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1、PMBOK指南第5版章节习题集合1A new project manager is planning a complex hardware installation project. The team consists of 13 people who are experts in their fields. The project manager does not want to micromanage the project. How far should he decompose the work?A. As small as possible because the work is c

2、omplexB. As large as possible because he is dealing with expertsC. To 1000-hour tasks because he is dealing with expertsD. To about 80-hour tasks because it will make the work less complex1. 一个新项目经理正在规划一个复杂的硬件安装项目。这个团队由13名成员组成,他们都是各自领域的专家。这个项目经理不想管理此项目所有细节。他需要将工作分解到何种程度?A 因为项目很复杂所以要尽可能细B 尽可能分解的要大,因为

3、他在与专家们合作C 分解到1000小时的任务,因为他在与专家们合作D 分解到80小时左右,因为这样可以减少工作复杂程度2The customer wants to make a major change to the scope of work when the project is mostly complete. The project manager should?A. Make the changeB. Inform the customer of the impact of the changeC. Refuse the changeD. Complain to management

4、2. 项目快要完成时客户想对工作范围作一大的变更。项目经理应该:A进行变更B将变更造成的影响通知客户C拒绝变更D向管理当局抱怨3. A client has asked you to add scope of work to the project. The project is under budget and a little ahead of schedule. What should you do?A. Approve the changeB. Let the client know the effects of the change on the projectC. Ask appr

5、oval from the sponsor for making the changeD. Get approval from the configuration change board3. 客户要求你增加项目的工作范围,此项目在预算之内进度稍微提前。你应该做什么?A批准这个变更B让客户知道变更对项目的影响C请求项目投资人批准此变更D从配置管理委员会获得批准4The project is mostly complete. However, the customer wants to make a major change to the scope of work. The project m

6、anager should:A. meet with the project team to determine if this change can be made.B. ask the customer for a description of the change.C. explain that the change cannot be made at this point in the process.D. inform management.4. 项目大部分已完成,然而客户希望进行一个范围工作的大的变更,项目经理应该:A 会见项目团队确定是否进行此变更B 请客户描述变更内容C 说明在

7、项目的这一点不能进行变更D 告知管理层5A key attribute of validating scope is:A. Improved cost estimatesB. Customer acceptance of project effortsC. Improved schedule estimatesD. An improved project management information system5. 确认范围的一项重要特点是:A改进的成本估算B客户对项目所做工作的接受C改进的进度估算D完善的项目管理信息系统6.Validate ScopeA. Improves cost an

8、d schedule accuracy, particularly on projects using innovative techniques or technologyB. Is the last activity performed on a project before handoff to the customer?C. Documents the characteristics of the product or service that the project was undertaken to createD. Differs from quality control in

9、that validate scope is concerned with the acceptance not the correctness-of the work results6. 确认范围A提高了成本与进度计划的准确性,尤其是在项目中利用创新技术或方法B项目在转交给客户之前所做的最后-项活动C对项目所承担创造的产品或服务的特性进行归档D与质量控制的不同之外在于确认范围关心工作结果的验收而非纠正7Project scope:A. is of concern only at the start of the projectB. is usually not a problem after

10、 the contract or other document authorizing the project has been approvedC. should be managed and controlled from project concept through close-outD. is mainly a problem to be handled by change control procedures during the project execution phase.7. 项目范围:A只是在项目开始时才加以考虑B在合同或其他项目授权文件被批准后通常就不成为问题了C应该从

11、项目概念形成阶段到收尾阶段一直加以管理与控制D主要是项目执行期间变更控制程序处理的一个问题8.At the end of a project, a project manager determines that the project has added four areas of functionality and three areas of performance. The customer has expressed satisfaction with the project. What dose this mean in terms of success of the project

12、?A. The project was an unqualified successB. The project was unsuccessful because it was gold platedC. The project was unsuccessful because the customer being happy means they would have paid more for the workD. The project was successful because the team had a chance to learn new areas of functiona

13、lity and the customer was satisfied8. 某项目即将结束。项目经理确定该项目在产品功能方面增加了四项,在产品性能方面增加3项。顾客对此感到非常满意。从项目是否成功来看意味着什么?A. 该项目非常成功B. 因为该项目“镀金”,所以是个失败的项目C. 由于顾客将为产品功能的增加而付出更多的资金,所以项目不成功D. 项目团队有机会学习一些新的产品功能,并且顾客对产品表示满意,所以该项目是个成功的项目9A project manager is in the process of validating scope of a deliverable with the cu

14、stomer. What is the MOST important thing the project manager should ensure?A. AccuracyB. TimelinessC. AcceptanceD. Completeness9. 项目经理在与客户进行某可交付成果的确认范围过程。下面哪项是项目经理应该确定的最重要的事情?A 正确程度B 时间符合要求C 接受D 完全10The process of creating a work breakdown structure results in?A. A project scheduleB. Team buy-inC. A

15、 project completion dateD. A list of risks10.创建工作分解结构过程的结果是:A项目进度计划B团队意见统一C项目完成日期D风险清单11 Your customer asked you to perform some additional tasks that are not included in the formal contract.You should:A. acknowledge the request and advise the customer to submit a formal change requestB. accept the request as sign of future business chanceC. rufuse the request and report to the project sponsorD. convenne a meeting of the project team and rewrite the project scope statemen11. 客户要求你实施一个正式合同不包括

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