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1、insignificant. B. peoples traditional concepts about work no longer hold true. C. most people have to take part-time jobs. D. people have to change their jobs from time to time. (分析:四个选项中,C、D两项中都含有have to,语气太绝对化,一般被排除。考生在剩下两项中进行选择,就大大降低了难度。) 例(2)The main idea of this passage is that _ .(1991年6月六级题40

2、) Abetter use of green space facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our life. B. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilities. C. the urban environment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years ago. D. priority must be given to the

3、 development of obligatory activities. B、D两项中均有must be,语气太绝对化,故一般被排除。考生结合短文内容在剩下两项中进行选择,命中率就极高了。(二)选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。 can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。例(1)It can be inferred from the passage that t

4、he author believes .(1999年6月四级题30) AAmericans are more ambitious than people in other countries B. in many countries success often depends on ones social status C. American businesses are more democratic than those in other countries D. businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those i

5、n America 选项B中often 一词,语气委婉,不十分肯定,故为答案。而其它三项中所表达出的语气都明显绝对化。例(2) According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that . A. society cant provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates B. high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education

6、?C. too many students have to earn their own living D. college administrators encourage students to drop out 答案项C中有have to, 语气太绝对化,故被排除。而A项中cant 的语气则不十分绝对化,故为答案。(三)选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义替换的一般是选项。例(1)According to Dr. David, Americans .(1993年6月六级题32) Aare ideally vigorous even under the pressure of life

7、B. often neglect the unsequences of sleep deficit C. do not know how to relax themselves properly D. can get by on 6.5 hours of sleep 答案项中A、D两项基本上是原文中句子的原现,故被排除。B项中有often 一词,语气委婉,不十肯定,故为答案。例(2)According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(1996年1月六级题35) AFuture man will be made

8、 of silicon instead of flesh and blood B. Some day it will be difficult to tell a computer from a man C. The reasoning power of computers has already surpassed that of man D. Future intelligent life may not necessarily be made of organic matter. (分析:A项句子基本上是原文词句,C项中有already一词,语气太绝对化,故A、C两项被排除。剩下B、D两

9、项,而D项中有不十分肯定语气词may not,故选D。(四)较全面、有针对性地表达文章中心思想的,选项一般是答案项。例(1)which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? (1996年1月六级题25) AMusical instruments developed through the years will sooner or later be replaced by computers. B. Music cant be passed on to future generations unless it

10、s recorded. C. Folk songs cant be spread for unless they are printed on music sheet. D. the development of music culture is highly dependent on its material aspect. 根据短文内容可以看出,A、B、C三项的内容都只是从某一个方面阐述了一种观点,而D项句子所表达的意思就较全面,高度囊括了全篇短文的主旨。例(2)The first paragraph is mainly about . (1991年6月六级题22) Athe teenag

11、ers criticism of their parents B. misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents C. the dominance of the parents over their children D. the teenagers ability to deal with crisis 短文意思是讲年青人有时批评、责备其父母,认为父母对他们间误解负大部分责任是自然的事。而B项意思是年青人和父母间的误解;C项意思是父母对他们孩子的统治;D项指年轻人处理危机的能力。根据短文内容,可以明确看出,B、C、D三项内容都是从

12、三个方面来论述短文观点的,而A项则较全面地、有针对性地表达了文章的中心意思,故为答案。(五)选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的(字面意思)一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。例(1)The population in the 21st century, according to the writer . A. will be smaller than a few years ago B. will not be as small as people expect C. will prove to be a threat to the world D. will not cons

13、titute as serious a problem as expected 选项A、B中都有small一词,该词在文中出现过,因而总觉肤浅,是字面之意。C项明显与文章不符,而D项表达的意义比small要深刻得多。例(2)From the passage it can be seen that employeeship helps one . (1990年1月六级题) Ato be more successful in his career B. to solve technical problems C. to be more specialized in his field D. to

14、develop his professional skill 题意是从文中看出员工素质有助于人们 .。 B项题即解决技术问题;C项意即深化专业D项发展职业技能。这三项表达的意思都比较具体,而A项则概括地有深度,包括了B、C、D三项内容。)年月-4完形填空 发布日期:2004-9-22我来说两句信息来源:PartIVCloze(15minutes) Directions:Thereare20blanksinthefollowingpassage.ForeachblanktherearefourchoicesmarkedA),B),C)andD)ontherightsideofthepaper.Y

15、oushouldchoosetheONEthatbestfitsintothepassage.ThenmarkthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheetwithasinglelinethroughthecentre. HistorianstendtotellthesamejokewhentheyaredescribinghistoryeducationinAmerica.Itstheone61theteacherstandingintheschoolroomdoor62goodbyetostudentsforthesummerandcalling63them,

16、Bytheway,wewonWorldWarII.Theproblemwiththejoke,ofcourse,isthatits64funny.Therecentsurveyson65 illiteracy(无知)arebeginningtonumb(令人震惊):nearlyonethirdofAmerican17-year-olds cannoteven66whichcountriestheUnitedStates67againstinthatwar.Onethirdhaveno68whentheDeclarationofIndependencewas69.OnethirdthoughtC

17、olumbusreachedtheNewWorldafter1750.Twothirdscannotcorrectly70theCivilWarbetween1850and1900.71whentheygettheanswersright,someare72guessing. Unlikemathorscience,ignoranceofhistorycannotbe73connectedtolossofinternational74.Butitdoesaffectourfuture75ademocraticnationandasindividuals. The76newsisthatther

18、eisgrowingagreement77whatiswrongwiththe78 ofhistoryandwhatneedstobe79tofixit.Thestepsaretentative(尝试性的)80yet tobefeltinmostclassrooms. 61.A)aboutB)inC)forD)by 62.A)shakingB)wavingC)noddingD)speaking 63.A)inB)afterC)forD)up 64.A)rarelyB)soC)tooD)not 65.A)historicalB)educationalC)culturalD)political 6

19、6.A)distinguishB)acknowledgeC)identifyD)convey 67.A)defeatedB)attackedC)foughtD)struck 68.A)senseB)doubtC)reasonD)idea 69.A)printedB)signedC)markedD)edited 70.A)placeB)judgeC)getD)lock 71.A)EvenB)ThoughC)ThusD)So 72.A)hardlyB)justC)stillD)ever 73.A)exclusivelyB)practicallyC)shortlyD)directly 74.A)co

20、mpetitivenessB)comprehensionC)communityD)commitment 75.A)ofB)forC)withD)as 76.A)fineB)niceC)surprisingD)good 77.A)toB)withC)onD)of 78.A)consultingB)coachingC)teachingD)instructing 79.A)doneB)dealtC)metD)reached 80.A)thereforeB)orC)andD)as 参考答案:完型填空 61.Aabout62.Bwaving63.Bafter64.Dnot65.Ahistorical 6

21、6.Cidentify67.Cfought68.Didea69.Bsigned70.Aplace 71.AEven72.Bjust73.Ddirectly74.Acompetitiveness75.Das 76.Dgood77.Con78.Cteaching79.Adone80.Cand级完形填空模拟题一(答案详解)考试Cooo网Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that gosintosthe collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay t

22、o see in the zoo.One of the questions that is always asked of me is _1_ I became an animal collector in the first _2_ .The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos.According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any _3_ was not the conventional“mamma”or“daddy”,

23、_4_ the word“zoo”, which I would _5_ over and over again with a shrill _6_ until someone, insgroupsto _7_ me up, would take me to the zoo.When I _8_ a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great _9_ of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time _10_ the countryside in

24、 search of fresh specimens to _11_ to my collection of pets._12_ on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student _13_ , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,_14_ were not easy to keep at home.When I left, I _15_ had enough money of my own to be able to

25、 _16_ my first trip and I have been going _17_ ever since then.Though a collectors job is not an easy one and is full of _18_ ,it is certainly a job which will appeal _19_ all those who love animals and _20_ . B.where C.when D.whether 2.A.region B.field 3.A.clarity B.emotion C

26、.sentiment D.affection 4.A.except B.but C.except for D.but for 5.A.recite B.recognize D.repeat 6.A.volume B.noise C.voice D.pitch 7.A.close B.shut C.stop D.comfort 8.A.grew B.was growing C.grow D.grown 9.A.many B.amount C.number B.cultivating C.reclaiming D.exploring 11.A.increase B.include C.add D.enrich 12.A.later B.further C.then D.subsequently 13.A.attendant B.keeper C.member

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