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湘少版 小学英语三年级下册全册教案.docx

1、 湘少版湘少版 小学英语三年级下册全册教案小学英语三年级下册全册教案 Unit 1 A family outing Period 1 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1)能看懂、会读、会说新单词 together,ride,grandparents;2)学习、运用新句型:Shall we Well 2、能力目标(Ability Aims):1)能向他人询问、回答出行计划;2)能理解课本 A与 B 部分。3、情感目标(Emotion Aims)学会小组合作,团结友爱。2、教学重难点(Teaching Focus&Difficulties)1

2、)重点:理解并运用生单词;2)难点:运用新句型。1)课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、卡片、教学录音等等。2)教学过程(Teaching Process)Step one:warming up 1.Greetings.2.Free talk.Talk about their experiences in winter holiday.Step two:presentation Introduce new words and phrases.T:Do you want to do these things?Watch a movie?Go shopping?Tak

3、e/have a walk?Look at the flowers?Play games.I do,you say.Then I say,you do.The dialogue.Listen and find out who they are.Listen and read.Answer the question:what are Linglings family going to do?Listen and repeat.Listen and act.Step three:consolidation 1.Talk about what you are going to do this eve

4、ning.2.Talk about your plans to travel at weekend with your partner.Step four:homework 1.Listen and read Part A and B.2.Copy the new words three times.五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)Unit 1 A family outing together ride grandparent Period 2 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims)1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1)能看懂、会读、会说新单词 togethe

5、r,ride,grandparents;2)学习、运用新句型:Shall we Well 2、能力目标(Ability Aims):1)能向他人询问、回答出行计划;2)能理解课本 D部分的阅读内容。3、情感目标(Emotion Aims)学会小组合作,团结友爱。2、教学重难点(Teaching Focus&Difficulties)1)重点:理解并运用生单词;2)难点:运用新句型。三、课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、卡片、教学录音等等。四、教学过程(Teaching Process)Step one:warming up 1.Greetings.2.Free

6、talk.Talk about what you are going to do with your family outside.T:I want to go to Heng Shan Mountain with my family.How about you?3.Listen to the song“The more we get together”.Step two:presentation 1.Have a competition between girls and boys.We can read the text,speak out the new words,and speak

7、out sentences.2.Look at the picture on the book and say what you can see.T:What can you see in this picture?I can see a ball.Anything else?3.Find out what these people are doing on the beach in the text and underline them.4.Read the text and finish the exercise.Step three:consolidation 1.Find your p

8、artner to be a family and tell us what you are going to do this weekend.2.Your friend is going to travel in Changsha.Can you give them some advice?Step four:homework 1.Try to recite Part A.2.Read Part D again.五、板书设计(Blackboard Design)Unit 1 A family outing My family goes to Period 3 一、教学目标(Teaching

9、Aims)1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1)能看懂、会读、会说新单词 together,ride,grandparents;2)学习、运用新句型:Shall we Well 2、能力目标(Ability Aims):1)能向他人询问、回答出行计划;2)能运用所学句型、单词进行简单的写作。3、情感目标(Emotion Aims)学会小组合作,团结友爱。2、教学重难点(Teaching Focus&Difficulties)1)重点:理解并运用生单词;2)难点:运用新句型。三、课前准备(Preparation for Class)课件、图片、卡片、CAI等等。四、教学过程(Teac

10、hing Process)Step one:warming up 1.Greetings.2.Free talk:tell us what your family usually does at home?Where does your family go outing?Step two:presentation 1.What does your family usually do at weekends?Say something about it.Do you like it?How often?Write it down.2.Where does your family usually

11、go at weekends?The park?The shopping center?Write it down.3.What do you like doing with your family most?Eating KFC?Taking a walk?Write it down.Step three:consolidation 1.Group work:ask your partner:what is your family outing?2.Action show:find some partners to show one of your happiest outing exper

12、iences with your family.Students can vote for the interesting one.Step four:homework 1.Try to write down your family outing.2.Finish the exercises of Unit 1.教学反思:Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting Period1 一、教案目标 1、学习本课新单词 a piece of,meat ,cross,eat,happily,its,wood,drop,lose,better 2、能掌握并用句型“A

13、 is/are more than B”,对两事物进行比较。3、能听懂、理解本课故事。4、会用 like doing more than doing 5通过本课的语言故事,使学生明白做人不要过于贪心的道理。二、教学重点难点 重点:掌握并运用句型“A is/are more than B”,;理解、阅读本课故事。难点:复述本课故事 三、教学准备 Word cards,Type,Drawing Instrument 四、教案步骤 Step 1 warm-up 1、师生互相问候。2、sing a song:The More We get together Step 2 Presentation an

14、d drill 1 Talk about the pupils in the classroom.Point to a boy and say He is tall.Point to another boy and say:He is taller.板书 taller A is taller than B 然后学生指名谈论教室里的人或物.2T:Look at this picture,Do you know who he is?S:Is he your brother/classmate/?T:Yes,He is my friend.Now he is 32 years old.He was

15、11 when he took this picture.We lived in a small village near a river.There was a bridge across the river.This is a wood bridge.T:We went to school together happily every day.We walked to school on foot.My math was better than his,but his Chinese was better than mine.I like reading stories.Some stor

16、ies are more interesting 教师边说边板书课题:Unit 6 Some stories are more interesting 学生齐读课题后,教师引导学生理解课题的含义。T:His father was a friendly butcher.One day,he cut a piece of meat and gave it to a poor dog.The dog was happy.But after a while,its meat dropped into the river.Do you know why?教师用出示图片,教学单词,利用图片帮助学生理解单词的含义 并引导学生猜测原因,培养学生的发散性思维能力,同时为本课的寓言故事埋下伏笔。2、听课文 B部分录音,学生跟读单词。Step 3 Practice 游戏 1、Guess,guess,guess!(猜一猜)首先,教师示范做动作,其他学生猜单词,然后分组进行比赛,猜对单词最多、最快的一组为胜。最后组内互相猜测,尽量做到全员参与。游戏 2、Dragon game(接龙游戏)将学生分成几个大组,由教

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