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1、The enthusiasm has surprised me a lot, with 114 people from five villages signing up.The two 1,000sqm areas will be open for anyone to help with any job that needs doing. A wide range of vegetables will be grown, including peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, squash, potatoes and leeks, In Mr Walstons scheme,

2、 which he has called Coveg, people can do as much or as little as they like and the produce will be shared, and any surplus given to the elderly and NHS workers. None of the produce will be sold and distribution will be only loosely linked to the amount of work done.He is lending his machinery for t

3、he backbreaking work. Farm suppliers are supporting the project, with Kings Seeds and Tozer donating seeds and Howseman Agriculture offering irrigation equipment.Claire Mackenzie, 47, a doctor from Barrington, has agreed to bring seeds in their own gardens to the community plots. She sees Coveg as a

4、 way of connecting local people to the countryside that surrounds them. We live in an arable area but we often do not know our farmers. This is a brilliant way of pulling people together, she said. She hopes to get her two teenage sons involved.Mr Walstons idea has already prompted three local farme

5、rs who also want to donate parcels of their land to contact him. They have a corner of land that would be suitable and machinery that would take the backbreaking work out of preparation. They cant wait to offer.4.Which of the following can replace the underlined word prompted in Paragraph 6?A.inspir

6、ed. B.discouraged. C.threatened. D.persuaded.The Supreme Courts decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeds to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court

7、 in effect supported the medical principle of “double effects”, a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects-a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen-is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.Doctors have used that principle in recent

8、 years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients pain, even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who until now have very, very strongly insisted

9、 that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain if that might hasten death.George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal

10、 even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. Its like surgery, he says. “We dont call those deaths homicides because the doctors didnt intend to kill their patients, although they risked their death. If youre a physician, you can risk your patients suicide as long as you dont intend their sui

11、cide.On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony(痛苦) of dying.Just three weeks before the Courts ruling on physician-assisted suicide, the Nat

12、ional Academy of Science (NAS) released a two-volume report, Approaching Death: Improving Care at the End of Life. It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying as the twin problems

13、of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices, to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care, and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.Ann

14、as says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care. “Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,” to the extent that it constitutes “systematic patient abuse.”

15、 He says medical licensing boards “must make it clear . that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension(暂停).”3.Which of the following best defines the word aggressive (line 3, paragraph 7 ) ?A.Bold. B.Harmful. C.Careless. D.Desperate.

16、More than 5,500 has been raised after a plea(请愿) last Monday by a vet Dr Scott Miller. Scott said: “I would like to say a massive thank-you to Express readers from myself, from Australia and from the koalas. Its amazing that people from across the world can see how significant the catastrophe has be

17、en. I do appreciate that people are being very supportive and reaching into their pockets.” An area, a third of the size of Britain is estimated to have been ravaged(毁坏) since the blazes(火灾) began in September.On Friday a state of emergency was declared in the capital Canberra, with residents told t

18、o prepare to evacuate as fires on the outskirts (市郊) threatened to spread. A billion animals are feared to have died, including 25,000 koalas.Last week Scott told how he had visited his homeland, helping to save wildlife on Kangaroo Island off the coast of Adelaide. While there he rescued a mother a

19、nd a baby koala who were stuck in a tree. The pair were rushed to a field hospital on the island to be treated. The mum had severe burns to her paws and was badly dehydrated(脱水的), while her baby son had an eye injury and was underweight.Scott, who has appeared on ITVs This Morning and BBCs Blue Pete

20、r, said the mother is showing “great signs of improvement” and her wounds are starting to heal. The baby has undergone surgery to his eye and is “recovering from the anesthetic (麻药) and doing well”.But he added: “The mother remains dehydrated so isnt producing enough milk to feed the baby. At the mo

21、ment theyre being housed severally but there is the hope that when the baby is a little stronger he will be able to be returned to his mother.”Even after they recover, the pair will probably spend their lives in an enclosure while the bush takes years to recover. Scott said: “Sadly patients are stil

22、l coming in thick and fast. Each of these animals is requiring to be housed and fed, and regular medical treatment to their injuries.”3.Whatdoestheunderlinedwordinparagraph5probablymean?A.Separately B.Seriously C.Successfully D.SympatheticallyLONDON-To get a mobile phone as a gift for 14thbirthday,

23、Lucy declared to her parents that everyone else has one. Her parents gave in.Curious to know how her daughter would use the phone, Jane Bidder, the mother, followed Lucy to the school bus in the morning. The bus seats 20, of whom half have a mobile phone. One rings and several adolescent owners fumb

24、le with(笨拙地抚弄) their bags. Many parents have just come to realize that the mobile phone is no longer for traveling businessmenit is as likely to be found in school bags.The mobile phone seems to have become something essential(必需品) for todays teens in Britain, according to a survey published last we

25、ek, by NOP, a leading market research company in Britain. Research found that 66 percent of 16 year olds now have access to a mobile phone.The mobile phone has been turned into a secret messaging service by teen users. When they are talking on the mobile, their parents are not able toeavesdropon the

26、 second line.The interview with 2,019 young people aged 7 to 16 found that they favor the text messaging service because they offer a secret way of keeping in touch. The days of secret notes in the classroom are dying out.For example, “cul” means “see you later”; “lol” means “laugh out loud; and “2n

27、ite” is the abbreviation of “tonight”. All these are based on shorthand phrases on the Internet.Many schools have banned students using mobile phones. But they are not very successful. Still phones ring in the class and disturb study. Besides, people are worried about the health risk to kids using m

28、obile phones.Scientists believe children are especially vulnerable(易受伤的)mobile radiation(辐射).3.The underlined word “eavesdrop” means _.A.join in actively B.interrupt rudelyC.listen secretly carefullyChinese Culture Shown to the World with LoveLi Ziqi, a short video blogger specializing in tr

29、aditional Chinese cooking and handicrafts, has gained worldwide popularity.Li has about 20 million followers on Sina Weibo, Chinas equivalent to Twitter, plus 7 million followers on overseas social media networks. Many foreigners say they have got to know traditional Chinese food culture via her cha

30、nnel.It is the spirit of craftsmanship (技艺) behind her works that makes Lis video clips attractive. She strictly follows the authentic traditional steps and procedures in making traditional Chinese food and handicrafts, such as peach flower wine and silk, and goes to great lengths to ensure her vide

31、os are accurate. Sometimes she spends several months producing one of her videos.Li has been inheriting (继承) traditional Chinese culture in a rather creative way. A closer look at her videos will show that they are never with any “analysis” that makes people feel bored. They just show audiences each and every detail of traditional Chinese c

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