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1、deep.恐惧只是六英尺的距离而已。Now it is up to you whether you want to go onclingto the branch and turn your life into anightmare, or whether you would love to leave the branch and stand on your feet.接下来,到了你做决定的时候了:你是想要继续抓着树枝过梦魇一般的生活,还是更喜欢把手从树枝上松开,双脚着地?There is nothing to fear.真的没有什么好害怕的。In the story what happen

2、ed on the next day?A. The man found that there was no abyss but only a rock.B. The man lost his grip and fell in the abyss.C. The man waited until someone passed and saved him.现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作句子结构:be+动词ing时间状语:now, look, listen,Its oclck, 1. Look! The children _(play) football on the playground. They

3、 _(play) football every Sunday afternoon.2. Please be quiet! We _( listen ) to the song You and Me.3. -Mrs. Green likes children very much, doesnt she?-Yes, thats true. She _( write ) a childrens book these days.4. How many lessons _ Peter _ (have) on Monday?5. Its fine today. The sun _( shine).6. T

4、om and Jim _(do) their homework at the moment.7. Tim usually _ (get) up at six oclock.8. Be quick! LiLei _(wait) for us at the school gate. 9. Han Meimei _(like) watching TV. She _( watch) TV every evening. But now she _( not watch) TV. She _( get) ready for her final exam.10. Its six oclock. My tea

5、cher _(work) in his office.11. -Listen, who _(read) in the classroom? -Maybe Kate _(be).12. Amy _ (write) good English but _(not speak) English well.13. - _ Lily _ (listen) to the teacher?- No, she isnt.14. I _(like) drawing pictures very much. Look! I _ (draw) a big tree.15. The little girl _(look)

6、 like her father. Now, she _(look) at the photos of her family.对划线部分进行提问,即针对句子中的某一成分提出问题。实质上是把一个陈述句变成一个特殊疑问句的过程。可利用“四步法”进行训练。一 对划线部分进行提问分四步:第一步,找出特殊词,代替划线部分。 (what when how where who which whose等)第二步,把原句变成一般疑问句 (划线部分是主语或主语的定语除外)。 第三步,特殊词加上一般疑问句,划线部分省略。 第四步,归纳分析,写出正确答案。歌谣:一找,二变,三省略,四归纳 例1 Thats a boo

7、k .(1)找出what代替a book。(2)变疑问句:Is that a book ?(3)What+Is that ?省略 a book(4)What is that ? 归纳 (1大写开头字母;2去掉+号; 3小写原先句首字母;4检查.) 例2 The pen is on the desk . (1)找出Where代替on the desk 。 (2)变疑问句:Is the pen on the desk ? (3)Where+Is the pen? 省略on the desk (4) Where is the pen ? 归纳(1大写开头字母;3小写原先句首字母;4检查。)一、对主语

8、提问时,只需找出一个恰当的疑问词代替划线部分;句子的语序不变。 (1)主语是人,用who代替。 1)Miss Zhang teaches us English .Who teaches you English ? 2)Jim is a teacher. Who is a teacher ? (2)主语是物用what 代替。 1)My bike is under the tree . What is under the tree .? 2)The apple is red . What is red ? 3)There is a book in the bag .What is in the b

9、ag ? (特殊事例 一般不用what is there 或what are there)二按时态分类 1、一般现在时 例1: He eats an apple . (1)do代替eat what代替an apple Does he eat an apple? (3)What+Does he eat an apple? do代替eat apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What does he do?归纳分析,写出正确答案例2 She does her homework.(1)do代替does what代替 homework Does she do her homework? (3)What+

10、Does she do her homework? do代替does what代替 homework 划线部分省略。(4)What does she do?归纳分析,写出正确答案。规则:在一般现在时中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词; 宾语用what代替;其句型结构是:What do/does-do?2、一般过去时 例1 He ate an apple . (1)do代替ateDid he eat an apple? (3)What+Did he eat an apple? do代替ate(4)What did he do? 例2 She did her homework. (1)do代替di

11、dDid she do her homework? (3)What+Did she do her homework? do代替did (4)What did she do? 在一般过去时中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词; did-do?形式。3、现在进行时例1: He is eating an apple . (1)doing代替eatingIs he eating eat an apple? (3)What+Is he eating an apple? doing代替eating what替an apple 划线部分省略。 (4)What is he doing? 例2: She is d

12、oing her homework. (1)doing代替doingIs she doing her homework? (3)What+Is she doing her homework?doing代替doing what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What is she doing?在现在进行中,对动词提问,用doing代替划线动词; is/are-doing?4、过去进行时He was eating an apple .Was he eating an apple? (3)What+Was he eating an apple? doing代替eating what代替

13、an (4)What was he doing? 例2 :She was doing her homework.Was she doing her homework? (3)What+Was she doing her homework? doing替doing what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What was she doing?在过去进行时中,对动词提问,用doing代替划线动词;宾语用what代替; was/were-doing?形式5、一般将来时 He will eat an apple . Will he eat an apple? (3)What+Will h

14、e eat do代替eat what代替an (4)What will he do?例2 :She is going to do her homework. (1)do代替doIs she going to do her homework? (3)What+Is she going to do ?do代替do ;what代替 homework 划线部分省略。 (4)What is she going to do?归纳 (a大写开头字母;b去掉+号;c小写原先句首字母;d检查。 在一般将来中,对动词提问,用do代替划线动词; will(shall)-do? 或What is/are going

15、to-do ?三、对宾语提问:(1)宾语是物,对物进行提问用what。例:He eats an apple . (1)an apple是物,用what代替。(2)变疑问句 Does he eat an apple?(3)What+ Does he eat ?省略an apple(4) What does he eat?归纳。(2)宾语是人对人进行提问用who(主格)或whom(宾格)。 例:He likes Li Ping . (1)找出who 或whon 代替Li Ping。(2)变疑问句 Does he like Li Ping ? (3)Who(Whom)+Does he like ?省

16、略Li Ping (4)Who(Whom)does he like ?四、对表语提问1、对物进行提问用what 例1 That (4)What is that ?(a大写开头字母;2、对前面出现了name的人名提问用what 例 My name is Jim . (Jim 划线)What is your name?3、对前面不出现name的人名提问用who 例 He is Jack .(Jack划线,指姓名)Who is he ?4、对地点提问用 where 。 例 The book is in the bag .(in the bag 划线)Where is the book?5、对职业提问

17、用,身份用what例 He is a doctor(a doctor划线) What is he ?6、对关系提问用who Li Ping is my brother .(my brother划线,指关系) 例 Who is Li Ping ?7、对价格进行提问用how much。 例 The pen is two dollars.( two dollars 划线) How much is the pen ?8、对几点几分进行提问用what time。 例 Its four oclock.( four oclock 划线) What time is it ?9、对不是表示几点几分的时间状语进行

18、提问用when。 例 My birthday is November 11th . (November 11th 划线)When is your birthday ?10、对年龄进行提问用how old。例 He is twelve.(twelve划线 ) How old is he ?11、对颜色进行提问用what color。 例 The bike is black . (black 划线) What color is the bike ?12、对身体状况进行提问用 how。 例Hes fine .(fine 划线) How is he ?13、对距离(多远)进行提问,用how far(多

19、远)。 例 Its 6 kilometres from here to the zoo? (6 kilometres 划线) How far is it from here to the zoo?14、对星期提问用,what day。 例 It is Tuesday. What day is today?15、对日期提问用what date。 例 It is September 21. What date is today?16、对天气提问用what is the weather like-?或how 例 The weather was horrible yesterday.What was the weather like yesterday? How was the weather yesterday .17、对价格进行提问用how much。 例 The pen is two dollars.(two d

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