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1、dioxide, dialogue对话trithreeseparate divorce, diversifytriangledisnotdiscourage, dissatisfyapartdisband, disperse, disrupt, diffuseen (em)makeempower, enlarge, enpurplearoundencircle, embraceexout of, from, away fromExtract抽出, expose, excludemore thanexcess, exceed, exaggerateformerex-wife, ex-presid

2、entil, im, innotillegal, immature, inactiveintoinsert, implant, 移植inter, intro, intra, intelbetween, inside, within,interrupt, interpose,inward, intointrovert, introspectintramural, intracellular, intracityintelligible, intellectmalbad, badlymalfunction, maladaptation, malaria疟疾, malappymacrogreatma

3、crocosm, macrostructuremicrosmall, tinymicrocosm, microstructuremiswrong(ly)misbehave, mismanagebadmisfortune, mischancemonoone, single, alonemonocracy, monotonous,multimany, muchmultilateral, multipurpose, multiply, multilingualnonnot, withoutnonstop, nonsticking, nonattackingob (有变体)against, not c

4、lear,object, opaque, offend,oppositeobtriangular, obpyramidalovermore thanoverestimate, overchargeperthroughpervious, pervade, perennial, perforateprebeforeprearranged, previousproforwardprospect, projectorfor, in favor ofpro-slavery,reback, againreload, retracesemihalf, partlysemicircle, semifinal

5、半圆;半决赛retroback, backwardretrospect,回顾追忆对证stereosolid, three dimensionalstereophone, stereoanalysis, stereochemistrysub(suf, sug, sup, sus, sur)under, below, lowersubmerge, subtitle, subeditorsuffer, suggest, surrounding, suspendsyl, sym, syntogether, the samesyllabus, syllogism, symphony, symmetry,

6、 synthetic, synchronizetelefar awaytelescope, telecast, telelectureteleconversationtransacrosstransport, transfer, transparentbeyondtransonic, transnormal 超出常规的Ultra 超过的excessive, extremeultramodern, ultraviolet 过于现代化的upupward, in an upward directionupright, upstream, upheaval, upgradeununqualified,

7、 unloadunderbelow, beneath, underundergo, underestimate, undertake, undermineunioneuniverse, unify, unilateral, uniform2 Suffixes 后缀There are mainly four kinds of suffixes: noun suffixes, verb suffixes, adj. suffixes and adv. suffixes.Noun SuffixesNoun suffixship关系, 状态, 身份relationship, kingship,资格,

8、技巧, 技能apprenticeship, horsemanship总人数penmanship, membership, readershiphood状态, 性质, 集体,falsehood, bachelorhood, neighborhood时期orphanhood, maidenhoodfoldtime(s)manifold, millionfoldagestateadvantage, heritageplacevillage, anchorage,amountmileage, carriage, postage, portageianone whomagician, physician

9、antassistant, inhabitant 居住者eeone whotrainee, intervieweeiotpatriot, compatriot, 爱国者同胞autastronaut, aquanaut 海底观察员er, ar, or,writer, navigator,istpianist, economist,tudestate oflatitude, altitude, attitude, longitude 维度高度(t)uremixture, departurealstate ofrenewal, withdrawal 更新(renew)ance, enceimport

10、ance, interference,cy, encyinfancy, tendency 初期趋势nesscarefulness, consciousnesstion, sionsolution, reduction, permission,mentrearmament, equipment,ty, itydensity, purity, moralityologystudy oftheology, psychologyismdoctrine ofegoism, socialism 利己主义Verb SuffixesVerb Suffixatemake or cause to happencr

11、eate, evacuateenshorten, heightenifyglorify, certify, rectify, notify,izemodernize, publicize, polularizeAdj. SuffixesAdjective Suffixable, iblecapable ofedible, convertible, unreadablefulfull ofbeautiful, gracefulhandful, cupful, armfullesswithouthopeless, limitlesshaving the nature ofcultural, eco

12、nomicalant, entpleasant, dependent,ishfoolish, childishiveexpensive, responsive, indicativelylovely, livelyed, ingexcited, interestingous,glorious, prosperousytasty, windy, dusty, dirtyAdv. SuffixesAdverb Suffixin a certain mannerslowly, happilywardin the direction ofwestward, homewardwiseclockwise,

13、 counterclockwise1.Some examineeshandwriting was too poor for the gradersto recognize.2.We dont pay our financial analyststo be wise after the event! 分析师3.The newspaper have a very popular columnistcomment on current affairs. 专栏作家4.The success of Jane Eyre is due to its introduction to the English n

14、ovel the first governessheroine. 女家庭教师5.Hes a popular television entertainer. 表演者6.What she said was a useful simplificationof the theory. 简介7.The exclusionof women from the temple made them feel sad. 排除 驱逐8.She complained about the omissionof her name from the list. 遗漏 疏忽9.Its annoying to have to g

15、et authorizationfor spending such piddling amounts of money. 授权 认可10.The engineers and technicians are still conferringon the unexpected accident.商谈11.The 1960s saw the emergenceof many new nations. 出现12.Continuanceof the war will mean shortage of the food. 延续13.It is no big deal, just an everyday o

16、ccurrence. 发生14.Ive made a few minor adjustmentsto the seating plan. 调整15.The armamentof any of the great power can destroy civilization.军备调整16.My secretary leaves us next week, so we are advertising for a replacement. 替代17.Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 失重18.A correct marketing

17、 strategy can help improve a companys competitiveness. 竞争力19.The story has been written with great clarityand perception. 清晰20.Edison is well known as a man of great originality独创性21.The mother provides emotional anchoragefor the entire family. 停泊处22.Fortunately, its voltagehas not been exceeded. 电压

18、23.The washer(垫圈) for preventing leakageis broken. 泄露24.The tonnageof the ship is 25. 吨位25.I am full of gratitudeto you for helping me. (-grat-: pleasing, thankful) 感恩26.The magnitudeof the epidemic was frightening. (-magni-: big, large, great) 巨大 量级27.He has an aptitudefor languages. (apt: fitted)

19、天资28.We lack the confidence to take a strong stand and the certitudeto convince others. (-cert-: certain) 确定29.The finitudeof this method shouldnt be neglected while using it. (-fini-: limit, bound) 局限性30.The golden age of whale fisheryis over. 渔业31.The Muller family have been making specialist beer

20、s at their breweryin Munster for 200 years. 酿酒厂32.They have 2,500 tons of paper stored in their depository. 仓库33.That programme will include live commentaryon the England-Ireland game 评论34.Knighthoodwas an ideal in medieval Europe. 骑士35.I was less capable than he of telling truth from falsehood. 虚假3

21、6.Her widowhoodcondemns her to a lonely old age. 寡妇时期37.His aunt is elected the representative of the whole sisterhoodof nurses. 妇女团体38.If your Lordshipwill give me time, I will produce the evidence. 贵族阁下39.Marriage is based on comradeship. 情谊关系40.The Daily Echo has a readershipof over ten million.

22、读者总数(1)It is such a voluminous report that I am tired of reading it. 篇幅大的(2)She welcomed her guests in a gracious manner. kind(3)Their dining room is very spacious. 宽敞的(4)They made a devilish plot to kidnap the little girl and then kill her when they got the money. 残忍邪恶的(5)He has a rather womanish m

23、anner. 女性的(6)She brought a coat with reddish fur. 红色的(7)We spent a heavenly day at the beach. 棒的(8)He has a very brotherly manner towards the little boys. 像哥哥的(9)To run away at the first sight of danger is a cowardly action.胆小鬼的(10)I was determined on taking her away from that ungodly surroundings. 邪恶的不信神的(11)He drinks this medica

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