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1、Good morning. Good afternoon.单元重点、难点:morning与afternoon 在句中的区别课时安排:2课时教具:录音机,图片,电脑课件PPT, 头饰教学过程:第一课时Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting: Say hello to the class and talk about the new year.Step 2 Presentation1. T: Boy and girl ,look at this picture the back. Can you guess ,Who is she ?S: She is Tonys mummy.T

2、: Thats right .( Pastes the picture on the blackboard)2. Do the same with the picture of Daddy/Tony/Miss Xu.3. T: look at this picture? Can you guess, Whet time is it ? Its in the morning . Yes ,very good .Read after me , morning morning morning. morning morning morning4. Do the same with the pictur

3、e of afternoon.5. Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have S repeat.6. Show S how to act the dialogue. 7. Divide the class into two groups.8.Pair working.9. S follow the tapeStep 3 Summary and homworkTrain game: Read the words one by one.Homework: Listen to the radio. Review the new word

4、s.板书设计:Unit One Mummy Daddy Tony Miss Xu Good morning. Good afternoon.Good evening . Good night.第二课时1. GreetingStep 2 Revision1. T show the pictures and let S repeat the Sentence.2. T teach each Sentence. T: Good morning, Mummy S: Good morning.( afternoon)3. S follow T to read the words.4. Play the

5、tape and practice. (Review the words)Step 3 Presentation1. S listen to the tape.2. S follow T to do some actions.3. Play the tape.4. Model this by pointing to the pictures while chanting.Step 4 Summary and homwork1.Talk with the parents and say morning to classmates.1. Good morning(afternoon), Miss(

6、Mr.)2. Ask some students to have a role play3. And then play a game: Music chairHomework1. Listen to the tape of Unit 1.2. Read the Unit 1,twice.单元小结通过本单元的学习,学生学会了向他人问好的方法,达到了与人交流的目的,并在小组活动中得到了与人合作的体验。Unit 2 HELLOHello. Goodbye. Kitty/Mimi/Piphello与goodbye 在句中的区别2. Greeting:1. Warming up (have a cha

7、nt ): Good morning, Mummy.2. Open your book on page one. Read the text.3. Introduce three new friends, Kitty/Mimi/Pip4. Stand up ! and Say hello to new friends.5. Read the text fellow the teacher.6. Play the tape and pause after each sentence.7. Close your books and listen.Play the tape againUNIT 2

8、HELLOHello. Goodbye.1. T point to words while listening to the tape.2. Play the tape again and have Ss repeat.3. After enough practice, point to the pictures at random and have Ss say the words.1. While pointing to the pictures of Kitty, Mimi and Pip in the book, model the dialog.2. Ss listen and re

9、peat.3. After enough practice, ask Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.Step 4 Sing a song :Hello1.Listen to the tape of Unit 1-2.2.Read and Unit 1-2 to your father and mother.Unit 3 This is AlanI am John/Tony .Happy birthday. Thank you. This is Alan/Kitty/Mimi. How old are you ? I am six.This is How o

10、ld are you? Say hello to the class.1. Show the Picture of Tony. Then T say, “ Today is Tonys birthday. Lets sing “ Happy Birthday” to Tony.”2. Ask and answer: How old is Tony? Hes six. “One day Alan Receives an invitation letter. Originally is Tony holds the birthday party. Lets go to Tonys birthday

11、 party.”4. Use the story to teach the new Sentence.5. Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat.6. Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.I am John/Tony . Happy birthday. Thank you.1.Greeting1. Point to a Alan in the picture and say “ Who is he ?” Then have S1 answer “He is Alan.” T

12、says “How old are you ?” S: “Hes six.”2. Have Ss look at the first picture. Model the dialog.3. Listen to the tape and repeat. After enough practice, have S1 comes to the front of the class and point to different Ss asking How old are you? Other classmates answer.1. Point to Picture A and have Ss to

13、 count the candles.2. Play the tape for number 1 and then pause. Write number 1 on the board.3. Continue with the rest.4. Ss listen to the questions on the tape and respond with the correct answer for them. Ss: Im eight.5. Using the target language, have Ss ask and answer each other in pairs.1.Have

14、Ss look at the pictures and ask “ How old is Tony? Hes nine.”2.Continue with Alan/John/Tony.3.Play the tape and sing along.1. Listen to the tape of Unit 3.2. sing the song to parents.3. Rend the Unit3.This is Alan/Kitty/Mimi. How old are you ?通过本单元的学习,学生学会了向他人介绍自己和好朋友,还有询问别人年龄的方法。达到了与人交流的目的,并在小组活动中得

15、到了与人合作的体验。Unit 4 Whos he?apple /baby /carrot/doorWho is he /she? He/She is Alan/Linda. How are you ? I am fine ,thank you .句型:How are you? I am fine, thank you.Greeting: Open your books. Whos this? (Point to Tony) Ss: Tony. Repeat. Hes Tony. Ss: Hes TonyI am fine ,thank you.1. Do the same with the o

16、ther character.2. Play the tape.3. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.4. Without the tape, show Ss how to act out the dialog with more expression.5. Divide the class into two groups, each group representing a different character.6. Have the class perform the dialog, each gr

17、oup saying its lines in unison or repeating its lines after the T.Unit 4 Who is he ? He/She is Alan/Linda. Greeting1. Have Ss look at the first picture.2. Point to Tony and then ALan. Model the dialog.3. Repeat with the second picture. Listen and repeat.4. After enough practice, encourage Ss to act

18、out the dialog in pairs.1.Play the tape for number 1 and then pause. Which picture is it? Sweep your hand over the pictures. Write Number 1.2.Write number 1 on the board.1. Play the tape. Sing together.2. Play the tape again and sing along.3. Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the que

19、stions, the other sings the answers. Homework1.Listen to the tape of Unit 4.2.Read the text the new words apple/baby/carrot/door.How are you ? I am fine ,thank you.通过本单元的学习,学生学会了向他人问好的方法和询问他人名字与回答的句型,达到了与人交流的目的,并在小组活动中得到了与人合作的体验。Unit 5 She is my mother.mother/father/sister/brother/friend.He

20、/She is my mother/father/sister/brother/friend. 区分各家庭成员的称呼 Look at the family tree, Who can tell me, Who is he ? father. Repeat. He is my father. He is my father.2. Do the same with the other characters.2. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.3. Without the tape, show Ss how

21、to act out the dialog with more expression.4. Divide the class into two groups, each group representing a different character.5. Have the class perform the dialog, each group saying its lines in unison or repeating its lines after the T.Whos he? Hes my father.Whos she? Shes my mother.1. Have Ss look

22、 at the first picture. Model the dialog.2. Repeat with the second picture.3. After enough practice, encourage Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.1、 Play the tape. T:2、 Play the tape again and sing along.3、 Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the questions, the other sings the answers.1.Listen to the tape of Unit 5.2.Read and Unit 1-5 to your father and mother.Unit Five She is my mother. Hes my fath

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