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仁爱版 英语 八年级 教案Unit 1 Topic 2Word文档格式.docx

1、 Which sport are you going to do?S2: I am going toS3: Good! I want to make a sports plan, too. Who can help me? S4, can you help me?S4: Of course. Thanks a lot. You can do me a favor. What does the phrase “do me a favor” mean? Do you know? OK, let me tell you. It means “help me”.(板书)do sb. a favor=h

2、elp sb. S5, can you do me a favor?S5: Would you mind passing me the book?S6: Not at all. (可帮助学生回答。 S7, could you please do me a favor?S7: Of course. / Sure. What is it? (可帮助学生回答。 (指着教室的门问) Its very hot in the classroom. Would you mind my opening the door?Not at all. (教师去开门。Could you please do me a f

3、avor?Sure. What is it?Would you mind doing sth.?Not at all.(可让学生们用该句型自由操练2-3分钟。(展示一幅一名学生卧病在床的图片。 Look at the picture. This is Wang Tao. He is one of our basketball players in this game. Whats wrong with him? You can tell me in Chinese.Ss: “病了”。 Yes, he falls ill. We can also say “He is ill. He is si

4、ck”.fall ill=be ill=be sick What a pity! Wang Tao fell ill. He cant take part in the game. S8 could you please do us a favor? Would you mind joining us?S8:Not at all. I can do it. OK. Lets go and practice after class.(板书解释,并举例。practice Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)1. (让学生听1a录音,并回答问题。 Kangkang i

5、s talking with Michael. What are they talking about? Please listen to the dialog in 1a, then answer the following questions:(1) What are they going to do this Saturday?(2) Whats wrong with one of Kangkangs teammates?(3) What does Kangkang want Michael to do?(核对答案。2. (让学生再听一遍录音并记下关键词,为角色表演做准备。 Now li

6、sten and read after the tape, write down the key words.3. (让学生进行角色表演,完成1b。 Work in pairs to act the dialog out according to the key words. After a while, I am going to ask some students to act it out to the class.(表演得好的学生,老师给予表扬。Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)1. (模仿1a,编对话。教师出示写有重点短语的小黑板。 Now ple

7、ase look at the small blackboard. There are some important phrases on it.plant treespick applescarry water for the grannyclean the classroom You can use these phrases to make up some similar dialogs according to 1a. Work in pairs, please.(学生编对话时,教师在教室里巡视,如需要时,给予帮助。 OK. Are you ready? Who wants to ac

8、t out your dialog? Please come to the front.(请1-2组学生到台前表演,表演得好的给予表扬。2. (让学生听2录音,独立完成2。 Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in 2. Learn to make requests and responses.(学生可听两遍,听完后核对答案。学生在听的过程中,教师板书。Could you (please) ?Will you ?Would you mind ? Now make up a short dialog to make requests and res

9、ponses, using some of these sentence patterns in the box. Then act it out.(学生准备对话。(1)S1: Could you please do me a favor? Sure. What is it? Would you mind helping me carry the box? Not at all. Thanks a lot. Thats all right.(2)S3: Will you join us? Id be glad to. Where shall we meet? At the school gat

10、e. Would you mind taking your camera? Of course not. Its very nice of you.(教师对表现好的小组给予奖励。Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)1. (运用图片及动作演示学习生词,引出Would you mind not ?及答语。(老师安排一名学生扔一张纸在地上。 What is he doing? He is throwing litter about. (帮助学生回答,并板书。throw about Would you mind not throwing litter about? (面对扔纸

11、的学生。 Sorry, I wont do it again. (帮助学生回答。 Right. Would you mind putting it in the dustbin right away? Of course not. Ill do it at once.Would you mind not ?Sorry, I wont do it again.right away(出示3中的第二幅图。 I think the boy should put his bike somewhere else. The girl is talking with the boy. What is she

12、saying? Can you guess?somewhere Would you mind not putting your bike here? Right, and the boys answer, who can guess? Sorry, Ill put it somewhere else. (教师帮助学生回答。2. (把3中的图片和对话匹配,并两人一组看图表演对话。运用Would you mind not doing ?完成3。 Now please match the conversations with the picture in 3. Then practice with

13、your partner.3. (出示图片教学生词及词组manage, myself, make ones bed,理解生词loudly, quietly, Capital Stadium) Theyre talking loudly in the library. I think they should talk more quietly. In the library, we should keep quiet. When we have some questions, we should discuss quietly.loudly more quietly4. (完成4。总结本课中出现

14、的请求和应答的句式,两人一组练习运用。 Match the requests with the right responses. Sum up the main patterns in this section and practice with your partner.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:1. (要求学生设计一个问路的情景,需用上do me a favor, far from, need to, had better, would you mind ? 等。 Suppose you are a stranger here. You want to go

15、 to the Capital Stadium to watch a soccer game. But you dont know the way there, so you need some help. Please make a dialog about asking the way. In your dialog, you should use the expressions “do me a favor, would you mind ?” Sure. Whats it? Im new here. I want to go to the Capital Stadium. Would

16、you mind telling me the way there?(教师巡视,必要时给予帮助。(请1-2组同学表演,并鼓励表扬。2. Homework: 用今天所学的主要句式和短语造五个句子或编对话。板书设计:Would you mind teaching me?do sb. a favor=help sb. Could you please do me a favor?fall ill Sure. Whats it?Capital Stadium Would you mind doing ?make ones bed Not at all. / Of course not.right aw

17、ay=at once Would you mind not doing ? Sorry, I wont do it again. Section BThe main activities are 1a and 2. 重点活动是1a和2。careless, chance, shout at, either, fight, angry, be angry with, do ones best, nothing, keep doing sth., serve, turn down, dirty, minute, in a minute, ready, another, take a seat2. L

18、earn the usage of “will” for intentions:(1)Ill do it in a minute.(2)Itll be ready soon.(3)Ill do it at once.3. Learn to express complaints and apologies:(1)Blame others:You are always so careless!Shame on you!(2)Apologies and responses:I am very sorry for what I said.Its nothing.Im sorry Im late for

19、 class.Thats OK. Please take a seat.录音机/图片/卡片 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:1. (方案一:让学生看卡片,编对话,复习Would you mind (not) doing sth.?句式及其答语。 You should use the sentences “Would you mind (not) doing sth.?”, “Could / Would you please do sth.?” to ask and answer. Would you mind not making so much noise? Im sorry

20、 about that. I wont do it again.Would you please move your bike? OK.2. (方案二:做一个游戏,复习表示请求或建议的句式。 Boys and girls, lets play a game to practice the sentences “Would you mind doing sth.? Would you mind not doing sth.?” First, lets divide our class into two teams. Team 1 makes statements, Team 2 expresse

21、s the same meaning with the opposite language.Example:Team 1: Would you mind coming to class early?Team 2: Would you mind not coming to class late? Would you mind not talking loudly? Would you mind talking softly?(如果学生在接受教师指令时有困难,教师可在恰当的时候使用汉语进行表述。 Would you mind moving your bike?Would you mind clea

22、ning your room?Would you mind not making your room so dirty?(可以让学生在练习时,适当地加入回答。 Well done! Now we are going to learn Section B.3. (教师板书课题,导入新课。1. (利用图片导入新单词。 We know S1 is a good student in our class. She is careful. But yesterday she was not careful. She made a few mistakes in her test paper. So we

23、 say she was a little careless yesterday.(板书并解释)not careful=careless(展示第一幅图片,并指着踢球的男生问其他学生。 Look at Picture 1. They are playing soccer. Did the boy get a goal? No, he didnt. What a pity! He missed a good chance.(板书并解释。chance We have a lot of chances in our lives. We should seize them. Do you think s

24、o? Yes, we think so.(展示第二幅图。 Look at Picture 2. What are they doing? They are fighting. (引导学生给出答案。 Yes, they are fighting.fight Do you think its good or bad to fight with others? Its bad. Right. Dont fight with others. If you do that, please say sorry to him / her.fight with sb.say sorry to sb. S1,

25、did you fight with your friends? No. / Yes.(若回答Yes。 Who did you fight with? Would you mind saying sorry to him?(假设把与之闹矛盾的同学叫过来,借此机会让其和解。 Im sorry. Its nothing.(老师帮其回答。Its nothing. Good, please shake hands.(让其握手。(教师展示第三幅图片。 OK, look at Picture 3. Whats wrong with the boy? He is angry. (帮助学生回答。同时做发怒、生气的表情。 Why is he angry? Who is he angry with? I/We dont know. Sorry. I dont know, either.(板书并领读。angry, be angry with, either (用同样方法呈现词组并板书。shout atShame on you!do ones bestkeep trying2. (出示1a中第一幅图片,引起学生好奇心。听1a录音,回答问题。 Look at the picture, what

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