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1、ll try. 请答应我你会试着这样去做 When you find that, 当你发现 once again, 再一次 you long to take your heart back and be free - 你渴望让自己振作、自由 if you ever find a moment, 如果你曾找到一瞬间 spare a thought for me. 想着我 Weve never said our love was evergreen, 我们从没说过我们的爱能永存 or as unchanging as the sea - 或者像大海一样不曾改变 but if you can sti

2、ll remember, 但是若你能一直记住 stop and think of me. 停下来想想我 Think of all the things weve shared and seen - 想想我们一起分享一起经历过的事 dont think about the things which might have been. 不要回想可能发生的 Think of me, 想想我 think of me waking, 醒着的时候想想我 silent and resigned. 安静的顺从的 Imagine me, 想象我 trying too hard to put you from my

3、 mind. 很难把你从记忆中抹去 Recall those days, 想起那些日子 look back on all those times, 想起所有过去的日子 think of the things well never do - 想起我们没来得及做的事情 there will never be a day, 没有一天 when I wont think of you. 我不在想你 Can it be? 是这样吗?Can it be Christine?克里斯提娜?Bravo!好啊!What a change!这样的改变!Youre really not a bit the gawki

4、sh girl that once you were. 你实在不是曾经的那个笨拙的女孩了 She may not remember me, 她可能不会想起我 but I remember her. 但我记着她 停下来想想我2Phantom Of The Opera - The Mirror (Angel of Music) Lyrics PHANTOMS VOICE Insolent boy! 傲慢的男孩This slave of fashion 时尚之奴仆basking in your glory! 沉浸在你的荣耀之中Ignorant fool! 无知的愚人This brave young

5、suitor, 勇敢年轻的求婚者sharing in my triumph! 分享着我的胜利CHRISTINE (spell-bound) Angel! I hear you! 天使,我听见了Speak - I listen . . .说吧,我洗耳恭听 stay by my side, guide me! 陪伴我身旁指引我Angel, my soul was weak - 天使,我的灵魂脆弱不堪forgive me . . . enter at last, 原谅我您终于来了Master! 导师Flattering child, 谄媚的孩子you shall know me, 你应该了解我see

6、 why in shadow I hide!明白我为何藏匿阴影中Look at your face in the mirror看看你镜中的容颜- I am there inside! 我就在那里面(The figure of the PHANTOM becomes discernible behind the mirror) CHRISTINE (ecstatic) Angel of Music! 音乐天使Guide and guardian! 指引我,守护我Grant to me your glory! 赐予我汝之荣耀 Hide no longer! 音乐天使莫再躲藏Come to me,

7、strange angel. 来到我身边吧,陌生的天使PHANTOMI am your Angel .吾乃汝之音乐天使 Come to me: Angel of Music . 来到我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE walks towards the glowing, shimmering glass. Meanwhile, RAOUL has returned. He hears the voices and is puzzled. He tries the door It is locked) RAOUL Whose is that voice . . .?Who is that i

8、n there . . .?(Inside the room the mirror opens. Behind it, in an inferno of white light, stands the PHANTOM. He reaches forward and takes CHRISTINE firmly, but not fiercely, by the wrist. His touch is cold, and CHRISTINE gasps) PHANTOM I am your Angel of Music . . .吾乃汝之音乐天使. Angel of Music . . . 来到

9、我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror, which closes behind her The door of the dressing room suddenly unlocks and swings open, and RAOUL enters to find the room empty) Christine! Angel!完3CHRISTINE: In sleep he sang to me 在梦中他对我献唱In dreams he came 在梦中他迎面而来That voice which calls to me 声声呼唤

10、着我的名字And speaks my name And do I dream again 我是否又做梦了For now I find 因为我发现The Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside my mind在我心中PHANTOM: Sing once again with me 再次与我合唱Our strange duet 奇妙的二重唱 My power over you Grows stronger yet我支配你的力量日益向大And though you turn from me 纵然你离我而去To glance behind 留下惊鸿一瞥

11、Inside your mind在你心中CHRISTINE: Those who have seen your face凡见过你面容之人 Draw back in fear 蜷缩于恐惧之中I am the mask you wear我是你所戴的面具 Its me they here它们听见的是我PHANTOM/CHRISTINE:My/Your spirit and your/my voice你的灵魂和声音合为一体 In one combined Inside your/my mind在你心中VOICES OFF STAGE:Hes there 他在那里The Phantom of the O

12、pera Beware 歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera In all your fantasy You always knew That man and mystery Were both in youTOGETHER: And in this labyrinth Where night is blind The Phantom of the Opera is there Inside my mindPHANTOM (SPOKEN):Sing, my angel of music唱吧,我的音乐天使s there The Phantom of the Opa. Sing

13、 for me唱吧,我的音乐天使 Ra.While Christine continuesHANTOM (SPOKEN): Sing . Sing for me . Sing, my angel of music . Sing for meChristine hits high C 4.Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation 深夜里,每一种感觉都在渐渐复苏Darkness wakes and stirs imagination 黑暗唤醒并刺激着幻觉Silently the senses abandon their defenses 无声中,所

14、有感官放下了防备Helpless to resist the notes I write 无法抗拒我笔下乐符的诱惑For I compose the music of the night 因为我谱写了夜之歌Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor 慢慢地,轻轻地,夜展现出了它的华丽Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender 捕捉它,感觉它,细微却令人震撼Hearing is believing, music is deceiving 听到的乐曲如此真实,但那音乐却似真似幻Hard as lightning, so

15、ft as candlelight 烈如闪电,柔若烛光Dare you trust the music of the night 无法至信的夜之歌Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth 闭上你的双眼,因为你的眼睛只会告诉你事实And the truth isnt what you want to see 而事实却不是你所想要看见的In the dark it is easy to pretend 在黑暗中,伪装是多么的容易That the truth is what it ought to be 真理成为了臆想Softly,

16、 deftly, music shall caress you 温柔地,轻巧地,音乐将会抚慰你Hear it, feel it secretly possess you 聆听它,感觉它偷偷地控制了你Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind 敞开你的胸怀,让你的幻想得到释放In this darkness which you know you cannot fight 在这你无法抗拒的黑暗中The darkness of the music of the night 这夜之歌中黑色的魔力 Close your eyes, start a journ

17、ey to a strange new world 闭上你的双眼,踏上向着一个新世界的旅程Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before 抛开你对于这个世界所有的思考Close your eyes and let music set you free 闭上你的双眼,让音乐将你释放Only then can you belong to me 唯有那样你才能属于我 Floating, falling, sweet intoxication 时而漂游,时而旋落,甜蜜的陶醉中Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation

18、 抚摸我,相信我,享受每一种感觉Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in 让梦境开始,让你阴暗的一面退却To the power of the music that I write 臣服于我的音乐脚下The power of the music of the night 这夜之歌的魔力 You alone can make my song take flight 惟有你可以使我的歌声飞扬Help me make the music of the night 帮助我写出这首夜之歌5.Prima Donna ANDRE Your publi

19、c needs you!FIRMIN we need you, too!CARLOTTA Would you not rather have your precious little ingnue?ANDRE/FIRMIN Signora, no!The world wants you!Prima Donna, first lady of the stage!Your devotees are on their knees to implore you!Can you bow out when theyre shouting your name?Think of how they all ad

20、ore you!BOTH Prima Donna, enchant us once again!Think of your muse . and of the queues round the theatre!Can you deny us the triumph in store?Sing, prima Donna, once more!Christine spoke of an angel . Prima donna, your song shall live again!Think of your public!You took a snub, but theres a public who needs you!GIRY She has heard the voice of the angel of music . Those who hear your voice liken you to an angel!Think of their cry of undying support!Is this her angel of music.?We get our opera . She gets he

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