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1、Afriendship BrelationCconnection Dtouch“哈里,我会想你的。”“我也是,再见,保持联系。”keep in touch是固定搭配,意为“保持联系”。3(2013届济南模拟)My boy is always making trouble at school.It makes me upset._;theres nothing to worry about! ADont mention it BI hope notCWhat a shame DCalm down 【解析】根据上文“我的孩子在学校总是惹麻烦,这让我不安”以及下文“没什么可担心的”的语境可知,这里表

2、示安慰,所以选D。4The boy _ his arms to protect his face _.Arose;from being hitBrose;from the blowCraised;from hittingDraised;from the blow 那男孩举起胳膊保护脸部免受打击。 rise升起,站立,不合句意,排除A、B两项;raise举起,抬起;“脸”与“打击”之间为被动关系,而C项中from hitting为主动形式,故C不对。5They _ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise theyd never have been able t

3、o afford to go.Ahad got BgotChave got Dget【解析】后面的虚拟语气表示的是与过去的事实相反, 由otherwise“否则”可知前面肯定是一个过去的事实情况,故选B。【答案】B6Tom,I regret _ you that you didnt pass your final examination.Oh,my God!I regret _ too much time which should be used to study.Ato tell;to waste Bto tell;wastingCtelling;wasting Dtelling;to wa

4、ste【解析】表示“遗憾地做某事”应用regret to do sth.;表示“后悔做某事”应用regret doing sth.。7No matter what youve found outside your home, you must give it back to the person it _.Ais belonged to B belongsCbelongs to Dis belonging to不论在家外面发现了什么,你必须还给它的主人。belong to“属于”,不能用于被动语态,也不用于进行时。【答案】C8_ the project, they have to stay t

5、here for another two weeks.AHaving not completingBNot completingCNot completedDNot having completed因为没有完成工程,他们决定在那里再待两个星期。因为分词动作发生在谓语动词动作之前,故须用现在分词完成式,其否定式是在分词前面加not。9(2013届济宁质检)Those who show respect for others will be respected _ .Ain response Bin returnCin turn Din place【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:那些尊敬他人的人反过

6、来也会受到尊敬。in return“作为回报”;in turn“反过来”,符合题意。10Most parents often _ their children for making mistakes in their daily life.Aforgive BforgetCprevent Dprotect【解析】考查动词辨析。大多数父母经常原谅孩子在日常生活中犯的错误。forgive“原谅”,符合题意。prevent与protect常与介词from连用。【答案】A11A university degree does _ if you are looking for a good job.Ava

7、lue BcountCrely Ddepend【解析】count“派上用场,有价值”, 符合句意。A项“重视”;C、D两项都意为“依靠”。12You should have returned him the money yesterday.I meant _, but when I went to his office, he had already left.Ato do BdoingCdoing so Dto“你昨天本应该还他的钱。”“我原打算还他,但是当我去他的办公 室时,他已离开了。”mean to do sth.“打算干某事”,此句用了不定式的省略形式。13Hearing the b

8、ad news that her mother was knocked over, the poor girl _ crying.Aburst out Bbroke upCburst into Dbroke into【解析】考查动词短语的用法。 burst out doing sth.“突然开始”;burst into名词(如laughter, tears)“突然开始”;burst out cryingburst into tears。故选A项。14John _ up his test paper so that his mother wouldnt see his low grade.Aca

9、me BtoreCturned Dmade【解析】tear up 撕碎,符合句意。come up走近,上来,发芽;turn up 调大,出现;make up 构成,和解。15Do you have time to join in the weekend picnic?_.I have a lot of homework to do.A Im afraid not BGreat ideaCI hope so DNo, I havent【解析】 句意:“你有时间参加周末野餐吗?”“恐怕没有,我有许多作业要做。” Im afraid not“恐怕不行,恐怕不能”是表示委婉拒绝对方请求的常用语。Gre

10、at idea“好主意”;I hope so“我希望如此”。.翻译句子1她丈夫十年前去世了,留下她和三个要照顾的孩子。(v.ing短语作结果状语)_2如果没有你的帮助,我就不能摆脱麻烦。(without)3修完自行车之后,他离开了工厂。(having done作状语)4我发现孩子们正在公园里玩耍。(find 宾语doing)5我送给他一些玫瑰花答谢她的好意。(in return)【答案】1.Her husband died ten years ago, leaving her and three children to look after.2.Without your help, I cou

11、ldnt have got rid of the trouble.3.Having repaired the bike, he left the factory.4.I found children playing in the park.5.I gave her some rose in return for her kindness.阅读理解A(2013届山东潍坊模拟)In the past year,the number of parenting contractsstatements signed by parents agreeing to bring their child to

12、school has gone up by 41% to 6,861.The number of courtissued punishment notices went up by 12% to 7,793 last year.The Department for Children, Schools and Families said that part of the rise was due to a ban on parents taking their child out of school during term time to go on holiday.The Labour gov

13、ernment has a target to cut truancy(逃学)by a third,but the current rate of unauthorized absence in England is a third higher than in 2001.The government has introduced tough new permission to force parents to deal with their child s truancy.Parents can be fined,asked to sign contracts,or ordered to m

14、ake their child go to school.Finally they can be sent to prison.The first parent to be put in prison was Patricia Amos, from Banbury,Oxfordshire,in 2006.Separate figures from the Ministry of Justice today show that 133 parents were put in prison between 2004 and 2011 for failing to prevent their chi

15、lds truancy.Childrens minister Delyth Morgan said:“Its important that we back schools and local authorities in using these powers to deal with problem pupils and bad behaviour.They rightly make parents take responsibility for their children.These latest figures show that schools and local authoritie

16、s continue to make good use of these measures.”David Laws, the Liberal Democrat education spokesman, said:“While parents need to take responsibility for their childrens behaviour and have the duty to ensure they attend school,truancy rates across the country remain skyhigh.What is needed is a more e

17、ffective local approach involving parents,schools and the police.Extra money to cut class sizes and provide more onetoone support will enable teachers to work with individual children and make sure that they are occupied in the classroom.”【语篇解读】为了阻止孩子逃学,英国政府采取了一些强硬措施,让父母为孩子的逃学承担责任。但英国孩子的逃学率依然居高不下,因此

18、还需要采取更有效的措施。1Parenting contracts are signed to _.Aremind parents to help their child with his homeworkBmake parents accompany their child to schoolCkeep children safe on the way to schoolDensure children attend school【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一句中的“parenting contractsstatements signed by parents agreeing to bri

19、ng their child to school”可知,签订家长合同是为了确保孩子们上学。2The worst punishment parents can be faced with is _.Ato be fined Bto be put into prisonCto sign a contract Dto lose parenting right根据第三段中的“Parents can be fined, asked. they can be sent to prison.”可知,父母面临的最严厉的惩罚是被监禁。3The underlined word“back”in Paragraph

20、4 probably means _.Aadjust BlimitCoppose Dsupport【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“They rightly make parents take responsibility for their children.”可知,Delyth Morgan对此项措施持支持态度,back在此处意为“支持”,与“support”同义。4We know from the passage that _.Athe governments approach has had little effect on childrens truancyBthe govern

21、ment should take tougher measures against parentsCthe number of parents sent to prison has reducedDschools and local authorities misuse the measures【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句以及文章最后一段的内容可知,尽管政府采取了一些措施,但全国的逃学率依然很高,因此选A。5In David Laws opinion,_ .Aonly schools are responsible for childrens behaviourBschools ha

22、ve got less support from the governmentCparents,schools and the police are to blame for childrenDmore effective measures should be taken to prevent children【解析】观点态度题。根据文章最后一段中的“What is needed is a more effective local approach involving parents, schools and the police.Extra the classroom.”可

23、知在David Laws看来,仍然需要采取更有效的措施来阻止学生逃学,故选D。B(2013届沂南一中高三第一次质检)The sun is setting on a summer night.At the entrance to a deep,dark cave,a few bats fly out and begin swirling high up into the air.More and more of the small,furry creatures appear.Within a few minutes,a whole river of bats is pouring out of

24、 the cave,and they keep coming,millions and millions of them. Sound like a scary horror movie?Believe it or not,this scene takes place every night,all summer long,at Bracken Cave in Texas,where 20 million bats fly outside to feed on insects.“It is magical.”says Jim Kennedy of Bat Conservation Intern

25、ational in Austin Texas.“It is one of the most majestic animal movements on the planet.”Every March or April,Mexican Freetailed bats migrate up to 1,000 miles(1609 kilometers)from their winter home in Mexico to this cave,where they raise their young.Soon after they arrive,each mother gives birth to

26、one pup.As many as 500 baby bats live crammed into one square foot (30.48 cubic centimeters)of space,and all those bodies create nice warm temperatures to keep them cozy and comfortable.If youve ever lost sight of your parents on a crowded playground,you may be wondering how mother bats recognize th

27、eir children.They use their sense of smell to tell which pup is theirs when it is time for the babies to nurse.The cave,a quiet place in winter,is full with life all summerand not just with bat residents.Bat waste soon covers the floor,providing food for tiny organisms(生物体)like bacteria and fungi(真菌

28、类)And then there are the bugs.When the adult bats leave the cave at night to feed,they are helping humans.They eat tons of insects in a single night,including many pests that eat farmers crops.And they get rid of mosquitoes,too.6In the first paragraph,the author _.Aprovides some information about batsBdescribes the movement of batsCadvises the reader to watch batsDstresses the danger of bats in summer【解析】主旨大意题(概括第一段的大意)。该段主要采用的是描述性措词并围绕蝙蝠的活动展开,因此B项正确。7By saying“Soun

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