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1、5stylestaIln 方式;作风拓展词汇6organisenaIzvt组织;筹备;安排;组建vi组建;成立organisation n组织;团体;机构7curiouskjrisadj好奇的;求知欲强的curiously adv好奇地curiosity n好奇心8reviserIvaIzvt& vi修改;修订;复习revision n复习阅读词汇9strategystrtdin 策略;策划10personalitypsnltin 性格;个性重点短语1take_notes 记笔记2flash_card 数字卡片;识字卡3keep_a_diary 写日记4be_curious_about 对好奇

2、5become_an_engineer 成为一名工程师6play_computer_games 玩电脑游戏重点句型1eitheror或者或者:If Im not in class, Im either_in_the_library_or_in_the_computer_lab(或者在图书馆或者在电脑室)2My dream is to do sth我的理想是做某事:My_dream_is_to_start(我的理想是创办) my own IT company!Read the text on Page 8 and then choose the best answer1What does Ann

3、 love to do?ADance BRead short storiesCSkate DAll of them2What does “Youll never see me without a book or a pen” mean?AHe is a hardworking studentBHe cant live without a book or a penCHe likes to take a pen and a bookDHe wants to set a good example to his students3What does Ann plan to do in the fut

4、ure?AStart her own IT companyBBecome an engineerCBecome a teacherDBecome a writer答案:13.DAB take notes记笔记(教材P7)I take notes while listening and reading我边听边读边做笔记。(1)make a note 做笔记(2)take note of 注意;记笔记It is a good habit to take notes when you have a class上课记笔记是个好习惯。Youd better make_a_note/take_notes

5、in class so that I can borrow your notebook你最好在课堂上做笔记,这样我就可以借你的笔记本了。You should take_note_of what she tells you你应该注意她告诉你的话。 organisevt组织;组建vi组建;成立(教材P7)How does Li Ming organise his thoughts?李明是怎样整理他的思绪的?(1)organise the meeting 组织会议organise ones thought 整理思绪(2)organisation n U组织工作;C组织,机构(3)organiser

6、n C组织者,发起人They have made up their minds to organise a second visit there他们决定再组织去那里参观一次。You should try to_organise(organise) your time better你应该尽量更有效地安排你的时间。Those activities were_organised(organise) by our school, which really provided us with much pleasure这些活动是由我们学校组织的,这为我们提供了很多的欢乐。The government sh

7、ould set up a special organisation(organise) to protect the earth政府应该设立一个专门的组织来保护地球。 goaln目标;(教材P7)I have learning goals and make plans for my English studies我有学习目标并为我的英语学习制定了计划。achieve ones goal 实现目标learning goals 学习目标His goal is to get a good job and support his family他的目标是找到一份好工作,养家糊口。The footbal

8、ler scored three goals(goal) and his team finally won the match那个足球运动员进了三个球,他的球队最终赢得了比赛。Im determined to achieve_my_goal no matter how hard it is我决心不管有多难都要实现我的目标。 curious adj好奇的;求知欲强的(教材P8)Im curious about everything我对一切都很好奇。(1)be curious about sth 对某事感到好奇be curious to do sth 极想做某事(2)curiosity n 好奇心

9、out of curiosity 出于好奇meet ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心(3)curiously adv 好奇地Chinese students are curious about the school life of American students中国学生对美国学生的校园生活感到好奇。Im curious to_know(know) how many satellites have been sent into space up to now我很想知道到目前为止有多少颗卫星被发射升空了。Out_of_curiosity,_the man followed the

10、 guide into the hall出于好奇,这个人跟着导游进了大厅。The people looked at the strange boy curiously(curious)人们好奇地看着这个奇怪的男孩。eitheror或者或者(教材P8)If Im not in class, Im either in the library or in the computer lab如果我不在教室,我或者在图书馆或者在电脑室。(1)neithernor既不也不(2)两者都可以连接句中两个相同的句子成分;连接主语时,谓语动词遵循就近一致原则。Sightseeing is best done eit

11、her by tour bus or by bicycles观光最好要么乘游览巴士,要么骑自行车。Either you or one of your students is(be) to attend the meeting或者是你或者是你的一个学生参加会议。Kunming is a beautiful city, where its neither too hot nor too cold all the year around昆明是一个美丽的地方,一年四季既不冷也不热。In my opinion, neither my friend nor my classmates are(be) as

12、 positive as Tom在我看来,我的朋友和我的同学都没有和汤姆一样积极。 品句填词1I have always enjoyed all the events you organised(组织) and I hope to attend more in the coming years2The company(公司) has given him a chance to work abroad recently3English is easy to learn if you practise and revise(复习) it every day4Most of the furnitur

13、e in the house is in the style(风格) of the Europe5What parents do in their daily life will have a great effect on their childrens personality(性格;个性)6He worked with one of his business partners(合作者) to finish a great project7As a junior(年少者;地位较低者), we should respect the old8Young children are always c

14、urious(好奇的) about how things work 选词填空look forward to; concentrate on; make an impression on;at last; what if; leavealone1As we know, if we often stay up late, we will feel tired and sleepy and cannot concentrate_on our study in class2Being abroad for so many years, I always look_forward_to hearing

15、from my family3At_last,_my parents agreed to my plan4Especially the famous West Lake always makes_an_impression_on the visitors5He is very angry right nowWed better leave him alone6What_if I make a serious mistake? 完成句子1把思绪理清楚再说话。Organise_your_thoughts before you begin to speak2他很想知道她会如何处理这个问题。He wa

16、s_curious_about how she would deal with the problem3我叫李华,是一名来自中国的交换生,现在正在访问你们学校。Im Li Hua, an_exchange_student_from_China visiting your school now4他周游世界的梦想实现了。His dream of travelling around the world has_come_true5我期待着与你们一起学习,并与你们成为朋友。Im looking_forward_to_studying_with you and becoming friends with

17、 you 单句语法填空1The kids looked curiously(curious) at her and asked where she had come from2All teenagers look forward to having(have) happy holidays from school3Either you or your little sister is(be) wrong4Both of us are more than partners(partner)We are close friends5I wonder what learning strategies

18、(strategy) do you share with your partner?6Im wondering if you could give me some practical advice as I know youve organised(organise) such activities7I feel much more_confident(confident) now than I felt last week8The boy was too frightened(frighten) to walk home alone in the dark9With the final ex

19、am drawing near, some students are getting more and more anxious(anxiety)10Britain is a developed country and its national(nation)flower is rose 阅读理解AI was so fortunate today to be able to offer my love and help to an older lady at my local supermarketI saw her standing thereI felt quite strange abo

20、ut such a situationWhat was she looking at? As I looked , I found it was a “Shredded Pork Bun Meal Kit”,which is a service that sends customers food ingredients and recipes for them to prepare their own fresh meals“Thats new,” I thoughtThen I watched as the lady began to dig into her handbag and tri

21、ed to pull out one of the biggest magnifying glasses(放大镜) I had never seen in my whole life!“Oh, she cant read it,” I realizedSo I stood there and continued watching herThe voice in my mind often asks me to do the right thingIt told me to help herBut I argued back saying, “NoI wont offer helpIt will

22、 only embarrass her and she is OK now anywayShe has the worlds biggest magnifying glass to help her!”And I stood there longerBut the voice came back, “Help her, NicoleDont be embarrassedJust do itOffer your help” So I did itI read and explained all the things that were included in that boxI read out

23、 the ingredients, the instructions on how to cook it and so onShe didnt end up buying it, but she was still quite gratefulI walked away knowing that I had helped her and made the right choiceMostly, I had reminded her that people in this world still care about the oldShe was seenShe was lovedAnd she

24、 mattered so much that a complete stranger took time to help herAnd that stranger was me, a person who argued and didnt want to do so in the beginningSo grateful I am when I choose to listen to the voice in my heartIt is because of loveLove is all that ever really mattersI also get happiness through

25、 helping her【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者在超市碰到了一位老太太,她想买一种食物却看不清说明上的文字,作者想帮助她却内心矛盾,最后还是遵照自己内心的指引做出了善举。1What was the ladys problem?AShe couldnt find her glassesBShe couldnt hear the writer clearlyCShe couldnt see the instructions clearlyDShe couldnt understand the instructionsC解析:细节理解题。从第二段对老太太拿放大镜的动作描述可知,她看不见要买

26、的食物包装上的说明。从最后一句“Oh, she cant read it,” I realized可直接找到答案。2Why didnt the writer want to help the lady at first?ABecause she had some other things to doBBecause she considered it a difficult thingCBecause she didnt want to make the lady embarrassedDBecause she had the same problem with the old lady根据第

27、三段中的It will only embarrass her and she is OK now anyway可知,作者一开始不想帮助老太太是因为她不想让老太太尴尬。3How did the writer get happiness?ABy following a strangers voiceBBy spending time talking with the ladyCBy stopping the lady from buying the foodDBy persuading herself to help the ladyD解析:推理判断题。文章最后一句说到作者因帮助老太太而获得快乐,

28、而第三段讲到刚开始时作者犹豫是否帮她,作者经历了说服自己的过程。4What is the best title for the passage?AAn Unlucky Day BThe Leading VoiceCA Scary Experience DThe Best ChoiceB解析:标题归纳题。文章中作者帮助老人的一系列举动都是遵循自己内心的声音,在自己矛盾时,是这个声音指引着她做出了正确的选择。故选“The Leading Voice”。BWhen we are young we are taught that its wrong to lie and we should alway

29、s tell the truthUnfortunately, most children lie even if theyre told not toResearch carried out at the Institute of Child Study at Toronto University has shown that this might not be such a bad thingApparently(显然地), children who tell lies when theyre two years old have a good chance of becoming successful adultsAccording to the research, at the age of two, 20 per cent of children lieAt the age of three, 50 per cent lie, and at four almost 90 per cent lieBy the age of 12 almost eve

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