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Whats the matter教案Word文档格式.docx

1、目标知识技能Have fr taling abut health prbles; dal shuld/shuldnt过程方法Tal abut ur health; Give advie情感态度L afrer ur health 教学重点Get t n the rds and phrases:head, nse, ee, ear, tth, ne, stah, ba, leg, ar, ft, Thrat, thirst, stressed ut, ld, fever, headahe, tthahe, stahahe, sre thrat, dentist, lie, rest, hne, a

2、ter, illness, advie, shuld, shuldnt教学难点Learn t use these strutureshats the atter? I have a headahe u shuld drin se tea That sunds lie a gd ideaI have a sre ba Thats t bad -I hpe u feel better sn教学用具Ppt 教 学 过 程 设 计教学内容及教师活动学生活动设 计 意 图Iaring up b disussing Hell, everne! an u nae the parts f ur bd? H a

3、n parts f the bd an u nae? Lets l at the dll and nae the parts f the bd II Presentatin 1Tell the eeping health is ver iprtantS the ntent tda is being health2l at the piture and read the nae f the bd partsAnd l at the piture f the students nubered 1 thrugh 3Sa:an u tell hat part f ur bd desnt feel gd

4、? N lets learn the ne rds in the piture Please read after e atter sre have ld have a ld thrat4As the students t rite dn the useful expressins fr the nversatin have a ld, have a stahahe, have a sre ba, have a tthahe, have a sre thrat IIIPair r and spea r in pairs ae their n nversatins ut f the piture

5、 n page 7 Then present their nversatins t the lass, using have fr taling abut health prbles IVListening 1use have fr taling abut health prbles and give advie using dal verbs shuld/shuldnt2Express se illnesses:I have a headaheHe has a stahaheShe has a tthaheThe nae the parts f their bd:ar, ba, ear, e

6、e, ft, hand, head, leg, uth, ne, nse, stah, tthrite the rret letter after the nae f eah bd part n the list The ust plete the ativit individuall Here are the ansers ar ba g ear i ee ft a handl head b leg f uth d ne nse h stah e tthStudents listen t the rerding There are nversatins abut eah f these fi

7、ve students L at the piture and find the peple that are being taled abut Listen t the tape and rite the nuber next t the in the piture next t their naes Nan=3 Sarah=1 David=2 Ben= ud=4The read and reeber the useful expressinsA: hats the atter? B: I have a sre thrat I have a ld I have a stahahe I hav

8、e a sre ba I have a tthaheu shuld g t bed He shuldnt eat anthingShe shuld see a dentist以学生熟悉的话题引出本节的重点。看图将身体部位和图片匹配。听录音,学习询问病情的表达方式。熟悉、记忆关于病情表达方式的词汇。小组练习,巩固所学句式。师生问答,巩固句式。设计意图3 Read the phrases:1)tthahe / a lie dn and rest 2)sre thrat/ b ht tea ith hne3)stahahe/ see a dentist4)fever/ d drin lts f at

9、er4 listen t the rerding f fur different nversatins Peple are taling abut health prbles the have and are getting advie fr thers Dra lines t ath the prbles ith the advie L at the pitures n page 8 As the t listen again and fill in the blans rite the issing rds n the blan lines V ae a nversatin f their

10、 n in pairs using the infratin fr ativities 2a and 2bTae turns having prbles and giving advieVI HerThe read the phrasesListen t the tape fr the first tie, and ath the prbles ith the adviefever drin lts f ater; sre thrat ht tea ith hne; stahahe lie dn and rest; tthahe see a dentistThe fill in the bla

11、ns lie this1 I have a sre thrat 2 u shuld drin se ht tea ith hne 3 I have a tthahe4 u shuld see a dentist I have a stahahe 6 u shuld lie dn and rest 7 I have a fever 8 u shuld drin lts f aterThe ae nversatins arding t the listening atiarals abe u shuld drin se ht tea ith hne B: Thats a gd idea第一遍听录音

12、,理解对话大意。第二遍听录音,根据录音内容准确填空。编俩俩对话,巩固病情和建议治疗等句式。五、堂小结 Tda e tr t n h t express ur prbles f ur bdies and give the advie f slving the prbles作业设计根据上下内容填空。(-rs Sith A-Alan D-Dtr): Alan, its t_(66) t get up But I f_(67) tired and ld h _(68) u have a ld Let e all the dtr(Ten inutes later)D: pen(张开) ur _(69), Alan And sa “Ah” Des he have a ld, dtr? es, a bad ld He ust s_(70) in bed fr three das板书Unit 2 Fever- drin lts f aterSur thrat-ht tea ith hneStahahe-lie dn and restTthahesee a dentist教学反思

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