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1、B.t C.p D.t4. There are _morphemes in the word “disabled”A. one B. two C. threeD. four5. In English, “dis-“ is called_A. a free morpheme B. a suffix C. an infix D. a prefix6.Black English is probably the most widespread and most familiar _ variety of the English language.A. regionalB. ethnic C. soci

2、al D. lower class7.The pair of words “alive” and “dead” are _.A. gradable antonyms B. complementary antonymsC. relational opposites D. co-hyponyms8._ belong(s) to the Indo-European language family.A. English B. German C. FrenchD. All of them9.The sentence “Kids like apples” is a_.A. two-place predic

3、ation B. three-place predicationC. no-place predication D. one-place predication10.What is the construction of the sentence: “The baby smiled”?A. subordinate B. coordinate C. exocentric D. endocentricII. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first lette

4、r of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%X10=10%)11. Language is a system of a _ vocal symbols used for human communication.12. The linguistic study of meaning in the context of use is called p_.13. The

5、description of a language as it changes through time is a d_ study.14. According to the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure, p_ refers to the realization of language in actual use.15. The three branches of phonetics are labelled a_ phonetics, auditory phonetics and acoustic phonetics respectively.16. M_ i

6、s the smallest meaningful unit of language.17. S_ is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language.18. The term a_ is used for oppositeness of meaning.19. S_ is the subdiscipline of linguistics that studies language in social contexts.20. Variation in language use associa

7、ted with the sex of individual speakers is called g_varieties.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and give th

8、e correct version. (2%X10=20%)21. Competence and performance mean, to N. Chomsky, much the same thing.22. The basic difference between a vowel and a consonant is that in the pronunciation of the former it is characterized by the absence of obstruction of the airstream and it does not have a place of

9、 articulation in the same sense as a consonant.23. In English, nouns, verbs, prepositions and adverbs are open classes since we can regularly add new words to these classes.24. Sentences are strings of words put together in a random order.25. Sense and reference are two terms often encountered in th

10、e study of meaning. They are two related but different aspects of meaning.26. “It is raining hard” is a one-place predication sentence.27. Idiolect is the stylistic variation in a persons speech, or writing, usually ranges on a continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite.28. Bilingualism

11、 describes a situation in which two very different varieties of language co-exist in a speech community, each with a distinct range of social function and appropriate for certain situations.29. Commissive, a type of illocutionary speech acts by Searle, means bringing about immediate changes by sayin

12、g something.30. Utterance meaning is based on sentence meaning; the former is concrete and context-dependent and the latter is abstract and de-contextualized.练习二1.F. de Saussure is a(n) _ linguist.A. American B. Swiss C. British D. Russian2. Which of the following sounds is a voiced bilabial stopA.

13、p B. m C. b D. t3. Of the “words” listed below, _ is not an English word.A. spin B. lkbi C.strikt D. desk4. The affixes which manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as “-ing,-est” are called _.A. derivational affixesB. free morphemes C. inflectional affixes D. roots5.

14、The sentence containing two clauses joined by a linking word is called a _ sentence.A. coordinate B. simple C. subordinate D. embedded6. “Words are names or labels for things.” This view is called _ in semantic theory.A. mentalism B. contextualism C. conceptualism D. naming theory7. The semantic rel

15、ationship between flower and rose is _.A.hyponyms B. hyponymy C. co-hyponyms D. superordinate8. The words such as handbook and highway are _.A. formed by blending B. coined by back-formationC. compound words D. derivations9. X-bar theory is _.A. highly specific and concrete, therefore only useful to

16、 solve concrete problemsB. capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rulesC. so highly abstract that it can explain all the properties of all phrasal categoriesD. inefficient in coping with the language structures other than those of English10. The words “railway” and “rai

17、lroad” are _.A. synonyms differing in emotive meaningB. synonyms differing in stylesC. dialectal synonymsD. synonyms differing in register11. A person who studies linguistics is called a l_.12.M_ is the linguistic study of how morphemes are combined to form words.13. In modern linguistics, s_ is con

18、sidered primary over writing.14. There are two ways to classify consonants: by place of articulation and by m_ of articulation.15. S_ is the linguistic study of meaning in abstraction.16. H_ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.17. The study of language wi

19、th reference to the workings of the mind is called p_.18. Vowels can be classified by the position of the tongue, openness of the mouth and l_ of the sound.19. The notion of linguistic determinism and linguistic relativism is called the S_ hypothesis.20. An e_ is a mild, indirect or less offensive w

20、ord or expression substituted when the speaker or writer fears more direct wording might be harsh or unpleasant.21. English language is a tone language.22. A linguistic taboo refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the polite society from general use such as obscene, profane and swear w

21、ords.23. Chinese is thought to be the first language by most linguists.24. Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentence patterns of a language.25. Idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines aspects of all the elements regarding regional, social and styli

22、stic variation.26. It is generally accepted that the history of the English language is divided into the periods of old English and modern English.27. A locutionary act of Speech Act Theory is the act performed by or resulting from saying something.28. According to predication analysis, in the sente

23、nce “The man beat the dog.”, the word “beat” is called predicate, and the words “man” and “dog” are called arguments.29.f is a dental consonant.30. The transcription of speech sounds with letter-symbols together with the diacritics is called broad transcription.练习三1. The study of language developmen

24、t at some point in time is generally termed as _ linguistics.A. comparative B. applied C. synchronic D. diachronic2. N. Chomsky is a famous _ linguist. B. British C. GreekD. Swiss3. In the following sounds _ is a voiceless consonant.A. dB.g C. t D. b4. In English, “pill” and “bill” are _.A. a phonemic contrastB. complementary distributionC. assimilation D a minimal pair5. The word “unhappiness” has _ morpheme(s) C. three 6. In English the letter combination “care” in the word “carelessness” is called _.A. suffixB. prefix C. infix D. free morpheme7. A word with several meaning is

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