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1、在交际语言的选用中 ,由于受到各自的文化背景的影响,表达的方式也就不同。因而,在补全对话过程中,所选的句子要符合英美 人的习惯。凡有像 “Have you eaten?”; “What do you want to buy?” 这类句子在对话中都应避免使用。6. 正确书写,从容答题。答题时应注意单词的正确拼写及大小写的正确运用,书写应工整、规范。三、补全对话答题步骤:(1)通览全文、领会大意、揣摩话题。解题时应先跳过空格通览全文,了解对话大意,根据对大意的把握,判定语境,揣摩话题。(2) 根据语境、填写单词或句子。在把握话题和语境的基础上,针对对话的每一空白处,细读所提供的前后文,认真分析它们

2、之间的异同,依据对话有关情景内容,填写相应的单词或者句子。(3)通盘考虑、前后联想、先易后难。要从对话整体理解出发,依照上、下问答的逻辑顺序来考虑所选择的答案,不可不顾前后顺序,孤立地就上句就补下句,这样可能出现所补句子符合上文而不符合下文的情况。要先解决有把握的、容易的,再回头补选较难的。(4)通读对话、义形结合、验证答案。将对话补全之后,再将整段对话通读一遍,逐一验证答案。所填的答案不仅语义上要符合语境,而且要保证语言正确,做到说话得体。四、注意事项 (1)所补全的对话内容必须能使上、下文连贯一致,因而必须瞻前顾后、全盘考虑,不能仅看上一个问句就填写下一个答句,或仅根据下文中的答句就补全它

3、的问句,否则容易造成逻辑错误。(2)做题前应注意试题前面有否中文或英语的背景提示。这些背景提示是确是话题内容的重要依据,不可疏忽带过。(3)如果是选择题,则在选择过程中考生应注意把已选出的选项划去,避免重复选择的错误。(4)做题时要先易后难,一时难以确定不要勉强先做,否则易造成连锁错误。例题分析:(一)请仔细阅读下列对话,根据上下文内容,完成该对话。A: Hello! 1._ ?B: Sorry, 2._.This is Allans mother speaking. 3. _? This is Mary. Good evening, Mrs. Black. Good evening, Mar

4、y. 4._? Yes, of course. Please tell Allan that all the dictionaries are sold out. But I can lend her one. OK. Thanks a lot. Good-bye! 5._.答案解析:1. 根据下文我们知道这是一个电话用语的对话,所以我们就填出了相应答案May I speak to Allan。2. 根据后文“This is Allans mother speaking.” 我们填出:She isnt in / She isnt at home. 3. 根据“This is Mary”,我们填

5、出:Whos that 4. 根据“Yes, of course. Please tell Allan that all the dictionaries are sold out. But I can lend her one” 我们填出:Can I take a message for you 5. Goodbye (二)根据对话内容,从下面备选框中选择相应选项填入对话中,使对话完成,流畅。 Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel? 1. _. You may ask that policeman over there. Thank you a

6、ll the same. (The man goes to the policeman.) Excuse me, 2._?C: No, there isnt a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China. 3. _? Its about two kilometers away. 4. _? Youd better take a taxi, because its so late and there arent any buses now. 5. _. Youre welcome. 备选答案: Im sorry I dont

7、 know Is there a hotel near here How far is it D: How can I get there E: Thank youA. 根据后文“You may ask that policeman over there”得知,说话者也不知道哪里有旅馆。B. 根据后文的回答,得知前面问的是附近哪里有旅馆。C. 根据后文回答的距离而知,前面问的是有多远。D. 根据后文得知,前面问的是去旅馆的方式。E. 根据“Youre welcome.”而知,前面在表达感谢。实战练习 (1) Hello. Could I speak to John? 1._. Oh! Hi,

8、John. This is Cindy. We met at Jims party. How are you, Cindy? Great. Would you like to see Titanic on Thursday night? 2. _, Cindy, I have to work late this Thursday. Thats too bad. 3._? Im free on Saturday night OK. How about meeting at about seven? No problem. 4._? At the Garden Cinema. 5. _. See

9、you then. 1. This is John 2. Im sorry 3. Are you free on Saturday night 4. Where shall we meet 5. See you then(2) May I speak to Lily? 1._. 2._. Hi, Lily. This is Ann. Would you like to go to the park with me tonight? Great! 3._? At the gate of our school. 4._? How about six oclock. OK! 5._?1. Hold

10、on , please 2. This is Lily 3. Where shall we meet 4. When shall we meet (3) Fred: May I speak to Alice, please?Kate: 1._. Alice, its for you. Alice: Hello. Hi, Alice. 2._. Would you like to go to my uncles farm tomorrow? 3._. Good. Ill pick you up at about seven oclock. Fine. Ill be ready. Im sure

11、well have a good time on the farm. 4._. See you tomorrow. 5._. 1. Hold on, please 2. This is Fred 3. Yes ,Id love to . 4. I think so 5. See you tomorrow (4) Excuse me. 1._? Sorry, Im new here. You can ask my friend. He may know. The Childrens Hospital? Er Its a little far from here. 2. _? Its about

12、5 kilometres away. 3. _? Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there. Where is the bus stop? 4. _ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You cant miss it. 5. _. You are welcome. 1. Which is the way to the Childrens Hospital 2. How far is it 3. Can I take a bus 4. Go along

13、this road 5. Thank you (5) (At Mr. Whites office in a middle school) 1. _? Speaking, please. Im Peters mother. Id like to ask for leave for my son. 2. _? He didnt feel well this morning. He has a cold. 3. _. Is it serious? Not very serious. But the doctor asked him to stay in bed and have a good res

14、t. Dont worry. 4. _. Thank you, sir. Goodbye Bye!1. Can I speak to Mr. White 2. Whats wrong with him 3. Im sorry to hear that 4. I hope he will be all right soon(6) Good morning, sir. 1. _? Id like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white shirts? Yes. 2. _? I want Size M. Here you are. Can I try

15、it on? Sure. Is it all right? Yes. I like it very much. 3. _? 296 yuan. Thats a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one. What about this one? It is only 108 yuan. OK. 4. _. Here is the money. 5. _.Goodbye, sir.1. Can I help you 2. What size do you want 3. How much is it 4. Il

16、l take it 5. Here you are(7) Doctor: Good morning . Whats your trouble?Woman: I dont feel very well. 1._?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher. Open your mouth and say “Ah”. Aahh 2._? Ever since last night. Did your sleep well? No, I was very tired last night. Oh, I see. 3. _. Can you te

17、ll me how I got a cold? Maybe you overworked yourself. I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? Yes. Youd better stay at home for two or three days. 4 _. ? No. I dont think it is serious. But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. 5. _? Three times a

18、day. OK. Thank you. 1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. Youve got a cold. 4. Is it serious?5.13年考研英语熟词偏义词汇大全考研英语词汇中,有这样一类词,虽然很眼熟,但是在句子中的意思却不是自己熟悉的,这类词汇被成为“熟词偏义”。通常情况下,这类词汇是很让人头疼的,那么在2010年考研英语复习中,考研教育网辅导专家建议广大考生可以把这类词单独拿出来,熟练记忆其不常见的用法。embrace 包括;接受, 信奉;拥抱preferre

19、d 有优先权的exceptional 特殊的;例外的prejudice 损害;偏见dormant 暂停活动的;潜在的;睡着的serve有作用act法案;(戏剧的)一幕govern适用于,管理term条款,术语;学期personality人物,名人;个性,人格fine细微的secure获得,得到;a。安全的rather恰恰相反;相当knowledge知道;知识aggressive有进取心的,大胆的;侵犯的reasoning推理interpret解释,口译assume假设,承担,采用mental心理的,精神的,智力的account描述;叙述coverage新闻报道,覆盖launch发起,开展,发射

20、grant授予,同意,准予line思路engage 雇用,使参与dictate 命令,口授,听写render 使得;给予;翻译discipline 训练,学科;纪律acute 敏锐的;(病)急性的fair 集市,交易会,博览会virtually 几乎,实际上authority 当局import 意义,重要性,含义;进口,输入implication 含义,暗示passage 通过;段落otherwise 在其他方面,否则diversion 消遣,转移harsh 严酷的,严厉的;难听的frontier 前沿,新领域;边境settlement 定居地,解决convention 习俗;大会,会议;公约

21、abuse 滥用;虐待;谩骂perceptual 感知的,知觉的perception 感知,察觉;理解radically 根本地,极端地,激进地group 分组,分类late 已故的;迟的,晚的close 完成ground 理由,根据latitude (言语、行动等的)回旋余地,自由;纬度conduct 指挥,管理;行为favorable 有利的,顺利的,赞许的bid 企图,努力contention 争夺,竞争;争吵;争辩,论点establish 确定;建立,确立conclusive 有说服力的,确定性的;决定性的fashion 方式;流行式样blunt 直率的;钝的trial审判;试验dra

22、matize 使引人注目,使戏剧化,生动地表达plague 令人烦恼的事;瘟疫,灾害discern 区别,识别;span 横跨,跨越;持续,包括;n。一段时间;跨度population (某地或某类)物品的总数,种群;人口slip 滑倒;疏忽,小错liability 责任,义务;债务复数claim 索赔;声称,主张tap 开发,利用betray 背叛,出卖;暴露highlight 强调,突出acquisition 获得,学会panel 专门小组appeal to 呼吁;吸引;上诉impose 强加,征(税)entrance 进入,入口(动词enter)referee 审阅;仲裁(动词refer参考)alien 不相容的,陌生的,外国的might 力量,威力(形容词mighty 强有力的)lateral 平级的;侧面的cover 掩饰,盖住exit 辞职;出口term 把称为,把叫做preach 竭力鼓吹,宣讲,讲道publicize 宣传,公布build-up 积聚,增长

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