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1、 Why or why not?Demo:1. What is courage? In my opinion, courage is a quality of bravery and it takes many forms. It takes courage to risk ones life in a dangerous situation to save others, and it takes courage to stand up for what is right. For example, Abraham Lincoln was born in an ordinary family

2、 and knew the hard life and inhuman treatment for the black slaves. So later on when he became the President of the United States, he was determined with courage to change the laws during the American Civil War and brought about the emancipation of the slaves. Thats why he was considered to be one o

3、f the most distinguished heroes in American history and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. was dedicated to him.Additional Question for DiscussionCan courage be taught? What can we do to cultivate in children the virtue of courage? Yes, courage can be taught and can be learned. To cultivate in

4、 children the virtue of courage, we can tell them stories and show them movies about courageous people and courageous acts; we can encourage them to be confident, bold and daring; and we can set examples of courage through what we do ourselves. For instance, a lot of courageous movies are produced a

5、nnually in the United States and these movies have a positive effect on children.Language FocusHere are some sentences and structures that you may find useful in discussing the above questions.0. Courage is the mental strength / quality of mind that enables one to face danger, difficulty or pain wit

6、hout showing fear.1. Courage is the quality of being brave when you are in danger, pain or a difficult situation.2. Courage takes many forms. It takes courage to risk your life in a dangerous situation to save others, and it takes courage to stand up for what is right.3. Courage also shows itself in

7、 the actions of people who have the will power to keep on trying when there seems to be no hope at all.4. We admire people who show / display great courage in the face of adversity / danger / fear / opposition / lifes challenges / a life-and-death situation.5. We worship those who give up their live

8、s / put their lives on the line / place their personal interests aside for the sake of justice / a noble cause / their beliefs / other people.6. I think one of the qualities that set courageous people apart / distinguish courageous people is their willingness to take on challenges / take risks / sac

9、rifice themselves for the sake of others.7. People who are courageous have the will power to overcome fear in the face of danger / persevere in doing what they believe is right / are not afraid of taking risks / dare to try new things / have an adventurous spirit.8. It takes courage to stand up and

10、speak in front of the class / disagree with others / say “no” when it is easier to say “yes” / speak out when you see injustice / admit having done something wrong.9. Courage always involves taking risks. 10. Courage is not foolish bravery / different from rashness.11. When we act courageously we ma

11、y run the risk of suffering from bodily pain / financial loss / losing friendship.12. Courageous behavior may render us misunderstood / criticized / made fun of by others / at odds with commonly accepted ideas.13. Courageous behavior arises out of a sense of duty / care for others / willingness to p

12、ut oneself in harms way for a greater good. 14. Examples of selfless courage stir our hearts and souls / inspire and uplift us / provide inspiration and hope.15. There are many ways to be courageous / demonstrate courage.16. Courage is not confined to gender or age. Both men and women, old and young

13、, are capable of performing courageous acts.Part BListening TasksPassage 1Krimali (Part One)Word Bankdevastating a. causing serious damages 破坏性极强的tower v. to be much taller than things around 高耸detached a. separated 分离的,不连接的slab n. a broad, flat, rather thick piece (of stone, metal, etc.) 厚板,平板debri

14、s n. broken or torn pieces of sth. large (e.g. a building) 瓦砾;碎片concrete n. a hard building material made by mixing together sand, cement, small stones and water 混凝土spike n. a sharp projecting point; a pointed piece of metal (尤指金属制的)尖状物crouch n. a squatting position 蹲伏姿势embolden v. to make brave 使有胆

15、量,使勇敢cling to to hold on tightly to 紧紧抓住be up to sb. to do sth. to be sb.s duty to do sth. 该由某人做某事Krimali (女子名) Script:On the morning of the devastating earthquake that struck India in 2001, Krimali, a girl of 17, had just left home to go to an interview for a position of a sales clerk. She was plea

16、sed with her green and yellow flowered dress, but felt something wasnt quite right about her hair. She returned home, removing her shoes and leaving them at the door. Moments later, the earthquake struck. Ceilings and walls in the building shook in the deafening noise. Then everything began crashing

17、 down. Krimali and her immediate family escaped serious injury but were unable to make their way out. The ceiling of an entire room towered above the only possible escape route. Completely detached on three sides, the huge slab clung to an outside wall on its fourth side. To an observer, it could dr

18、op at any moment.People were screaming and didnt know what to do. Krimali decided to act. Carefully she climbed barefoot up and down the debris until she reached a point just beneath the swaying ceiling. About four meters below were uneven pieces of concrete, broken glass and smashed furniture, all

19、mixed with sharp spikes of iron. She knew if she could manage to get down to the ground level, she could make her way to safety. She paused to figure out the best way down. As there wasnt any good place to jump, she just jumped. Luckily, she landed in a crouch, her feet missing any sharp edges. Embo

20、ldened by her good fortune, Krimali knew it was up to her to persuade others to follow.Language and Culture Notes1. Background informationOn the morning of January 26, 2001, a powerful earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale struck Gujarat, a state in western India. It was the most deadly eart

21、hquake in Indias recorded history, killing an estimated 20,000 people and leaving many more injured. Countless numbers of houses and buildings were destroyed and in some places entire towns and villages were reduced to rubble. The Gujarat earthquake is yet another reminder of the frailty of humankin

22、d at the hands of nature. The two listening texts in this unit report an incident that occurred during the earthquake. It is, however, not an account on human helplessness, but one on human courage in the face of disaster and danger. 2. immediate familySomebodys immediate family is his/her direct fa

23、mily members, such as his/her spouse, parents and children.3. Completely detached on three sides, the huge slab The huge ceiling was hanging loose on only one side.4. To an observer .To someone who looked at (the ceiling) .5. As there wasnt any good place to jump, she just jumped. She couldnt find a

24、ny place that was not covered with debris. So she simply jumped down, relying on pure luck. Exercise 1Listen to the passage and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. What does the passage mainly tell us?a. A serious earthquake struck India and many people were trapped in a building.b

25、. A young girl behaved courageously during an earthquake and tried her best to save people trapped in a building.c. Krimali was very brave and managed to make her way out of a building damaged by a serious earthquake.d. Krimali remained calm when the earthquake struck while others panicked and did n

26、ot know what to do.2. What can be said about Krimali?a. She was confident and clever.b. She was brave but not very careful.c. She was willing to take risks.d. She was stronger than most girls of her age.Exercise 2 Listen again and decide whether the statements you hear are true (T) or false (F).1. K

27、rimali wanted to make a good impression at the job interview. (T) 2. Krimali returned home because her interview was cancelled. (F)3. Krimali came home only to find it destroyed by a powerful earthquake. (F)4. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured when the building collapsed. (F)5. The entire ce

28、iling of a room fell down and blocked the only escape route. (F)6. It was especially risky for Krimali to jump because she was not wearing shoes. (T)7. It was by mere luck that Krimali landed onto the ground level without hitting any sharp edges. (T)8. Krimali knew if she could make a safe escape, o

29、thers would be only too willing to follow her. (F)Passage 2Krimali (Part Two)toss v. to throw lightly 扔,抛,掷intently ad. with all ones attention fixed on sth. 专注地trap v. to cause to be in a dangerous or unpleasant situation from which it is difficult or impossible to escape 使陷入困境part with to give sth

30、. to sb. else, esp. unwillingly 放弃light up to brighten (使)发光;(使)面露喜色sliding board a board for sb. to move down smoothly 滑梯rescue mission an act to save sb. from a dangerous or difficult situation 救援行动Krimali planned to rescue her family first, but just then she heard a woman from two storeys above screaming for someone to save her two-month-old baby. “Throw the baby to me,” Krimali shouted. “I can catch her!”The woman refused. Krimali told the woman to wrap the baby in bed sheets and then toss her down. Crying uncontrollably, the mother wrapped the little girl but

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