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1、Step 2 Scanning and Reading Strategy Ask students to discuss the pictures in the textbook.Look at the pictures on Page 17 and think about the definition of happiness.What is happiness in your eyes?Things that can make people happy: being allowed to do whatever we want to receiving what we have longe

2、d for being respected by others spending time with people we love being healthyThings that can make people unhappy: getting too much interference from others not getting on well with people around us having no time to relax ourselves being told that we failed in something important to us or lost the

3、mHappiness isnt about what happens to us, it is about how we perceive what happens to us. Its the knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a setback as a challenge. Its not wishing for what we dont have, but enjoying what we do possess.Step 3 Discussion1. Do you think there are so

4、me things that make everyone happy? What are they?2. If you had a friend who was unhappy, how would you try to help him or her?Step 4 Homework Write a little poem on happiness. 教学后记Reading I M6U2 Whats happiness to you阅读理解第_ 周 星期 _ 第_节Nov. _,20141. To help Ss get a general idea about the text.2. To

5、make Ss become familiar with the detailed information about the text.3. To help Ss master Reading Strategy.Reading, listening, understanding, explaining and group activitiesHow to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.How to make the students understand

6、the passage better.How to help the students finish all the exercises. Teaching Procedures:1.Today we are going to talk about a special girl named Sang Lan, who used to be a successful gymnast. Can you search for more information about this girl?2. Different people find happiness and fun in different

7、 things. There are certainly no criteria assessing which way of being happy is the best. Do you think Sang Lan had had a happy life before she was injured? Do you think Sang Lan has a happy life now?What would you do if you had the same problem? 3. Suppose you had a chance to talk face to face with

8、Sang Lan, what would you like most to ask her about?1. Ask students to identify the genre of the article and introduce the elements of a TV interview. READING STRATEGY: reading an interview People (at least 2) :_ & _ Steps in reading an interview: 1) Read the topic interviewer introduces in para. 1

9、2) Who is interviewed 3) Read each question carefully 4) Read interviewees response, including background information of the topic.2. Scan the text and find out the .main elements.Step 3 Skimming Read the passage more carefully to find out some details about Sang Lan. 1. Background information of Sa

10、ng Lan: Age: _ Age of being disabled: _ Birthplace: _ Best event: Cause of disability _ Reactions after being hurt: In good spirits, staying optimistic, being able to overcome disappointment, feeling happy to be alive and lucky to learn new things. Present living conditions: Hopeful; keeping busy St

11、ep 4 Post-reading activities 1. Use some adjectives to describe the characters of Sang Lan, and use the contents in the text as evidence. Delicated/hardworking, energetic, optimistic/happy/cheerful, independent, brave 2. What does the example of Sang Lan show us? It shows how people can find happine

12、ss even in difficult times. How can we search for happiness even in difficult times?Think about good/positive things /Focus on goals /Stay optimisticStep 5 Further discussion Suppose one day, you became disabled, how would you go on living?Some key words: confident, patient, will, optimistic, belief

13、, determinationStep 6 Supplementary reading Appreciate a little poem about happiness to extend their understanding of happiness.Step 7 Homework Blackboard designs:Reading II M6U2 Whats happiness to youLanguage PointsTo help the students understand and master the language items in readingTo guide the

14、 students to use language items correctlyReading, observing, illustrating and practicingTo inspire students awareness to use the language items automatically and independently in practical useTo help students understand fully of the text and deal with some difficult sentences and useful language poi

15、nts.To provide inspiring situation so as to help the students fully use the key language pointsTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Homework checking Check the answers in Part D & E.Step 2 Language study1.goal 1)目的,目标 achieve/reach/realize ones goal实现目标;2)(球戏等的)得分,赢分 make/score/get a goal 得一分2. times 时代;时势;境况

16、(常用复); the times 当代 The times are different. 时代不同了。 in modern/ancient times 在近(古)代What wonderful times we are now living in! 我们生活的时代是多么幸福的啊!This is one of the most important issues of the time. 这是当代最重大的问题之一3. devoteto 献身的;专心于的;专用于的; devote oneself to doing 献身于;致力于 She devoted herself to fighting for

17、 the rights for the blacks. 她致力于为黑人权利而战的事业中。Dont devote too much time to games.不要过度沉溺于游戏。devoted 挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的 She devoted herself to her children. = She was devoted to her children.4. remain “仍是;保持”后接形容词、名词、介词短语等作表语。 His knowledge remains weak. The town remains the same as before. He remains poor a

18、ll his life.He remained in poor health. His work remained unfinished5. adapt to; adapt oneself to(使)适应We have had to adapt quickly to the new changes. It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.We should adapt our thinking to the new conditions.6. apart 1)(指空间或时间)相隔,相距The two house

19、s stood 500 meters apart. Their birthdays are only three days apart. 2)不在一起;分离; 分开Were living apart now. She keeps herself apart from other people7. rush 急送;猛推 rush sb. to the hospital 火速送某人去医院 Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital. 急速 in a rush 匆忙地; I cant stopIm in a rush.我不能停下来-我忙着呢。8. ch

20、eer 使振奋;使高兴;欢呼 The good news cheered (up) everybody who heard it. Cheer victory 为胜利而欢呼。 Everybody cheered (up) at the news.大家听了这个好消息都很振奋。Oh, come on cheer up !哦,快点,振作起来!9. spirit (常用复数形式)情绪 in high (good) spirits 情绪高涨;兴高采烈in low (poor) spirits 情绪低落;意志消沉10.cost 使丧失;使损失 one mistake almost cost him his

21、 life. The closure of the factory will cost 1,000 jobs. The accident cost me a visit to the doctor. Financial worries cost her many sleepless nights.她为钱发愁,许多夜晚无法入睡。11. due to=because of 由于;因为;归功于 The teams success was largely due to her efforts. My illness was due to bad food. She arrived late due t

22、o the storm.The train was delayed due to the fog.12. sympathy have/feel/express sympathy for sb.对某人表示同情;同情某人 I wish hed show me a little sympathy. It is not enough to have sympathy for the disabled. We should learn to respect them and help them understand their valuable role in society.13. quit vi./

23、 vt. 离开,退出 quit office 离职 quit school 退学 We only just started. Were not going to quit now. He quit the show last year because of bad health. Ive quit smoking.Step 3 Homework: Complete Parts A1 & A2 on Page 106.Word Power M6U2 Whats happiness to you词汇策略Review the words related to emotion.Reading, obs

24、erving and interactive activities, summarizing and categorizingTo help students express their feelings1. Help the students master the words related to emotion.2. Help the students finish each exercise correctly.Master the uses of nouns related to emotion correctly.1. Share their poems on happiness.2

25、. Ask them to think of more words to express happiness.3. Introduce the concept of abstract nouns.4. Ask the students to tell the adjectives of the nouns.Step 2 More words on emotions 1. Encourage students to think of more words to express emotions and feelings by using their own everyday experience

26、.2. Add more words both in noun and adjective forms.Step 3 Activities 1. Write down the change of Floras emotions on p23 of students book.2. A guessing game: Work in groups of four to invent a situation to express different emotions or feelings. Speak in front of the audience and ask them to guess t

27、he words. Step 4 More information on idioms (PPT16-19)Guess the meanings of the underlined parts (idioms) according to the context. Grammar & usage M6U2 Whats happiness to you语法讲练Learn the usage of verb-ed form and verb-ed phrasesLearn the difference and usage of verb-ing and verb-ed as adjectivesRea

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