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1、I will call you as soon as I arrive in .As soon as I have fini shed this work, I will go home.1.时间状语从句常用引导词: when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since , till, until 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day, theinstant, immediately , directly, no sooner than, hardly when,

2、 scarcely whenI did nt realize how special my mother was un til I became an adult.While Joh n was watchi ng TV, his wife was cook ing.The childre n ran away from the orchard果 园),the mome nt they saw the guardNo sooner had I arrived home, then it began to rain.Every time I listen to your advice, I ge

3、t into trouble.表示 除 as soon as夕卜,还有三类:名词型 the mome nt, the minu te, the sec ond, the in sta nt;畐 U词型 immediately, directly, in sta ntly;句式型 no soonertha n ,hardly/scarcelywhe n The mome nt I saw him, I fell in love with him.1came immediately you called .你一给我打电话,我就马上来。2/ 12I had no sooner got home th

4、an it began to rain. 我一至U家,就开始下雨。【注意】女口果 hardly, scarcely或 no sooner置于句首,句子必须用倒装结构。Hardly/Scarcely had I got home whe n it bega n to rain.No sooner had I got home tha n it bega n to rain.在时间状语中,不能用一般将来时、过去将来时态或将来完成时,而 要用相应的一般现在时态、一般过去时或现在完成时来代替。Whe n, while, as一边边.), after, before, as soon as, sin c

5、e, till /un til, by thetime(到。为止,所在句子的主句应用完成时)Mozart started writi ng music whe n he was four years old.He visited a lot of places while he was traveli ng.He left the classroom after he had fini shed his homework the other day. when, while和as的区别when引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词。并且 when 有时表示“就在那时” ,wh

6、en= and then; at that moment。Whe n she came in, I stopped eati ng.When I lived in the countryside, I used to carry some water for him.We were about to leave whe n he came in.While引导的从句的谓语动词必须是延续性的,并强调主句和从句的 动作同时发生(或者相对应)。并且while有时还可以表示对比。While my wife was readi ng the n ewspaper, I was watchi ng TV.

7、I like play ing football while you like play ing basketball.3/ 12As表示“一边 一边”,as引导的动作是延续性的动作,一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生;as也可以强调“一先一后。We always sing as we walk.As we was going out, it bega n to snow.before和after引导的时间状语从句before的本意为“在 之前”,根据具体语境还可理解为“还没来得及/还没有就,趁着还没就,不知不觉 就 , 才 ”等。After表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。Ein stei n a

8、lmost kno cked me dow n before he saw me.My father had left for just before the letter arrived.They had not bee n married four mon ths before they were divorced.After you think it over, please let me know what you decide.After we had fini shed the work, we went home.till或until引导的时间状语从句till和until 一般情

9、况下两者可以互换,但是在强调句型中多用 until。如果主句中的谓语动词是瞬时动词时, 必须用否定形式;如果主句中 的谓语动词是延续性动词时,用肯定或否定形式都可以,但表达的意 思不同。t go to bed un til ( till) my father came back.It was not until the meeting was over that he began to teach me English.I worked un til he came back我工作到他回来为止。t work un til he came back他回来我这才开始工作。由since引导的时间状语

10、从句。4/ 12since引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,而主句的谓语动词用 现在完成时。但在It is +时间+ since从句的句型中,主句多用一般 现在时。I have been in since you left.Where have you bee n since I last saw you?It is four years si nee my sister lived in .我妹妹不在北京住有四年了。It is five mon ths since our boss was in Beiji ng我们老板离开北京有五个

11、月了。常用引导词:where特殊引导词: wherever, any where, everywhereGen erally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.Wherever you go, you should work hard.句型1: Where+地点从句,(there)+主句。Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.You should have put the book where you found it.Where the

12、 Communist Party of China goes, there the people are liberated.句型2: Any where/ wherever +地点从句,+主句。Wherever the sea is, you will find seame n.because, sin ce, as, forseeing that(由于,鉴于 ),now that(既然),in that,con sideri ngthat(考虑到),given that(考虑到).My friends dislike me because rm han dsome and successf

13、ul.Considering that he is no more than 12 years old, his height of is quite remarkable.youre already at the door, I suppose I must in vite you in side.Considering hes only sixteen year old, he is not fit for the job.she is in terested in childre n, I am sure teachi ng is the right career for her. be

14、cause, sin ce, as, fo 辨析1) because语势最强,用来说明人所不知的原因,回答 why提出的问题。当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用 as或since。t go, because I was afraid.Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journ ey.2) 由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗号,则可以用 for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就 只能用for。He is abse nt today, becaus e / for he is il

15、l.He must be ill, for he is abse nt today.3) as 和 for的区别:通常情况下,as引导的从句在主句前,for引导的从句在主句后。As the weather is cold, I stay at home.(同义句)I stay at home, for the weather is cold.常用弓丨导词: so that, i n order thatlest, in case, for fear that, in the hope that, for the purposethat,6 / 12to the end thatThe boss

16、 asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he couldsig nthem.The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in theback couldhear more clearly.5.结果状语从句so that, such that,such that, to the degree that, to the exte nt that,to such a degree that,(such是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容

17、词 或副词。)He got up so early that he caught the first bus.Its such a good chanee that we must not miss it.To such a degree was he excited that he could nt sleep last ni ght.6.条件状语从句if, uni ess,as/so long as, only if, provid in g/provided that, suppos ingthat, in case that, on con diti on thatWell start

18、 our project if the preside nt agrees.You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying.Provided that there is no oppositi on, we shall hold the meeti ng here.和时间状语从句一样,从句的谓语动词不能用一般将来时态、 过去将 来时态或将来完成时,而要用相应的一般现在时、一般过去时和现在 完成时来替代。7/ 12Tell me in case you get into difficulty.7.让步状语从句though, alt

19、hough, eve n if, eve n thoughas(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首 ),no matter ,in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever,whe never, however, whicheverMuch as I respect him, I cant agree to his proposal.The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough.No matter how

20、 hard he tried, she could not change her, though引导的倒装句as / though引导的让步从句必须表语或状语提前(形容词、副词、分Child as /though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.=Though he was a small child, he knew what was the right thi ng to do.a.句首名词不能带任何冠词。b.句首是实义动词,其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语 和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前。Try h

21、ard as he will, he n ever seems able to do the work satisfactorily.=Though he tries hard, he n ever seems-no matter who = whoeverno matter whe n 二 whe never8/ 12no matter where = wherever no matter which = whichever no matter how = however注意:no matter不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。(错) No matter what you say is of no

22、 use now.(对)Whatever you say is of no use now.(错) Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given,(对) Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre given.&比较状语从句as同级比较),than(不同程度的比较)the more the more ;just as , so;A is to B what /as X isto Y; no more than; not A so much as BShe is as bad-tempered as her m

23、other.The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.Food is to men what oil is to machi more than只不过(嫌少的意思)not more than不如。(前者不如后者)I have no more tha n two pens.s no more tha n a mile to the shops.Jack is not more dilige nt tha n Joh of the +名词(复数).之一(用于最高级)9/ 12Han Mei is one of the

24、best stude nts in our school.9.方式状语从句獡?樨獵?愠乂?日猶丿?日?愠?晩?桴畯桧尨正如甥??, 就像)the wayWhe n in , do as the Roma n do.She behaved as if she were the boss.Sometimes we teach our childre n the way our pare nts have taught if, as though两者的意义和用法相同,引出的状语从句谓语多用虚拟语气, 表示与事实相反,有时也用陈述语气,表示所说情况是事实或实现的可能性 较大。汉译常作仿佛似

25、的,好像似的He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lighting.状语从句的省略状语从句同时具备下列两个条件:主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为 it;2从句主要动词是be的某种形式。从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。Hell go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is ) possible.另外,比较状语从句经常省略。rm taller tha n he (is tall ).The higher the temperature (is), the greater the pressure (i

26、s ).状语从句的省略现象常存在于以下五种状语从句中 :1由if, unless等引导的条件状语从句;10/ 122由although, though, even if / though等引导的让步状语从句;3由 when, while, as, before, after, until / till 等引导的时间状语从句;4由as, as if等引导的方式状语从句;5由as, than等引导的比较状语从句。F面针对这五种情形作归纳(1)当状语从句的主语是it,且谓语动词是be时,it和be要完全简化掉。If (it is) possible, he will help you out of

27、the difficulty.You must atte nd the meet ing uni ess (it is) inconvenient to you(2)当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,从句可以将主语和be动词 简化掉。常用于以下几种情形:a.连词+形容词As (he was) young, he lear ned how to ride a bike.Whe never (she is) free, she ofte n goes shopp ing.Work hard whe n (you are) young, or youll regret.b.连词+名词While (

28、he was) a young boy, he was always ready to help others.Although (he was) a farmer, now he is a famous director.c.连词+As (she was) walk ing along the river bank, she was si ngi ng a pop song.Although (he is) doing his best in maths these days, he has still got no good marks.d.连词+ 过去分词11/ 12He wont go

29、 there with us uni ess (he is) in vited.The con cert was a great success tha n (it was) expected.e.连词+不定式He stood up as if (he were) to say someth ing.He would nt solve the problem eve n if (he were) to take charge.f.连词+介词短语She looked an xious as though (she was) in trouble.He had mastered the En glish Ian gua

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