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高三英语一轮复习 Book 7 Unit 1 Living well强化练习Word下载.docx

1、 4Its really a surprise that the manager should have no idea about the plan.Of course he doesnt,for the plan was made in his_.Ashortage Banalysis Cabsence Dpresence经理竟然不知道这个计划真让人吃惊。他当然不知道,因为计划是在他不在的时候制订的。shortage不足;analysis分析;absence不在,缺席;presence出席,到场。 5China has been pushing the reform of public h

2、ospitals _ all its citizens.(2012福建,26)Ain charge of Bfor the purpose ofCin honor of Dfor the benefit of解析in charge of掌管,负责;for the purpose of为了目的;in honor of为了纪念;for the benefit of为了的利益。为了所有公民的利益,中国一直在推动公立医院的改革。根据句意可知D项意思最符合。 6No matter what difficulty you will_,carry out your plan.Ameet with Bget

3、acrossCagree with Dset aside不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。meet with遇到,经历。get across被理解;agree with同意;set aside将放在一边,留出。 7The disaster is so serious that the people there really have a lot of difficulty_with their lives.Awith going Bto go onCgoing on Din going这一灾难如此严重,以致于那里的人们生存下去都有很大的困难。此题考查have difficulty (in) d

4、oing sth.结构。 8When he hurried to the railway station,tired and _,Mike found the train had just left.Aout of sight Bout of reachCout of place Dout of breath当迈克上气不接下气地赶到火车站时,他发现火车刚开走。out of breath上气不接下气。 9I soon found that the work I was doing had been done by other people_,I was wasting my time.Ain a

5、 word Bin other wordsCbeyond words Dget in a word答案B我很快发现我在做的工作已被别人做了,换句话说,我在浪费时间。in other words换句话说,符合题意。10Mike,our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.Im sure we will win._!ACongratulations BCheer upCBest wishes DGood luck解析从对方的谈话中可知将要在周末进行比赛,因此应祝对方好运,用Good luck!congratulations用于向对方表示祝

6、贺;cheer up振作点,用于鼓励对方;best wishes用于祝愿对方。11Many a student_bought the book,but only a few of them_read it through.Ahave;have Bhas;hasChave;has Dhas;have解析“many a 单数名词”作主语虽然表示复数意义,但是谓语动词用单数;a few of them是复数形式,谓语动词应用复数。12The dog may be a good companion for the old._, the need to take it for walks may be

7、a disadvantage. (2012天津,4)ABesides BHowever CTherefore DInstead解析besides除此之外;however然而,但是;therefore因此,所以;instead相反。根据句意“狗或许能很好地陪伴老人。然而,需要带它散步(遛狗)或许是一个不足之处”可知,答案为B项。前后两句对比狗的优点和缺点,所以构成转折关系。13More TV programs,according to government officials,will be produced _ peoples concern over food safety. (2011重庆

8、,29)Ato raise BraisingCto have raised Dhaving raised据政府官员所说,更多的电视节目将会被制作,以提高人们对食品安全的关注。动词不定式表示目的,而且动作为将来,因此选A项。14“We cant go out in this weather,” said Ted,_ out of the window.Alooking Bto lookClooked Dlook解析此处用looking短语作said的伴随状语。15The man owed us much money,but_ we met him,he pretended not to see

9、us.Aat all times Bevery timeConce in a while Dtime and again那个人欠我们很多钱,但每次见到我们时他却假装没看见。every time相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“每次”,符合句意。at all times一直;once in a while有时;time and again一次又一次。16Though she had never lived in the countryside,she quickly learned to adapt herself_country life.Awith Bto Cin Dfor解析adapt使

10、适应,当后接sb.或sth.作宾语时,常用介词to引出要适应的对象。句意为:虽然她从未在乡下居住过,但她很快就学会了适应乡村生活。17Would you like to be my close friend?Of course!Lets share in our troubles_in our joys.Aas if Bas well as Cas soon as Das long as你愿意做我的密友吗?当然!让我们同甘共苦吧。as well as也,和,符合题意。as if似乎,好像;as soon as一就;as long as只要,和一样长。18Dont let anybody in.

11、Im_ busy to see anybody.Avery Bquite Ctoo Dmuch解析考查结构,“太而不能”。19As _ gesture of appreciation,she insisted on driving him to his house,_ cottage in a little village nearby.A/;a Bthe;the Ca;a Dthe;a解析考查冠词。两个空后的名词都是可数名词单数,非特指,所以前面都加a。故选C。20Mr.Jones!Sam has broken the glass!_ Such things often hap

12、pen.AWhat a pity! BDoesnt matter.CWhat is the matter? DHow come?.完形填空Even though it was only October,my students were already whispering about Christmas plans.With each passing day everyone became more_1_waiting for the final school bell.Upon its_2_everyone would run for their coats and go home,ever

13、yone except David.David was a small boy in ragged clothes.I had often_3_what kind of home life David had,and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so_4_for the cold winter months,without a coat,boots,or gloves.But something made David_5_.I can still remember he was always_6_a smil

14、e and willing to help.He always_7_after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor.We never talked much.He_8_just simply smile and ask what else he could do,then thank me for letting him stay and slowly_9_home.Weeks passed and the_10_over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last

15、 day of_11_before the holiday break.I smiled in_12_as the last of them hurried out the door.Turning around I saw David_13_standing by my desk.“I have something for you,” he said and_14_from behind his back a small box,_15_it to me,he said anxiously,“Open it.” I took the box from him,thanked him and

16、slowly unwrapped it.I lifted the lid and to my_16_saw nothing.I looked at Davids smiling face and back into the box and said,“The box is nice,David,but its_17_.”“Oh no it isnt,”said David.“Its full of love.My mum told me before she died that love is something you couldnt see or touch unless you know

17、 its there.”Tears filled my eyes_18_I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given_19_to.After that Christmas,David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning_20_the little empty box set on my desk. 1A.anxious Bcourageous Cserious Dcautious 答案A解析考查形容词。每过一天,学生们都更急切地等着放学铃声的响起。a

18、nxious渴望 的,急切的,符合语境。courageous勇敢的,无畏的;serious严肃的;cautious小心的,谨慎的。 2A.warning Bringing Ccalling Dyelling解析上句提到等候放学铃响,这里当然应是ringing,与bell照应。warn警告;call叫,喊,打电话;yell叫喊,嚎叫。故答案为B。 3A.scolded Bwondered Crealized Dlearned解析考查动词。由语境可知作者在此表示自己的迷惑和不解,即我经常想知道他过着一种怎样的家庭生活,用wonder表示“对感到疑惑,想知道”。scold指责,批评;realize意

19、识到;learn学会,了解。 4A.modestly Bnaturally Cinaccurately Dinappropriately解析考查副词。由空后的冬天没有大衣、靴子、手套可知,这里表示什么样的母亲能让儿子穿得如此不恰当。inappropriately不适当,不合适地,符合语境。modestly谨慎地,适当地;naturally天然地,表现自然地;inaccurately有错误地,不正确地。 5A.popular Bupset Cspecial Dfunny由上下文的转折关系可知这里意为“但是某些东西让David与众不同”。special特殊的,符合语境;popular受欢迎的;up

20、set难过的;funny有趣的。 6A.expressing Bdelivering Cwearing Dsharing解析考查动词搭配。wear a smile面带笑容,为固定搭配。express表达;deliver交付,递送;share分享。 7A.practised Bwandered Cstudied Dstayed由语境可知,他常常放学以后留在教室里整理椅子并用拖把拖地板,故D项stayed符合语境。practise练习;wander漫游,徘徊;study学习,都与语境不符。本段最后一句也有提示。 8A.would Bshould Cmight Dcould解析考查情态动词。woul

21、d可以表示过去经常发生的或反复做的动作,符合句意。他常常只是笑笑,问还能做些什么。 9A.aim at Bturn to Cput off Dhead for解析考查动词短语。由语境可知他应是回家,故D项head for合适,意思是“朝进发”。aim at瞄准;turn to(把注意力等)转向,求助于;put off延期。10A.argument Bexcitement Cmovement Djudgment解析考查名词。孩子们对即将到来的圣诞节的兴奋感一直持续到放假前的最后一天,excitement兴奋,符合语境。argument争论;movement活动;judgment判断。

22、hool Byear Ceducation Dprogram解析考查语境。根据句意和上下文可知此处说的是学生们假期前在学校的最后一天,故A合适。year年;education教育;program程序,计划。12A.relief Breturn Cvain Dcontrol解析考查名词和逻辑。当最后一个学生走出(教室)门时,作者放松地笑了。故选A,in relief放松;in return作为回报;in vain白费力气;in control在控制之下。13A.weakly Bsadly Cquietly Dhelplessly解析考查副词和语境。转过头,作者发现David站在桌子旁,而作者之前

23、并没意识到David的存在,所以C项最为合适,表示“静静地”。weakly软弱地,无力地;sadly悲哀地,令人惋惜地;helplessly无能为力地,无助地。14A.searched Bfound Craised Dpulled从句意可知,他从背后拿出了一个小盒子。search搜查;find找到;raise提高,举起;pull把拉(过来),把扯(过来)。显然只有D项符合句意。15A.holding Bhanding Csending Dleaving解析由语境可知,他应该是一边把盒子递给作者一边急切地说,故选B,把递给,符合语境。hold拿着,抱住;send送,寄,派;lea

24、ve留下,遗留,都与所给语境不符。16A.delight Bexpectation Cappreciation Dsurprise解析考查名词和语境。看到盒子里什么都没有,作者当然应该是惊讶了,故D项surprise合适。to ones surprise令人惊讶的是;delight快乐,高兴;expectation预料,期望;appreciation欣赏,赞赏。 Bempty Cuseless Dimproper解析考查形容词和语境。显然,作者说的是盒子很好,但它是空的,也与上文的saw nothing相照应,故答案为B,empty空的;cheap便宜的;useless无用

25、的;improper不适当的。文章最后一句也有提示。 Buntil Cbecause Dthough解析考查连词。当我看着那张的小脸时,泪水充满了我的眼睛。此处as引导时间状语从句,表示“当时”。until表示动作一直持续到某个时间;because引导原因状语从句,though引导让步状语从句,均与句意不符。19A.advice Bsupport Cattention Dcommand解析考查名词和搭配。由句意可知,作者在说自己原来很少关注他。give attention to注意,留心,符合语境。advice建议;support支持;command命令,指挥。20A.from B

26、behind Cover Dtowards解析考查介词。作者永远忘不了放在自己桌子上的这个小空盒子背后的意思。Behind被遮挡,隐藏在后面;(喻)在幕后,在背后,符合语境。.阅读理解Cherries(樱桃),like many other fruits,may help prevent cancer and heart disease as well as slow the aging process.Perhaps youve heard about the controversy (争论) between the FDA and the cherry industry.The controversy is over certain health claims made by the cherry industry and those who sell products containing or made from cherries,such as pills and juice,not the health benefits of cherries themselves.W

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