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学年高中英语Unit4ExploringplantsSectionⅡWarmingUp 1Word格式.docx

1、答案:dating from Many ancient civilisations saw the value of bringing back plants from distant lands.许多古老文明都见证了从遥远的地方带回植物的价值。The distant star is far distant from the earth.这颗星距离地球很远。If you are very quiet,you can hear the distant music from the circus in town.如果你们十分安静,你们就会听到远处镇上马戏团的音乐声。He is a distant

2、cousin of mine.他是我的一个远房表哥。distant是形容词,意为遥远的,远处的;远房的。distant adj. 冷淡的,疏远的,不亲近的distance n. 距离,远离,远方at a distance of 在距离远的地方at a/some distance 隔一段距离,距离稍远一些in the distance 在远处keep a distance 对某人保持距离keep ones distance from 避开,不接近Mike sounded very cold and distant on the phone.从电话里听起来迈克非常冷淡和疏远。The t

3、ime we spent together is now a distant memory.我们一起度过的时光现在已经成为久远的记忆。At a distance of six miles you cant see much.距离六英里以外的东西你很难看清。I would keep my distance from that roaring river,if I were you.我要是你,我就会远离那条咆哮的河流。单词意义区别distant指时间、空间上的遥远,也可以指亲属关系中的远房亲属far用来表示实际距离的远和时间的遥远,还可以指引申意义的远The stranger seems to h

4、ave come from a far country.这个陌生人似乎来自远方的国度。(1)成功之大远远超过了他们的预期。It had been a success_their expectations.(2)这两个男孩是远房亲戚。The two boys_.(1)far beyond(2)are distant relations Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions,often facing many dangers including disease,near-starvation,s

5、evere environments and conflicts with the local people.勇敢的年轻人借机进行植物探索活动,他们常常面临许多危险,如疾病、饥饿、严酷的环境以及同当地居民的冲突。My interests conflict with yours.我的利益与你的相抵触。Your request conflicts with my duty.你的要求与我的职责相抵触。conflict既可以作动词也可以作名词,意为抵触,争斗;冲突,常与介词with连用。conflict n 斗争,冲突v. 战争,冲突,抵触conflict with 与冲突in conflict wi

6、th 同相冲突come into conflict with 和冲突race conflict 种族冲突conflict of interests 利害冲突The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty.这个故事讲的是典型的爱与责任之间的冲突。John often comes into conflict with his boss.约翰经常和他的老板发生争执。The results conflict with earlier discoveries.这些结果与早期的发现相矛盾。conflict多指对立的思想或意识fight

7、多指短兵相接的肉搏和厮杀war多指国家或对立集团之间的大规模的战争,也指长期地与进行战争battle多指敌对双方使用武器精心的大规模战斗combat指个人或部队间的单独斗争、战争等struggle指斗争,拼搏,挣扎(可以是肉体或精神上的拼搏、争斗)巧学活用conflict,fight,struggle填空(1)Armed_is likely to break out between the two countries.(2)He was always_with his neighbors about the noise.(3)The men in the boat_with great wav

8、es.(4)All these actions by the NATO_with the universally accepted international laws.(1)conflict(2)fighting(3)struggled(4)conflicted One of the collectors was Father Farges,who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him.其中一位收集者叫做法尔热的神父,从他所喜爱的一棵树上收集了37粒种子。Im sure it will appeal to you, f

9、or you have been enthusiastic about sports.我确信这一定会吸引你,因为你热衷于体育。 appeal是动词,意为(对某人)有吸引力,常与介词 to连用;appeal to sb.意为向某人求助,恳求某人。(1)appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力;使某人感兴趣appeal to sb.for sth./to do sth. 向某人呼吁/恳求(2)make an appeal to sb.for sth. 为向某人呼吁或请求 make an appeal to do sth. 呼吁/恳求某人做某事(3)appealing adj. 有吸引

10、力的; 恳求的The police are making an appeal to the public for information about the crime.警方呼吁公众提供有关这宗犯罪案件的信息。巧学活用一句多译他呼吁选民们明天去投票站。(1)He _ go to the polls tomorrow.(appeal v)(2)He _ go to the polls tomorrow.(appeal n)(1)appealed to voters to(2)made an appeal to voters toThe plants in our gardens look so

11、familiar that often we do not realize that many of them actually come from countries far away.我们花园里的植物看上去是那么熟悉,以至于我们常常意识不到在这些植物中有许多实际上来自遥远的国度。The bus was so full that I could hardly turn around.公共汽车挤得我几乎无法转身。He is so busy that he could have little time for his lunch.他太忙了,以至于没有时间吃午饭。以上例句是复合句,so.that.

12、意为如此以至于;其中so是副词,它后面可以跟形容词或副词,表示程度。that引导结果状语从句。so.that./such.that.如此以至于,它们的用法如下:(1)在这个句型中,so是副词,修饰形容词或副词;such是形容词,修饰的中心词是名词。(2)在many,few,much,little(表示数量)前只能用so,不能用such来修饰。(3)当such修饰的中心词是可数名词的单数形式,且有形容词修饰时,可以转化成so.that.结构。如:sucha/anadj.n.可以转化成:so形容词a/ann.。(4)so that引导结果状语从句时,多用逗号与主句隔开;如果引导目的状语从句时,常与

13、情态动词can,could,may,might,will等连用,且从句一般不与主句隔开。If it is a good book,you might say,“its so good that I cant put it down.”如果这是一本好书,你或许会说:“这本书太好了,我舍不得把它放下。”This is such an interesting film that we all like it.这是一部那么有趣的电影,我们都非常喜欢它。There were so many people in the street watching the fire that the firefight

14、ers could not get close to the building.街上有那么多观火的人,消防人员没法靠近那幢大楼。It was such a warm day that we decided to go outing.It was so warm a day that we decided to go outing.天气这么好我们决定去郊游。Our professor spoke through a microphone so that he could be heard clearly by the students.我们的教授在讲课时用麦克风,以便让学生听得清楚。Tom li

15、ved in the near village,so that he was never late for school.汤姆住在附近的村子里,所以他上学从没有迟到过。巧学活用句型转换We were in so anxious a rush when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.We were in_when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.such an anxious rush 课时作业10 单句语法填空1The old building _(date) back to the

16、Ming Dynasty,which survived through several wars.dates2By law,when one makes a large purchase,he should have _(adequacy) opportunities to change his mind.adequate3The main purpose of this story is _(appeal) to the readers interest in the theme of “living and dead”; because it is a theme eternally in

17、teresting to all appeal4Can I visit the park freely?Of course you can.It is open to the public without _(restrict)restriction5I will endeavour _(do) my best for my do6While in college,he became interested in plants and majored _ botany.in7No matter where we are, friendship will

18、 tie our heart _(tight)tightly8He had to _(low) his head to get through the door.lower9The painting looks more beautiful at _ distance.a10If you stay in a native English speaking country for a few months,you will become a _(fluence) English speaker.fluent 阅读理解Imagine you are on a cold mountain with

19、steep rocks around.As you climb higher,the air gets thinner and the suns rays stronger.Just before you reach the snowline,you find what you came fora small white flower,the edelweiss(火绒草),which only grows in alpine(高山的) areas.Plants face many challenges living in alpine areas,and only 200 kinds of p

20、lants can grow there.Plants rely on oxygen,water,and sunlight to make their own food through the process of photosynthesis(光合作用)The alpine means less CO2,which makes the process more difficult.It also brings plants closer to the sun.The sunlight is so strong that it can burn a plants leaves.There is

21、 little water here,so the soil is dry and rocky.You also wont find high trees because the cold wind would blow them over!Alpine plants have advantages that help them survive the bad conditions.Like all alpine plants,the edelweiss stays close to the ground to avoid the wind.The cold water is deep und

22、erground,so the edelweiss grows very deep roots.Its leaves have a thick covering,which protects the plant from the wind and the suns bright rays.All these special characteristics help it grow,but very slowly.The edelweiss can live in the conditions,but humans cant.Climbing in the high and cold mount

23、ains is dangerous and difficult.This is why the edelweiss became such a special flower.Long ago,a young man would pick an edelweiss flower to prove his love to a girl,although it was risky.Many men died while trying.Getting the flower proved that the man was physically strong,brave,and devoted.Alpin

24、e plants cant spread seeds,so its difficult for new plants to grow.Once all the edelweiss flowers are gone in an area,they will not regrow.Governments help protect the edelweiss because it is considered an endangered plant.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。因缺少水和二氧化碳,并且阳光太过强烈,导致能在高山地区生长的植物很少。本文重点介绍了火绒草的生长环境、特点及有关它的美好传说

25、等。1The first two paragraphs mainly describe_Athe process of photosynthesis Bthe appearance of the edelweissCthe growing environment of the edelweissDthe challenge of mountain climbingC解析:段落大意题。通读文章可知,前两段主要描述了高山上植物生长的环境。故C项正确。2The edelweiss can survive in the alpine conditions partly because_Ait grow

26、s high and strongBit can get more sunlightCits leaves covering is thinDits deep roots can get waterD解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“The cold water is deep underground,so the edelweiss grows very deep roots.”可知,D项正确。3What can we learn about the edelweiss from the text?AIt is planted in large quantities. BIt is a s

27、ymbol of bravery.CIt is a shadeloving plant.DIt spreads its seeds by wind.B解析:根据最后一段中的“Alpine plants cant spread seeds”和“it is considered an endangered plant”可分别排除选项D和A;根据高山地区阳光照射强烈可知,火绒草不是喜阴植物,由此可排除C项;根据第四段可知,B项正确。4What is the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo introduce a special flower.BTo compare different alpine plants.CTo warn people not to pick flowers.DTo encourage people to protect plants.A解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,文章详细介绍了火绒草的生长环境和它能够在高山上生存的一些特征。故A项正确。 完形填空On my last day in Nairobi,I decided to visit the wildlife rese

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