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Unit 6 Im going to study computer science 学案11Word下载.docx

1、A:_?B:_.2.询问何时开始奋斗的句型及其答语_.3.其他说明将来意向的句型_4.用本节学的句型编对话.What_ How_课外作业:问同伴喜欢的职业与实现办法课堂记录:(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section A 42听力与对话,讨论职业与实现方法 掌握本节课重点词语问同伴想要的职业导入 游戏:心有灵犀,我喜爱的职业1.听前:预测What does Chen Han want to be?2.听中:回答what where how when3.听后:跟读:表演对话4.用自己的话讨论 Chen Han 的计

2、划5.读前:how are you going to become a writer?6.分角色读对话。7.狼来了游戏:回答对话中的问题,回答慢的被抓或淘汰8.学习重点句子句型转换1. He is going to take guitar lessons every day(改为一般疑问句) he going to guitar lessons every day ?2. Mom is going to do some shopping this afternoon(对划线部分提问) is Mom going to this afternoon?3. I want to be a pilot

3、when I grow up.(改为同义句)I a pilot when I grow up4. They going to move a new city called Donghai.(改为否定句)They to move a new city called Donghai.5 .My sister is going to be an actress when she grows up . (对划线部分提问)- is your sister going to when she grows up? 汉译英1.你打算如何做到那样?_2.他打算学习另外一门外语。3.她将努力学习,取得好成绩。_4

4、.我想成为一名教师5.听起来很有趣,我想多参加体育锻炼_what,where,when,how引导的疑问句Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section A 43语法复习,仿照课文编写对话用be going to 结构描绘人生理想导入 对话导入1.语法复习:给表格中的句子标上序号(1-10),老师手上有句子的序号。学生随意给出两个序号,配对的答案很搞笑,直到配对成功,配对后操练.2.不看书:预测各种职业的实现方法,回答what are they going to do ?3.分为两组,一组回答 what do they want to be

5、? 另一组回答 what are they going to do? 两组人配对练习4.补全对话,核对答案,示范后操练对话5.完成填表,注意where when 如何插入对话6.看图问答:根据表格内容回答.1.He_(寄)alettertohispenfriendyesterday.2.Hetakesthe_(药)threetimesaday.3.Look!Theyare_(上表演课).4.Iamgoingstudy_(教育).5.他长大后打算做什么?Whatishebewhen_?6.你打算成为一名飞行员吗?Areyou_?7.你打算怎样成为一名作家?How_a_?8.我对这个消息不确定。I

6、not_news.9.确保你们明天不要迟到。_youarentlatetomorrow.制定计划Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section B 44制定新年计划,掌握本节课词汇,听力训练 制定新年计划: what are you going to do?我的新年计划导入 比较每人不同的计划1.看图识记: 看图片一分钟,说一说图片中有哪些活动2.制作单词卡片,老师出示卡片,大家读,然后与图片配对3.讨论新年计划4.听前:预测新年计划5.听中:圈出听到的计划,说说如何实现计划6.听后:分角色扮演对话7.小组讨论:模仿1e其他新年计划一)写出你

7、的新年计划1.Im_ _ 2._ _5_二)句型转换(1)TheyrevisitWestLake.(改为否定句)_visitLake(2)TommovedAmericalastmonth.(用nextmonth改写句子)Tom_nextmonth.(3)Hestakepianolessons(改为一般疑问句)lessons(4)WeplayfootballSaturday.(对画线部分提问)to_Saturday?三)单项选择 1.What do they want to do to_so much money?-They want to travel around the world.A.

8、give B. save C. cost D. cut2.-Where are you going for vacation ?- _. I dont like cold weather.A. Somewhere warm B.Something warm C. Somewhere cold D.Something cold3.-What are you going to do this evening ?-Im not sure _. Maybe watch TV or go to the movies.A. Just B. ever C. yet D. never四)完成句子。1. 你长大

9、后想成为什么? What do you _ _ be when you _ _?2. 李明善于写故事。 Li Ming is _ _ _ _ stories.3. 我打算坚持写作。 Im going to _ _ writing stories.4. 我父母想让我成为一名演员。My parents _ me _ be an actor.5. 我打算尽我的最大努力帮助他。Im going to _ _ _ _ help him.与搭档讨论自己的计划Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section B 45学习目标与任务:阅读理解,掌握本节课的生词

10、与词组,讨论新年计划 掌握本节课的生词与词组,培养阅读策略,进行信息转化与搭档讨论新年计划导入 说说有多少人实现了计划1.读前:discuss the question with your partner: Did you make any resolutions last year? What is your resolutions?2.快熟浏览:分段阅读,找出每段主题句3.根据上下文猜生词词义,理解重点词语用法4.讨论不能实现计划的原因1.It_theweather.(与.有关)2.Doknowm_ofword.3.Myfriendsandd_plansforcomingholiday.4

11、.Hish_swimmingplayingpiano.5.Wemustcareabout_(身体)health.6.Atfirst,theydidnt_(同意)whatsaid7.Duringsummerholiday,manystudents_(开始学)swimmingrelax.Pleasenewwords.9.Theygoodthey_something_(有共同之处)抄写单词,制定详细计划(存在的疑问或精彩的点评)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section B 46继续阅读,回答问题,树立正确的学习观掌握 重点词语制定的详细计划导

12、入 听音猜人:朗读课文中的一句话1.完形填空:把句子填入课文,是短文意思完整2.小组竞赛:阅读短文,理解大意,回答问题3.从文中找出重点短语,用重点短语造句4.recap,重现课文重点句5.复述课文内容单项选择1. I want to learn English well to communicate foreigners A . to B. with C. for D. on2. We are you going to a big bigger bridge in five years.A. do B. make C. build D .be3. We do running every mo

13、rning .A .be healthy B. to fit C. to keep fit D. to be health 4.You must keep your eyes when you do eye .A. close ;exercise B.close ;exercises C. closed ;exercise D.closed ;exercises5. I find a job a babysitter in my last summer vacation.A like B. as C. for D. with用括号中所给单词或短语作时间状语改写下列句子。 1. We left

14、the farm last week. (next week)_ 2. My sister often sends e-mail to her pen pal. (this evening)_ 3. They play for the national basketball team. (next year) 4. I joined an English club last month. (next month) 5. There is a football match now. (next Friday)_从3方面制定计划:锻炼,处理关系,如何学习。Unit 6 Im going to st

15、udy computer science Section B 47根据提示写出计划,完形填空 学会制定新年计划陈述个人计划导入 比较每个人的不同之处1.出示词语卡片,造句2.选词填空。朗读短文3.师生合作recap:老师念前半句,学生读出剩余的部分4.老师出示新年计划卡片,大家讨论实施办法5.完成3b6.根据3b提供的短语,选择自己的实施方法阅读理解Li Ning from China:I want to be a movie director like Zhang Yimou. And I want to make some exciting movies. Maybe you can se

16、e my movies many years later.Vic from Singapore:I want to be an actor because I love acting. I enjoy it, and I always perform with the DVD on. I take acting lessons three times a week.Eliza from the United States:When I grow up, I want to be a dentist because I am very interested in it. But I need t

17、o save enough money to get the education.Rebecca from the United Kingdom:I am going to be a professional programmer. I like working on the computer and surfing the Internet, and I know the job can help me make a lot of money for my family. We are going to live in a big house with my pets a cat and a

18、 dog.( ) 1. _ wants to make some exciting movies. A. Li Ning B. Eliza C. Rebecca D. Vic( ) 2. The underlined word “perform” means _ in Chinese. A. 演奏 B. 完成 C. 表演 D. 执行 ( ) 3. When Eliza grows up, shes going to be a(n) _. A. director B. actress C. dentist D. programmer( ) 4. Rebecca comes from _. A.

19、America B. England C. Singapore D. Australia( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Vic often takes acting lessons. B. Eliza needs to save money to get the education. C. Rebecca wants to make a lot of money for her family. D. If you have a toothache, maybe you can ask Li Ning for help.你的短期与长期规

20、划,如何让城市更环保,更干净,Unit 6 Im going to study computer science Section B 48讨论职业,编写自己的计划 如何让城市更干净更环保展示你的计划导入 你认为的环保措施有哪些,出示图片,帮助理解1.老师可以出示图片,帮助学生理解如何让城市更干净,讨论更多办法2.配对:职业与所学的学科配对3.补全对话,read and look up:对话时不能看书4.写下每天 每周 每月每年的计划,分步骤完成5.与同伴交流不同计划1)JimMike(work)onfarm2)- (study)Frenchyear?-Yes,weare.3)There (be)anEnglishfilm4)(read)abooknow. (help)himthisafternoon.5)(notwatch)

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