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1、location, quality, etc.Ownership survey, cadastral survey, graphical, analyticalintegrationMulti-purpose CadastreTaxation, property rights, land registration statistics, the land market, land planning, land information database, etc.Land location, parcel boundary, boundaries,obligee s name, address,

2、 land area, level, ownership,quality, etc.Optical, remote sensing, miniature technology, computers, networks, and other integrateduse;analysis based3.2 Classification bythe Characteristics and the Tasks of CadastreDefinitionsFunctionsInitial Cadastre SurveyIn a certain period, full administrative ar

3、e alandsurveys for the administrative regions above the county level,andtheinitial cadastral maps, books.Thebasisforcadastral management, land valuation, land useplanningChanged Cadastral SurveyFor land quantity, quality, ownership, distribution, usage and other changes,and to the initial cadastral

4、amendment, supplement and updateMaintainthe current moment umandcontinuity of Cadastral information3.3 Classification bythe level of administrative managementObjectsNational CadastreLands for collective land ownership units and first land use rights Units for state-owned land, etc. rural housing lan

5、ds and township and village enterprises lands,主要服务于土地权 属的 国家统一管理 Mainly served for the national land tenure of the unified management基层地籍 Primary Cadastre集体土地使用者的土地和国有土地的二级使用者的土地Collective land and state land for the secondary users主要服务于土地 利用或使用的指导和监 督Mainly served for the land uses guidance and sup

6、ervision3.4 Classification by the different characteristics of the urban and rural landsRequirementsUrban Lands城市,镇城区用地,独立工矿用地,交通用地City, towns urban land, an independent mining land, traffic land高精度,高技术 含量,大比例尺,使 用城镇地籍规范High precision, high technical contents, large scale, use cities cadastral norms

7、Rural LandsThe outskirts of town, rural collective ownership land, rural residents land, the state-owned farm land城镇郊区,农村集体所有制土地,农村居民地,国营农场的国有土地Slightly downgraded requirements, use rural cadastral norms略降级要求,使用农村地 籍规范2. Cadastral Management tasks 地籍管理的任务Cadastre management tasks including collectio

8、n, records, storage, update and provide relevant natural, economic, social, legal aspects of land informations for scientific management of land services地籍管理的任务包括收集、记载、保管、更新并提供有关土地的自 然、经济、社会、法律等方面的信息,为科学管理土地服务。3. the principle of cadastral management 地籍管理的原则*Ensure cadastral material unity and stand

9、ardization *Ensure cadastral information system and continuity *Ensure cadastral material reliability and accuracy *Ensure cadastral information integrity and historically*Ensure cadastral material the multi-purpose and high efficiency4. The content system of cadastral management5. Cadastre manageme

10、nt means and methods地籍管理的方法Administration technology economy law第二章Land Use Status Investigation土地利用现状调查Section I Land User Status Investigation overviewThe concept, purpose of land utilization status investigation 土地利用现状调查的概念和意义1、ConceptLand Use Status Investigation refers to in the country, survey

11、ed by the county, spot as the basic unit, according to the current land use classification, found out of various types of land area, distribution, utilization and ownership status, also called land quantity survey. 1.1The types for land use status investigationInitial investigationUpdate surveySurve

12、y Changed1.2 The purposes of land use Status investigation 利用现状调查的目的1)Serviced for formulating national economic plan and relevant policy ;2)Provided the scientific basis for agricultural production and rural construction ;3)Serviced for establishing the land registration, land statistics system ;4)

13、Providing basic data for land use dynamic monitoring;5)Serviced for making general land use planning and the overall land management.1.3 the principle of land use status investigation 利用现状调查的原则&The principle of seeking truth from factsThe principle of overall, scientific investigationThe principle o

14、f one survey for multi-purpose1.4 Contents and achievement of land use status investigation土地利用现状调查的内容和成就1.Contents 内容1) Ascertaining land ownership boundaries and various administrative jurisdiction boundaries;2) Measuring land use types and calculating various land areas;3) Calculating land owners

15、hip units and administrative region, and collecting a total land area and each land types area2. The major achievements 外业调查手簿Field survey hand-book土地权属界线图land ownership boundary map县、乡两级土地利用现状图land use status chart for county and township levels各类土地统计表格All kinds of land statistics forms土地利用现状调查报告La

16、nd use status survey reports 其他归档资料Other archived data土地利用现状标准分幅图 Land use standard division map土地调查报告Land investigation book土地统计台账Land accounting bookSection II Land Classification System 土地分类系统1.土地分类的目的是为了正确认识土地,从而能因地制宜 地开展土地开发、利用、保护、改良、调查、统计和管理等。The purpose of land classification is to be get cor

17、rect understanding of land, and that can be adjusted measures to local conditions to help the land development, utilization, protection, improvement, investigation, statistics and management etc.2.土地分类研究对象的核心是分类标志,分类标志依据土地分类成果应用的需要而不同。The core research object of land classification is taxonomy, acco

18、rding to different applications, the land classification results would be marked.3.土地分类:按一定分类标志(指标),将性质上有差异的土地划 分为若干类型。Land classification: according to certain classification mark (index),different kinds of the land will be divided into several types.4.土地分类系统:按照统一规定的原则和分类标志,将分类的土地 有规律分层次地 排列组合在一起,叫

19、土地分类系统(或土地分类体 系)。Land classification system: according to the principle of unified regulation and marking, the classifications of land will be permutated and combined regularly together, so that the land classification system should be get.5.我国在科学研究和实际工作中常见的土地分类系统有:1)、土地自然分类系统 LCS by natural feature

20、s 2)、土地评价分类系统 Land evaluation classification System3)、土地利用分类系统 Land use classification System我国自建国采用了四种分类1、土地利用现状分类 Land Use Status Classification2、城镇土地分类 Urban land Classification3、全国土地分类(试行)The national land classification (Trial)4、全国土地分类(过渡期间适用)The national land classification (Transition period

21、applicable version)1.土地利用现状分类(Land Use Status Classification)1984年全国农业区划委员会制定的土地利用现状调查技术规程 采用两级分类:个一级类、个二级类。2.城镇土地分类(Urban Land Classification)1989年原国家土地管理局制定的城镇地籍调查技术规程,对 城、镇、村土地分类做了细化和充实,也采用两级分类:10个一级类、 24个二级类。3.全国土地分类(试行)(The national land classification (trial)2001年国土资源部颁布的全国土地分类(试行),在以上 两个土地分类的

22、基础上,采用三级分类:3个一级类,15个二级类、71 个三级类。4. 全国土地分类(过渡期间适用)The national land classification (transition period applicable)2002年国土资源部颁布的全国土地分类(试行),在过渡时 期使用,采用三级分类:3个一级类 ,10个二级类、52个三级类。The National Land Classification (Trail) was promulgated by the Ministry of Land and Resources in 2002, had be used in the tran

23、sition period, within the level 3 classifications: 3 level 1 classes, 10 level 2 classes, 52 level 3 classes.1984年的分类1.耕 地 Cultivated land11、灌溉水田 Irrigatedpaddyfields 12、望天田Rain fed paddy fields 13、水浇地 Irrigated land14、旱地 Dry land 15、菜地 Vegetable plots2.园 地Garden plots21、果园Orchards22、桑园Mulberry fiel

24、ds 23、茶园Tea plantations24、橡胶园 Rubber plantations 25、其他园地 Other3.林 地 Forest land31、有林地Wood land32、灌木林地 Shrubbery lands33、疏林地Sparsely forested woodland 34、未成林造林地 Afforestation land35、迹地Slashes36、苗圃Seedling nurseries4.牧 草 地 Pasture Land41、天然草地 Natural grass land 42、改良草地 Improved grass land 43、人工草地 Man-

25、made grass land5.居民点及工矿用地 Residential quarters and industrial and mining land51、城镇 Areas of cities and town52、农村居民点Residential quarters in rural areas 53、独立工矿用地 Isolated industrial and mining land 54、盐田 Salt pans55、特殊用地 Specially-used land6.交通用地 Lands used for transportation61、铁路 Railways62、公路 Highw

26、ays63、农村道路 Rural roads 64、民用机场 Civil airports 65、港口、码头Harbors and wharfs7.水 域 Water area71、河流水面 River surface72、湖泊水面 Lake surface73、水库水面 Reservoir surface74、坑塘水面 Pond surface75、苇地 Reed land76、滩涂 Beaches and flats77、沟渠 Irrigation canals and ditches 78、水工建筑物 Glaciers and firns Hydraulic construction l

27、and 79、冰川及永久积雪 Glaciers and permanent snow lands8.未利用土地 Unused lands81、荒草地 Wasted land82、盐碱地 Saline-alkali land83、沼泽地 Wet Land84、沙地 Sandy land85、裸土地 Bare land86、裸岩、石砾地 Exposed rock and shingle land 87、田坎 Ridges88、其它 Other1989年城镇土地分类(1989)10个一级类、24个二级类10.商业金融业用地Commercial banking sites 11、商业服务业 comme

28、rcial services 12、旅游业 tourism 13、金融保险业 financial insurance20.工业仓储用地 Industrial storage sites 21、工业 industrial22、仓储 storage 30.市政用地 Municipal land31、市政公用设施 municipal utilities 32、绿化 green40.公共建筑用地 Public building lands 41、文、体、娱 Culture, P.E, entertainment 42、机关、宣传 organs, propaganda 43、科研、设计scientifi

29、c and 44、教育education 45、医卫medical health50.住宅用地住宅 Housing land housing 60.交通用地 The land for traffic 61、铁路 railway 62、民用机场 civil airport 63、港口、码头 ports, docks 64、其他交通 other traffic70.特殊用地 Special land 71、军事设施 military facilities 72、涉外 foreign 73、宗教 religious74、监狱 prisons 80.水域用地 Waters land 90.农用地 Agricultural land 91、水田 paddy fields92、菜地 vegetable field 93

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