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1、 .A. Mr John B. Mr HenryC. Mr Brown D. Mr John Brown英语中的姓名排列语序与汉语的排列语序不同。e.g.Zhou Xiaoyan(周晓艳)(Zhoufamily name, Xiaofirst name, yansecond name, Xiaoyangiven names)John Henry Brown(Johnfirst name, Henrymiddle name, John Henrygiven names, Brownfamily name)故此题的正确选项是C,D。例题(4)When you leave your friends

2、home at midnight, you had better sayA. Good midnight B. good eveningC. good night D. good-bye外国人一般把晚上6点至10点称evening,10点以后称night。晚上10点以后与亲友告辞,均说good night, 表示晚安的意思。故此题的正确选项是C。例题(5)When you write a letter to your father in English, you had better call,“ Father”.A. Respectable B. BelovedC. Dear D. Lovi

3、ng用英语给长辈、同辈或晚辈写信均用Dear so and so。(用英语写信,称呼之后用逗号“,”,不用冒号“:”,年、月、日写在信的右上角。)例题(6)When you write an envelope to a foreigner in English, you had better write the address of the name first on corner.A. receivers, left B. writers, rightC. receivers, right D. writers, left英文信封的写法同汉语信封的写法不一样。有以下两点注意:收信人的姓名和地

4、址应写在信封中央位置上。先写姓名,再写地址,通常用并列式。(每行左边开头)写信人的姓名、地址写在信封的左上角或信封背面的口盖上,也是先写姓名,再写地址。姓名也可不写。例题(7) can have a kiss.A. Sweet-hearts B. FriendsC. Colleagues(同事) D. Husband and wife外国人与关系不同的人见面时吻的部位不同。只对夫妻恋人才能互相接吻,一般朋友的吻脸;长辈对晚辈吻脑门;对女士贵夫人吻手背。(中国人见面往往是握手。)故此题的正确选项是A,D。例题(8)When you want to talk with a foreigner, y

5、ou had better begin it wihA. his name, age, salary, family B. his goingC. weather D. current events(时事)外国人与别人初次面谈,不喜欢别人问起姓名、年龄、工资及家事等。他们认为这些是个人私事(private things),不管你的事(Its none of business.)以谈论天气或时事是对外国人开始谈话的最好话题。故此题的正确选项是C,D。例题(9)When someone is in hospital, you had betterA. do nothing B. send him

6、a bunch of flowersC. see him very often D. do something for him外国人住院需要安静,不喜欢别人送礼或去看望。他们视这些是对他们病情的干扰,妨碍他们休息和早日康复。故此题的正确选项是A。例题(10)When you are invited to dinner party at 6:00, you had better arrive atA. 5:30 B. 6:00 C. 5:45 D. 6:10外国人赴宴非常准点。早到晚到都是不礼貌。早到主妇要花时间招待。晚到或不能到均要事先电话通知主人。故此题的正确选项是B。例题(11)When

7、you have dinner at your friends home, you had better eat withA. little politely, sticksB. much noisily, knivesC. best dishes happily, hands only D. up all the dishes without noise,forks and knives外国人待客很真诚。他们希望客人把桌上东西吃光,才高兴,主人才认为他们的菜做得可口。外国人无论喝汤,嚼食都不宜发出声音。碗盘不可端到嘴边。常用刀叉用餐。例题(12)When you have stayed at

8、 your guests home for several days and want to leave, you had betterA. send hostess a bunch of flowersB. say good-bye to all the family membersC. ask them to visit your familyD. say nothing and do nothing外国人在客人家住上几天返程时,最重要的是要向女主人送上一束鲜花,以表谢意,然后再向其家人告辞。故此题的正确选项是A,B。例题(13)When you want to call on someb

9、ody, you had betterA. go quickly B. prepare somethingC. go there earlierD. call him up first and reach an agreement外国人来访一定要事先电话联系,经得对方同意才行。因为他们每天都有计划或安排。例题(14)When you receive something from a foreigner, you had better_.A. accept it B. refuse to accept itC. return it to him D. buy something in rerur

10、n外国人送给你的礼品,一定要收下。拒收是失礼的,会误以为送者无诚意。例题(15)When you see a friend of yours,you havent seen for years, you had better say you look_.A. very old B. much olderC. very young D. the same as ever外国人最不愿别人说自己老了,不愿别人知道自己的真实年龄,喜欢听到别人讲自己年轻漂亮。例题(16)On the wedding day , people send all the presents to_ home and the

11、bride(新娘) is in _.A. bridegrooms (新郎) red B. brides whiteC. their parents, green D. their new, yellow外国人崇尚白色,新娘穿白衣,所送的礼也要用白纸包好,并系以白绸带。双方的礼品均送往新娘的家里去。例题(17)There are lots of dishes on the table. They are delicious. But you say to the foreigners.“Sorry, there arent many dishes. They are not nice.” Whe

12、n the foreigners hear this, they will feel_.A. happy B. angry C. strange D. unhappy中国人请别人吃饭,分明一桌子菜,硬说没有菜,而且说菜不好吃,在中国已成习惯,主客互相客气了事。而外国人听了会觉得奇怪,他们会认为是一种侮辱,因为既然是不好吃的菜,为什么要请他们来吃呢?还有,菜够多了,偏要说少,岂非虚伪?例题(18)When you come to your guests home, the hostess asks you to sit down, you had better_.A、say “thanks” a

13、nd sit down quicklyB. say nothing and sit down quicklyC. stand up for a whileD. stand talking with the hostess你到客人家后,主人要你坐下,你只稍答一声thank you,便可坐下。因外国做主人的总希望客人到家能够觉得舒服。你若受拘束,会使主人不安。例题(19)When you call on somebody, you had better stay at his home for_. A. as long as you like B. one or two hoursC. 20 or

14、 30 minutes D. a short while外国人正式的访问一般不超过二三十分钟。若主人拿茶点来吃,则可稍延长时间,但不得超过一小时,以免使主人感到讨厌。例题(20) When you want to go to W.C at your guests home, you had better stand up and say “_” or _A. where the W.C is “I dont know it”B. Excuse me, “where the W.C is”C.Excuse me, rub your hands(搓搓手)D. Excuse me, “somethi

15、ng wrong with me”外国人对厕所一词是决不启齿的,故往往用代名词。(Ladies , Gentlemens rest room, toilet, Lavatory and so on.)遇到必要上厕所时,站起身来,说一声Excuse me,或搓搓手,表示想去厕所的样子。女主人会意,就会指示你的途径。从厕所出来,不需说sorry,悄悄地回原处做事就是了。例题(21)The foreigners usually ask the guests to have dinner at _.A. home B. a shop C. a restaurant D. a dinningroon外国

16、人除非家里有病人或其他重大原因,是不在馆子里请客的。他们均在自己家请客吃饭,以便大家畅谈。例题(22) The foreigners usually let _do something first. A. the old B. the young C. the sick D. the ladies外国有句名言,女士优先(Ladies first)。但下楼、下车、下船、下飞机时,Gentlemen first, 以保护女士的安全。例题(23)_is the happiest festival(节日)for the Westerners every year.A. Thanks Giving(感恩

17、节) B. Easter(复活节)C. Christmas D. New Years Day西方人一年中最热闹的节日是圣诞节,因在圣诞节他们可以在教堂领到奖品,举行圣诞晚会等。而元旦却很少有人庆祝。例题(24)Foreigners usually shake hands with each other for_for_.A. at most half a minute, the first timeB. a long time, every timeC. at least one minute, the first two timesD. a few seconds, several time

18、s外国人通常是在第一次见面相互握手。在平辈中,先伸手为有礼。长辈、上级、女士握手应先伸手为有礼。握手太猛或时间过久均是不好的。一般在20秒或半分钟就足够了。例题(25)_like to move from place to place very often.A. British people B. AmericansC. All the westerners D. All the white people据报道,美国每三年在五户人家中就有一户要搬迁。美国人常出生在一个地方,上学在另一地方,工作又在别的地方。美国人常常搬迁主要是因工资收入,天气气候等原因。例题(26)Foreigners usu

19、ally have_between 5 and 6 in the afternoon.A. last lunch B. early supperC. afternoon tea D. high tea一些西方人没有吃中餐,习惯饮午茶。在正式茶点(high tea)中配有肉食冷盆。例题(27)_students usually find a _job to do in order to get money for their college tuition.A. All the foreign, full-timeB. British, full-timeC. American, part-ti

20、meD. All the foreign, part-time绝大部分美国大学生在校期间均找一份临时工作做,他们边学习,边打工赚钱做学费,不愿向家里要钱。例题(28)Foreign gentlemen never wear_at home.A. a hat or a cap B.a ring or a watchC. working clothes D. gloves(手套) and glasses西方男士在家里不带帽子,并无论在什么地方就餐,也不戴帽子。例题(29)The British weather is_.A. very hot B. very coldC. warm D. chang

21、eable据报道,一个英国人在一天中可经历四季天气,在一天中时冷时热时雨时凉时暖。There is a saying in Britain, “ Other countries have a climate. In England we have weather.”英国天气是多变的。例题(30)The young couple(年轻夫妇)usually have their wedding at_and celebrate their wedding day_.A. home, every two yearsB. restaurant, every 10 yearsC. church, eve

22、ry yearD. a club(俱乐部)every 11 years西方人一般均在教堂举行婚礼。每年都得庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。结婚25年为银婚,50年为金婚。60或75年为钻石婚。例题31:The desk in offices are from each other.A.chinese far B.chinese close C.American far D.American close(英美人比较注重个人“领地”不爱他人干扰。因此,他们办公室里的办公桌,一张张相隔较远,或用档板隔开。中国人的办公桌喜欢摆放在一起或较近,便于交谈或商量工作。故此题的正确选项为B、C)。例题32:In ,th

23、e guest should jacket or coat(外套)when he (she)arrires at the host home on a cold day.A.America, wear B.Britain, take offC.America, take off D.China, take off(在英美国家,客人进入主人家,应脱掉外套以示礼貌,给人一种“宾至如归”的感觉。在中国则没有这样的礼节。故此题的正确选项为B、C。例题33: teachers can sit on the desk having their teaching work.A.British B.Chine

24、seC.American D.Japanese(美国教师坐在讲台上讲课,是为了减少课堂的紧张气氛,缩小师生之间的距离,是一种不拘礼节的表示。故此题正确选项为C。例题34:Gentrally, people like family.A.Chinese, nuclear B.British, nuclearC.American,extended D.American, nuclear(美国人喜欢一对夫妇加上儿女两代人组成的核心家庭住在一起,不喜欢三代或四代同堂的延伸家庭住在一起。故此题的正确选项为D。例题35: old people usually feelA.British, lonely B.

25、Chinese, lonelyC.Russian, lonely D.American, lonely(美国有句名言:儿童的天堂,青年人的战场,老年人的墓场。故此题的正确的选项为D。例题36:Compared with each other, people are more hospitable.A.American B.BritishC.Chinese D.American and British(相比之下,美国更好客,他们同你攀谈熟悉后,可留你住宿或上餐馆吃饭。这种情况在其它国家较少见。故此题的正确选项为A。例题37: people usually have of cards, like

26、business cards and private,communicative cards.A.American, two kinds B.Chinese, two kindsC.British, two kindsD.American,British,Chinese,One kind(英美人往往有两种名片:一种是商用名片,另一种私人交际名片。中国人则没有这样讲究。故此题的正确选项为A、C)。例题38:Chinese people like to sayHvae you eaten? when they meet,This shows they have enongh to eat before liberation.British people like to say:

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