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1、 Tell students not to be interested in only one or two subjects. Teaching key points & difficult pointsTeaching key points: To help the students master the new words: description; word; because; teacher; Mrs.; partner; cityTeaching difficult points To make the students master the target language: Wh

2、ats your favorite subject? Why do you like math/scienceetc.? Who is your science teacher? Whats your mothers favorite color. Teaching methods and teaching aidsTeaching methods: Communicative approach Pair work Practice methodTeaching aids: A computer The blackboard. Teaching procedureFive steps: Pre

3、paration Presentation Practice ProductionStep1: Preparation (Warming up and lead in)1用电影Jerry and Tom作为本课热身,看完之后向学生提问:Jerry and Tom is a cartoon. Right?然后老师继续表达自己的看法: My favorite movie is cartoon. Whats your favorite movie?(教师这个时候把这个句型显示在屏幕上,引起学生的注意。)提出这个问题以后,让学生说说自己喜欢的影片,操练本课的重点句型:Whats your favori

4、te ?教师继续表达自己的观点: I like watching English movies,because when I was young, my favorite subject is English. 轻松的把话题由Whats your favorite movie? 到Whats your favorite subject? 提出这个问题以后,找3-5个较好的同学回答。Step2: Presentation (New words learning; New sentence patterns learning)老师提问:What subjects do we have at sch

5、ool? You can talk about in groups.学生马上积极热烈地讨论自己知道的学科。T: Who can? 学生举手回答。然后出示所有学科的图片。We also have geography and politics. Guess the meaning of them.并且领读本单元新授单词science, biology, 和生单词geography, politics 。We also have geography and politics. Guess the meaning of them. Play a guessing game 同学们积极地猜:what s

6、ubject is it?并且适当的给出提示。(在巩固了单词过程中,全体学生在轻松愉快的课堂中接受。)T:Ok, whats your favorite subject? 这里可以先由老师向个别同学提问,出示屏幕然后一生问一生答。并领读新授句型。-Whats your favorite subject?-My favorite subject is Chinese, English, math,art, history, computermusic, P.E. science, biology,geography, politics(从问subject到favorite subject,难度逐

7、步增加,符合学生的认知接受能力。在操练的时候,把机械的提问,转化为跟同桌的交流。在作完这个表演的时候,教师对最后2-3对学生提问: whats his favorite subject?/ whats her favorite subject?(通过有效的示范提问,以及不断的操练,有利于开展下面活动的顺利开展。I have some pictures. Do you want to see?利用刘翔、姚明、比尔盖茨、张韶涵等名人的图片,guessing game引出句型Whats his/her favorite subject ?Now use the pictures to do pair

8、work quickly. (学生做pairwork) Step3:Now let s listen to what are lucys and lilys favorite subjects? listen to 1b and circle the subjects .Check the answers.This time lets see another picture ,OK?Turn to page 26 and put the sentences in the correct order. (学生们独自把句子按逻辑顺序排列)Lets listen to the tape to che

9、ck your answers. ( play the tape) Ask a studentto give the answers.Listen to another conversation about the subjects. Listen and match the subjects with the description words. Ask one student to read the description words .Listen carefully, and try to find the answers.(学生听听力, 完成 2b的内容)Check the answ

10、ers.You can match the rest subject with the description words as you like.Step4: Production(Survey; Exercises Homework )Do you want to know more information about your friends in groups. You can interview your friends like this :教师以一个小组为例示范:ABCDA ask and answer:-Why do you like ?-Because its interes

11、tingWhats your favorite teacher?Whats your favorite city?Whats your favorite sport?. ( 出示调查表格)Finish your table and give us a report .The report may like that:My favorite subject is .Because its 当堂检测 1.-Whats your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is _.A French fries B England C music D Sunday2

12、. _ your favorite subject? A Whats B What C Where D When3.-What _ does he like best? - Basketball. A food B subject C color D sport4. I like music _ its relaxing ABecause B.but Cwith DOr5.Whats _ favorite subject? A. he B. his C. she D. youHomework你了解你的父母多少呢?完成下列表格你父母亲最喜欢的事物。然后和你同学谈论你父母亲最喜欢的事物。Favor

13、itecityFavorite foodFavorite colorFavorite sportMomDad-Whats your mothers favorite color?-Her favorite color is blue. 利用一个贴近生活的话题,复习旧知识,利用复习句型Whats your favorite movie来导入本节课的话题你最喜欢的学科是什麽?既能调动学生的积极性,又能培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。用学生感兴趣的图片来设置情景,引入谈论的新问题,呈现所需要的语言知识。在讲中练,练中运用,为学生创设词不离句,句不离情景的英语交际情境。对新单词的教学融入句中,让学生整句


15、学习,学习兴趣浓厚,也给学生留出了很大的运用语言的空间。此环节的设计,能让不同层次的同学都能得以锻炼自己的机会。 学生通过作业把课堂教学的内容有机地向课外延伸,教学反思板书设计Unit 12 My favorite subject is scienceSection A 1.Whats yourhisher favorite subject? MyHisHer favorite subject is English 2. Why do you like math.? Because its interesting 3. Who is your science. teacher?教学点评及反思:

16、本课是一节任务型教学研究课,着重以不同的方式向学生传授目标语言。用学生日常熟悉的事物来教授新课:1.导入:用关于学校科目的视频来引入新课,有利于活跃课堂气氛,把学生带入课程的场景当中2把学生们喜爱的画片和目标语言结合起来,能够加深学生对目标语言的理解。3使用Pair work的形式讨论学生的课程表使目标语言具有很强的实用性。4Report有利于学生掌握英语口试的形式,是一种很好的练习方式。5采访父母的任务能够激发学生们参与教学的积极性,使他们成为学习的主动者。评价:本课设计合理,层次清晰;形式活泼多样,课件运用恰当;开始由视频导入新课,最后在展示中结束,使整节课首尾呼应、气氛活跃,达到了学生掌

17、握并灵活运用目标语言的教学目的。不足之处:在任务的设计和衔接上还不够精炼和流畅,有待在今后的教学中作进一步研究和探讨。 威海市实验中学课堂学习任务单I.词汇:subject,science,physical,education,PE,Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday ,music,math,Chinese,EnglishII.短语:II.词组 1 physical education =P.E. 体育2 year(s) old 岁(年龄)3 be strict with 对某人严厉/严格4 favorite su

18、bject/city/food/color/sport 最喜爱的科目/城市/食物/颜色/运动 5 have+学科 上课have math/English/Chinese上数学课/英语.6 be busy doing 忙于做某事7 be busy with sth 忙于某事8 be difficult 困难的9 on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday在星期一/二/10 TV show 电视节目11 for two hours 两个小时12 be tired 疲倦的13 have Chinese history club 参加中国历史俱乐部 14 ask sb about sth

19、询问某人关于某事 ask sb. to do sth.15 play with sb.16 run around with sb.17 be interested in.18 one.the other19 some .others .III句型:1.Whats yourhisher favorite subject?2.Why do you like math3.Why does heshe like art? Because its fun4. Who is your science teacher? When do you have math?5. I have math on Mond

20、ay, Wednesday and Friday.6.Whats Kens favorite subject? Science?IV.知识点1 -Whats your favorite subject?-My favorite subject is science.你最喜欢的科目是什么?科学。2 -Why do you like P.E?-Because its fun.你为什么喜欢体育?因为它有趣。3 -Who is your science teacher?My science teacher is Mr. Wang.你的科学老师是谁?王老师。4 -When do you have mat

21、h? -I have math on Monday and Friday.你什么时候上数学?星期一和星期五。5 -Why does he like Chinese?- Because its interesting.你为什么喜欢语文? 6 -After class I play volleyball for two hours. 下课后,我打二个小时的排球7 I am very busy on Friday.我在周五很忙。8 -I dont like any subject.我不喜欢任何科目。9 The teacher says it is useful,but I think it isdi

22、fficult.老师说它有用,但是我认为它很难。 10 It is difficult but interesting.它很难但有趣。11 My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I havean art lesson for two hours.我的课在1:50结束,但是在那之后我上二个小时的艺术课。12 Lets meet on Saturday. Is that OK withyou?让我们在周六见面吧,对你来说合适吗? 13 I want to meet you on Fridayafternoon,but I am really busy.我

23、想在周五的下午面到你,但我确实很忙。 14 He always plays games with us.他总是和我们玩游戏。15 Thats for sure.那是肯定的。16 Im happy to see all my friends. 看到我所有的朋友我很高兴。测试题:1.Gina likes art because its_. .A. Difficult B. Boring C. Relaxing D. not good2.This is a photo of_ and her husband(丈夫).A. Ms. Green B. Mrs. Green C. Miss Green D

24、. Mr. Green3.完成句子:我的课1:50结束,然后我上两个小时的美术课。My classes _ at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson _ two _.4.他妹妹喜欢和狗玩。His sister likes to _ _ her dog.5. 用适当的介词填空:A train will stay at a station(停留在车站) _ two to two _ two two. The train will stay therefor 4 minutes.6.情景交际:A: Whats your favorite s_?B: S

25、cience. Why do you like science? Because it is i_. What about you? My favorite subject is math. Why? Its difficult and b_. Do you know? Yes, I know it is hard to learn(很难学), b_ I like it. W_ is your favorite day?Saturday. W_ is that day? Because I can stay at home and w_ TV all day. Do you have time o_ Sunday afternoon? Yes, I am. I am f_, too. How about going to the cinema together? That s_ good.

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