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1、4. 重点词汇encourage, disappoint, disable, gifted, guidance, adjust, sympathy语法 Direct and Indirect objects重点句子1. The Beijing Union University has launched a special education college where gifted disabled students receive the help they need to succeed. P512. She uses a wheelchair to get around and it o

2、ften takes her a little longer to do everyday things, such as getting out of bed, getting dressed and going to class. P513. They not only lean how to assist disabled people, but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life. P524. The articles in the magazine are often about

3、disabled people who have overcome difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life. P525. By preparing for and participating in the Special Olympics, mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move, improve their health and gain greater self-confidence.p55The

4、1st period SpeakingStep 1 Revision Ask students to check their writings.Step 2 Warming up Talk about pictures on P49. Work in pairs and try to imagine what difficulties and dangers you might face if you were blind or in a wheelchair.Step 3 Speaking Imagine you are disabled, choose two of the situati

5、ons on p50 and discuss how you would deal with them. What would you not be able to do? What could you do to overcome the difficulties?Step 4 Talking: Deal with Talking on p124. Each group member represents one of the five senses. Everyone should complete the role card and use it to persuade the othe

6、r group members that your sense is the most important.Step 5 Homework Learn the new words by heart.The 2nd Period Listening Dictate the new words and then revision about the difficulties of the disabled.Step 2 Listening Ex on p50 Students are asked to read fast the questions and multiple answers to

7、find out the listening points first, and then listen to the tape twice t choose the best answers.Step 3 Thinking of ways to solve the problem Ask the students to think of some ways to solve the problems John describes? Then ask some of them to report their ideas.Step 4 Listening (wb P133)Step 5 Assi

8、gnment. Preview the reading.The 3rd Period ReadingStep 1 Lead-in Some question on the topic or brainstorm on some words and expressions related to the topic.Step 2 Pre-reading Q & A: Do you know anyone who is disabled? How does he or she deal with the disability? Do you know any famous people who ar

9、e disabled? What do they do? Should disabled students be allowed to go to university? Should they get any extra help?Step 3 while-reading The general idea of the passage: Main idea of each para: Para 1. The difficulties Xiaowen has as well as her success. Para 2. The importance of giving the disable

10、d a chance to receive education. Para 3. The special education college set up for the disabled. Para 4. Introduction to the magazine for the disabled. Para 5. The good effect the magazine has on the disabled Para 6. Xiaowens advice to those living with the disabled.Deal with some language points if

11、possible, paying attention to analyzing the following sentences: students receive the help they need to succeed.2. The articles in Literature of Chinese Blind Children are often about disabled people who have overcome challenges and difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.3.

12、 Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be able to walk, there are may other great things I can do.Step 3 Post-reading: Listen to the tape and then answer the post-reading questions on p52.Step 4 Homework Preparations: Language Stu

13、dy on p 54 and Practising on P125.The 4th Period GrammarStep 1 Revision Check the homework.Step 2 Word Study. Check the answers orally.Step 3 GrammarFirst review the important sentences;6. The Beijing Union University has launched a special education college where gifted disabled 7. She uses a wheel

14、chair to get around and it often takes her a little longer to do everyday things, 8. They not only lean how to assist disabled people, but also learn the importance of cooperating to 9. The articles in the magazine are often about disabled people who have overcome difficulties and 10. By preparing f

15、or and participating in the Special Olympics, mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move, improve their health and gain greater self-confidence. p55 And then Deal with the Grammar on P 54. Finish the Grammar Ex on p126-127; Go over the reading on p127& 128The 5th Period

16、Extensive readingStep 1 Check the homework Step 2 Listening and Fast reading P55 Ask students to listen to the tape and try to get the main idea of the text, and then look through it quickly and answer the 3 questions on the below.Step 3 reading P127Extensive reading.Step 4 Homework. Review what wev

17、e learned in this period and prepare for the writing task.The 6th Period WritingStep 1 revision Check the homeworkStep 2 Writing Give the students a few minutes to figure out a checklist for the survey:Where to goWhat to look forWho to askSchoolStairs, lifts, special seats in the classroom or in the

18、 library, health center, playground, toilet, bathroom.The headmaster, teachers, students, the librarianshospitalCinemaStadiumSupermarketstreet Write an essay according to the results of the survey.Step 4 Writing (2) Finish the writing task on P129, and share it with your partners.细说教材SpeakingChoose

19、two of the situations below and discuss how you would deal with them.点拨:deal with “处理;对付;论述”e.g.1.There are many difficulties to deal with.e.g.2.Dont worry about the matter.It has been dealt with by the manager.e.g.4.What is the best way to deal with the theft?e.g.5.The article deals with pollution.

20、比较:deal with和疑问词how连用 do with和疑问词what连用e.g.1.I dont know how to deal with the problem.e.g.2.What to do with the thief is up to the police.ReadingI wish they wouldnt treat me as if I were a child.treat“处理;对待;把当作;治疗;论述;款待,请客”e.g.1.How to treat waste is a big problem to the world.e.g.2.Children are tre

21、ated well in the nursery.孩子们在幼儿园受到百般呵护。e.g.4.She treated us as if we had been her own children.e.g.5.We treat her with all respect.我们对她很尊敬。e.g.7.The books all treat (of) the first World War.e.g.8.He treated us to dinner.他请我们吃晚饭。as if/as though 引导从句时,如果描述的是真实情况,就用陈述语气;如果描述的是非真实情况,就用虚拟语气。e.g.1.Hurry!

22、The clouds are coming.It looks as if it is going to rain.e.g.2.He looks as if he had seen the ghost.他看上去像是遇见了鬼。e.g.3.She acts as if she were 16.她的举止像16岁的人。She won an award for young scientists last year.辨析:win,beat,defeatwin表示“赢,获胜,获得成功”之意,作及物动词时,它的宾语是奖品、比赛、战争等。beat表示“赢,获胜”,它的宾语是对手或敌人。defeat表示击败对手或敌

23、人。e.g.1.He won the first prize in the English competition.e.g.2.The soldiers beat back all the attacks of the enemy.e.g.3.They defeated the aggressors.他们打败了侵略者。She uses a wheelchair to get around and it often takes her a little longer to do everyday things,such as getting out of bed,getting dressed

24、and going to class.get around“四处旅行(走动);避免,回避”e.g.1.Hes getting older and he doesnt get around (=get about) much any more.e.g.2.If youre clever enough,you can get around the trouble.get around to (doing) sth.“时间做,终于去做”e.g.1.Ive been meaning to see the film for a long time,and I finally got around to

25、it last week.e.g.2.After a long delay,he got around to writing the letter.get out of “下来;下车;逃避,摆脱(责任);迫使(说出,拿出);从得到(获得)”e.g.1.He got out of the taxi. e.g.2.Ill see if I can get you out of the extra work.e.g.4.The police finally got the truth out of her.get dressed“穿衣服”“get+过去分词”构成系表结构,表动作。又如:get mar

26、ried“be+过去分词”构成系表结构,表状态。be marriede.g.1.I got up and got dressed.我起床穿上衣服。e.g.2.Ill be dressed in a red coat.我将穿一件红色大衣。考题:Be careful when you cross this busy street.If not,you may run over by a car.A.have B.get C.become D.turnPeople like Xiaowen and many other disabled people in our country have taug

27、ht us the importance of giving everybody a chance to receive education.chance 作名词,表示“机会,良机”e.g.1.give sb.a chance to do sth.“ 给某人做的机会”e.g.2.get the chance to do sth.“获得做的机会”,还表示“可能性,希望”e.g.1.What chance of our success is there?我们成功的可能性如何?e.g.2.What is our chance/are our chances of succeeding?e.g.3.What are the chances that we shall succeed?chance还可以作动词,意为“偶然发现,偶然遇到”e.g.1.He chanced on/upon a hole in the wall.在墙上他偶然发现了一个洞。e.g.2.He chanced to be out when I called.= It chanced that he was out when I called.我打电Today there ar

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