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高中英语Unit 1Making a difference一人教版知识精讲Word文档格式.docx

1、 cure)2. 合成词:undertake; radioactivity; wheelchair3. 通过读音和分解的方式记忆下面的单词:obvious; curious; agriculture; exploration; intelligent patient4. 通过上下文理解词义:(1)Thomas Edison said, “Genius(天才)is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.(2)The students are going to debate which branch of scie

2、nce is the most important and useful to society.(3)The Senate will debate the subject of tax increases.(4)After a long debate, the committee all voted to close the factory which polluted the city seriously.(5)Scan the text to answer the following questions.(6)I scanned the newspaper while I waited f

3、or the train.(7)she scanned the list of names to see whether hers was on it.(8)Since then, Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe.(9)The travelers are seeking shelter from the rain.(10)The scientists test the theory to see if it matches what they have see

4、n and if it can predict future events.(11)Scientists predict that environment pollution will increase in the next ten years. They warn that if we do not take measures to solve the problem, we will ruin our planet.(12)The police let the man go after they found out that his DNA did not match the DNA t

5、hey had got from the crime scene.(二)一些重要单词与短语的用法:1. match:比赛,对手;和相配,和相一致, 使和相称。The scientists test the theory to see if it matches what they have seen and if it can predict future events.Im no match for her when it comes to arithmetic.He was good at tennis, but he met his match when he played the ch

6、ampion.His latest film doesnt match his previous ones.He is doing his best to match his spending to his income.2. be / get engaged to sb. :与订婚In fact, things were going rather well for me and I had got engaged to a very nice girl, Jane Wilde. But in order to get married, I needed a job.注意另一个短语:be en

7、gaged in/ on:忙与做=be busy with/ doingCan you come on Monday ? No, Im engaged.Come on Monday evening if you are not otherwise engaged.Sorry, the line is engaged.3. turn out:结果是;证明是;原来是Scientists, on the other hand, know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be

8、wrong.Its turned out to be nice and sunny again.To my surprise the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my father.注意辨别以turn为核心的其他短语:turn up; turn down; turn off; turn on; turn over; turn to;turn against4. use up :用完,用尽。The couple used up all their money to seek their 5-year-old son, who was lo

9、st six months ago.另一个表达“用尽”的短语:give out:Our supply of oil is giving out.My strength gave out.注意辨别以use为核心的其他短语:make use of; used to do; be/get used to sth/doing sth.5. be satisfied with:对感到满意。类似的短语还有:be pleased with / be content with6. what if:倘使将会怎样,即使又有什么要紧。By asking why, how, and what if, curious

10、minds find new ideas and solutions.What if it rains when we cant get under shelter?What if we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?(三)本单元中阅读材料难点句的理解:1. It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious.分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑。2. There did not seem much point in work

11、ing on my PHD- I did not expect to survive that long.取得博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我没有期望活得那么久。(1)句型:There is no point in doing sth. 做没有意义。There is very little point in protesting. It wont help much.(2)that在这里相当于so:那么。3. Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of.他也没有

12、让这种疾病阻止他过自己一直梦想的生活。(1)这是一个有Nor开头的倒装句结构。正常语序是:He didnt let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of, either.否定副词neither, nor, not, not until 等开头的句子常用倒装句语序。He is not familiar with the town. Nor is he interested in the custom here.(2)he had always dreamt of. 作为定语从句修饰先行词

13、life(3)注意句中两个短语: stop somebody from doing something. Dream of doing sth.4. People laughed at Zhang Heng when he first introduced his seismograph, and it was only later that the world recognized his greatness.当初张衡发明出他的地动仪时,人们都在嘲笑他,只有后来全世界才意识到他的伟大。后半句是强调句型,强调only later.5. Everyone has his or her speci

14、al skills and interests, and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.每个人都有自己的专长和兴趣,只有发现自己的特长我们才能期望自己的目标实现,作到真正的与众不同。后半句又是一个由only 开始的倒装句。Only then did I realize its importance.Only in this way can you make progress in your English study.(四)学习建议:进

15、入高中二年级的英语学习后,希望大家不要把精力过多得投入到语法学习中。应运用各种方法掌握好教材中的词汇,短语。同时注意多在阅读上下工夫。扩大阅读量。最重要的是以每个单元的阅读材料为依据,精度课文,了解课文的写作结构,作者的思想。学会欣赏某些课文中的英语美感。对于语法知识,不要扣的太深,太怪。重要的是掌握基本句型结构,达到理解含有相关语法结构的复杂句子,能够用所学的语法结构造句。做题时,首要的是准确理解题干的语境。【典型例题】一. 单项选择1. Im worn out. Shall I stop now ?There is not a moment to lose. Go on _, please

16、.A. to work B. working C. work D. to working分析:由下一句There is not a moment to lose.可知,后面要说“继续工作”即:go on doing 或go on with sth. 而go on to work:接着做另一件事。答案:B2. Who will _ responsibility for this work ?A. undertake B. conduct C. perform D. completeundertake responsibility for sth.:承担对某事的责任。A3. The House o

17、f Representatives _ the proposal for three days.A. quarreled B. argued C. talked D. debated议会争论这项议案有三天了。Debate是及物动词。前三项答案是不及物动词。D4. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very good.A. went on B. tried out C. turned out D. carried onturn out very good:结果却很好。C5. The girl was wearing a dre

18、ss with a hat and gloves to _.A. agree B. fit C. suit D. match女孩穿着一条裙子,带着一顶帽子和与之相配的手套。Match :与相配。二. 翻译句子1. 公司的总部在美国,但它在世界各地都有分支。2. 这顶帽子和这件毛衣十分相称。3. Tom 和Mary订婚了,他们是在火车上认识的。4. 时间过得真快,转眼我们就要结束暑假生活了。1. The companys head office is in the USA, but it has many branches all over the world.2. The hat and th

19、e sweater are perfectly matched.3. Tom got engaged to Mary, whom he had met on the train.4. Time went by so quickly. We are already at the end of our summer holiday life.【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)1. The scientist _ that there would be a rainstorm the next week, and it did happen.A. predicted B. various C. ob

20、served D. debated2. _ we move the picture over there? Do you think itll look better ?A. What if B. What about C. As long as D. Until3. Her dream _ China has come true at last with the help of her grandfather.A. to visit B. in visiting C. visiting D. of visiting4. Ive visited a lot of places and stay

21、ed in lots of different hotels, but none of them _ this one.A. makes B. beats C. compares D. matches5. All the money he had had been _, so he had to make a living by begging.A. used up B. taken up C. stayed up D. brought up6. As time _, the theory proved correct.A. went by B. went away C. got throug

22、h D. made up7. Im _ the guidebook, looking for information about Guangxi, where Ill travel.A. looking B. scanning C. seeking D. arguing8. There is no point _ further. It wont be help much.A. on explaining B. to explain C. of explaining D. in explaining9. Only when class began _ that he had left his

23、book at home.A. will he realize B. he did realize C. did he realize D. should he realize10. You would think that John would have been the courageous one and Janet the timid one, but it was just _.A. another way B. the another way roundC. the other way around D. other way round二. 完型填空The little train

24、 came to a stop at our station and we got out, very glad to be so near home at last. The _1_ part of the journey from London had been quite comfortable; _2_ when we had changed into the little train, we were, already tired and dirty, and the _3_ run, with its frequent stops at unimportant villages,

25、had only made us _4_ tired and dirty.There was a carriage _5_ for us at the station, _6_ by two black horses. As soon as we and our bags _7_ in, the driver waved his whip and we set off through the snowy forest. Even _8_ the forest it was growing dark: it was the _9_ day of the year, and the sky was

26、 _10_ with clouds. Among the trees it seemed as if it was in the middle of a moonless night, the oil lamps on our carriage _11_ just enough light for the driver to _12_ his way and for us to be able to _13_ that we were driving between thick walls of trees.After _14_ seemed like two hours to us(but

27、was actually only an hour), at last we _15_ my friends house. First we saw a row of lights _16_ came from the windows, and then we were suddenly at the door, _17_ about half a dozen children _18_ all ages shouting and asking questions _19_ together. As we were getting out of the carriage, a fine old

28、 lady with white hair came out, _20_ I recognized without difficulty as my friends mother.1. A. first B. next C. one D. other2. A. because B. however C. so D. but3. A. rapidly B. fast C. thirsty D. slow4. A. even B. less C. more D. much5. A. waited B. to wait C. waiting D. was waiting6. A. pulled B.

29、 pulling C. pushed D. pushing7. A. stepped B. arrived C. already D. were8. A. in B. near C. outside D. out9. A. hottest B. longest C. happy D. shortest10. A. covered B. hidden C. closed D. full11. A. sent B. gave C. did D. made12. A. take B. look C. feel D. see13. A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk14. A. it B. what C. might D. having15. A. got B. reached C. visited D. observed16. A. brightly B. shining C. which D. straight17. A. with B. and

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