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1、.Enhance the competitiveness of the Regional Tourism StrategyAbstract: The development of tourism is closely related to tourist resources and marketing activities. However, the geographical features of tourist resources and touristmovementaccount for the interaction between tourism and geographical

2、structure. This leads to the existing a signficant task to research into the strategies of advancing regional tourism competitiveness.Key words: regional tourism; competition; influenceIn recent years, with the rest of the world competing to tourism as a pillar industry for the development of local

3、and regional competition among the more obvious and in-depth. How to base their own reality, create competitive advantage, has become a top priority of the regional tourism development, but also travel in the new round of competition of the race. On the competitiveness of regional tourism can enhanc

4、e the regional competition of the sense of urgency, to promote discovery and understanding of the regional competition in their own strengths and weaknesses, and then rapid response, positive response, the local competitiveness through the expansion of Chinas tourism industry to strengthen the inter

5、national market competitive power. First, the regional tourism competitiveness factors The so-called regional tourism competitiveness refers to the various tourist regions as a whole, in its own process of development shown in the competition for tourists, development, occupation, industry, tourism

6、development of the market and obtain the capacity factor and growth potential. Regional tourism competitiveness is not the competitiveness of a given area, but by the interaction of many factors affecting the results, but also a potential to the competitive strength from the competition, to competit

7、ion, the results of the dynamic development process. Competitive once made, has aroused extensive concern of scholars home and abroad. The most prominent of which is research professor at Harvard University, the famous expert on competitive strategy Porter, his national diamond map model for industr

8、y competitiveness study provides an economic paradigm. In this paradigm which, Porter summarized the six factors: (1) factors of production, including natural resources, human resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure; (2) demand conditions, the major source markets that t

9、he demand structure and the scale of demand; (3) related and supporting industries conditions; (4) business strategy, structure and competition; (5) government action; (6) opportunities. For the tourism industry, because of its comprehensive features of its development, determine the impact of compe

10、titive factors in the regional tourism industry is also multifaceted. Based on these factors affect the competitiveness of the tourism industry, the size, can be divided into a decisive factor in supporting factors, developmental factors and security factors. Decisive factors include the conditions

11、of resources, tourism demand conditions, the competitiveness of tourism enterprises and the regional state tourism image overseas. These factors constitute the core of competitiveness of regional tourism, but also to improve the future competitiveness of the regional tourism industry must focus. Fac

12、tors supporting the development of tourism is not simply to exist, but the increase through its own perfect and can better stimulate and promote the competitiveness of regional tourism enhancement. Such factors include infrastructure, related and supporting industry conditions, personnel quality, te

13、chnology level. Regional tourism development factor is the formation and savings based on the future competitiveness, mainly referring to the regional tourism resources development and utilization of capacity, marketing, tourism enterprises, innovation, tourism, access to capital and the use of capa

14、city, tourism industry, optimization, adjustment capability . Protective factors constitute the development of regional tourism industry, the external environment, to promote and ensure the smooth direction of tourism development along healthy. Such factors include the tourism environment, the gover

15、nment and other development opportunities. Affect the competitiveness of the regional tourism industry is not independent of each other four factors, but an organic community. Decisive factor in competitiveness as a regional tourism in the core part of their development directly affects the strength

16、 of the overall competitiveness of the region. When the supporting factors for more approach and tilt to the tourism industry, the development of factors can play a better role. The supporting factors and developmental factors working together, can enhance the decisive factors on the actual and pote

17、ntial tourist attraction, but also to better meet the needs of visitors and enhance visitor satisfaction provide a guarantee. Factors can protect the decisive factor, supporting factors and developmental factors play better to create a good atmosphere, contributed to the severity. Second, to enhance

18、 the competitiveness of regional tourism strategy choice Competitive loading phase theory of Porter on the industry, another important contribution to competitiveness, according to this theory, the formation of regional tourism competitiveness go through four stages, namely, factor-driven stage, the

19、 investment-driven stage, innovation-driven stage and wealth driver stage. It is characterized by two stages: In the factor-driven stage, the formation of competitiveness from the rich resources of the region require regional integration through the resources found superior resources, then the resou

20、rce advantage into competitive advantage. Investment-driven stage of the formation of the competitiveness of the region benefited from government and business and investment willingness and ability to the development of advanced production factors. For most of our region, on the one hand is rich in

21、tourism resources, according to different levels of resources. Specific strategy choices are as follows: (A) strategic planning of regional tourism development strategy Planning for the development of tourism in a region crucial in determining the future direction of the regional tourism industry an

22、d overall program goals. Regional tourism development strategic planning as a competitive regional tourism product development is based on enhancing the competitiveness of regional tourism, sustainable tourism development as the goal to achieve, through a specific area of tourism competitive strengt

23、hs, weaknesses, challenges, opportunities analysis, choose the appropriate local development strategy, and then Yangzhangbuduan to ensure long-term regional tourism, sustainable and stable development. With traditional planning for regional tourism, regional tourism development strategic planning a

24、more comprehensive and targeted to specific implementation on a lot of flexibility there, and therefore more suitable in the competitive environment for tourism development by the guide. Regional development through regional tourism strategic planning, can effectively integrate resources to maximize

25、 the mining and upgrading capacity development and utilization to avoid unnecessary waste caused by wrong decisions so as to further enhance the potential of regional tourism competitiveness. (B) government-led strategy Tourism development requires a favorable external environment, any one of touris

26、m enterprises and groups can create and lead all Du industry to create such an environment, which requires the development of tourism Government Leading Strategy to be. As a government department, should play an active and effective coordination of their own initiative and capabilities, leading towa

27、rds a good direction for regional tourism development. The author believes that the government departments to achieve the following three aspects of its leading role: First, establish a good market competition, improve the tourism market system and strengthen the laws and regulations on tourism, and

28、 create a fair and reasonable competition in order; the second is the establishment of a flexible industrial development policies and reasonable investments, increased capital investment in the tourism industry, encourage and travel agents; third is to strengthen the coordination and guiding role of

29、 the government, weakening regulatory functions to the tourism industry and enterprise more development space and options. (C) of the tourism product differentiation strategy series Tourism products is carried out based tourism activities and conditions. Enriched and improved in all regions travel t

30、hrough the product line can enhance the overall level of supply capacity and to increase the intensity of the tourists buy. In the international tourism market, a large number of homogeneous products flooded conditions, and adhere to different product lines, can effectively avoid weakening the homog

31、eneity between regions due to strong competition resulting product. Meanwhile, the neighboring region through the differentiation between the products can also achieve the effect of Yangchangbuduan interest in regional cooperation and win-win situation. Of course, the more important characteristic o

32、f differentiated tourism products in the market more easily attract tourists and stimulate the visitors to buy. The formation of differentiated tourism products should be based on the regions resources, to identify the type of resources the region to be the exclusive, in-depth scoop out the culture,

33、 Jin Xing starting point for the design and development, fighting first began to enter the market characteristics of the formation of high grade Yi brand competitiveness. In addition, to increase efforts to develop new products, opened the product grade, in the design of the core products, to products and a

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