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1、2013 is on the horizon, and most of us are scrambling to make up a few New Years resolutions that, frankly, well probably forget about in February. Heres how to create a resolution that actually sticks so you can better yourself this year. 10. Focus on One ResolutionFull sizeOne of the first mistake

2、s people make is planning too many resolutions. The fewer things your brain has to deal with, the better, and youll be able to focus all your motivation on one resolution, increasing the chances youll succeed. Need ideas? Check out our top 10 easy-to-keep resolutions, or go for one of the five most

3、popular resolutions and follow our guide to ensuring its success.9. Get Someone to Hold You AccountableHaving an accountability buddy is an old, yet tried-and-true tip for sticking to your resolutions. Tell your goals to a few close family and friends who will be honest with you and keep you on the

4、right track. Heck, if youre having trouble thinking of a good resolution, those buddies can actually help you pick one, too (since they know you best, faults and all). Dont go too overboard, though. Remember, sometimes sharing with too many people can hinder your accomplishments. Photo by Lululemon

5、Athletica.8. Set Ultra-Specific GoalsNew Years resolutions are often big and general, making them hard to attain. The more specific you can be, the easier it will be to reach that goal. Lose weight or get in shape is a bad resolution; Lose 15 pounds by March is a good one. Setting multiple specific

6、goals throughout the year is good, too. That way, you always have something attainable to focus on that doesnt seem far off. Photo by Rob Ellis.7. Piggyback Your Resolution with Existing HabitsIf your resolution involves building small habitslike, say, flossing every day or taking daily vitaminsyou

7、can piggyback these habits with other, already-established ones. Stick your dental floss in your shower and floss during your shower, or put your vitamin jar inside your kitchen cupboard so you always remember to take them when you eat breakfast. The easier you can form the habit, the more likely it

8、 is to stick.6. Give Yourself a Trial RunNot every resolution is perfect out of the gate, so dont hold yourself to a poorly-formed goal if it just wont work. Give yourself a 30-day trial run to work out the kinks, where you can let yourself stumble a bit and tweak your goals to something better suit

9、ed for success. Keep in mind that not all habits are formed in 21 days, as conventional wisdom says, so even after the trial run, give yourself time to sink into the habit before you start admitting defeat. Photo by John Kwan (Shutterstock).5. Trick Your MindResolutions are hard to keep without a se

10、nse of accomplishment. Having specific, gradual goals can help, but another trick is to play some mind games with yourself. The placebo effect can be pretty useful in keeping you motivated, even if you know youre using it on yourself. Focus on anything that makes you feel like youre succeeding. If y

11、oure trying to lose weight, eating from smaller plates will make you feel fuller, even if youre eating the same amount of food, for example. Do whatever you need to do to trick your mind and youll be well on your way to success. Photo by mattza.4. Visualize the End ResultAs writer Rod Ebrahimi says,

12、 focus on the carrot, not the stick. If youre having trouble staying motivated, focus on what youll get from your end goalwhether thats feeling better at a lower weight, being able to impress your friends with your new guitar skills, or just being able to breathe now that youve quit smoking. Staying

13、 positive seems like common sense, but it can be hard when youre in the middle of a big plateau. Photo by Davidd.3. Closely Measure Your ProgressIf youve created specific goals, then getting positive reinforcement should be easy. Every time your each one of those goalseven if its just a daily goalma

14、rk it off on a checklist or calendar. You can even go a step further and use Seinfelds Dont Break the Chain method of goal-setting, which is great for daily goals like write every dayexercise 5 times a week. For other resolutions, try out one of our five favorite goal-tracking services to measure yo

15、ur progress.2. Remind Yourself of Your Goals Every Dayre having trouble keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind, you can use one of any number of tricks to constantly remind yourself (besides tracking your progress). Set an alarm on your phone with a message of why youre doing this, record

16、yourself on a webcam every day, or use dry erase markers to write your goals on your bathroom mirror.1. Start Right NowWhy wait until New Years Day? Whether youre reading this at the end of December or in the middle of July, start right noweven with small changes to prepare you for the big pushand y

17、oull be one step closer to achieving your goals. Theres no reason your goals need to start on January 1st, so call up those accountability buddies, jot down your milestones, and get started with that resolution right now. Photo by Ambernectar 13.Photo remixed from file404 (Shutterstock).Five Best DV

18、D Ripping ToolsBoobs, Feuds, Freakouts and Fahts: 2012 In Trashy TVHallelujah, Holy Shit! Wheres The Tylenol?: Your Sunday NFL GIF Roundup UpdatedFour Stories to Follow in a Pivotal New Year for Sports Video Gaming2012: The Year Augustas Outdated Barriers to Women Finally FellPicard vamps, Worf sing

19、s, and Riker makes out with the camera in this Next Generation blooper reelThis Teenager Tried To Clear Driveway Snow Using An Audi R813 Technologies You Wont See in 2013Clear notifications Profile LogoutSign in TraditionalEntire page scrolls Two panesSidebar scrolls independently Blog viewListing o

20、f stories by dateSunday, Dec 30, 2012Latest Stories Latest Stories Most Popular Most DiscussedTips and Downloads ForGetting Things DoneNewer Storieslifehacker top 108:00 AM37,603Top 10 Strategies for Making Your New Years Resolution Stick 如何制定你的新年愿望- 排名前10的策略建议 Fishinus 2012-12-30 688 2013年已经近在咫尺,大多

21、数人都会迫不及待的为新的一年许下愿望。而事实往往是,差不多到二月份的时候,我们就把它忘得一干二净了。下面的建议是关于如何制定一个比较实际,可以坚持下来的新年愿望。 10。专心于一个愿望人们常犯的第一个错误就是想要的太多了。我们脑袋可以处理的事情越少,效果越好,成功的机率越大 - 因为这样你可以集中所有的精力在一件事情上面。 需要点儿建议么?请移步这个链接” 排名前10的容易坚持下来的决心 (top 10 easy-to-keep resolutions)”,或者从五个最流行的新年愿望中挑一个,并按照我们的建议以确保成功(follow our guide to ensuring its succ

22、ess)。 9。找个人看着你找一个”可以看着你的哥们儿”是一个很老的方法,但可以表明你真的想对许下的新年愿望负责。把你的新年目标与几个亲密的家人和朋友分享,他们会跟你说实话并盯着你不偷懒的。哎呀,如果你想不出把什么做为新年目标的话,那些哥们实际上可以帮助你找一个的(those buddies can actually help you pick one) - 因为他们了解你的全部,包换最好的,最糟的一面。不过凡事都是过犹不及,记住,有时候分享的人太多,反而会坏事。 8。目标具体化大而模糊的新年愿望往往使他们难以实现。你的新年愿望越具体化,就越容易实现。比方说, “减肥”或“塑形”是很糟糕的例子

23、,而“到三月的时候减掉15磅”就是一个好榜样。在一整年的不同时期设置不同的愿望也是件好事。这样你就可以把目标放在短期而不是遥不可及的未来。 7。把新的愿望跟原有的旧习惯捆绑在一起如果你的愿望是建立新的小习惯,比方说,每天使用牙线或每日服用维生素,你可以“搭便车”。把牙线放在浴室,这样你在洗澡的时候就记得使用牙线了,或把你的维生素放在厨房面板上,这样你吃早餐的时候就记得吃维生素了。习惯越容易养成,就越容易坚持。 6。先试一把不是所有制定好的愿望都是完美的,所以不要在一个糟糕的目标上徘徊不已-如果它根本无法实现的话。给自己30天的试用期,这样你可以让习惯一下并调整目标,更其更容易达成。请记住这条金

24、玉良言,并不是所有的习惯都能形成于21天。因此,即便过了试用期,不要太早承认失败 还是应该给自己多一些的时间来习惯这个新的习惯。 5。阿Q精神如果没有成就感的话,一个决定是很难坚持下去的。把目标设置得具体,循序渐进是一招,另一招是自我催眠。阿Q精神有利于让你保持动力,就算你知道这是自欺欺人。专注在你想成功的事情上面。比方说,如果你想减肥,用小一点的盘子吃饭,会令你“感觉”更饱,即使你吃同样数量的食物。阿Q精神可以助你在通往成功的路上。 4。最终的结果可视化正如作家Rod Ebrahimi说的,“专注于胡萝卜,而不是大棒”。如果你无法保持动力,那么专注在你最终会取得的成果,不管是减肥之后会感觉更

25、好,或是在你朋友面前秀吉他技巧,更或是戒烟之后可以自由的呼吸。保持乐观似乎是常识,但当你在平台期的时候,保持乐观积极对你最终达成目的,功不可没。3。仔细衡量你的进展如果你已经制定了具体的目标,那么得到正面强化应该不是件难事。每次当你达成目标,即使它只是一个每日目标 把它从你的清单或是日历上划掉。你甚至可以使用Seinfeld的“不要挣脱锁链”目标设定的方法,对于那种每日目标,比如说“每天写作”或“每周运动5次”来说是极有用的。其他的情况请移步这个链接 (five favorite goal-tracking services),试试我们的五种方式来来衡量你的进展。 2。每天提醒自己你的目标如果你没办法把你的目标牢记心间,你可以用任何的招数来不断提醒自己(除了跟踪你的进度之外)。在手机上设一个消息闹铃来提醒自己为什么这样做,拍录相每天记录自己,或者在你的浴室的镜子上写下你的目标。 1.1. 现在就开始行动吧为什么要等到新年伊始呢?无论你在读这篇文章的时候是12月底或七月中旬,现在就开始行动吧 - 即便是很小的进步也意味着为更大的改变提供可能。没有任何理由你的新年愿意需要从1月1日开始。现在就开始打召集你的哥们儿吧,记下你的里程碑,现在就开始为你的新年愿意行动吧。

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