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1、Story time教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写1) 句型与日常用语:There is There are Help!2) 词汇:house, room, in front of, her, beside, between2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bear,forest, there, soup, just right, hard,soft, afraid,3. 学会用介词表达方位。4. 培养学生阅读经典英语故事的习惯。教学重点:1.句型:There is / are 2.词汇:house,room, in front of, her, beside, between教学难点:

2、There is / are 的用法house,room, in front of, her, beside, between等词的音、形、义教学准备: 包、玩具熊、扇子、小石块2. 教学光盘、多媒体教学过程:A. Warming up Greetings Free talk1)T: Hello,how are you?S1: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Not so good. (做擦汗、扇扇子动作)Whats the matter with me? You are hot.帮助学生复习hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, tired感官类

3、形容词。2) 出示玩具熊、小石块 Look at the toy bear. Touch it,please. How is it? Its soft,right?S2: Yes, its soft. Touch this now. How is it? Is it soft, too? No. Right. Its not soft. Its hard.教学词汇soft, hard3) 学生利用文具进行接龙游戏,操练hard,soft Touch this rubber,please. Its soft. Touch this pencil, please.S3: Its hard. Tou

4、ch this box,please.B. Presentation and pratice 问答活动,引入目标介词 出示提袋、书、铅笔橡皮等学习用品。教师利用手边的物品和周围环境,复习介词in, on, behind和under (将一本书放入手提袋)Wheres my book?Ss: Its in the desk.(将手提包放在讲台上)Wheres my bag? Its on the desk.(将手提包放在椅子下)Wheres my bag now? Its under the chair.(将手提包放在自己身后)Wheres my bag now? Its behind you.

5、复习介词in, on, under, behind2) 教师邀请一个男生和一个女生,并和他们并排站在全体同学前,呈现beside,between和in front of的位置关系。(教师站在两个学生中间,横向排列面对学生)Where am I ? Im between and (教师站在两个学生的最前面,纵向排列面对学生)Now Im in front of and (教师站在两个学生一侧,横向排列面对学生)Now Im beside and 请台下学生运用介词描述老师和台上同学的位置 is between / in front of / beside 问答活动,引入新句型There is/

6、are 1)出示手提包,拿两支铅笔放在讲台上,引导学生谈话 what in my bag? A book. Yes. There is a book in my bag.(引导学生理解) Look, whats on the desk? Two pencils. Right. There are two pencils on the desk.板书:There is a book in my bag There are two pencils on the desk.领读并学习这两个句子,引导学生观察、讨论is, are的用法。 引导学生同桌用There is / are说说自己的学习用品C.

7、 Story time 播放本部分动画,简介故事人物和场景 This is a classic story. We can see a girl in the cartoon. What colour is her hair? Its golden. Yes. So her name is Goldilocks. Say hello to Goldilocks. Hello, Goldilocks. (出示图片1)What can you see in this picture? I can see a house. I can see some trees. I can see Goldil

8、ocks. Where can you see many trees? In a park. Yes. You can see many trees in a park. Where else can you see many trees? In a forest. Rght. Its a forest. Wheres Goldilocks? Shes in a forest. 看图说话,操练新句型引导学生看图,试用新句型There is /are 描述图片内容There is a girl in the forest.There is a house in the forest.3. 再次播放动画,引导学生理解。4. 学生听录音,跟读课文。D. Homework 听录音,跟读课文。 阅读故事Goldilocks and the three bears 抄写: 词汇:house, room, in front of, her, beside, between. 句子:There is a house. There is some soup on the table. There are three beds in the room. There are three bears in front of her!

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