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1、govern a nation accuse 指控,指责 They accused her publicly of stealing their books.bump 碰,撞(against, into) The truck bumped against the wall in the dark.approach 靠近,接近 John is approaching manhood.cease 停止,终止,结束 The music ceased suddenly.exploit英勇的或冒险的行为或事迹:The daring of exploit of the parachutists were

2、much admiredastonish 使惊讶 I was astonished at his sudden appearance.diminish 减少,降低:His illness diminished his strength.assume 假定,假设 Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming (that) the weather si favarable.hint 暗示:drop(give ,throw out)a hintincur 招致,引起,遭受:incur sbs displeasure(envy)adhere 黏附,附着 Pa

3、ste is used to make one surface adhere to another.deform(使)变形:Heat deforms plastic.disclose 揭露,透露,使公开:disclose information to sb. assess 估价,评价,评论 assess the present state of the economyimpact 冲击,撞击:the impact of light on the eye capture 俘虏,捕获 capture butterflieslump块,小方块 a lump of coal attendance 出席

4、,参加,出席人数,出席率 Our class has perfect attendance today.emigrate移居外国(或外地区):emigrate from Canada to Australia motion 动,运动the of the planetselaborate精心计划(或制作)的,详尽的:an elaborate plotfluctuate波动,起伏:You cant march in a straight line to the victory, you fluctuate itcontest竞赛,比赛,竞争:the contest between the two

5、powers for the control of the regionagitate 搅动(液体等) The machine agitated the mixture.intact 完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的:an intact familyconnect 连接,连接 The bridge connects the island with(或to) the mainland.incorporate 包含,吸收:His book incorporates his earlier essayscoin 硬币,钱币,金属货币 a silver coinmislead 把引错方向,把引入歧途

6、 accurate 准确的,精确的 an accurate estimatedrift 漂流,漂泊:The sounds of music drifted up to us.ambition (对名利等的)强烈欲望,野心 His political ambitions still burn.facilitate使变得(更)容易,使便利:Such a port would facilitate the passage of oil from the Middle East to Japan appoint 任命,委派 They appointed his father (to be 或as) p

7、ostmaster.devote 将.献给(to):Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick.accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚 accumulate wisdomcorrupt堕落的,腐败的,贪赃舞弊的:lead a corrupt lifecontrary相反的,对抗的:take the contrary viewaesthetic 美学的,艺术的,审美 an aesthetic theoryglare 怒视,瞪眼:give the jury a glareblast 一阵(风),一股(气流) a blast of windfinite

8、有限的,有限制的:a finite number of factsannoy 使恼怒,使生气 She was annoyed at (with) his lightheard attitude.guarantee 保证,保证书,保单:Wealth is no guarantee of happinessconserve 保护,保藏,保存 conserve natural resourcesendeavor (为达到某一目的而)努力,尝试:How much he endeavored, goal stayed unattainedchorus 合唱队duplicate 完全一样的,复制的:a d

9、uplicate key gallop (马等的)飞跑,疾驰:The horse did a fine gallop during the raceeconomical节约的,节俭的,经济的: an economical stoveevaporate (使)蒸发,(使)挥发:Heats evaporate watercasual 偶然的,无计划的,随便的,非正式的 a casual meetingadvance 使向前移动 advance a chessmandifferentiate 使不同,使有差别,区分,区别:differentiate varieties of plantsbounce

10、 弹起,反弹 The ball doesnt bounce well.monitor (学校的)班长 a in class 5.ascertain 查明,弄清,确定 I ascertained that he was dead.ignite点燃,使燃烧:ignite a stove fire with scraps of paperdawn 黎明,拂晓 work from dawn to darkdistribute 分配,分发:distribute the prizes among the winnersdecompose 分解,腐烂,腐败:decompose a compound into

11、 its elements.administrate 掌管,料理.的事务 In many Japanese homes, the funds are administrated by the wife.auxiliary 辅助的 an auxiliary rocketcluster (果实,花等的)串,束,簇; (人或物)的群,组 a cluster of touristsfade (颜色)褪去:The color in this material will not fadeconstitute 组成,构成 constitute a threat to sb.apprehend 对.担心 Do

12、 you apprehend that there will be any difficulty?collapse 倒坍,崩溃,瓦解 The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.insult 侮辱,辱骂:She insulted him by calling him a cowardexplicit 详尽的,明确的:give explicit directionsdeliver 投递,传送,运输:deliver the mail mature 熟的,成熟的 a mature fruitcorrode(渐渐)损害,(一点一点地)损伤:Bribe

13、ry corrodes the confidence that must exist between buyer and sellerassault 攻击,袭击 We made an assault on the enemy fort.fuss大惊小怪,乱忙,小题大做:make much fuss over losing a pennymigrate 移居(尤指移居国外),迁移 migrate to another countryillustrate (用图或例子)说明,阐明:A complicated rule can be illustrated by a simple examplefe

14、asible 可行的:a feasible plan(idea)indignant 愤怒的,愤慨的:The actress was at the columnists personal questionsalter 改变,更改 alter an attitude bore 钻孔,挖(通道) bore through a walladverse 不友好的,敌对的 She felt adverse to her husbands friends.assurance 保证,把握,信心 He gave me his assurance that he would help.alien 外国的 adju

15、st to an alien culturemodel 模型,原形 build airplane sembrace拥抱:She embraced her son tenderlygossip 流言蜚语:give rise to gossip flat平坦的,扁平的:a flat landdeduce 演绎,推论:From her conversation, I deduced that she had a large family.bias 偏见,偏心 have a bias against sb.(或sth.)diagnose 诊断,判断:The doctor diagnosed the i

16、llness as influenza.incline倾斜:The shaft inclines almost thirty degreemobilize 动员 Our countrys in great danger, we must the 条,块,杆,棒 a bar of goldforge锻炼:forge a horse-shoe out of an iron barabide 遵循(by);容忍 The one thing she cannot abide is lying.handicap 障碍,不利条件:Poor eyesight is a handicap t

17、o a studentintricate 错综复杂的,复杂精细的:A detective story usually has an intricate plotbrace 托架,支架 He braced his muscles and lifted the weight.homogeneous 同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的:homogeneous partsamuse 逗乐,逗笑,给.提供娱乐(或消遣) The clown at the circus amused the children.mount登上, 爬上 the stepsattain 达到,获得 attain ones goal

18、aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weaponmalfunction 发生功能障碍,发生障碍 If the computer malfunctions it fails to work properlyembark上船(或飞机,汽车等):embark for Europe at New York harborfracture 裂缝,裂痕: a fracture in the pipemeet 遇见,碰到 He met her there by chancecorresponding符合的,一致的:corresponding fingerprintsmoan 呻吟

19、声,呜咽声 Each time she moved her leg she let out a .gesture 手势,示意动作:raise ones hands in a gesture of despairheal 治愈,愈合:heal the sickhatch 孵,孵出:hatch (out) chickenscontribute捐(款等),捐献:He contributed 5dollars to the charity every paydaymortgage 抵押(借款)He will have to his land for a loan.address 演说 a televi

20、sion address commend 表扬,称赞 commend a soldier for braverycut 切,割,剪,砍,削; The Mayor cut the ribbon to open a trade exhibition.ensure 保证,担保:His industriousness and ability will ensure his successconfuse 使混乱,混淆 He confused the arrangements by arriving late.fabricate 建造,制造:The finest craftsmen fabricated

21、this clock amateur (艺术,科学等的)业余爱好者 an amateur golferbeforehand 预先,事先 If you wanted soup for lunch you should have told me beforehand.appropriate 恰当的,相称的 Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.dense 稠密的,密集的:a dense forestadjacent 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs assimilate 吸收

22、,消化 He is quick to assimilate new ideas.conceal 隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 He concealed his disappointment from his friends.assure 深信不疑地对.说,向.保证avert 挡开,防止,避免 Many traffic accidents can be averted by courtesy.exterior 外部的,外面的,外表的:exterior decorationscharm 魅力,魔力 This thriving resort town has retained its village charm

23、.merit 长处,优点,价值,功绩 merits and demeritsinnovate 革新,改革,创新(in,on/upon):innovate on anothers creationinsert 插入,嵌入:In the pause he managed to inquire a questionblunt 钝的 The sun was blazing down and the heat was oppressive.adjoin 贴近,与.毗邻 His house adjoins the lake.gamble赌博:gamble at cardsdonate 捐赠,赠送:They

24、 donate to the Red Cross every year.hostile 敌人的,敌方的:a hostile armyerect 竖直的,垂直的,竖起的:an erect treehazard 危险,危害物,危险之源:a life full of hazardsassert 肯定地说(出),坚定地断言 He asserted his innocence.entertain 给。娱乐,使有兴趣:The child is entertaining himself with his building blockscome 来,来到 Will you come to the dance

25、tonight?activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动 They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed. appeal 呼吁,恳求 I appealed to the children to make less noise.credit信任,可信性:I have full credit in your ability to do the job。impair 削弱,减少:The output of produce was impaired by the b

26、ad weather consent 同意,赞同,准许 The people will never consent to another war.feed 喂养,饲养:feed a baby at the breastcoordinate调节,协调:coordinate the functions of government agenciesglitter 闪闪发亮(或发光),光彩夺目,闪耀:His language glitters with marvelous words define 解释,给。下定义: People define him as a genius.maltreat 粗暴地

27、对待,虐待 Well not intervene unless the children are being physically maltreatedaverage 平均数,平均 The paper receives an average of nearly 100 articles a day.inspire 鼓舞,激起:His speech inspires the crowdirritate 激怒,使恼怒,使烦躁:be irritated by sbs insolencelag 走得慢,落后,滞留:Some of the runners began to lagformulate规划(

28、制度等),构想出(计划方法等)formulate a policyconfer 商谈,商议 confer with sb. Over (on, about, concerning) sth.fulfill (fulfilled, fulfilling)履行,实现,完成: fulfill a contractcompromise 妥协,折衷 compromise over the hard-fought next.distinct 有区别的,不同的:Three distinct types of people dump 倾倒,倾卸:He opened his bag and dumped its

29、 contents on the desk.character (事物的)性质,特质 The furniture in Toms apartment was pretentious and without character.greet 问候,招呼:greet sb with a nodexpire 满期,届期,(期限)终止:His term of office expires this year expand 扩大,扩展,膨胀:Reading(travel)expands ones mindallow 允给,准许,允许 He missed her more than he would allow himself to admit.fashion方式,样子:She speaks in a

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