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1、 Rain wont you tell her that I love her so 雨啊,你不告诉她我多爱她吗 Please ask the sun to set her heart a glow 请太阳让她的心发光 Rain in her heart 她心中的雨 And let the love we know start to grow 让我们知道的爱意开始滋长 I wish that it would go, and let me cry in vain 希望它走开,让我徒然地哭泣 Oh, listen to the falling rain 哦,听那落雨 Pitter-patter,

2、 pitter patter 滴滴答答,滴滴答答 Oh, oh, oh 哦,哦,哦 Listen, listen to the falling rain 听,听那落雨 Background: The Cascades(瀑布乐队) were an American vocal group best known for their hit single Rhythm of the Rain the groups membership consolidated as John Gummoe (born John Claude Gummoe, 2 August 1938, Cleveland, Ohi

3、o) (lead vocals), Eddie Snyder (guitar), David Szabo (keyboardist), Dave Stevens (bassist), and Jimmy Owens (drummer). was issued(发行) in November 1962. It rose to number 3 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart in early 1963, and became a major hit in over 80 countries.New words: 节奏,旋律 突然的,徒劳的 商标,牌子 发热

4、,发光Language Focus:1、Listen to the rhythm Of the falling rain, telling me just what a fool I have been.= As I listen to the rhythm of the falling rain, it seems that it is telling me that Ive been a stupid guy. 2、I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain 徒然,白费,无效,徒劳的eg: All our efforts w

5、ere in vain, which made us very angry. 我们所有的努力都白费了,真令人生气。3、The only girl I care about has gone away, looking for a brand-new start!=The only girl that I love has left me and is looking for a new life!care about 喜欢,在乎 She doesnt care about being ladylike. 她不在乎淑女仪态。brand-new a. 全新的 Peter is showing of

6、f his brand-new motorcycle to his friends.彼得正在对他的朋友们炫耀他的新摩托车。4、But little does she know that when she left that day, along with her she took my heart.=But she doesnt know that when she left that day, she also took my heart with her.But little does she know此为否定倒装句型。 He was hardly able to tell right f

7、rom wrong.=Hardly was he able to tell right from wrong.5、Does that seem fair for her to steal my heart away when she dont care?=Does that seem fair for her to steal my heart away when she doesnt care about me?本句中she dont care实应为she doesnt care。但在口语中,尽管主语是第三人称单数,也有用dont代替doesnt的用法。此处歌词为求发音方便,故用dont。但

8、正式写作应避免。一定要注意人称与单复数形式一致才是。Lemon Tree 柠檬树 By Fools Garden Im sitting here in a boring room 我烦躁不安的坐在房间里,Its just another rainy Sunday afternoon 这是一个风雨交加的周日下午,m wasting my time, I got nothing to do 我没事可以做,只是在消磨着时间。m hanging around, Im waiting for you 我就象一个孤魂野鬼一样在等待着你,But nothing ever happens, and I won

9、der 但是没有任何消息,我想知道到底怎么了。m driving around in my car 我开始开车四处逛,m driving too fast, Im driving too far 我开的很快,我开了很远。d like to change my point of view 我想我应该改变我的观点,I feel so lonely, Im waiting for you 在等待你的时候我是如此的孤独,I wonder how, I wonder why 我想知道为什么,我想知道是怎么一回事Yesterday you told me bout the blue blue sky 昨天

10、你告诉我蓝蓝的天。And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree 但是我只能看见一棵黄色的柠檬树,m turning my head up and down 我抬头向上看,又低头向下看,m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around 我一再的四处张望And all that I can see is just another lemon tree 但是我最多只能看见一棵柠檬树。Sing! Da, da da dee da, etc. m sitting here, I miss th

11、e power 我坐在这里,失魂落魄。d like to go out taking a shower 我现在只想出去淋一场雨,But theres a heavy cloud inside my head 但我脑袋里面象有重叠的乌云压抑着我。I feel so tired, put myself into bed 我感觉如此累于是躺在了床上。Where nothing ever happens, and I wonder 但是没有任何消息,我想知道到底怎么了。Isolation, is not good for me 分手并不是我想要的结果。Isolation, I dont want to

12、 sit on a lemon tree 分手让我发疯,只想爬到柠檬树上坐下,m stepping around in a desert of joy 我现在位于一片被快乐抛弃的沙漠,Baby anyhow Ill get another toy 但是无论如何我将重新找到快乐,And everything will happen, and youll wonder 任何情都可能发生,到时轮到你开始迷茫,I wonder how I wonder why 我想知道为什么,我想知道是怎么一回事。bout the blue, blue sky 昨天你告诉我蓝蓝的天。And all that I ca

13、n see is just another lemon tree 但是我只能看见一棵黄色的柠檬树,And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree 但是我最多只能看见一棵柠檬树。And I wonder, wonder, I wonder how I wonder why 我依然在困惑,bout the blue, blue sky 昨天你告诉我关于蓝蓝的天空,And all that I can see (dit dit dit) 所有我能看见的,And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon t

14、ree 所有我能看见的,只有黄色的柠檬树。 Lemon Tree is a song sang by German pop band Fools Garden(愚人花园) from the album(专辑) Dish of the Day, which was released(发行) as a single in 1995 and became a major international hit(畅销) in 1996. The single reached number 26 in the UK charts and remained at number 1 for several we

15、eks in Germany. It also reached number 1 in Ireland, where Dustin the Turkey recorded a parody(滑稽模仿) called Christmas Tree. Taiwanese singer Tarcy Su and South-Korean singer Park Hye Kyung, have both released covers of the song.wonder 对 感到惊奇,惊讶,想知道lemon / lem n/ 柠檬 isolation / 隔绝,隔离1. hang around: (

16、informal) to wait or stay near a place, not doing very much. (在某处附近)等待,逗留,闲荡 You hang around here in case he comes, and Ill go on ahead. 你在这附近等着以防万一他来了,我继续往前走。2. point of view 观点,看法 from the point of view of a doctor 从一个医生的观点来看3. And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. that I can see是定语从

17、句,因先行词是不定代词all,所以这里只能用关系代词that来 引导,而不能用which引导。 I wasnt pleased with all that he was doing. 我对他做的所有事情都不满意。4. Id like to go out taking a shower. taking 是-ing形式作伴随状语,伴随句子谓语动词同时发生。 He sat there doing his homework. 他坐在那做作业。Right Here Waiting 此情可待 By Richard MarxOceans apart day after day 远隔重洋,日复一日And I

18、slowly go insane 渐渐我变得失常I hear your voice on the line 电话那头听到你的声音But it doesnt stop the pain 但是无法止住我的痛苦If I see you next to never 假如再也见不到你How can we say forever 我们该说着怎样的话题Wherever you go 无论你去哪里Whatever you do 无论你做什么I will be right here waiting for you 我会在此等候着你Whatever it takes 无论代价多少Or how my heart b

19、reaks 或者我有多么心碎I took for granted, all the times 我始终总以为That I thought would last somehow 我的念头会始终不变I hear the laughter, I taste the tears 为何我却被讥笑,饱尝泪水But I cant get near you now 但为何我无法靠近你Oh, cant you see it baby 哦,亲爱的你是否看到Youve got me going crazy 你几乎令我疯狂Wherever you go 无论你去哪里Whatever you do 无论你做什么I wo

20、nder how we can survive this romance 我想知道我们怎么在这场爱情中生存But in the end if Im with you 但要是我和你一起走到尽头Ill take the chance 我会抓住这个机会waiting for you 等你Background:Richard Marx was born on September 16, 1963 in Chicago. He is an adult contemporary (同龄人) and pop/rock singer, songwriter, musician, and record prod

21、ucer. He had a string of hit singles in the late 1980s and 1990s, including Endless Summer Nights, Right Here WaitingNow and Forever, and Hazard. Although most of his major hit songs were slow ballads(情歌) like these, many of his songs had a classic rock style, such as Dont Mean Nothing,Shouldve Know

22、n Better,Satisfied, and Too Late To Say Goodbye. Marx placed himself in the record books by being the first solo (单独制作的) artist to have his first seven singles hit the Top 5 on the US charts (排行榜). is from his album (专辑) Repeat Offender. 分隔的 患病失常的 承认,知道 笑声 爱情,浪漫史1. go insane 变得失常 go crazy 变得疯狂go在此处为

23、系动词,意为“变为”,其后多跟形容词,往往表示情况变坏或恶化。 Fish goes bad easily in hot weather. 鱼在热天容易变坏。2. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. wherever, whatever, whenever, whoever. 等词,可以引导让步状语从句,意为“无论/不管何地/何时/什么/谁 ”Whenever we come here we see someone we know. 我们每次来这儿都会见到熟人。 Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees. 无论我提什么建议,他总是不同意。 I will take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。3. take for granted 认为 是理所当然的He took their help for granted. 他认为他们的帮助是理所当然的。有时可用it作形式宾语, 构成take it for granted that 结构。He took it for grant

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