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1415学年英语九年级下外研版 Module 8教与学导学案docWord格式文档下载.docx

1、【自主学习,基础过关】自主检测:句型展示:用所给词的正确形式完成对话。enjoy, wherever, noise, wonder, loveBetty: You look1, Lingling!Lingling: Thanks. Are you enjoying the party? Yes, its very2, but I feel a bit sad. Tony:3you go, that will happen. The hall looks4,Tony. Cool music, Daming!Daming: Pardon? But its a bit5. 1. _ 2. _ 3.

2、_ 4. _ 5. _2、我的疑惑:【合作探究,释疑解惑】1. fetch v. (去)拿来,取来Lets fetch something to eat. 我们去拿些吃的东西吧。(1) fetch+某物+from +某地, 表示去某地拿来某物。(2)fetch+ 间接宾语+直接宾语=fetch+直接宾语+介词for+间接宾语,意为“去拿给”选词填空take, carry, bring, fetchI asked Lily to _ me an English book, but she _ me a Chinese book, so I asked her to _it back to the

3、 teachers office. fetch(去某地)拿来(讲话者处);bring(从某地)拿到(讲话者处);take(从讲话者处)拿走;carry“搬,扛”无方向性,有负重之意。2. raise v. 举起Lets raise our glasses. 让我们举起杯子。选词填空raise/riseOn Monday morning, we were watching the children _ the national flag, and we saw it _ slowly in the wind. rise/raise(1)rise和raise都有“上升,升起,上涨,举起”等意思。(

4、2)rise为不及物动词(rise后面不加宾语),raise是及物动词(raise后面要加宾语)。(3)一般事物自身可以升高、上升的,常用rise,如太阳东升,河水上涨等,而raise一般是人为地让事物升高,如举起胳膊,提高薪水等。【检测反馈,学以致用】. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. True _ (friend)between friends is worth than money. 2. I _ (miss) the first bus, so I came late. 3. There are six lights _ (hang) on the ceiling. 4. Im not

5、good at table tennis. Jim always _ (beat) me. 5. Our teacher asked Tom _ (fetch)a map of China for her. 【总结提炼,知识升华】1、 学习收获2、 需要注意的问题 大声朗读,背诵重点句子,组长检测,老师抽查。【课后训练,巩固拓展】单项选择.( )1. That morning was the most _ time he had ever had. A. enjoy B. enjoyableC. enjoymentD. enjoyful( )2. I _ come to your house

6、last night but it rained. A. intend toB. intendC. intended toD. intended( )3. _ your success, cheers!A. Here is B. Heres to C. Here to D. Here( )4. Who will _ for us tomorrow afternoon?A. make a speech B. make mistakesC. make friends D. ask a speech课后完成请景导学上的练习【课后反思,自悟自励】课前自主拼读单词。熟练后完成题一。听录音,看动画,并熟读

7、对话,划出对话中的重要短语,熟练记忆后完成题二。反复大声朗读课文,直到对课文相当熟悉。学生仔细观察示例,感知这些重要词汇的用法。教师可给予适当的指导和说明。完成课堂测试,检测学生运用知识的能力。小组测评打分,评出优胜小组。完成后由老师批改,总结出学生的学习效果及不足之处。Unit2 Heres to our friendship! rose, kindness, disappointed, bedside, note, whom. stay in touch, give sth. to sb. try to do sth. thank sb. for sth. laugh at, wake u

8、p, not only- but also- give up, stand up These roses are to thank three groups of people for the three most important things that I have learnt. I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort.3、(情感、态度与价值观)即将毕业,培养学生感恩之情,感谢朋友,感谢老师,感谢父母。1. 我学到的是友谊的重要性。.

9、 . . _ Ive learnt is the _ of friendship. 2. 没有老朋友的一生就像没有阳光的一天。A life _ _ _ is _ a day without sunshine. 3. 我们还感谢你们在作业上给我们的帮助。We also _ you _ your help with our homework. 4. 我们永远无法回报你们的慈爱,耐心,We can never _ you _ for your kindness, your patience, . . . 5. 所以,我衷心地感谢你们所有人,并祝你们将来成功。So from the bottom of

10、 my heart, I _ you all and _ you _ for the future. 1. owe v. 归因于;归功于How many of us owe our good grades to the suggestions you have made during those long evenings?我们中有多少人的优异成绩要归功于你们在那些漫长的夜晚给我们所提出的建议?owe动词,意为“归功于”,常用owe sth. to sb. 。迈克欠了吉姆3美元。Mike _ 3 dollars _ Jim. =Mike _ _ 3 dollars. 【点拨】owed; to;

11、 owed Jim。owe还有“欠(钱);负债”的意思,后面也可以跟双宾语。2. pay back 偿还We can never pay you back for your kindness. 我们永远难以回报你的恩情。pay back 意为“偿还,报复”,pay sb. back for sth. 因某事而报答某人。 Ill certainly _ you _ what you did to me!A. pay; forB. pay; back forC. pay; offD. pay; up【点拨】选B。句意:你对我做的事,我当然要进行报复。pay back偿还,报复, pay for 意

12、为“付款,偿付”,pay off意为“还清,偿清(欠款,债务)”。3. wish v. 祝愿So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you success for the future. 所以, 我衷心地感谢你们大家,并祝你们将来成功。wish sb. sth. , wish后接双宾语时,表祝愿。wish, hopeEveryone _ for a beautiful Hong Kong. I _ that you will join us tomorrow. I _ I were a flying bird. I _

13、everyone to lead a happy life. 【点拨】hopes hope wish wish(1)接不定式作宾语时,wish与hope通用。(2)wish可直接接双宾语或复合宾语;hope不能接带不定式的复合结构。(3)wish接从句,表示愿望实现的可能性不大,从句用虚拟语气。hope接从句,表示的愿望可以实现,从句用陈述语气。. 选词填空owe. . . to. . . , all the time, stay in touch, 文父母angxues success without echers,people for the three mo_pay. . . back,

14、 be strict with. . . 1. I _ my success _ my education. 2. Friends dont have to see each other _ . 3. Although we are not together any more, we should _ with each other. 4. Dont worry. Ill _ you _ next week. 5. She _ her children on schoolwork单项选择1. Have you spoken _ some foreigners?A. inB. onC. toD.

15、 by2. I will never forgive her _ what she did. A. forB. toC. aboutD. with3. Its time _ lunch now. A. for haveB. to haveC. hasD. having4. What will you do after your _ ?A. graduateB. graduationC. graduated D. graduating5. I hope you all _ the exam. A. passesB. to passC. can passD. passed听录音,看动画,并熟读短文

16、,划出短文中的重要短语,熟练记忆。Unit3 Language in use (1)Phrases: have a school dance, would like to do sth. look for, take photos , make a living, be interested in, the same as- so that, plan to do(2). Important sentences: I know that you will be better at maths. Im sure that you all have your own memories about

17、the happiness of the last three years, and the people whom you want to thank for it.用所给词的适当形式填空.1. The _ (value) of people are different in different times. 2. They made a _ (decide) to go to the beach this weekend. 3. Tom is a _ (grade) of Beijing University. 4. More than 100 people _ (apply) for t

18、his job. 5. The _ (suggest) from the teachers are good for our study. What you are planning to do in the next three years?未来的三年你打算做什么?in “在以后”表示一段时间,其引导的时间状语从句用于将来时态中。What time do you expect me back, Mum?Please, _ half an hour. A. atB. beforeC. inD. for【点拨】选C。“妈妈,你希望我几点回来?请在半个小时之后。”at + 点钟: What wer

19、e you doing at 5: 00 yesterday afternoon?before +时间点/具体事件adv. :从前,曾经(句末), 用于完成时: I have never seen him before. in+时间段, 常用于将来时: She will go to Beijing in three days. for+时间段, 常用于完成时: Tony has lived in China for five years. 完成句子.1. 我不得不休息, 因为我昨天伤到了腿。I have to _ a few days _ because I hurt my leg yeste

20、rday. 2. 那条领带与你的衣服不相配。That tie _ _ your clothes. 3. 彼得因为工作糟糕没有得到薪水。Peter didnt _ _ for his bad work. 4. 许多中学生都用明星海报装饰卧室的墙。Many middle school students _ their bedrooms _ the posters of famous stars. 5. 在外国度过一段时间是大部分英国学生最喜欢的活动。_ time in foreign countries is the _ activity for most of British students. 1.学习收获2.需要注意的问题

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