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7、、新理论、新观点和新思想工程实践意识较强的工程实践能力、质量意识、节约资源和保护环境意识价值效益意识在设计、研究和工程实践中,具有市场意识和价值效益意识身心素质身体素质具有健康的身体和良好的体魄。心理素质健康的心理,正确的自我认识,健全的人格。四、主干学科:风景园林学、生态学、建筑学五、核心课程:毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、英语、风景园林设计初步、园林树木学,植物生态学 。分方向还有:1、规划设计方向:风景园林规划设计、风景园林建筑设计、风景园林工程设计。2、建设管理方向:风景园林工程设计、工程项目管理、园林工程估价、风景园林工程施工技术、园林植物栽植与养护管理。六、特色课程:双

8、语课程:花卉学(双语)、中外风景园林设计思潮(双语)、园林美与园林艺术(双语)七、学制与最低毕业学分:3-6年 最低毕业学分:173 授予学位:工学学士课内总学时:2229学时 独立实践教学 28周+32学时八、培养方案的学分分配比例类别必修学分选修学分合计比例通 识 课 程53+4147141.1%学科基础课程31+5215732.9%专 业 课 程17+114224.3%第二课堂/31.7合 计12152173100%比 例69.9%30.1%实践教学7945.7% 注:各课程类别中均包含实践教学,“理论课学分+独立实践教学学分”。九、专业特色1. 实践性强:为了提高学生的专业实战能力,培

9、养方案尽可能提供给学生真刀真枪解决实际生产问题的机会,通过课程实践、认识实习、综合实践、课外实践方式,在实践中运用和检验已学知识。2. 综合性强:本专业是融科学技术和艺术于一体的边缘性学科3. 方向明确:在强化通识教育的基础上,重点突出以下几点:(1)通识教育注重艺术与生态知识的培养;(2)学科基础教育以园林植物及其规划设计为主;(3)专业教育重点突出园林工程设计与风景园林工程施工技术。十、说明本培养方案将风景园林专业本科生的培养分为规划设计和建设管理两个方向。风景园林规划设计方向主要掌握园林制图的基本制图规范;侧重于各层次、各类别的风景园林规划与设计,强化方案构思与图纸表现能力;风景园林建设

10、管理方向主要掌握园林工程项目的施工管理规范及技术要求,具备承担工程项目经理、施工技术人员的基本业务素质和知识结构,侧重于风景园林建设工程的项目与技术管理,强化实际操作能力和现场指挥、协调能力,为步入社会后从事园林工程施工管理打下较好的管理层面知识基础。Zhejiang Sci-Tech University2012 Program Outline of Landscape Architecture Name of Major: Landscape Architecture Code for Major: ObjectivesThe program focuses on training stu

11、dents basic theory and knowledge in landscape architecture, ecology, architecture, art and design and other disciplines from two academic directions, namely landscape planning and design, construction and management. The graduate should be armed with basic methods and skills of the major, and can be

12、 employed in such positions as dealing with landscape planning and designing, construction management in urban and rural construction, living environment and related industries. Thus, the graduates could become high-quality talent of engineering and technology with power of creativity and innovation

13、. Basic Requirements on Knowledge and Abilities This program covers landscape architecture, planning and design, ecology, architecture and other fields, and is characterized by comprehensive, practical and wide scope of knowledge and social adaptability.Basic requirements of professional training:(A

14、) Knowledge:(1) master the basic theoretical knowledge of landscape architecture, ecology, planning and design, architecture and other disciplines with a solid botany, ecology, art and design school basis;(2) to master a foreign language and basic computer skills;Familiar with the relevant national

15、urban and rural construction, landscape architecture, environmental protection, land and resources management principles, policies and regulations; master landscape planning and design, basic knowledge of building construction and management;Be acquainted with the forefront of the development of the

16、 theory of landscape architecture at home and abroad, the prospects of application and trend of development;Master the basic skills of literature retrieval, data searching, and information processing.(B) Ability:master design performance skills, with the landscaping elements of the landscape, ecolog

17、ical, artistic design and construction of basic capabilities; with the basic ability of computer graphics;Through the basic training of landscape architects, landscape construction division, master landscape planning and design, basic engineering design, plant design, landscape architecture, design,

18、 garden plants planting and maintenance management, landscape architecture project management and project valuation methods and skills;(4) basic ability of the organization and coordination, scientific research and innovation capacity.(C) quality:Love for the motherland, love of socialism, with a po

19、sitive outlook on life, ideological and moral quality, behavior, professionalism and integrity coordination;With certain knowledge of humanities and art appreciation, with a strong awareness of innovation, entrepreneurship and competition;Three pragmatic truth, has a strong ability of comprehensive

20、analysis and coordination, a better grasp of the landscape planning and design;Healthy psychological qualities and sound mentality. Main Disciplines: landscape architecture, ecology, architecture Core Courses: Introduction of Mao Zedong Thought and the socialist theory with Chinese Characteristics,

21、English, Advanced Mathematics D, VB Programming, Garden Dendrology, Plant Ecology.Sub-directions:1. direction of planning and design: Landscape Planning and Design I - II, the Landscape Architectural Design, Landscape Engineering Design I - II.2. direction of construction management: Landscape Engin

22、eering Design I, Engineering Project Management I, Valuation of Landscape Engineering , Landscape Construction, Garden Plants Planting and Conservation Management.Table 1 Landscape expertise in structural requirementsKnowledge structureKnowledge requirementsInstrumentalInternet applicationsMaster th

23、e use of the Internet for a variety of information collection and use Foreign languagemaster a foreign language, and use the foreign language to read professional foreign materials, to conduct basic conversation and communicationLiterature searchGrasp methods of literature retrieval and integrating

24、literature;Computer and IT applicationsMaster basic computer knowledge and a simple programming, and the skillful use of the software to do landscape garden planning and design graphicsScientific WritingThe basic method to write literature review, design paper and academic paperHumanitiesLiteratureR

25、ead a certain number of literary classics, improve taste of life through literature, to understand the community, improve cultivationHistoryUnderstand Chinese civilization of thousands of years, especially the development of architectural and landscape history PhilosophyThe Marxist stand, viewpoint

26、and method, grasp the basic idea of materialist dialectics, analyze problems from a philosophical perspective AnthropologyUnderstand the habits and needs of human behaviorArtMaster the basic theory and basic techniques of painting, drawings and color expression and skillsReligious and culturalUnders

27、tand the main features of religions in the worldAestheticsknowledge of aesthetics, the basic methods of expressing beautySocial SciencesPolitical sciencesystematic study of the basic principles of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and the Chinese socialist theoretical system, and consciously practice them

28、.Lawsystematic and basic legal knowledge SociologyPreliminary knowledge of sociology to understand the current situation at home and abroad, and related policiesNatural ScienceBotanysystematic grasp of plant morphology, taxonomy, master of the identifying characteristics of commonly used garden plants, habits and applicationEcologyGrasp the relationship between plants and the environment, the ecosystem cycle theory, the theoretical basis of landscape ecologyEarth SciencesGrasp the main features of climate, weather, soil and topography in the terrestrial environment and it

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