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1、一He is a(n) _ boy who is always telling the truth.A. humorous B. honest C. brave D. creativeB humorous意为“幽默的”,honest 意为“诚实的”,brave 意为“勇敢地”,creative意为“创新的”。汤姆是一个诚实的男孩,他总是说真话。24 They are going to have their wedding _ the morning of October 1st.A. on C. of D. atA 句中“the morning of October 1st”为具体时

2、间“十月一号早晨”,用介词on。25.一I think Mrs. Lin is the most excellent teacher in our school.一_, she teaches us well and cares about us a lot.A. Simply B. Mainly C. Exactly D. MostlyC Exactly 意为“准确来说,准确地”,符合句意。Simply意为“简单地”,Mainly意为“主要地”,Mostly意为“大多数地”。26. Happy birthday, Mr. Wang! Here are some presents from _

3、 of us.Thank you so much, boys and girls!A. both B. neither C either D. allD 题干为肯定句,由“boys and girls”可知有三人以上的人送礼物,用all。27. Daily homework is necessary, _ too much homework may bring harm to students.A. so B but C. for D. orB 题干前面说作业的好处,后面说作业的坏处,前后事实相反,用转折连词but。28. If you want to try some local food,

4、 dont _ the food festival this weekend.A. miss B. carry C hold D. bringA 句意:如果你想尝尝一些当地食物的话,别错过(miss)本周末的美食节。29. Pass me the dictionary, please. I want to _ some new words.A. look for B. look up C. look after D look throughB 句意:传给我这本字典。我想要查阅(look up)一些生词。30._ do you communicate with your foreign frie

5、nds?By writing e-mails.A. How B. Why C. Where D. WhenA by writing e-mails意为“通过写电子邮件”,是对交流方式的回答,用how。 31.一I just saw Peter in the library.It _ be him. He is studying in the classroom.A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. cant D 句意:我刚才在图书馆看到皮特。不可能(cant)是他。他正在教室学习。mustnt意为“禁止”,shouldnt意为“不应该”,neednt意为“不需要

6、”。32.I m sorry I cant finish the task on time because I_ only 10 minutes.A. will give B. was given C. am given D.gave C 句意:我很抱歉我不能按时完成任务因为我只被(am given)给十分钟时间完成。题干为原因状语从句,主句为一般现在时,主语为被给时间,故用现在时的被动式。33.It is 4:30 pm. Ben and Leon _ their work, so they are playing chess now.A. finish B. finished C. hav

7、e finished D will finishC now可知是现在,用现在时,句意为“本和莱恩已经完成作业,所以他们现在在下棋。”故用现在完成时。34.-Could you tell me_ so well?-Without the teachers help, it was impossible for me to get the prize,A. how did you do it B. when you did itC. why did you do it D. how you did itD 第一句话为宾语从句,从句语序应该为陈述句语序(主谓结构),第二句话并不是回答时间相关句意,选

8、择D。你能告诉我你怎么能做那么好吗?没有老师的帮助,我不可能拿到奖。35. 一Are you willing to live on Mars one day?一_. It sounds interesting, but it still worries me.A. Im not sure B. Sure, I will C. Thats all right D. I hope so你愿意有一天生活在火星吗?我不确定。听起来很有趣,但是仍然让我很担心。三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所句子的最佳答案。ATime flies. My summ

9、er vacation ended in the blink of an eye, but one thing is still on my mind. From July 25 to 27, I worked as a volunteer at the Wolong China Giant Panda Garden in Sichuan. I experienced the life of being a panda keeper.My work included cleaning the pandas home, feeding the pandas and making food for

10、 them. The panda I took care of was named Jingke. When I went to feed him, he would stretch(伸出) one of his forefeet out on a shelf that hung on the fence and wait for his food. He would quickly grab the food as soon as I brought it to him. Can you guess what would happened next? Jingke would lie dow

11、n and begin to eat. I could hear him crunching(嘎吱作响地咀嚼) on his food and see him twisting his body around like a dancer. It was really cute. This was one of the most interesting things I saw when I worked there.When I fed Jingke, I touched his fur(毛). Most people think that pandas fur would be soft.

12、But actually, pandas fur is very hard. I felt like I was touching needles.I looked at his teeth, too they were sharp and big. No wonder the panda keepers told us that pandas are not only cute, but also dangerous.I am happy to be so close to the pandas. This experience lets me know that it is no easy

13、 to be a panda keeper.36. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase in paragraph 1?A.瞬息万变 B.眨眼之间 C.成年累月 D.一夜之间37. As a panda keeper, what did the writer usually do except _ ?A. cleaning the pandas home B. feeding the pandasC. training the pandas D. making food for the pandas38. What was Jingke li

14、ke when he was eating?A. A fighter. B.A baby.C. A dancer. D. A snake.39. According to this passage, we can know that pandas fur is _.A. hard B. softC. comfortable D. smooth40. What is the best title of this passage?A. A panda lover B. Keeping pandasC.The pandas in Wolong D. My experience as a panda

15、keeperBCCADBEgypt is one of the oldest civilizations (文明) in the world. It has great culture and history. Lets take a look at some wonderful places in the country.Arabian DesertDo you think it might be fun to ride a camel in the desert? If so, you should go to the Arabian Desert. It is also known as

16、 the Eastern Desert. It takes up nearly one-quarter of Egypts land. Riding a camel is fun. Camels kneel down to let you sit on them.LuxorIf you want to see ancient palaces and buildings, Luxor is a great place to go. People there call it the open-air museum of ancient Egypt. Many people visit Luxor

17、every year. Some famous places there include the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens.The Great SphinxThe Great Sphinx is a statue of a lion with a mans head. Its very large. The Sphinx is about 240 feet long (about 73 m) and 65 feet high (about 20m). Its eyes are two meters high! For hu

18、ndreds of years, the Sphinx has guarded(守卫) the Great Pyramid of Khufu.41. What can we know about the Arabian Desert?A. It is the third largest desert in the world.B. It takes up nearly one-quarter of Egypts land.C. It is located in Western Africa.D. It is famous for its large number of camels.42. W

19、hat does the underlined word “it refer to in this passage?A. Dessert B. Egypt. C. Valley. D. Luxor.43. Which of the following places is NOT in Egypt?A. Luxor. B. The Valley of the Kings. C. The Valley of the Queens. D. Kilimanjaro.44. _ guards the Great Pyramid of Khufu.A. The Eastern Desert B. The

20、Great Sphinx C. The Nile River D. The Arabian Desert45. This passage is mainly about _.A. the history of Africa B. famous pyramids in EgyptC. famous places in Egypt D. the largest country in AfricaBDDBCCAre you short-sighted? If you are, your parents might have tried to do something to fix it, such

21、as having you get an eye massage(按摩), take medicine or even get surgery(手术). People who offer these services or products often say that they can reduce or even cure short sight.However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has issued a notice to ban(禁止) busines

22、ses from using words like “recovery or short sight cure intheir advertisements. The notice says that short sight cannot be completely cured with current medical technology. Therefore, these advertisements could mislead children and their parents.Young people can prevent and control short sight by sp

23、ending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have sight problems should first go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do. More than 450 million Chinese have suffered from short sight since June 2018. Short sight rates are around 30 percent for primary sc

24、hool students, 60 percent for junior high school students and 80 percent for senior high school students. This is likely because students spend a lot of time reading books and using electronic devices. To reduce short sight among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan is

25、designed to limit the amount of time children spend playing video games, as well as limit the production of new video games.46. Some people say that they can cure short sight to _.A. show off their high-leveled skills B. sell more products and servicesC. share their medical technology D. prove that

26、eye massages are useful47. Advertisements with the word _“ will be banned by the government.A. recovery B.eyesight C. short sight D. surgery48. If you have a sight problem, you should _ first.A. get surgery B. get an eye massageC. take some medicine D. ask a doctor for advice49. According to this pa

27、ssage, which group has the highest short sight rate?A Primary school students. B. Junior high school students,C Senior high school students. D. College students.50. From the last two paragraphs, we can know that _.A. students should be stopped from using mobile phonesB. students in lower grades are

28、more likely to get short sightC. production of new video games will be limitedD.a law was made to protect the eyesight of peopleBADCCDWu Yue, a 14-year-old student at a Junior High School in Hangzhou, usually has lunch with his classmates in their dining hall. But one day, a newcomer, the school hea

29、dmaster, joined them at the same table. They talked about the food that the dining hall offered and had a nice chat.Wu is not alone. Many students across China have the chance to eat with their headmasters. The government issued a notice on food safety and nutrition (营养) management in schools, asking headmasters from kindergarten to high school to have meals with students. The rule took effect(生效) on April 1st.Many schools

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