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高一英语第八单元Food Around The World 世界上的食物Word下载.docx

1、 (corn 是美语对玉米的叫法。美国是世界上最大的生产国。“甜玉米”是最甜的玉米。许多人喜欢吃甜玉米棒子。爆玉米花在美国是很受欢迎的零食。每家电影院的入口处都能买到它。有两个包含 corn 字的习语。自私的人对自己的自私心缺乏羞愧感,因为他认为别人也是自私的。我们就把这个叫做“以自己的标准衡量他人,即以己度人。一个诚实的人,如果比赛或者辩论失败,就坦诚地认输。我们认为,这样接受失败是有风度的。”) 另外,我们在本单元向大家提供一篇难得的快速提高高考听力技巧的文章和一篇新教材中的习语分类欣赏(上)的文章,相信它们一定会让你大饱眼福。 【指点迷津】 A。 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南 就餐

2、套语 50 句 Finding a table for dinner (找餐桌) 1。 Can we take that table over there ? 我们可以坐那边的那张桌子吗 ? 2。 Have you got a table for four ? 你们有供四人用餐的桌子吗? 3。 I prefer the one in that quiet corner 。 我喜欢在那安静角落里的那张桌子 。 4。 Is the table free , waiter ? 服务员,这张桌子空着吗 ? 5。 No , this table is too close to the door 。 I

3、dont like it 。 6。 This one is good 。 Lets take it 。 这张桌子不错。我们坐这儿吧。 Seating the diner (给就餐者安排座位) Could you follow me , please ? 请随我来。 Here is your table 。 Is itall right ? 这儿是您的桌子。行吗 ? Im afraid theres no other places free at the moment 。 目前恐怕没有别的空位了。m sorry , sir , the one by the window has been boo

4、ked by telephone 。 Would you like to sit over there near the door ? Theres a table for four over there 。 Would you like it ? Asking if the diner is ready to order (询问就餐者是否准备点菜了) Would you like to order now , sir ? 现在您想点菜吗,先生 ? Have you decided what youd like ? 您决定吃什么菜了吗 ? Are you ready to order , si

5、r ? 您准备点菜了吗 ,先生 ? Can I take your order now ? 现在我可以请您点菜了吗 ? Have you chosen something ? 您选好菜了吗 ? Asking what the diner would like to have (询问就餐者想吃什么) And what to follow ?接下来要上什么 ? What soup would you prefer ? And what kind of fish do you like ? What would you like to start / begin with ? 您想开始先点些什么 ?

6、 Would you care for a drink before you order , sir ? 点菜以前您想喝点饮料吗 ? What dishes would you like ? 您要什么菜 ? Finding out what the restaurant has today (了解餐馆今天有什么菜肴) Could we have a look at the menu first , please ? 我们先看看菜单好吗 ? What do you have today for breakfast ? 今天早餐你们供应什么 ? Whats special for tonight

7、? 今晚有什么特色菜 ? What else have you got on the menu ? 你们菜单上还有什么别的吗 ? What kind of seafood do you have ? 你们有哪些海味 ? Ordering a meal (点菜) Get me some chicken salad , please 。 请给我来点鸡肉色拉 。 Bring me two beers , please 。 请来两杯啤酒。 Anything is all right with me 。 I will order the same 。 I think Ill have soup to s

8、tart with 。 It sounds good 。d like to try the chicken 。 Asking how the diner would like something (询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求) Do you like your tea strong or weak ? 您喜欢茶浓点还是淡点 ? How would you like them prepared ? 你喜欢菜怎么做 ? Would you like it rare , medium , or well-done ? 您喜欢做得嫩一点,中等程度还是老一点 ? You want it now or a

9、fter dinner ? How would you like it done ? Expressing hospitality (表示殷勤款待) Have some and Im sure youll like it 。 Help yourself to anything you like 。 Do have some more , theres plenty left 。 再吃点吧,还有很多呢。 Try some of this , please 。 尝尝这个吧。 Shall I make you a glass of beer ? 我给你倒一杯啤酒好吗 ? Responding to

10、hospitality (对殷勤款待的应答) t think I could eat another bite 。 我想我一口也再吃不下去了。 All right , but only a small piece 。 Its really delicious , but I honestly couldnt eat any more 。ve had more than enough 。 No , thanks 。t drink any wine 。 Paying the bill (付帐) Can I have the bill , please ? 请把帐单给我好吗 ?s my treat

11、this time 。ll pay 。 这次我请客。我来付。s go Dutch this time 。 这次我们各付各的。 Waiter ! The bill / check , please 。 Let me pay this time 。 You can pay next time 。B。 单元重点新词透视 coffee 咖啡 Which do you like better , tea or coffee ? How about a cup of coffee ? 测试要点: (1) coffee 是不可数名词,通过量词可以具体化。如:She made me a cup of coff

12、ee 。 她给我沏了一杯咖啡。white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡。black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡。 (2) 目前在口语中直接在coffee后加 -s 表示几杯几杯咖啡。Waiter , two coffees , please 。 服务员,来两杯咖啡。 offer 作动词和名词“提供,提出,奉献,贡献,出价” s very kind of you to offer me so much help 。 你真好,给我提供了这么多的帮助。 offer sb 100 yuan for the bike 愿以 100 元把这辆自行车买给某人 make an offer of support

13、 表示愿意支持 offer to do (主动)提出干 Each of them offered to be a guide for the blind man 。 Finding I was poor at English , Monitor Wang offered to help me with my English 。 prepare 准备,筹备,调制,配制 They have found a way to prepare them in the form of small tablets 。 他们想出办法把它们制成小小的药片。 Mother is busy in preparing

14、a meal for the family 。 母亲正为全家人准备饭。 (1) be well prepared for =be well prepared to do 为做好充分的准备 (2) prepare sb to do =prepare sb for sth 让某人做好的准备 (3) prepare for 为做好准备(for 的宾语不一定是准备这一动作的直接承受者)。prepare sth准备(宾语必须是这一动作的承受者) The students are preparing their lessons 。 The teachers are preparing lessons 。

15、He told them to prepare for the operation at once 。 (4) get ready for =get ready to do 准备 (强调结果) They are preparing a party 。 他们正在准备宴会。 They have got ready for the party 。 他们已经为宴会做好了准备。 (5) 我们准备在下星期一开个会。 ( 误 )We prepare to have a meeting next Monday 。 (对)We plan to (are going to) have a meeting next

16、 Monday 。 room 空间,地方 This desk takes up too much room 。 这张桌子太占地方了。 room 做“空间,地方”时是不可数名词。 I havent much room to move here 。s room for three more 。 还有三个人的位置。 特别注意词组 make room for “为腾出地方;给让出时间”。 Would you kindly make room for my friend here ? More room will have to be made on the programme for these pe

17、rformers 。 节目单上一定要给这些演员多留出一些时间。 C。 单元重点词组扫瞄 Lesson 29 ve had enough 。 谢谢,我已经吃饱了。m full , thank you 。 谢谢,我吃饱了。 take turns to do =take turns + -ing 轮流干 The three men took turns driving so one would not be so tired 。用介词短语表达“轮流”是“in turn =by turns” help oneself to + 食物、香烟等“自用” I can help myself , thanks

18、 。 我可以自己来,谢谢。 Would you like one ? Help yourself 。 你想要一个吗 ?自己动手吧。help sb to 帮某人再弄写菜或倒点酒 Boys , help yourselves to more chicken and fish 。 Ton , help yourself to a cigarette 。 Manager Zhang , may I help you to some more meat ?Lesson 30 make A into B 把 制成 Cotton can be made into cloth 。 棉花可以被制成布。 They

19、 are XXX the old kitchen into a little bedroom 。 The grapes are made into wine 。 by 1555 =by the year 1555截止到 1555年 become crowded (with) 挤满了 The hall became crowded with villagers 。 in many different ways 以很多不同的方法 对比名词与介词的不同, by this means “用这种方法”,with this method “用这种方法”,( in ) this way “用这种方法”。 i

20、n the beginning 起初 In the beginning , you will find it very difficult 。 In the beginning he wasnt very interested in school , but as time went by he began to enjoy it 。 对比:at the beghinning (of)在开始时 At the beginning of the summer , we are going to Dalian 。 from one country to another 从一个国家到另一个国家 7。

21、than ever before 比以前任何时候都比较 She now looks much older than ever before 。 Because we have airplanes , we can travel from one place to another faster than ever before 。 D。 单元语法学习目标 本单元要求复习 unit 1 7 中出现过的主要语法,如:定语从句、被动语态和动词的各种时态。“介词 + 关系代词”中介词的选用 在学习定语从句时,“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句是一个难点,难在何处?感到茫然的同学主要是不知道该选用什么介

22、词。而介词的选用是有一定规律的,只要掌握了这些规律性的东西,解题就可迎刃而解,举一反三了。 看介词与定语从句中有关动词是否有搭配关系。 She paid the man from whom she had borrowed some money 。 ( =She paid the man 。 She had borrowed some money from him 。 )(注意:borrow sth 。 from sb 。 这一搭配关系) In the dark street , there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for he

23、lp (NMET 92)(注意:turn to sb 。 for help 这一搭配关系) 看介词与定语从句的先行词是否有搭配关系。 The dog died because there was no way in which it could be brought back to the earth 。 此句相当于:The dog died 。 There was no way it could be brought back to earth 。 (注意:in the way , in this / that way 这一搭配关系)又如: He will never forget the

24、day on which he joined the Party 。(介词 on 与先行词 day 的搭配关系) 看介词与定语从句中的形容词是否有搭配关系。 China is a large country with a long history of which we are greatly proud 。(注意:be / feel proud of 这一习惯搭配) The two things of which they felt very proud were Jims gold watch and Dellas hair 。(1998年上海高考试题) 若表示“所有关系”或“整体中的一部

25、分”,则用介词 of 。 I live in this room , the window of which faces south 。 ( =I live in this room , whose window faces south 。 )(表示“所有关系”) There are over 3,000 workers in that factory , eighty-five percent of whom are women 。 ( =There are , and eighty-five percent of them are women 。 表示“整体中的一部分”) China ha

26、s hundreds of islands , the largest of which is Taiwan 。 (表示“整体中的一部分”) 定语从句的关联词活用例析 定语从句是中学英语课本中比较复杂的一个语法项目,有些学生对怎样选择关联词不甚清楚,有时会出现错误。现略举几例加以分析说明。先比较下面例句。 1 。ll never forget the summer holidays (which / that) I spent on the seashore 。 我决不会忘记在海滨度过的那个暑假。 2 。ll never forget the summer holidays when I worked by the seaside 。 我决不会忘记在海边工作的那个暑假。 3 。 He is going to work on the island which / that needs him most 。 他打算到最需要他的那座岛上去工作。 4 。 He is going to work on the island where he is most needed 。 他打算到那座岛上去工作,那里最需要他。 分析:在例1句子中,关联词 whi

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