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1、9_ n(一)打;十二个;十来个10_ vt.使确信;使相信11_ v. get lost without warning or explanation12_ n. a police officer who investigates crimes13_ v. far from attention or consideration14_n. a line or route along which something travels or moves15_ v. to not die in an accident or war or from illness.词汇拓展1unexplained ad

2、j.无法解释的;神秘的_ v解释_ n解释2puzzled adj.困惑的;茫然的_ v.(使)迷惑n.谜_ adj.令人迷惑的_ n迷茫3possibility n可能性_ adj.可能的_ adv.可能_ adj.不可能的4evidence n证据_adj.明显的,显然的5existence n存在_ v存在语境助记词不离句,句不离段There exist many unexplained,puzzling and even frighting phenomena.lately people witness something similar to UFO. They are convin

3、ced by the evidence that theres possibility of the existence of the outerspace creatures.短语落实1believe in _2carry out _3due to _4make up _5dream of 6 取下;脱下;(飞机等)起飞7 把分开(若干份)8 作为(对某物)的付款或回报9 追赶;追求10 (排除困难)前进.句子翻译1So,while we have not dismissed the idea,we are looking into other possibilities as well.(

4、Page 3)2Large tracks have also been discovered which some people say belong to the Wild Man.(Page 18) search v. & n. 搜索,搜寻,搜查【课本原句】 Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteenyearold boy who went missing three days ago in Dover,New Hampshire.(P2)美国警方已加强了他们对一个在新罕布什尔州的多佛市失踪三天的15岁男孩的搜索

5、。search sp.for sth/sb从某处寻找某物或某人in search of/in ones search for 寻找辨析 search/search forsearch是在某地或某人身上搜寻;search for与look for意思相近,后面跟要寻找的东西。试比较:(1)Its wrong to search his house without his own permission.没有征得他本人同意而搜查他家是错误的。(2)He searched his pockets for some money,when he found his wallet was lost.他在口袋

6、里找钱时,发现他的钱包丢了。(3)They are searching for the lost dog.他们正在寻找那条丢失的狗。看看高考怎么考The house _(搜寻) thoroughly,but we didnt find her lost wallet.(2011江苏卷阅读理解C)The people there advised me not to continue my job _(用那种方式寻找)(2011安徽卷完形填空)There was a murder in one of the poorest suburbs in the city the other day.The

7、 police turned the whole house upside down _ clues.(2012湖南祁阳一中11月份月考)Ain want of Bin search ofCin favor of Din memory of case n事例;病例;实情;案例;情况【课本原句】 Detective Sam Peterson,who has taken charge of the case,told journalists,Sometimes people make up such amazing stories(P3) 负责这件案子的侦探山姆彼得森告诉记者:“有时人们会编造出如

8、此惊人的故事”。【联想拓展】in _ case假如那样的话;在那种情况下in _ case 在任何情况下in _ case 无论如何(置句首时主谓需部分倒装)in case 以免;如果,万一in case of 在发生的情况下我绝对没有注意到那件事。(倒装句,In no case)_He had his camera ready _ he saw something that would make a good picture.(2011山东卷单项填空28)Aeven if Bif onlyCin case D. so thatI guess weve already talked about

9、 this before but Ill ask you again just _.(2010浙江卷单项填空33)Aby nature Bin returnCin case Dby chanceNowadays more and more people are advised to arrange for insurance _ that they or their family members need medical treatment.(2012湖南隆回一中月考)Ain order Bin needCin case Din hope separate v. & a使分开,使分离;单独的;

10、分开的【课本原句】 At a certain distance form the Earth ,the rocket separated from the space shuttle and fell into the sea.(P7) 在离地球一定距离时,火箭就会和航天器分离掉入大海。separate.from 使分开,分离separate out 使某物分开;划分go your separate ways 分道扬镳,断绝来往separateseparation n分开,分离segregatesegregation n隔离dividedivision n分开;分歧;界限Hospital st

11、aff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20hour operation to have _oneyearold twins at the head.(2012湖南攸县一中高三上学期期中考试)Aisolated BseparatedCdivided Dremoved existence n存在【课本原句】 Because of these reports and the tracks,there have been several organized searches for this creature,but no longer str

12、ong evidence for its existence has ever been found.(P18)由于这些报道和跟踪,已经有对这种生物进行了几个有组织的搜索,但是能够证明其存在的强有力的证据还未被找到。come into existence 开始存在come into use 开始使用come into office 就职come into being 形成;存在There _(有着亲近的关系)between families and their milkmen.(2011新课标卷阅读理解A)But the question is not that it allows you t

13、o increase the size of your social circle to include the rest of the world,but that you can keep your relationships with your _(现在的朋友)going even though you have to move to the other side of the world.(2011福建卷阅读理解E)The new law will come into _on the day it is passed.(2012湖南醴陵一中月考)Aeffect Buse Cservic

14、e Dexistence convince v使确信;使信服【课本原句】 He became convinced they exist.(P18)他越发确信野人存在。convince sb of sth使某人确信;使某人明白convince sb to do sth说明某人干convince sb that.使某人确信convinced adj.(作表语定语) 确信的;虔诚的convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的convincible adj.可被说服的;可晓之以理的conviction n确信;坚定的信仰Fierce competition _(使他们确信)them that

15、delighting passengers is an important marketing tool,while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather,unclaimed luggage and technical problems.(2011The author _(说服人们去寻找)comforting worldviews.(2011重庆卷_ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis,people

16、 are optimistic about the future of the country.(2012辽宁省沈阳二中第3次月考英语试卷)AConvincing BConvincedCTo convince DHaving convinced due to 由于,因为【课本原句】 This incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared.(P2)男孩的失踪引起了极大的兴

17、趣,原因是在他失踪前后有人声称看到天空中出现令人迷惑不解的亮光,还有关于外星人造访地球的报道。because of 由于,因为owing to 由于,因为on account of由于,因为thanks to幸亏,因为;多亏(常表示正面的原因)(be) due to do sth预期做某事Perhaps,but maybe its also _(由于)the shortage of policemen on the streets.(2011The meeting isnt _(预期) start until three oclock in the afternoon.(2011全国阅读理解D

18、)The sports meet,originally _ be held last Friday,was finally put off because of the bad weather.(2012邵东创新实验学校第4次月考) Adue to Bthanks toCowing to Daccording to show up 出现;露面( turn up /appear )【课本原句】 When Justin did not show up for lunch the next day,Mrs Foster became worried and told her husband to c

19、all the police.(P3)当贾斯汀第二天吃午餐时并没有出现时,福斯特太太着急了并叫她丈夫报了警。show sb _.带某人参观show _ 炫耀show ones hand/cards 摊牌;表明自己的计划s face 露面;出现show sb the door 下逐客令;让某人离开show the way 带路,引路Not until it was dark _(他才露面) which made his mother worried.Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would _all my hard work in a dance of

20、 performance.(2010完形填空38)Atake over Bshow off Clook after Dgive upSome of them kept dogs to kill time,to spend money,or to _ their money.(2012湖南津市一中月考)Ashow on Bshow up Cshow off Dshow down look into 调查;向里面看;窥视【课本原句】 So,while we have not dismissed the idea,we are looking into other possibilities as

21、well.(P3)因此,虽然我们没有驳斥这个观点,但也在寻找其他的可能性。look _ 照料look back 回想;记起look _ on/upon 轻视,看不起look forward to 盼望,期待look on 旁观look 把看做look _ 当心,小心look over 检查,查看look _ 快速查看,浏览look up 向上看;查阅look _ to 尊敬,仰慕OK! Well _ (调查)it and call you back.(2011上海卷听力原文)Before sending us a manuscript(稿件),_(仔细浏览)recent issues

22、(刊物)of the Post to get an idea of the range and style of articles we publish.(2011北京卷阅读理解B)It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of the two missing children.(2009江西卷单项填空30)Alook upon Blook afterClook into Dlook outA committee was set up to _ the workers working conditions.(2012浏阳市一中高三上

23、学期期中考试) Alook into Blook upClook at Dlook around make up 组成;占;虚构,编造;和解,和好;化妆;补足,凑足;整理;弥补【课本原句】 Sometimes people make up such amazing stories.(P3) 有时人们会编造出如此惊人的故事。make _前往;走向make at 攻击make of 懂得;了解;明白make off 匆匆离去;逃走make _ 辨认出;看出;开出(支票、账单等);理解,明白make over 转让;移交;更改make _ 补偿【注意】 make up为及物动词短语,若改为被动语态,

24、则为:be made up of。A team _(仅仅由组成)“yes men” can make disastrous decisions that few people honestly agreed with in the first place.(2011六选五)Well,go head with your saving and Ill _(补足)the rest in six months.Now,go and get your old bike repaired.(2010四川卷七选五)American Indians _ about five percent of the US

25、.population.(2008单项填空14)Afill up Bbring upCmake up Dset upCanada is a country _ many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population.(2012永州四中第一次月考)Aconsisted of;taking upBmade up of;consisting ofCmaking up of;occupied withDconsisting of;made up take c

26、harge of 接管,负责【课本原句】 Detective Sam Peterson,who has taken charge of the case,told journalists,Sometimes people make up such amazing stories. (P3) 负责这件案子的侦探山姆辨析 take charge of/in charge of/in the charge oftake charge of,in charge of都有“负责”之意。但take charge of为短语动词,在句子中一般作谓语;in charge of(负责)与in the charge of(由负责)为短语介词,用于名词后作定语,或者与be等动词连用作谓语。Mr Wang is taking charge of the project.Mr Wang is in charge of the project.

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