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本文(关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准银行惯例ISBP.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准银行惯例ISBP关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准银行惯例-ISBPremoving paragraphs of the former ISBP that have now been incorporated into UCP 600; making certain technical adjustments in grammar, punctuation, etc.; and revising sections of the ISBP that were no longer valid in the new UCP. ICC advises practi

2、tioners to have the updated ISBP at hand when UCP 600 comes into effect. The final version of the revised ISBP, ICC Publication 681, is scheduled for release in the next several weeks ISBP681 导言自从ISBP(国际商会第645号出版物)在2002年由ICC银行委员会通过以来,为全球的银行、工商企业、物流专员和保险公司等提供了宝贵的帮助。ICC研讨会和工作组的参与者指出拒付率的下降应归功于ISBP的200段

3、惯例的适用。然而,也有评论认为,虽然ISBP645是由银行委员会批准的,但是它的使用与UCP 500毫无关联。随着UCP 600在2006年10月通过,更新ISBP就变得有必要了。需要强调的是,这是一个对645号出版物修订而成的更新的版本。在645号出版物中被认为是比较恰当的段落被吸收到UCP 600正文中,从而不再包含在新版ISBP中。作为在UCP 和ISBP间建立联系的一种方式,UCP 600序言中谈到:“在修订过程中,注意到在创制ISBP时已经完成的有价值的工作。ISBP已经发展成为判定单证是否相符时UCP的必备配套规则。起草工作组和银行委员会期望ISBP及其后续修订版中(确立的)规则能

4、够在UCP 600有效期间继续得到应用。UCP 600 生效时,将有一个与其主旨和风格保持一致的更新版的ISBP。本出版物中体现的国际标准银行实务是与UCP 600、ICC银行委员会的意见和决定协调一致的。本文并没有修改UCP 600,而是为从业者清晰准确地适用UCP600提供解释说明。 (我们)应该把 ISBP和UCP作为一个有机整体而不是各自孤立的(规则)来适用。当然还需要意识到某些国家可能会做出不同与本惯例的强行性规定。 没有哪个出版物能够预见跟单信用证项下可能使用的所有条款和单据,或跟单信用证在UCP 600下的全部解释及UCP 600所反映的一切标准实务。然而,制定645号出版物的特

5、别工作组尽力涵盖日常业务中常见的术语和跟单信用证下被提示的最常见的单据。起草工作组审视并更新了该出版物以使之与UCP 600保持一致。应该引起注意的是,信用证中任何修改或排除UCP 600规则适用的条款也会对ISBP的适用带来影响。因此在考虑本出版物中的做法时,当事人必须重视任何在跟单信用证中被明确地修改或排除的UCP 600条款。这个原则暗含并贯穿整部ISBP。本惯例中的举例只是就事论事地说明(相关条款),而不是全面详尽的(阐述)。本惯例反映跟单信用证项下各方当事人所应当遵从的作法。由于开证申请人的责任、权利和救济是基于其和开证行的约定、基础交易的履行情况和在可适用的法律和惯例规定的期限内提

6、出的异议,申请人不应该认为他们可以以本惯例为依据排除他们偿付开证行的义务。适用本惯例时,跟单信用证条款无需直接援引本出版物,因为遵从公认做法的要求已经暗含在UCP 600中了。INTRODUCTIONSince the approval of International Standard Banking Practice (ISBP) by the ICC Banking Commission in 2002, ICC Publication 645 has become an invaluable aid to banks, corporates, logistics specialists

7、 and insurance companies alike, on a global basis. Participants in ICC seminars and workshops have indicated that rejection rates have dropped due to the application of the 200 practices that are detailed in ISBP.However, there have also been comments that although the ISBP Publication 645 was appro

8、ved by the Banking Commission its application had no relationship with UCP 500. With the approval of UCP 600 in October 2006, it has become necessary to provide an updated version of the ISBP. It is emphasized that this is an updated version as opposed to a revision of ICC Publication 645. Where it

9、was felt appropriate, paragraphs that appeared in Publication 645 and that have now been covered in effectively the same text in UCP 600 have been removed from this updated version of ISBP.As a means of creating a relationship between the UCP and ISBP, the introduction to UCP 600, states: “During th

10、e revision process, notice was taken of the considerable work that had been completed in creating the International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP), ICC Publication 645. This publication has evolved into a necessary companion to the UCP for

11、 determining compliance of documents with the terms of letters of credit. It is the expectation of the Drafting Group and the Banking Commission that the application of the principles contained in the ISBP, including subsequent revisions thereof, will continue during the time UCP 600 is in force. At

12、 the time UCP 600 is implemented, there will be an updated version of the ISBP to bring its contents in line with the substance and style of the new rules.”The international standard banking practices documented in this publication are consistent with UCP 600 and the Opinions and Decisions of the IC

13、C Banking Commission. This document does not amend UCP 600. It explains how the practices articulated in UCP 600 are applied by documentary practitioners. This publication and the UCP should be read in their entirety and not in isolation. It is, of course, recognized that the law in some countries m

14、ay compel a different practice than those stated here.No single publication can anticipate all the terms or the documents that may be used in connection with documentary credits or their interpretation under UCP 600 and the standard practice it reflects. However, the Task Force that prepared Publica

15、tion 645 endeavoured to cover terms commonly seen on a day-to-day basis and the documents most often presented under documentary credits. The Drafting Group have reviewed and updated this publication to conform with UCP 600.ISBP目录 先期问题 信用证的申请和开立一般原则. 缩略语 证明和声明 单据的修正和变更 日期 UCP运输条款不适用的单据 UCP未定义的用语 单据的

16、矛盾 单据的出单人 语言 数学计算 拼写错误及/或打印错误 多页单据和附件或附文 正本和副本 唛头 签字 单据的名称和联合单据 汇票和到期日的计算 票期到期日 银行工作日、宽限期、付款的迟延 背书 金额 如何出票以申请人为付款人的汇票 修正和变更 发票 发票的定义 名称和地址货物描述和与发票相关的其他一般事项海洋/海运提单(港至港运输)UCP第23条的适用全套正本提单的签署 装船批注 装货港和卸货港 收货人、指示方、托运人、到货被通知人和背书转运和分批装运 清洁提单 货物描述 修正和变更 运费和额外费用 货物涉及一套以上提单 租船合约提单 UCP第25条的适用 全套正本 租船合约提单的签署装船

17、批注 装货港和卸货港 收货人、指示方、托运人、到货被通知人和背书 分批装运 清洁租船合约提单 货物描述 修正和变更 运费和额外费用 多式联运单据 UCP第26条的适用 全套正本 多式联运单据的签署 装船批注 接管地、发运地、装货地和目的地 收货人、指示方、托运人、到货被通知人和背书 转运和分批装运 清洁多式联运单据 货物描述 修正和变更 运费和额外费用 货物涉及一套以上提单 空运单据 UCP第27条的适用 正本空运单据 空运单据的签署 货物收妥待运、装运日期与对实际发运日期的要求 出发地机场和目的地机场 收货人、指示方和到货被通知人 转运和分批装运 清洁空运单据 货物描述 修正和变更 运费和额外费用 公路、铁路或内河运输单据 UCP第28条的适用 公路、铁路或内河运输单据的正本和第二联 公路、铁路或内河运输单据的承运人与签署 指示方、到货被通知人和背书 分批装运 货物描述 修正和变更 运费和额外费用 保险单据UCP第34-36条的适用 保险单据的出单人 投保风险 日期 币种和金额 被保险人和背书 原产地证明基本要求 原产地证明的出具人 原产地证明的内容

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