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1、由于通信网络的快速发展,中国智能手机用户数量近年来以惊人度增长。这极大地改变了许多人的阅读方式。他们现在经常智能手机上看新闻和文章,而不买传统报刊。大量移动应用程序的开发使人们能用手机读小说和其他形式的文学作品。因此,纸质书籍的销售受到了影响。但调查显示,尽管能手机阅读市场稳步增长,超半数成年人仍喜欢读纸质书。Due to the rapid development of communication network, the number of Chinese smartphone users has increased at an amazing speed in recent years,

2、 which has dramatically changed numerous peoples way of reading. Nowadays, they always read news and articles through smartphones instead of buying traditional newspapers. The development of a large number of mobile applications enables people to read novels and other forms of literary works with th

3、eir phones. Therefore, the sale of paper works has been affected. But the survey reveals that although the smartphone reading market is growing steadily, more than half of the grown-ups still enjoy reading printing books.篇章Passage One参考答案:16. They provide residents with the resources they need.17. B

4、y inspiring their creativity.18. Their number increased modestly.主旨内容:一个研究中心就超过1000个美国人进行了有关公共图书馆的调查,调查结果显示,美国人继续对当地的公共图书馆表示支持态度。参考原文:A Pew Research Center survey of more than 1000 Americans conducted in April 2016 finds that Americans continue to express largely positive views about the current sta

5、te of their local public libraries. For instance, around three quarters say that public libraries provide them with the resources they need and 66% say the closing of their local public library would have a major impact on their community. Although notably just 33% say this would have a major impact

6、 on them personally or on their family. A majority of Americans feel libraries are doing a good job of providing a safe place for people to hang out or spend time as well as opening up educational opportunities for people of all ages and roughly half think their libraries contribute a lot to their c

7、ommunities in terms of helping spark creativity among young people, and providing a trusted place for people to learn about new technologies. As in past Pew Research Center surveys of library use the April 2016 survey also measured Americans usage of and engagement with libraries. Overall, 53% of Am

8、ericans ages 16 and older have had some interaction with the puppet library in the past year either through an in person visit or using a library website some 48% of adults specifically visited a library in the past 12 months. A modest increase from the 44% who said that in late 2015.Question 16. Wh

9、at do most Americans say about local public libraries?Question 17. How can local public libraries benefit young people?Question 18. What does the 2016 survey show about adult library users?解析:本篇短文提到了较多的数字,这对于很多对数字不敏感的同学来说,有所难度,且因为这篇短文信息量比较大,所以部分内容甚至要求学生能记笔记,因此这篇短文难度较大。Passage Two19. It is an unusual

10、 cross breed.20. They are as loyal as dogs.21. They shower with them.一种新品种的猫是由中型野生非洲猫和家养猫杂交的产物,2001年国际猫协会承认了这种猫的品种,且允许人们拥有饲养。因为它们高且纤细,现在,这种猫已经成为人们所拥有的最多猫品种之一。A Savannah cat is a crossbreed between a domestic cat and a medium-sized wild African cat called the Serval. The unusual cross became popular

11、among breeders at the end of the 1990s. And in 2001, the International Cat Association accepted it as a new registered breed. The savannahs are tall and slim and can weigh up to nine point one kilograms, making them one of the largest breeds of cats that people can own. They have a spotted code simi

12、lar to that of many types of wild cats and their ears are very large. They are also commonly compared to dogs in their loyalty and can be trained to walk on a lead and to fetch, and often noted characteristic of the Savannah is its jumping ability. They are known to jump on top of doors and high cab

13、inets. Some can leap about2.5 meters high from a standing position. Cats are typically known for being very inquisitive and so are the Savannahs. They often learn how to open doors and cupboards. Many Savannah cats do not fear water and will play with or even dive into water. Some owners even shower

14、 with their Savannah Cats, presenting a water bowl to Savannah may also prove a challenge, as some will promptly begin to bat all the water out of the bowl until it is empty using their front paws.Question 19. What do we learn about the savannah cat?Question 20. What is characteristic of Savannah ca

15、ts?Question 21. What do some people do with their Savannah cats?本篇短文是一篇介绍型文章,也是大多数考生练习得较多和熟悉的考题形式。根据试听一致,找出关键名词,抓住出题点即可。难度不大,只需在提前读完选项之后能及时预判出题位置即可。Passage Three22. Excite but somewhat sad.23. It depends on their parents to success.24. Set a good example for them to follow.25. Their home life.有关孩子的教

16、育。孩子们第一次上学时,家长可能会兴奋,也会悲伤,有一种复杂的感情,但那并不是孩子们学习的开始。早在孩子出生时,家长对孩子的教育和孩子对家长的模仿就已经开始了。When children start school for the very first time parents often feel a sense of excitement coupled with a touch of sadness at the end of an era. This is the start of a new adventure for children playing and interacting

17、with new friends sharing, taking turns and settling into a new routine. But of course, this is not the start of your childs education which in fact began at birth. Back then, you would have been your childs most influential teachers. During this time at home, your child would have learnt more than a

18、t any other period in their life. During your childs first year in school much time will be spent in learning to read and they need to know that this is fun and worthwhile. Your child will naturally copy you so it is important that you are seen reading and enjoying books newspapers and magazines rat

19、her than just absorbed in screens. Ultimately an excellent education should be a close partnership between parents and teachers. A childs year splits fairly neatly into thirds: a third at school, a third asleep and a third awake at home or on holiday. Irrespective of the quality of a school a childs

20、 home life is of key importance. It is the determining factor of their academic success. Your child may have started on a new journey but your work is far from finished.Question 22. How do parents feel when their children start going to school?Question 23. What does the passage say about childrens e

21、ducation?Question 24. What should parents do for the success of their childrens education?Question 25. What does the passage say is the key factor of childrens academic success?本篇短文前两题相对比较常规,第一题出现在文章开头第一句话部分,考察了考生对情感类词汇的了解程度;第二题出现在转折词but之后,也是一个重点提示的地方,需要考生迅速反应把握清出题点。最后两题需要根据选项内容来仔细听材料才可选出。四级阅读解析今年四级

22、考试在阅读这个版块里,总体难度仍然呈较为平稳的发展态势。无论是选词填空、长篇阅读还是仔细阅读,与在四级课堂上讲到的解题技巧都有很高的契合度。首先一起来谈谈选词填空这个题型。总的来说,考点仍然是课堂上反复跟大家强调的,用我们上课讲到的快速解题法则很快能得到正确答案。首先第一步分析选项词性。今年名词考2个,动词考5个,形容词考1个,副词2个。如此一来,我们很快把15选1缩小到了最多是7选1,最少的情况是1选1。另外,请注意,名词通过单复数,动词通过时态和非谓语动词还可以进一步缩小范围。选词填空答案如下:26. F Damage27. B associated28 .M sources29 .D c

23、onstant30 .G described31 .E control32 .H equals33 .K regularly34. I exclusively35 .O vehicles长篇阅读难度持平,用定位法则快速找定位即可,特别要注意的是题干中只出现的大写专有名词、数字、时间、连词符和只出现过一次的表达。今年的匹配题比较难,少数题干出现了同义替换的现象,大多数还是按照我们说的用到的是类似的表达和词性的替换。匹配题答案如下:36-40 DBGFI 41-45 FCJEG36. More than half of the food Americans eat is factory-produ

24、ced37.There is a special program that assigns doctors to give advice to shoppers in food stores.38.There is growing evidence from research that food helps patients recover from various illnesses.39. A healthy breakfast can be prepared quickly and easily.40.Training a patient to prepare healthy fod c

25、an change their life.41. One food-as-medicine program not only prescribes food for treatment but teaches patientshow to cook it.42. Scott is nat keen on cooking food herself thinking it would simply be a waste of time43. Diabetes patients are advised to eat more plant-based food44.Using food as medi

26、cine is no novel idea but the movement is making headway these days.45. Americans high rates of various illesses result from the way they eat.再来谈谈仔细阅读部分。我们在课堂上跟大家反复强调过,四级仔细阅读的核心在于四个字“精准定位”,今年所涉及到的考点全部是我们之前课程中所涵盖到的。第一篇的题干中几乎没有大写专有名词出现,大家需要注意每道题题干中的名词短语和动宾搭配进行定位。第二篇定位难度不大,但是由于考到的文章主题为AI,定位简单的基础上,难点在于定

27、位处和选项的对应。特别要注意的是,今年的51题考到了之前很少考的例证题。仔细阅读答案如下:46. How could californias drought crisis be solved according to some researchers?B- By drawing water from the depths of the earth47. What can be inferred about extracting water from deep aquifers?B - It was not considered worth the expense48. What is ment

28、ioned as a consequence of extracting water from deep underground?A- The sinking of land surface49. What does the author say about deep wells?D- They provide a steady supply of freshwater50 What may happen when deep aquiters are used as water sources?C- The cost may go up due to desalination.51. What does the author want to show with the example of AlphaGos victory?D- Computers can become highly inelilence52. What does the author mean by Al machines a

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