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1、 take exercises, go shopping 等单词和词组,并熟练朗读与运用; 2. 能够使用频度副词回答作息时间; 3. 能够运用所学语言知识描述一天中的生活起居以及周末活等;能力目标:通过语言学习以及多种形式的交际活动,能够掌握本单元词汇和重点句型,并运用其完成询问他人的能力及介绍自己能力的交际,形成良好的语言交往能力。情感态度:1.引导学生养成良好的作息习惯,能够理解尊重从事不同职业人; 2. 训练学生的角色扮演能力,引导他们学会思考如何安排作息间单元重难点单元重点1. 四会词组:eat breakfast, do morning exercises, have-class,

2、 play sports, eat dinner, go for a walk, go shopping , clean my room, take a dancing class.1、重点句型:-When do you _?-I often-.4.语音知识:掌握字母组合cl, pl 的发音。单元难点1.掌握四会词组以及重点句型;2.能熟练使用频度副词表达日常生活;课 题Unit 1 : My day 课时1/6教学内容Part A : Lets try & Lets talk教学目标1、知识目标:A. 能够听说读写: eat lunch, clean my room, have-class

3、, shopping, eat dinner; B. 能够听懂问句: When do you get up ? 并能用所学动词短语替换句型 “ I usually -at-.” 中的关键词回答问句;2、能力目标:能够听懂、会说、会表演Lets talk 的内容, 并能在 真实的场景中运用所学语言进行真实的交流和用;3、情感目标:能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力,并且进行积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习的能力。教学重难点教学重点1.能够在实际语境中交流运用关于作息时间的问答句:“When do you-?” “I usually-.”2.能够表演并内化Main scene 和 Lets t

4、alk 的交际内容;教学难点学生能够大胆创编和表演有关作息时间的问答小对话。教学方法1.Cooperative learning;2.Situational teaching method;3.The whole body reaction method;4.Game teaching method;5.Game teaching method。教学准备1.Multimediacourseware.2.Teachingplan3.Studentsevaluatesmallgifts 教师活动学生活动二次备课Step1: Free-talk1.Greetings ;2.Daily activit

5、ies :-How are you ?-Hows the weather today ?-What day is it ?-Whats the date today ?3.Enjoy the song What time is it ? 4.Teacher show a clock, ask and answer : “ What time is it ?” 设计意图:课堂伊始,教师通过与学生们一起唱活波有趣的歌曲,复习了时间的表达法,导入了时间的话题;利用钟表进行了时间的回答,引入了本课的重点句型 “I usually-at-.”,师生交流中过度自然,为新课的学习做好铺垫。Step2: Pr

6、esentation1.Teacher show the time table , but not tell Ss what to do ;2.Play a game; 通过教师制作的作息时间表,来让学生思考,这些时间自己通常在做什么?由学生来表达这些短语,教师作为一个引路者,而不是代表替学生思考。作息时间表跟学生的日常生活联系十分紧密,能够激发学生学习的兴趣。3.Divide Ss into different groups;4.Have volunteers practice “ I usually _at _.” In groups;5.A small survey of time an

7、d interest;6.Shoe the picture of “ Main scene” ;7. Teacher play the tape, show the dialogue;8.Teacher give the question and show “Lets talk”;9.Replay the tape ;Main scene 的学习让学生整体感知本单元的主要话题-表达自己一天的作息时间和询问他人的作息时间,感知本单元的主要内容,功能语句 “When do you _? I usually _”. 等。为新课的导入打下了良好的基础。Step3:Consolidation:1.Mak

8、e a dialogue ;2.Game: Good friends ;Step4: Summing up:1.Phrases:2.Sentences :1.Greetings;3.Listen and sing this song together;4.I usually-.1.Talk about what are they usually do ?2.Someone do actions and someone guess what do they do ?3.Make their timetable;5.Do the survey6.Talk about it in groups;7.

9、Listen and repeat; 8.Listen and answer;9.Listen and repeat ;2.Do the survey 家庭作业1、Listen and recite the dialogue;2、Finish the relevant workbook exercises;3、Tell your parents your timetable in English ;板书设计-When do you _?Eat lunch at_.-I start classes at _.-.-Thats too late.2/6 Lets learn & Ask and w

10、riteA.能够正确听说、朗读“When do you _? I _ at_.”等询问他人和表达自己作息时间的交际用语; B. 能够正确听说、认读短语,如: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have-class, play sports, eat dinner.能够听懂、会说Lets learn 的内容,并根据实际情况运用本课重点句型表达自己的作息时间。情感目标:能够提高口语表达能力,并且进行积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习能力;1.能够掌握短语,如:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have-class,

11、play sports, eat dinner.2. 能够在实际语境中交流运用关于作息时间的问答句型:“When do you _? I _ at_.”学生能够大胆创编和表演有关作息时间的问答小对话;3.T show thw song ;本环节旨在以歌曲的形式,复习以前学习过的一些动词,激活学生的知识储备和相关经验,为新授部分学习动词和名次的搭配使用做铺垫。通过学生唱,营造了良好的英语课堂气氛,降低了教学难度能够帮助学生更好地理解目标语言。Make a scene about a birthday party:1.Challenge One.Lets guess: T do actions a

12、bout: clean the room , have class, go shopping, get up-2.Lets play: The teacher presents some phrases in the courseware;3.Lets say: The teacher makes a turntable, the inner circle is a phrase, the outer circle is the time以猜测进行闯关为线索,设计形式各异的单词导入和句子操练,由易到难,循序渐进,激发学生的竞争意识。学生对这种具有趣味性的活动非常地投入,主动积极地参与到合作交流

13、中,尤其是当其他同学未能在短时间内猜出来时,猜出来的学生成就感油然而生 Consolidation and Extension:1.T: You all do a good job ! You can go to my birthday party tomorrow . Tomorrow is my birthday party . But I will do some things as usually. I get up at six. I have breakfast at seven-What about you ?本环节通过引入生日派对话题,为下节课的环节做好铺垫。也通过这个设计,引

14、出学生们每天做的事情,和做这些事情的时间,不仅培养了学生之间的合作与交流能力以及学生英语学习的兴趣,而且学生的语言有效重组与输出能力也得到了极大的提升,在这样一个逼真而有趣的情境中,学生们用英语表达的欲望高张,纷纷涌跃参与到合作表演中,获取知识的同时体验了分享的过程与快乐。 Consolidation:2.Sentences:1.Free talk;2.Ask and answer;3.Enjoy the song;1.Look and guess;2.Students read the phrase together ,But to avoid a bomb in the course of

15、 reading;3.Students make sentences according to the key words pointed out by the pointer.1.The students take over the topic and continue to describe what they are going to do and how time they are going to do.3、Do a survey about friends timetables;4、Preview next lesson by looking up new words and tr

16、anslating sentences.-When do you _? Play sports at _.-I do morning exercises at _.3/6Part B :A. 能够正确听、说、朗读并运用 “What do you do in the weekend ?”, “I usually_.”等询问他人和表达自己周末做什么。B. 能够正确听,说,认读词汇,如:why, shop, last, sound, also, busy, need等;能够听懂,会说,会表演Lets talk 的内容,并把本课所学语言运用在真实场景中交流;能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力,增强学生

17、帮助父母做家务的意识。1.能够在实际语境中交流运用关于周末做什么的问答句: “What do you do in the weekend ?”, “I usually_.”2.能够熟悉并会使用本部分出现的短语:a lot of, wash clothes 等;3.内化并表演Lets talk 的交际内容;1.学生能够大胆创编和表演有关周末活动 的问答小对话。3.Play a chain game ;通过连锁游戏复习本单元第二课的重点句型和词汇,不仅起到了温故知新的作用,还给课堂营造了紧张气氛,让学生们迅速进入到学习状态,为本课的学习做好铺垫。Learning phrases: Tomorrow

18、 is Saturday . I watch TV on the weekend . What about you ?2.Act and guess;3.Lets play a game : Which is missing ? 在自然交流中学习本课的重点短语,让学生尽量通过预习自己说出,增加印象。通过两个简单的小游戏,巩固所学短语。为下一阶段学习句型做好准备。Sentence pattern learning:1Guide students to express questions and make relevant answers ;2Do a survey ;3Guide the stu

19、dents to show the process of investigation ;在自然交流中学习本课的新句型,引导学生自己说出,与教师交流,通过调查活动巩固所学句型。在学中用,在用中学。Lets talk : Continue the last lesson Last lesson , I told you , today is my birthday, There is a party waiting for you ;2.T take the birthday cake;3.T play the tape ,show the dialogue; Consolidation & Ex

20、tension:Task time :1.Create a small conversation about the weekend;2.Make a dialogue;3.Do a survey;4.Make a dialogue;本环节作为巩固练习部分,给每组学生清晰的任务,从简单易行的题目到略有难度,设计具有梯度性,各种层次的学生都能找到自己的角色,同时创编对话也培养学生的创新精神和使用语言进行交流的能力。Summing up :1.Words:.why, shop, last, sound, also, busy, needWhat do you do on the weekend ?

21、I usuqally_.2.Do daily activities ;3.Group competition ;1.Students are free to practice what they want to do3.The student guessed which picture disappeared.;1.Group survey;2.Investigate what the companion did on the weekend ;3.Prepare for a birthday party ;2.Invite the small partners to go out and d

22、iscuss the activities at the end of the week;4. After the students came to the stage in turn, the other students gave an evaluation.1、Listen to the recording and recite the dialogue ;2、Completing class related exercises ;3、Preview the next lesson .-What do you do on the weekend ? go shopping watch TV-I usually play ping-pong Watch TV5/6 Read and wri

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