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1、terrible a.非常讨厌的,令人不快的,可怕的incredible a.难以置信的incompatible a.可兼容的,可共存的;关系好的,和睦的flexible a. 灵活的,可变的inedible a. 难吃的,难以下咽的真题例句:1.the inedible canteen food or the chairmans notorious bad taste in ties.(2002 Tex2)2.Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen and ne

2、wly fashionable health-saving plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families future healthcare.译文:绝对医疗保险费用和家庭所承担的(部分)费用均已经上涨,而新型的医疗储蓄计划正从立法机构推广开来,(甚至)涵盖沃尔玛超市的工人,这一计划出现了更多的扣除条款,并给家庭未来的医疗保险又增加了一笔很大的投资风险。

3、(2003)3.The Degradation of language and Music and why we should like, care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.在他最近的书做我们自己的事:语言和音乐的退化,以及为什么我们应该喜欢或在意?中,这位学者

4、认为60年代反文化运动的胜利要对正式英语的退化负责。4.Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of double effect, a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects a good one that is intended and a harmful

5、 one that is foreseen is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect. (2002 阅读 Text4)尽管裁决认为,宪法没有赋予医生帮助病人自杀的权利,然而最高法庭实际上却认可了医疗界的“双效”原则,这个存在了好几个世纪的道德原则认为,如果某种行为具有双重效果(希望达到的好效果和可以预见得到的坏效果),那么,只要行为实施只是想达到好的效果,这个行为就是可以允许的。-able 的高频词汇liable a. 1.for sth 法律上有偿付责任的, do可能做某事 3.+to sth可能受影响 prof

6、itable a.可盈利的favorable a.有利的reasonable a.合理的advisable a.明智的,可取的2000年 Text 3When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to com

7、e they may be regarded as normal.sizable 2002 Text 3A sizable portion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline.vulnerable But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control.二 关于词汇的变体1.act的变体ag agency 1. a b

8、usiness that provides information about other businesses and their products, or that provides a particular service服务机构,(尤指)代理机构,经销机构2. a government department that provides a particular service(政府的)专门机构 短语搭配1. through the agency of :as a result of the action of sb/sth 由于.得作用真题例句 1. Manpower Inc., wi

9、th 560000 workers, is the worlds largest temporary employment agency.(1997知识运用)2. a national drug agency一个国家药物机构(2005阅读Part B)agent n. 1. a person whose job is to act for or manage the affairs of other people代理人,经济人 2.a person or thing that has an important effect on a situation对事态起重要作用的人、事物 真题例句1.

10、the sites “personal search agent” (2004阅读Text)2. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone.(2000阅读Text 2)agitate 构词 做,行为+it 走+ate动词尾缀=做行为使事物走动搅动,煽动 v. shake or stir a liquid quickly 搅动,摇动(液体等)近stir 2. to argue strongly sth you want激烈争论,鼓动,煽动 +for/against

11、sth make sb feel angry, anxious or nervous 使激动,使不安,激怒近irritate, upset词汇派生1. agitation n.搅动,摇动;骚动,煽动;焦虑不安,烦乱2. agitator n.煽动者,鼓动者3. agitated a.焦虑不安的,激动的题源例句1. A number of MPs have started to agitate for a national strategy to be charted for the labour question, based on targets for reducing reli

12、ance on expatriates (2008 Economists)ag+on=agon/ango/angu使烦恼和痛苦agony n. extreme physical or mental pain (精神或肉体的)极度痛苦词汇派生 agonize 苦苦思索;焦虑不已 agonized 十分痛苦的,很焦虑的真题例句 modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.anguish 剧痛;极度痛苦,苦恼 题源例句】Tears of anguish filled every present civilians eyes. a

13、lt=out 表示“外”; “高”;引申为朝外,转换1.表示“高”altitude 海拔高度 高处,高地exalt 提拔,提升(有时指的提拔到不该得到的职位上) 表扬,高度赞赏2.表示转换,变化 alter v. 1. to change or make sb or sth change(使)改变,更改,改动注解:alter 表示不改变性质的变化1. alterable a.可变的,可改的2. alteration n.C,U改变,变化1. Technically, any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental f

14、unctioning is a drug. (1997阅读Text 3)alternate a. 1.一般用于名词前 happening one after the other in a repeated pattern 轮流的,交替的 2. happening on one of every two days, month etc间隔的every other3. used instead of the one that was intended to be used可替代的,其他的 v. 1. (to make)(things or people)follow one after the o

15、ther in a repeated pattern(使)轮流,交替+A and B,+A with B, +with sth, +between A and B 1. alternation n.交替,轮流2. alternately ad.交替地1. .the average person will automatically set out on the best-known and apparently simplest route. The innovator will search for alternate courses. (1994 阅读 Text 5)1. Students

16、 alternate academic semester with co-op semesters to gain communications-related experience. (2001 Readers Digest)2. Since 1895, the media has alternated between global cooling and warming scares. (2006 Economist)alternative a. 1. 仅用于名词前(of one or more things)available or usable instead of another可替

17、代使用的;其他的 2. different from what is usual, expected, or traditional另类的,非正统的近unorthodoxn. 3. sth that you can choose to do or use out of two or more possibilities可供选择的事物1. alternatively ad.(引出第二种选择或可能的建议)要不,或者1. .abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into “do

18、wnshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. (2001text 1)2. If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries; alternatively if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorga

19、nized bosses.(2002阅读Text 1)1. High prices for oil and natural gas are leading automakers to seek alternative energy solutions, but its going to take years. (2008 Business week)astro= star 表示星星astronaut n.太空人,太空旅行者astronomer 天文学家 真题例句】but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well(1

20、998 翻译)astrology n. the study of the positions of the stars and the movements of the planets in the belief that they influence human affairs 占星术,占星学派生 1. astrological a. 占星学的Here are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills;(2007 阅读 Text 1)bind/bond/bound 表示连接,联系ban

21、d n. 1. a thin flat strip or circle of any material that is put around things; a strip of color, or material that is different from the areas around it条,带,箍;条纹,条饰 2. a range of numbers, ages, prices etc within which people or things are counted or measured together; a range of radio waves(数目、年龄、价格等的

22、)范围,段;频带,波段 近3. a group of people formed because of common belief or purpose; a group of musicians who play music together(因共同的信念或者目标而组织到一起的)一群人,一伙人;(尤指流行音乐)乐队 4. 用带子捆绑;加彩条(或嵌条等) 5. to put people or things into different groups according to income, price or value(根据收入、价格或价值)分等级,划分档次 together:

23、 to form a group in order to achieve sth联合,携手1. the individual incomes of women and men by age band and family type(2006 Life)2 Patients can simply band together and run their own clinical trials, leaving drug companies and physicians out of the loop.bind v. 1. to tie sb/sth with rope, string, etc 捆

24、绑,系+sb/sth(to sth/together) 2. to (make things)stick together in a solid mass(使)粘合,凝结+(sth)(together)3. to unite people, organizations, etc (使)联合在一起,结合4. 常用被动 to force sb to do sth by making them promise to do it 约束,迫使sb(to sth/to do) 近force, compel, oblige, constrain5. 常用被动 to fasten the pages of a

25、 book together and put them in a cover; to sew the edge of sth to decorate or strengthen it (书籍)装订;缝牢.的边n. 6. 用单数 an annoying or difficult situation 窘境in+ 近difficulty, dilemma, trouble, corner, plight 1. binding a. 必须遵守的,有法律约束力的 n.(书的)封皮;镶边2. binder n.粘合剂;活页夹;装订工;装订机1. introduction of the Human Righ

26、ts Bill, which makes the European Convention on Human Rights legally binding in Britain.(2001知识应用)1.Correctly installed cement board provides a very stable base thats permanently bound to the tile (2002 Readers Digest)2.Red tape puts companies in a bind.繁杂的规定让公司陷入困境。(2008 The Daily Telegraph)bond n.

27、 1.the way in which two things are joined together 连接,结合2. 用复数sth that limits your freedom and prevents you from doing what you want捆绑用的绳索或镣铐;羁绊3. sth that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea纽带,联系+(between A and B) 4. a legal written agreement or promise (具有法律效力的)书面协定或允诺,契约5. an agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent(政府或公司发行的)有息债券,公债v. join two things securely together; to join firmly to sth else 使牢固结合,把.紧紧连接到+(A and B),(toget

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