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1、综英1unit4练习题答案VocabularyI.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1.I had no worries and was just living life up.having a very enjoyable and exciting time2.So I called him and he hung up on me.disconnected and refused to take my phone call3.Also, I couldn turn my back on him wh

2、en he needed me the most.go away form or refuse to be with4.So I stuck it out and lost most of my friends.didn give up, still taking him to be me best friend as before5.I went to doctor after doctor with him, and saw him go through so much.experience so much pain and stress6.I still had to be the st

3、rong one and keep everything in.endure all the pain and sorrow by myselfII.Fill in the bank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1.In the first few mon ths of the war his army seemed invincible, but soon it met its Waterloo.2.Thinking before taking action

4、 can help avoid experiencingunn ecessarystressthat one may come across.3.Whe n you hear some one in your home, do not confront the in truder and try not to panic.4.I think I will have to work twice as fast to keep up with everybody else.5.Several heads of state attended the celebration marking the f

5、iftieth anniversary of the founding of the Republic.6.He had only himself to blame for not taking better care of the child.7.Her TV success has meant pushing aside thoughts of staring a family.8.The scope of the emotional anguish that the AIDS patients suffer can be bey ond measure.9.As he is recove

6、ri ng, he has grow n more con fide nt and positive about life.10.The government has recognized the need to exercise harsh con trol over handguns.ID . Choose a word or phrase the best completes each of thefollow ing senten ces.1.Her arms around his n eck in gratitude.2.Men tally youn gsters used to h

7、ang around this area andcaused a lot of trouble.A. bothered B. worried C. disturbed D. troubli ng3.There still exist strong disagreement whether socialstability should be maintained at the expe nse of public health.A. as to B. in terms of C. concerned D. regarded4.Politicia ns are good at public opi

8、nion through the press.A. impress ing B. affect ing C. in flue ncing D. shaki ng5.Special shipp ing and charges may apply.A. deali ng B. treati ng C. managing D. han dli ng6.The customer service man ager has writte n a letter to every onewho promis ing a refund on their retur ned goods.A. criticized

9、 B. disapproved C. blamed D. compla ined7.The compa ny said that the for n ext year was en courag ingalthough marketi ng was still a weak area for themA. future B. view C. con diti on D. outlook8.I think they really want to buy that will help them make theirlife easier.A. stuffB. staffC. mattersD. m

10、ea nsIV . Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in its appropriate from and note the differenee in meaning between them.1.carefree carelessa.She no Ion ger has that carefree smile as before, but in stead carries the sad look of a mother who has lost her son.b.The pop sin ger wa

11、s accused of careless and drunk driv ing, which greatly harmed his career.c.It was reported that some carelesspolice officers lost four guns on their way to the crime sce ne.d.To her, the baby birth marked the end of a carefree life when she n ever seemed to have any worries and resp on sibilities.2

12、.sick illa.Outside, the sick children were lying naked in the sun with n obody atte nding to them.b.He said he quit the job because he was sick and tired of doing the same thing for over five years.c.It sa Chinese superstitious belief that a black cat will bring ill luck into a household.d.What if h

13、e becomes ill? Hesthe breadwinner of the family.3.disease plaguea.After careful diag no sis and exam in ati on, the doctor announ ced that it was a case of Park in sons diseaseb.Along with the In dustrial Revoluti on, there came the great plague that killed millio ns of people in Europe.c.Can cer is

14、 fatal diseasewhose causes are still unknown.d.War, plague and famine all came at the same time and nearlywiped out whole populati ons in that part of the globe.4.keep main ta ina.It was the public support that kept the anti-smoking effort goi ng.b.- I have n fini shed read ing your book yet.-No pro

15、blem. You can keep it for as long as you like.c.The general public all wish to maintain a tough campaign to force the government to maintain roads properly.d.The local people started a tough campaign to force the gover nment to maintain roads properly.V . Give synonym or an antonym of the word under

16、line in each sentence in the sense it is used.1.Dealing with AIDA strengthens the bond of friendship, en courages emoti onal and mature growth.Synonym: tighten (intensify, enhance)2.I was the most carefree person in the world.Antonym: unhappy (wretched, miserable, cheerless)3.My whole life was chang

17、ing so fast that I couldn keep up.Synonym: quickly (rapidly, swiftly)4.Every one said that I must keep a positive attitude for his sake, because attitude means everyth ing.Antonym: negative (doubtful, pessimistic, uncertain)5.She thought that the trip would do me good; she said that I was not the on

18、e that was dying.Synonym: benefit (profit, advantage)6.David had lost weight, had purple lesions all over his body, and was very pale.Antonym: gain (increase, gather)7.All I want you to do is to remember me, enjoy life and be careful.Synonym: cautious (alert, watchful)8.The fifth of June, 1996 marke

19、d the end if my best friend David s life.Antonym: beginning (start, commencement)W . Fill in the bank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the give n capitalized word in brackets.1.Let go for a pic nic tomorrow uni ess the weather forecast isunfavorable. (FAVOUR)2.A successful bus in ess n e

20、eds gooobrganization. (ORGANISE)3.The ring was not at all valuable; in fact, it was almost worthless(WORTH)4.Your job will be to see that no imperfect product leaves this part of factory. (PERFECT)5.The floor of the attic needs strengtheningif we re going to make it into a bedroom. (STRONG)6.He is a

21、shamed of what he has done. (SHAME)7.She expressed her gratitude to me by inviting me to dinner.(GRATEFUL)8.In youth, he show n great promise, but fin ally he turned out mediocre. (Y OUNG)Grammar:I1.That book is a printer error on every page .So each/every page will have to be reset before we repri

22、nt.2.He is really worried about his daughter as she iseverything to him.3.Let sit dow n anywhere and talk.4.Burglaries are such an everyday occurrenee in big cities that most n ewspaper do not bother to report the m.5must get to shops somehow or other this afternoon.l haven got anything in the house

23、 for supper.6.Do you know anyone who would be interested in position as a receptionist in our office?We n eed someonewith a really frien dly manner.7.Sorry,lm busy today.Maybe we can have lunch togethersomeother day.She left her han dbagsomewherea nd she can find it.n1.When he came over I saw a seri

24、ousness in him that I had n ever see n before.a kind of seriousness2.Parents love their children with adevotion for which they ask for no return. a kind of devotion3.My children are a great joy to me.people that cause joy4.This is where the waters of the Amazon flow out in to the sea.the water of th

25、e started river5.Peter took up collect ing coins as a hobby with a zeal that surprised his famil y.a kind of zeal6.Sir Lanka produces many teas.many kinds of tea7bega n to read the book,but the moving sce nery was a distraction.something that distracted.His room ,at sixtee n dollars a day,was _a dis

26、appointment.something that mad him disappointed1.C 2.C6.A 7.C出3.B4.C 5.DIV1.He has it in him to be a doctor.2.She hasnt been herself since the accident.3.Fear lay behind her show of bravery.4.There is no point in going by car if we cant park near the theatre.5.The garage dealsin gasoline,oil,tires,e

27、tc. 6.I object to being kept waiting,why are you always late for appointment?7.As the child was too young to travel by herself,they arranged for her to travel by the guards van in/under the care of the guard.MuchAdo About Nothing is byShakespeare,andyoull find more of his plays in the bookstorearoun

28、d the corner.9.He came back to China in secret with his wife on board a freighterin 1933.10.Old Toms under the weather for a day or two.1.What are differences between rugby league,rugby union and American football?2.She put her hands above her eyes andbega n to cry. abovA over3.She looked out of the

29、 window.Twenty feet under her,in the garden,was fox.unde below4.There was so much triffic,I was fortunate to get through the road without being kno cked over. through across5.Hes over the hill.He ought to make wayfor a younger man. V6.Am I on you way?I can move over a bitand make room for you. on in

30、7.We hired bicycles and them by the police station,where we hoped they would safe. V.He would alway arrive around ten innight carrying his guitar and a bunch offlowers. inf atTranslationI .Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.We were in different classes, so we didnt hang out as much.我们分

31、在不同的班级,所以就不再那么经常厮混在一起了。2.People looked at him as if he had a plague, and our friends from school wanted nothing to do with him.人们看他的眼神,就好像他得了瘟疫,学校里的那些朋友都 不想与他交往。3.I was being treated this way because teenagers are not used to dealing with situations like this, and don t know how to react.我遭到这样的待遇,是因

32、为十几岁的孩子们还不习惯处理这 样的情况,也不知道怎么应付。4.Towards the end of Mary he became so sick that hospital staff had a bubble around him, so he wouldn t catch our bad germs.快到五月底时,他病情加重,医生用个透明的塑料罩子把他给围了起来,以防他受到我们身上有害细菌的侵害n .Translate the following sentencesinto English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.1.这是为增强

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