳地作痛而且全身疼痛。My leg is giving me much less pain but still aches when I sit down.我的腿疼痛减轻了许多,但是当我坐下时还是会疼。2.N-COUNT An ache is a steady, fairly strong pain in a part of your body. 疼痛You feel nausea and ache

21、s in your muscles.你觉得恶心而且肌肉疼痛。3.PHRASE You can use aches and pains to refer in a general way to any minor pains that you feel in your body. (泛指不严重的) 疼痛It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day.它似乎可以减轻繁忙疲劳的一天带来的所有疼痛。4.see also headache , heartache , stomach achebandage /bndd

22、/ CET4 TEM4 (bandaging,bandaged,bandages)1.N-COUNT A bandage is a long strip of cloth that is wrapped around a wounded part of someones body to protect or support it. 绷带We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee.我们在他的膝盖上涂了些药膏,还缠了一条绷带。2.V-T If you bandage a wound or part of someones body, you tie

23、 a bandage around it. 用绷带包扎Apply a dressing to the wound and bandage it.在伤口上敷上敷料并用绷带包扎起来。3.PHRASAL VERB Bandage up means the same as . 用绷带包扎I bandaged the leg up and gave her aspirin for the pain.我用绷带把她的腿包扎起来,又给她阿斯匹林镇痛。remedy /rmd/ CET4 TEM4 (remedying,remedied,remedies)1.N-COUNT A remedy is a succe

24、ssful way of dealing with a problem. 解决办法The remedy lies in the hands of the government.解决办法就在政府手中。2.N-COUNT A remedy is something that is intended to cure you when you are ill or in pain. 治疗; 疗法; 药品There are many different kinds of natural remedies to help overcome winter infections.很多不同种类的天然药物有助于克

25、服冬季传染病。3.V-T If you remedy something that is wrong or harmful, you correct it or improve it. 补救; 纠正; 改善A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.内部已经采取了很多措施来挽救局面。wither /w/ CET6+ TEM4 (withering,withered,withers)1.V-I If someone or something withers, they become very weak. 变虚弱Whe

26、n he went into retirement, he visibly withered.到了退休年龄时,他明显变得虚弱了。2.PHRASAL VERB Wither away means the same as . 变虚弱To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was exasperating.看着我的身体在自己的眼前日渐虚弱真是让人恼火。3.V-I If a flower or plant withers, it dries up and dies. (花朵或植物) 枯萎The flowers in Isabels roo

27、m had withered.伊莎贝尔房间里的花朵已经枯萎了。stark /stk/ CET6+ TEM8 (starker,starkest)1.ADJ Stark choices or statements are harsh and unpleasant. 严酷的Companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive.各公司要想保持竞争力就要面临一个严酷的选择。2.ADV 严酷地 starklyThat issue is presented starkly and brutally by Bob Graham and

28、David Cairns.那个问题被鲍勃格雷厄姆和戴维凯恩斯冷酷无情地提了出来。3.ADJ If two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious. (对比) 鲜明的.secret cooperation between London and Washington that was in stark contrast to official policy.伦敦和华盛顿之间的与官方政策明显相悖的秘密合作。4.ADV 鲜明地 starklyAnguss child-like paintings contrast starkly with his

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