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1、to America?B. is, goC. does, goD. No, he likesD. doD. does, goes)6. Where s my camera? IA. am not finding)7. -HowA. does; go)8.A. Do; I am)9.A. Is, leaveit.B. am not see ingC. can t findD. can t look athe go to work?B. do; goesyou usually late for school?B. Does; notshe)10. Mr. YangA. teaches our【知识

2、梳理2】be动词,行为动词句型:1.Be动词一般现在时的句型He-No,home at six every day?B. Does, leaveEn glish this term.B. teaches us肯定句:sb+ be+其他 be根据人称变为am, isareto work by bike.C. do;D. does; He is a teacher.I am a stude nt.C. Are; I m notD. Are; I aren tC. Is, leavesD. Does, leftC. teach usD. teach ourThey are workers.否定句:s

3、b+ be+not+其他 He is not a teacher.I am not a stude nt.They are not workers.般疑问句:be+sb+其他Is he a teacher? -Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.Are you a stude nt? Are they workers?特殊疑问句: What is he?2行为动词的变化肯定式:sb +do+ 其他 eg: I like pork. 第三人称单数:sb+does+ 其他 eg: He likes pork.否定式:sb +don 其他 eg:I don t like pork.第

4、三人称单数:sb+doesn He doesn t like pork一般疑问句:Do+ sb +其他 第三人称单数:Does + sb +其他 Do you like pork? eg:Does he like pork?-Yes, I do. / No, I don t. -Yes, he does. / No, he doesn t. What do you like? / What does he like?【例题精讲】1.按要求改写句子:1.Do you often play football after school?( 肯定回答) .2.I have many books. (改

5、为否定句) .3.Gao Shan s sister likes playingltatennis (改为否定句) .4.She lives in a small town near New York.( 改为一般疑问句) .5.I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句) .1.用括号动词的适当形式填空1.He ofte n (have) dinner at home.2.Dan iel and Tommy (be) in Class One.3.We (n ot watch) TV on Mon day.4.Nick (not go) to the zoo on Sun

6、day.5. they (like) the World Cup?6.What they ofte n (do) on Saturdays?7. your pare nts (read) n ewspapers every day?8.The girl (teach) us En glish on Sun days.9.She and I (take) a walk together every evening.10.There (be) some water in the bottle.愛达梅松測基础题:I.用括号动词的适当形式填空1.Mike (like) cooki ng.2.They

7、(have) the same hobby.3.My aunt (look) after her baby carefully.4.You always (do) your homework well.5.I (be) ill. I m staying in bed.6.She (go) to school from Mon day to Friday.7.Liu Tao (do) not like PE.8.The child ofte n (watch) TV in the evening.9.Su Hai and Su Yang (have) eight less ons this te

8、rm.10.- What day (be) it today? - It s Saturday.11.按要求改写句子。1.1 do my homework every day. (改为一般疑问句) 2.She likes eggs.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答 ) 3.We go to school every morni ng. (改为否定句) 4.I like taking photos in the park. (对戈卩线部分提问) 【知识梳理3】第三人称单数行为动词变化规则:1.规则变化三规律:(1) 一般情况下直接在动词词尾加 -s.ask-asks work-works get-

9、gets stay-stays(2) 以字母s, x, ch, sh或o结尾的动词,在词尾直接加 wish-wishes fix-fixes do-doesgo-goes pass-passes(3) 以 辅音字母加-y”结尾的动词,要先变 y为i再加-es.try-tries study-studies cry-cries fly-flies2.不规则变化需动脑记:be- is are have-hasI. Change the follow ing verbs after the model.Model: do does1. fly 2. fax 3.

10、play 4. wash5. go6. watch7. study8. pay9. miss提高题:I.单选题1、Although Bill isnt rich eno ugh, he o_te nmoney to the poor.A. will giveD. gaveB. was givi ng C. gives2、A. is, raining B. wont, rain C. has ,rained D. does nt ,ra inII.根据汉语意思填空:-Can your father drive? -Yes, and he to work every day.6.I a red b

11、ag. But he a blue one.(有)7.Mother always TV in the evening.(看电视)III .阅读dollar.( )1. Where is the young man ?A At a stati on B Un der a big umbrella C On the train( )2. What does the young man want to buy?A Umbrella B Hamburgers C Dollars( )3. Who helps the young man?A A boy B A man C .Nobody( )4. Do

12、es the young man get a hambuger?C .No ,he doesC .No ,I A No ,he doesn t Yes ,he does( )5. Is the boy clever (聪明的)A Yes ,he isn B Yes ,he is【知识梳理1】wh-疑问句基本结构是:特殊疑问词+般疑问句语序常用的疑问词: what, who(whom), whose, which, whe n, where, how, why 等,回答时针对问句中的代词和副词来回答,不用yes或no来回答。对划线部分提问”是一种常见的句型转换题型,这类题实际上就是将所给的述句变

13、为特殊疑问句。 解这类题通常分三步完成:“三步走”战略第一步:替换-找一个合适的词来替换划线部分。第二步:提前-把替换词写在句子的开头。第三步:改一般疑问句-把一般疑问句写在疑问词后面,注意划线部分已经被替换掉,不需要再写。(一)注意疑问词的选择疑问词意思 用法What 什么冋东西、事物What day星期几问星期几What time什么时间问具体时间What color什么颜色问颜色How.怎样问情况,状态How old多大年纪 问年纪How far 多远 问路程How much 多少钱;多少数量(不可数名词)How ma ny 多少数量(可数名词)问数量Where在哪里问地点When何时问

14、时间Who谁问人Whose谁的问主人(二)注意疑问句的语序1.对句子的主语提问,其语序是: 疑问词+谓语+其他成分?She is their teacher. Is she their teacher?Who is their teacher?2.对句子主语的定语提问,其语序是: 疑问词+主语+谓语+其他成分?My book is over there. Is your boo khsvre?Whose book is over there?3.对表语、宾语或状语提问,其语序是: 疑问词+般疑问句?He lives in Beiji ng. Does he live in Beij ng?Wh

15、ere does he live?4.对表语或宾语的定语提问,其语序是: 疑问词+表语或宾语+般疑问句?I m looking for my watch. Are you looking for your watch?Whose watch are you look ing for?【例题讲讲】例 1.There are six boys in the classroom.(对划线部分提问)例 2.There are six boys in the classroom.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问:Alice s gbtee balls. They are in the pond. Tom

16、 is un der the tree. I have got some biscuits. Frogs like bees. He has got two cars. The mouse s teeth aatearp. That is Ben block. 【知识梳理2】祈使句祈使句即表示表示请求、命令等的句子。它的主语是听话人 (you),一般不需要说出来。通常以动词原形开头。祈使句末尾用惊叹号或句号,句子用降调 .分类(1)动词原形开头eg. Open the door,please! 否定 Don t open the door,please!(2)Be+adjeg.Be quiet

17、! t be quiet!(当然咯,介个只是举例啦!)(3)以动词原形let开头eg.Let s go home together否定 Let s not go home together!(4)No+n/v-ingeg.No photos!/No fish ing!例 I.Tom, ( open) the window.例 2.Tom (open) the window.【巩固练习】 根据要求改写句子:1.Please look at the blackboard.(改为否定句)2.Close your eyes, Li nda.(改为否定句,但意思不变) your eyes, Lin da

18、.3.o n/walk/ the/ grass.(连词成句,并改为否定句)4. 我们一起玩吧。(翻译成英文,用祈使句。5.不要迟到。舲 jfe 妥:Cl : U : CL : Cl I *走;Jkfi; uJ IxiS1 pcidb 飞-电呵t火龙江惟Loo JllL to St*l叶 slinrfclts loo dnrk to see tlie shntk- Oh! The shaiLis ledt ;iue shiirp.a:发这个音的字母和字母组合 a ar au eara:grassglassclasspla ntdancefastfather lastar:carstararmMa

19、rchgarde ndarkscarfau:laughauntear:heart根据发音规则,圈出发a:的2个单词。1.arm lipdoctorcardcloud cartgate3.ball scarftiger4.job lorrypark烝龙,匪二入几】-*.毛 二fVSJUll 舌人丄l F Ji心r XJV 4J P Tt 火.左.:RjJi?b upl Hiniry ti p ? 1 Kic ti vi t s c b(暮 Ili rl、eh 17Ui fA发这个音的字母和字母组合 o u oo ouo:soncomecolourlovemoneyu:sunnutjumpgumb

20、usbrushou:touchcousincountrysupper us根据发音规则,找出每组中发 A 的单词。hearcupbedairvoiceboyduckantvasecornbearguncuteher烝龙鑫:h e re ( co |才卜 treg J.n&r他夫啜火 jtzCTat! Cat! CatrH rIt xi r fr*r c .?发这个音的字母和字母组合a dad capcatbadapplebagflagmaphand rabbitblackfathassta ndrat根据发音规则,找出每组中发 ?的单词。facesportpearricebatfin gert

21、reeseayoungkn ife()4. starcut)5. skirtsheepbird五.改变下列单词的一个字母,使它变成另一个单词like(交通工具)hat音标a: A ? e练习e:smalldogfoottensitsh?tbread)里画,有两种读音的画,有三种的画lastfrom (动物)e发这个音的字母和字母组合e eadesk legbreakfaste: ea:egg breadbell head根据发音规则,找出每组中不发e的单词。welllegpensweatpetelepha nteggtalldeskheadtoypet ten penlake (食品) nic

22、e (数字) hot (用品)【课后作业】I. Fill in the bla nks (用所给单词适当形式填空)1.Can you (fly) a kite, Be n? No, I ca n2.Mum, I ca nt see my pen. Where (be) it?3.He always (wear) a T-shirt.4.January (come) first .5.Lee and Ben often (help) each other with their lessons.6.What your father (do)? He is a policema n.7.After

23、school,we like (play) ball games.8.Alice is in the kitche n now. She (eat) a cake.9.The sun (go ) dow n in the evening.10.That (sound) interesting.出Choose the best answer 单项选择 )Sun day is theday of the week.A. lastB. firstC.secondThat box isA. an orangeB. a orangeorangeMy father is busy,hes very happy.A. andB. sobut m tired now. Iogout with you.A. donB. cann eed n5.Give some red pen cils, please.A. IB. sheCme6.This hat is newnice.A. orB. butand7.does Mr. Wang have breakfast? At 7:30A. WhenB. What.Where8.your father work?A. doB. isdoes9.This pair of glassesfor my gran dpa

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