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1、谏不入,悦复谏,号泣随,挞无怨。亲有疾,药先尝,昼夜侍,不离床。丧三年,常悲咽,居处变,酒肉绝。丧尽礼,祭尽诚,事死者,如事生。父母呼,应勿缓,父母呼唤我们时,马上回答,不要迟缓。When father and mother are calling, answer them right away.父母命,行勿懒。父母吩咐我们时,马上去做,不要偷懒。When they give you directions, obey them without hesitation.父母教,须敬听,父母教导我们时,必须恭敬地听从。When your parents need to instruct you, r

2、espectfully do as youre told.父母责,须顺承。父母责备我们时,必须温驯地接受。Whenever your parents must scold you, acknowledge your errors and faults.冬则温,夏则凊,冬寒的时候,要设法令父母保持温暖;暑热的季节,要设法使父母感觉凉爽。On cold winter days, we should try to keep our parents warm.And on hot summer days, we should try to make our parents feel cool.晨则省,

3、昏则定。清晨要去向父母请安问好;夜晚就去帮父母铺床理被。In the morning, we should greet our parents.At night, we should arrange the blankets and bedding for our parents.出必告,反必面,出门时,一定要先禀告父母;回来后,一定要再觐见父母。When we go out, we should tell our parents.After coming home, we should see our parents again.居有常,业无变。居住要有固定的处所,职业不要经常地变更。We

4、should reside at a fixed place and not constantly change jobs.事虽小,勿擅为,即使是再小的事情,也不可任意妄为。No matter how small the affair, do not act just as you please.苟擅为,子道亏。如果任意妄为,就亏损了人子的孝道。If you act just as you please, then you have not performed as a dutiful child should.物虽小,勿私藏,纵然是再小的东西,也不可私自藏起。Although a thing

5、 may be small, do not save it for yourself.苟私藏,亲心伤。如果私自藏起,就伤害了父母的心意。If you hoard things for yourself, your parents hearts will be grieved.亲所好,力为具,父母亲喜好的事物,要尽力地替父母亲准备周全。Whatever your parents like, you should earnestly try to provide for them.亲所恶,谨为去。父母亲所厌恶的事物,要谨慎地为父母亲去除净尽。Whatever your parents dislik

6、e, you should carefully try to remove for them.身有伤,贻亲忧,身体如果有毁伤,会带给父母亲忧虑;If you carelessly injure your body, you bring worry and fret to your parents.德有伤,贻亲羞。品德如有缺失,会带给父母亲羞辱。If you heedlessly damage your virtue, you bring shame and disgrace to your parents.亲爱我,孝何难,若父母亲慈爱我,我能尽孝,这又有什么困难呢?If parents are

7、 loving and kind, of course its not hard to be filial.亲憎我,孝方贤。若父母亲憎恶我,还能尽孝,那才是真正贤德啊!If parents are hateful and cruel, then its truly to be filial.亲有过,谏使更,父母若有过失,要劝告父母改正。If we recognize faults in our parents, we should exhort them to change for the better.怡吾色,柔吾声。劝的时候,脸色要欢愉,声音要柔和。While speaking to th

8、em, we should be gentle in appearance , and soften our tone.谏不入,悦复谏,如父母不接受劝告,就等到父母心情好时再劝。If they cannot accept our advice, wait for better opportunities to exhort them again and again.号泣随,挞无怨。即使劝到声泪俱下,或者被打,内心也不怨恨。Even while exhorting them through tears, or if punished, we still will not complain.亲有疾

9、,药先尝,父母亲有疾病时,所服用的汤药都要先检查过;When parents are sick, examine the medicine before giving the dosage.昼夜侍,不离床。不论白天夜晚都侍奉着,不离开父母的床边。Wait on them day and night, without ever leaving their bedside.丧三年,常悲咽,为父母亲守丧三年,经常哀恸饮泣;During the three-year mourning period for one is deceased parents, one should constantly t

10、hink ofthem with sorrow.居处变,酒肉绝。起居作息的方式改变,宴饮食肉的活动戒止。One should change ones usual ways of dwelling and doing things, and refrain from consumingalcohol and meat.丧尽礼,祭尽诚,办理丧事要合乎礼节,进行祭典要出自至诚;Make sure that the funeral arrangements accord with the rites, and whole-heartedly make offeringson their behalf.

11、事死者,如事生。敬事去世的祖先,一如祖先在世的时候。One should respectfully serve ones departed ancestors as if they were still alive.第三章:悌Chapter Three: Fraternity兄道友,弟道恭,兄弟睦,孝在中。财物轻,怨何生,言语忍,忿自泯。或饮食,或坐走,长者先,幼者后。长呼人,即代叫,人不在,己先到。称尊长,勿呼名,对尊长,勿见能。路遇长,疾趋揖,长无言,退恭立。骑下马,乘下车,过犹待,百步余。长者立,幼勿坐,长者坐,命乃坐。尊长前,声要低,低不闻,却非宜。事诸父,如事父,事诸兄,如事兄。兄道

12、友,弟道恭,做为兄长要友爱,身为弟弟须恭顺;The way of an older brother should be gentle, just as younger brother should be respectful.兄弟睦,孝在中。兄弟和睦相处,孝道自然存乎其中。If brothers and sisters get along harmoniously, then it is clear they know how to be filial.财物轻,怨何生,钱财物品若看得很轻,嫌怨又哪里会产生?If we do not think of wealth as important, h

13、ow could resentment arise?言语忍,忿自泯。言谈之间能忍让谦和,忿恨自然消灭无踪。When words are both gentle and patient, bad feelings will naturally disappear.或饮食,或坐走,无论吃喝,或是行走坐卧;While eating or drinking, or when walking or sitting.长者先,幼者后。总是礼让长辈在先,晚辈居后。Let those who are older go first, the younger ones should follow behind.长呼

14、人,即代叫,如果长辈叫唤他人,应该立刻替长辈去叫。If an elder is looking for someone, we should look for that person for him.人不在,己先到。若是长辈要找的人不在,自己就先到长辈面前应答。If the person they want is not there, we should first respond to the call.称尊长,勿呼名,称呼长官或长辈,不可直呼他们的名字。In speaking to those who are older, use the proper terms of respect.对

15、尊长,勿见能。在长官或长辈前,不要卖弄自己的才能。When facing our teachers and elders, do not show off or try to look smart.路遇长,疾趋揖,如果在路上遇见长辈,要赶快上前去行礼。If we meet an elder on the road, we should quickly approach him and bow.长无言,退恭立。如果长辈没有说话,要退一边恭敬地站着。If the elder does not speak to us, we should respectfully stand aside.骑下马,乘

16、下车,遇见长辈时,我们若骑着马,要赶快下马;若坐着车,要立刻下车。When we riding on a horse or in a carriage and meet an elder walking on the road, we should getdown from the horse or carriage to greet him.过犹待,百步余。等到长辈过去百步之远了,我们才可以上马或上车。Having waited until the elder has passed us more than a hundred steps, we can then go on.长者立,幼勿坐

17、,年长的人如果站着,年轻的人就不可以坐下。When an older person is standing, the young ones should not take a seat.长者坐,命乃坐。等长辈坐下来,也吩咐我们坐时,才可以坐下。We should wait till the elder is seated, and sit down only when we are told.尊长前,声要低,在长官或长辈面前,说话的声音要降低。When talking in front of our elders, we should lower our voice.低不闻,却非宜。但是声音低

18、到听不清楚,却又不恰当。But to speak so low that no one can hear us is not the appropriate way.事诸父,如事父,侍奉诸位伯叔舅父,如同侍奉自己的父亲一样恭敬。We should serve all our uncles as respectfully as we serve our own fathers.事诸兄,如事兄。对待各个堂表姻兄,如同对待自己的哥哥一样友爱。We should be as friendly with our older cousins as we are with our own older bro

19、thers./第四章:谨Chapter Four: LEARNING TO BE CAREFUL朝起早,夜眠迟,老易至,惜此时。晨必盥,兼漱口,便溺回,辄净手。冠必正,纽必结,袜与履,俱紧切。置冠服,有定位,勿乱顿,致污秽。衣贵洁,不贵华,上循分,下称家。对饮食,勿拣择,食适可,勿过则。年方少,勿饮酒,饮酒醉,最为丑。步从容,立端正,揖深圆,拜恭敬。勿践阈,勿跛倚,勿箕踞,勿摇髀。缓揭帘,勿有声,宽转弯,勿触棱。执虚器,如执盈,入虚室,如有人。事勿忙,忙多错,勿畏难,勿轻略。斗闹场,绝毋近,邪僻事,绝勿问。将入门,问谁存,将上堂,声必扬。人问谁,对以名,吾与我,不分明。用人物,须明求,倘不问,

20、即为偷。借人物,及时还,人借物,有勿悭。朝起早,夜眠迟,早上要起得早,晚上要睡得晚。In the morning we should get up early; at night we should go to bed late.老易至,惜此时。年华很快就会老大,要珍惜眼前的时光。Old age will arrive very quickly; we should treasure the time we have left.晨必盥,兼漱口,每天晨起,一定要洗脸,并且刷牙漱口。In the morning, we first wash faces and brush our teeth.便溺

21、回,辄净手。上完厕所,一定要把手洗干净。After we go to the toilet ,we use water and soap on our hands.冠必正,纽必结,帽子要戴端正,纽扣要扣整齐。We should put on our hats with great care, and fasten our buttons and snaps.袜与履,俱紧切。袜子和鞋子都能绑紧且合脚。The pull up our socks very neatly, and fasten our shoelaces well.置冠服,有定位,摆放帽子和衣服,都要有一定的地方。Our hats

22、and all others should be put in their own places.勿乱顿,致污秽。不要随便乱放,以致于弄得又绉又脏。They should not be left lying around, they are sure to get wrinkled and soiled.衣贵洁,不贵华,衣着注重整洁,而不讲究华丽。We should always make sure our clothing is neat, but not care too much about fashion上循分,下称家。首先要符合自己的身分,其次要衡量自己的家境。What we wea

23、r should reflect common sense and not go beyond our budget.对饮食,勿拣择,对于饮食,不可挑剔。Do not fuss and complain about tastes when you are given something to eat.食适可,勿过则。吃东西要适可而止,不要超过平日的份量。Eat enough so that you become full, but do not take more than you need.年方少,勿饮酒,趁着年龄还轻的时候,不要养成喝酒吸毒的习惯。Whatever your age or

24、position, do not drink liquid or take harmful drugs.饮酒醉,最为丑。喝醉酒的样子,最是丑陋不堪。To get drunk is disgraceful and ugly, and brings you nothing but shame.步从容,立端正,走路的步伐要轻松自在;站立的姿势要端正挺直。Your walk should be easy and graceful, stand with your back tall and straight.揖深圆,拜恭敬。弯腰行礼的动作要稳重而优雅;跪拜顶礼的态度要恭顺而敬慎。 Your half-

25、bows should be deep and full, and your full bows be made with respect.勿践阈,勿跛倚,进出之际,不要踩到门槛;站立之时,不要歪斜倚靠。Watch your step as you enter a doorway, dont slouch over and shuffle along on one foot.勿箕踞,勿摇髀。不张腿蹲踞而坐;不扭腰摆臀而行。Do not squat with your legs spread apart when you sit; do not wriggle and squirm when y

26、ou walk.缓揭帘,勿有声,开门时要动作轻缓,不要弄出很大的声响。When opening or closing a door, do it slowly, without making too much noise.宽转弯,勿触棱。转弯时要留有余地,不要碰到任何的棱角。When going around a corner, make a wind turn and dont bump into sharp edges.执虚器,如执盈,端着空的容器,小心地好像装满东西时一样。You should carry an empty container just as carefully as o

27、ne that is full.入虚室,如有人。进入空的房间,谨慎地就如同里面有人时一般。And enter a room that is empty, just as cautiously as one in which there are people.事勿忙,忙多错,做事不要匆忙,匆忙往往出差错。There is no need to be in a hurry. If you rush you will make a mistake.勿畏难,勿轻略。不要害怕困难,也不要轻忽小事。Do not be afraid of what is hard, and not casually dis

28、miss whats easy.斗闹场,绝毋近,争斗喧哗的场所,要严格禁止,不可接近。Never go near rowdy places or places where people are fighting.邪僻事,绝勿问。邪恶怪异的事情,要严格禁止,不可过问。Never ask about deviant things. Stay away from all thats improper.将入门,问谁存,要开门时,先问问有谁在里面。When you are going to enter a room, first knock to make sure its permitted.将上堂,声必扬。要进厅时,须出声好教人知道。Where you are joining a gathering of people, let them all know you are there.人问谁,对以名,有人问起我们是谁时,要回答自已的名字。If someone should ask who you are, you should answer by giving your name.吾与我,不分明。光应一声“是我”,那是不够清楚的。f you o

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