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1、s, MRP-II was further extended to cover areas like Engineering, Finance, Human Resources, Projects Management etc i.e. the complete gamut of activities within any business enterprise. Hence, the term ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) was coined. In addition to system requirements, ERP addresses tec

2、hnology aspects like client/server distributedarchitecture, RDBMS, object oriented programming etc. ERP Systems-Bandwidth ERP solutions address broad areas within any business like Manufacturing, Distribution, Finance, Project Management, Service and Maintenance, Transportation etc. A seamless integ

3、ration is essential to provide visibility and consistency across the enterprise. An ERP system should be sufficiently versatile to support different manufacturing environments like make-to-stock, assemble-to-order and engineer-to-order. The customer order decoupling point (CODP) should be flexible e

4、nough to allow the co-existence of these manufacturing environments within the same system. It is also very likely that the same product may migrate from one manufacturing environment to another during its produce life cycle. The system should be complete enough to support both Discrete as well as P

5、rocess manufacturing scenarios. The efficiency of an enterprise depends on the quick flow of information across the complete supply chain i.e. from the customer to manufacturers to supplier. This places demands on the ERP system to have rich functionality across all areas like sales, accounts receiv

6、able, engineering, planning, inventory management, production, purchase, accounts payable, quality management, distribution planning and external transportation. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is an important tool in speeding up communications with trading partners. More and more companies are be

7、coming global and focusing on down-sizing and decentralizing their business. ABB and Northern Telecom are examples of companies which have business spread around the globe. For these companies to manage their business efficiently, ERP systems need to have extensive multi-site management capabilities

8、. The complete financial accounting and management accounting requirementsof the organization should be addressed. It is necessary to have centralized or de-centralized accounting functions with complete flexibility to consolidate corporate information. After-sales service should be streamlined and

9、managed efficiently. A strong EIS (Enterprise Information System) with extensive drill down capabilities should be available for the top management to get a birds eye view of the health of their organization and help them to analyze performance in key areas.Evaluation Criteria Some important points

10、to be kept in mind while evaluating an ERP software include: 1) Functional fit with the Companys business processes 2) Degree of integration between the various components of the ERP system 3) Flexibility and scalability 4) Complexity; user friendliness 5) Quick implementation; shortened ROI period

11、6) Ability to support multi-site planning and control 7) Technology; client/server capabilities, database independence, security 8) Availability of regular upgrades 9) Amount of customization required 10) Local support infrastructure II) Availability of reference sites 12) Total costs,including cost

12、 of license, training, implementation, maintenance, customization and hardware requirements.ERP Systems-Implementation The success of an ERP solution depends on how quick the benefits can be reaped from it. This necessitates rapid implementations which lead to shortened ROI periods. Traditional appr

13、oach to implementation has been to carry out a Business Process Re-engineering exercise and define a TO BEmodel before the ERP system implementation. This led to mismatches between the proposed model and the ERP functionality, the consequence of which was customizations, extended implementation time

14、 frames, higher costs and loss of user confidence.ERP Systems-The Future The Internet represents the next major technology enabler which allows rapid supply chain management between multiple operations and trading partners. Most ERP systems are enhancing their products to become Internet Enabled so

15、that customers worldwide can have direct to the suppliers ERP system. ERP systems are building in the Workflow Management functionally which provides a mechanism to manage and controlthe flow of work by monitoring logistic aspects like workload, capacity, throughout times, work queue lengths and pro

16、cessing times.译文1 在过去十年中,商业环境发生了巨大的变化。世界成为了一个变化非常快的小市场。今天各个公司面临着新的市场、新的竞争和日益增高的客户期望。这对制造商施加了巨大的压力,要求:1)降低整个供应链的成本;2)缩短生产时间;3)库存降至最低;4)扩大产品种类:5)改进产品质量;6)提供更可靠的交付日期和对顾客的更好服务;7)有效协调整体供求和生产。因此,今天的公司必须不断重组其业务的做法和过程,以对顾客和竞争有越来越好的响应。在九十年代,信息技术和业务流程重组(两者相互配合使用)已成为重要的工具,给公司带来领先的优势。ERP系统进展 60年代制造系统的焦点是库存控制那时大

17、多数软件包(通常是定制的)设计成在传统的库存概念上处理库存。在70年代,焦点移到了MRP,(材料需求计划)系统,这种系统把力最终项目编制的总调度计划转变成半成品、组件和原材料计划和采购分时间阶段的网络需求。 在80年代,MRP-n(制造资源计划)的概念得到了发展,对车间和分配管理活动的扩展。在90年代初,MRP让IT进一步扩展到包含诸如工程设计、财务、人事管理、项目管理等领域,即任何工商业企业中的全部活动。因此,ERP(企业资源计划)这个术语就运行而生。 除了系统要求外,ERP 解决了客户/服务器分布式体系机构、关系数据库管理系统、面向对象编程等技术方面的问题。ERP 系统已宽带ERP 解决方

18、案解决了任何一个公司中多方面的问题,如制造、配送、财务、项目管理、服 与维护、运输等。无缝整合对为企业提供可见性和一致性是不可缺少的。 ERP系统应该非常通用,以支持不同的制造环境,如按存货量制造、按订单装配和按订单设计。客户订单分离点(CODP)应该非常灵活,以允许这些制造环境在同一系统中共存。很有可能同一产品在其生命周期内要从一种制造环境转到另一种环境。 系统应该非常完整,以支持分立式和过程式两种制造形式。企业的效率依赖于信息在整个供应链上的快速流动,即从客户到制造商再到供应商的信息快速流动。这就要求ERP系统在所有方面(如销售、应收账、工程设计、计划、库存管理、生产、采购、应付账、质量管

19、理、分销计划和外部运输)都应有丰富的功能。EDI(电子数据交换)是一种加速与贸易伙伴通信的重要工具。 越来越多的公司正在成为全球化经营的公司,关注着业务的小型化和分散化。ABB和北方电讯就是在全球都有业务的公司的例子。对于这些需要有效管理其业务的公司来说,El汁系统需要拥有广泛的多站点管理功能。应该解决整个组织的全部财务记账和管理记账的要求。拥有集中式或者分散式的记账功能以及能把整个公司的信息汇总起来的灵活性是必不可少的。 售后服务应该有效地得到改进和管理。高层管理人员应使用功能强大的EIS(即企业信息系统,它具有向下分析功能),以获取公司经营状况的鸟瞰图,以及帮助他们分析关键领域的经营。评价

20、标准 在评价ERP软件时要记住下列几点:l)功能上适合公司的业务流程;2)ERP系统各个组件之间的整合程度:3)灵活性和可扩性;4)复杂性:用户友其结果是要进行定制,延长了实现的时间,成本增加并使用户丧失信心。好性:5)快速实现:缩短投资回收期6)支持多站点计划和控制的能力;7)技术:客户/服务器能力、数据库独立性、安全性:8)正规升级的可用性;9)需要定制化的数量;10)本地支持的基础实施;II)参考站点的可用性;12)总成本,包括许可使用、培训、实现、维护、定制和硬件要求等费用。ERP系统实现 ERP解决方案的成功取决于能从中获取好处的快慢。这就必须快速实现,从而缩短投资回收期。传统的实现

21、方法是要执行业务过程重组,并在实现ERP系统之前定义将是的模型。这导致了建议的模型和ERP功能之间的不一致,ERP系统未来 因特网代表了下一个重大的技术推动力,它允许在多个操作和贸易伙伴之间的快速供应链管理。大多数ERP系统都在改进它们的产品,便之成为因特网推动的,从而全世界的客户都可直接访问供应商的ERP系统。ERP让系统从功能上加进工作流管理,这就通过监视后勤保障诸方面(如工作负载、能力、整体时间、工作排队长度和处理时间,提供了一种管理和控制工作流的机制。2Image Management, Document Management Every long journey demands a

22、roadmap. Before reengineering the corporation (or some small piece of it), you will need a template for visualizing the potential power of workflow technologies to transform your business. Workflow can be defined as the flow of information and control in a business process. Workflow applications int

23、egrate a wide range of applications and systems in the users local- and/or wide-area network.The application systems and services required to support workflow applications include: Image management Database management Document management Forms management Object management Product data management Pro

24、ject management Computer-aided software engineering Electronic messaging Directory services Internet and intranet services Electronic commerce services Image management, document management and database management are the most important for most real-world workflow applications.Image Management Pape

25、r glut is the curse of modem bureaucracies and was the impetus for the development of modem workflow technology. Workflow and image management technologies have been intertwined in the industrys consciousness since 1984. Most todays market-leading workflow vendors provide image processing products t

26、hat route bitmapped representations of the original paper documents, entered through an optical scanner. Document-image processing systems are used principally to automate high-volume, back-office records-managementfunctions, such as processing medical records, insurance claims, and tax returns.functions, such as processing medical recor

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