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1、去年电影怎么样?课文要点 How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit? (P32)2. 我不喜欢沙拉。I dont like salads. I dont like salad.英语中salad是物质名词,不可数,只用单数不用复数。He eats nothing but salad. 他仅以色拉为食。Sometimes I have salad for supper. 有时我晚饭吃沙拉。Dinner includes soup, entree, salad, and two vegetables. 正餐包括汤、主菜、沙拉、还有两个蔬菜。

2、注意:若指“一份色拉”或“一盘色拉”,则可数。Ill mix a salad. 我去拌一盘生菜。ll just take a small salad, please. 我只想要一小盆沙拉。It only takes a minute to make a salad. 做一盘色拉用不了多少时间。 课文要点Do you like salad? (P31)3. 我早餐喜欢听懂苹果和鸡蛋。I like apples and eggs for the breakfast. I like apples and eggs for breakfast.解析:表示一般意义的“breakfast”;“lunch”

3、;“ supper”;“dinner”时,其前不用冠词。We have breakfast at 7 a.m. 我们上午7点吃早饭。Can you manage lunch on Tuesday?你星期二能来吃午饭吗?当与at, after, before, for等介词搭配时,原则上不用冠词。Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好。I like to have rice for lunch. 中餐我喜欢吃玉米饭。若是特指某一顿早、中、晚餐,则可在其前加定冠词或甚至其他限定词。Thank you for the breakfast.

4、谢谢你的这顿早餐。若具体指某一顿饭或受形容词的修饰,则也可用冠词。After a quick breakfast, he goes to school every day. 他每天匆忙吃完早饭后上学。So we had a very late supper. 所以我们晚饭吃得很晚。课文要点What do you like for breakfast? (P35) 4. 我非常喜欢西红柿。 I like tomatos very much. I like tomatoes very much.tomato“西红柿”, 是可数名词。以字母o结尾的名词变为复数时,有的加-s;有的加-es。但hero

5、“英雄”;negro “黑人”;tomato“西红柿”potato“马铃薯”四个单词必须要-es构成复数。Thetomatoesarenot yetripe.西红柿还没熟。They are planting potatoes. 他们在种土豆。Do you know these heroes?你认识这些英雄吗?课文要点 Does she like tomatoes? (P33)5. 她每天吃很多水果。She eats many fruits every day. She eats many fruit every day. fruit “水果”,通常为不可数名词,但表示种类时是可数名词,并常用复

6、数。She eats much fruit every day. 她每天吃许多水果。There are many fruits in the store. 商店里有许多种水果。如果指不 同种类的水果时,则用复数fruits。I like to eat bananas, apples, pears and other fruits 我喜欢吃香蕉、苹果、梨子以及其它水果。我们只能说 a fruit shop, 不能说 a fruits shop。He works in a fruit shop. 他在一家水果店工作。fruit作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。Green fruit is not g

7、ood to eat 没熟的水果不好吃。课文要点 What about the fruit?6. 你喜欢中国食物吗?Do you like Chinese foods?Do you like Chinese food?food“食品”;“食物”,是不可数名词。All the food is on the table. 所有的食品在桌子上。food也可以用作可数名词,a food意为“一种食物”, foods意为“多种食物”。Too many sweet foods, like cakes and pastry, may increase your weight. 太多的甜食品,像蛋糕和点心,可

8、能会增加你的体重。课文要点 Lets think about the food. (P32)7. 我想问一个问题。I want asking a question. I want to ask a question. want “想要”,用作及物动词,后跟不定式作宾语,表示“想做某事”,但不可以跟动词-ing形式。I want to look at the photo of your family. 我想看看你家的照片。Someone wants to see you. 有人要见你。还可以用于want somebody to do something结构,表示“想要某人做某事”。He want

9、s me to help him. 他想要我帮助他。want还可以解作“需要”,后跟名词或代词。All plants want water. 一切植物都需要水。Children want lots of sleep. 儿童需要足够的睡眠。课文要点I dont want to be fat. (P35)8. 你喜欢牛奶吗?是的,我喜欢。Do you like milk?Yes, I like. Yes, I do. 一般疑问句Do you like ? 的肯定回答是Yes, I do. 否定回答是No, I dont. 如:Do you go to school at eight every d

10、ay?你每天八点上学吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我每天八点上学。Does he speak English well?他英语说的好吗?No, he doesnt. 不,他说的不好。课文要点David: What lunch? Do you like salad?Cindy: Yes, I really like it. (P35)9. 他拼写得很好。He spells good.He spells well. 这两个词都表示“好”的意思。good作形容词,常用来指人的品行好,或事物的质地好,也常用来向别人问好。Miss Green is a good teacher. 格林女士是位好老师。

11、Your picture is very good. 你的照片很好。Good morning. 早上好。well 常做副词,修饰动词用。He speaks English well.他英语讲得好。He writes well.他的字写的好。well做形容词时,指人的身体好,健康的How is your father?你父亲好吗?Hes very well.他非常好。课文要点Sports Start Eats Well! (P35)10. 现在咱们吃午饭。Lets to have lunch now. Lets have lunch now. 这是以let开头的表示建议或请求的祈使句。lets是

12、let us的缩写形式。lets 后跟动词原形。Let play basketball this afternoon. 今天下午咱们的篮球。Lets open the windows of the classroom. 咱们把教室的窗户打开吧。课文要点Lets have strawberries and apples then. (P32)自我检测单项填空:1 How about _ some milk and bread?That sounds good. A. have B. having C. has D. to have 2 Some salad _ here and some ham

13、burgers _ there. A. are; is B. is; are C. are; are D. is; is 3 How many _ are there in the basket?A. potato B. bread C. tomatoes D. fish 4 Jenny, what s your favorite ?I like bananas best. A. vegetables B. fruit C. drink D. meat 5 Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of h

14、ealthy _. A. food B. water C. pear D. carrot6 Joe, our daughters birthday is next week. I want _ her a computer. A. get B. to get C. gets D. getting 7 Do you like vegetables?Yes, I _. A. am B. like C. does D. do 8Do you know Jack?Yes. I know him very _. He is a _ student. A. good; well B. good; good

15、; C. well; good D. good; well9Lets _you with your English this afternoon. A. to help B. help C. helping D helped 10There isnt any in the bowl. A. noodles B. dumplings C. rice D. eggs11 We often have _ breakfast at school. A. a B. / C. the D. an 12. Does he like singing?No, he _. A. doesnt like B. do

16、nt C. doesnt D. dont like it 13. We often have chicken for _ A. a dinner B. the dinner C. dinner D. some dinner 14. How about going to the cinema this afternoon? _. A. That sounds good B. Yes, you are right C. You are welcome D. Here you are 15. Some _ in the glass. A. milks are B. milk is C. milk a

17、re D. milks is 补全对话 A) 根据对话内容补全句子。A: Hello, Tom! Do you like apples?B: Yes, I do. _1_ I like apples. And my father likes apples, too. Does your father like apples? _2_ He likes oranges and bread for breakfast. What does your father like for breakfast? He loves fruit. I think its healthy. _3_ Oh! She

18、 eats well every day. She eats lot of healthy food. She has eggs, milk and vegetables. Does she like carrots? _4_ But she doesnt likes dessert. _5_ No, I dont. B) 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。 Hello, Jack. do you have breakfast every day? _1_ _2_ I have an egg, bread and milk for breakfast. I think its h

19、ealthy. _3_ For lunch, I have chicken and rice. _4_ I like strawberries, bananas and oranges. For supper, lets have tomatoes, OK? Sorry, I dont like tomatoes. I like salad. OK. _5_A. Oh, I dont knowB. What about for lunch?C. Lets have salad. D. Yes, I do. E. I dont want to be fat.F. What fruit do yo

20、u like?G. What do you have for breakfast?Unit How much are these socks?1.请把钥匙递给我。给你。Pass me the keys, are here. Here you are. Here you are意为“给你”,是一个习惯用语,用于向对方展示所需要的东西,不能按照一般顺序写成You are here. 如:Excuse me. May I use your ruler?劳驾,我可以用你的尺子吗?Of course. Here you are. 当然可以。给你。课文要点 Mary: Great!

21、Ill take two pairs. Woman: Here you are. (P38)2. 这很便宜,我想就买它吧。Thats cheap. I think Ill buy it. Thats cheap. I think Ill take it. buy 与take都有“买”的意思。buy是一般用词。Would you please buy me a book?你给我买本书好吗?What about buying some meat?买些肉怎么样?而当顾客一旦选用了某种物品要买地,则用take。ll take it at your offered price.我将按您所说的价格买下来。

22、如果选定的物品是复数时,应说Ill take them. 如:The bananas are two dollars. 这些香蕉2美元。Ill take them. 我买了。课文要点Great! Ill take two pairs. (P38)3. 先生,你要点什么?要五斤苹果。What do you want, sir?Id like five kilos of apples, please. Can I help you, sir?What can I do for you, sir?当售货员问顾客“你买什么?”或“你要什么吗”时常用Can I help you? 这是售货员或服务员迎接

23、顾客的常用语。有时也说May I help you? 或What can I do for you? 如果需要帮助,答语应为Yes, please. 接着说出自己的需要即可。如果不需要帮助,则可回答 No, thanks. Im just having a look. 等。May I help you, madam?夫人,你想要点什么?Yes, please. Id like to have 5 Kg. of these apples. 是的。我想要五公斤这样的苹果。Can I help you? 有时还作“我能帮你的忙吗?”如:cant carry the heavy box. 我搬不动这个

24、箱子。Can I help you?我能帮你的忙吗?课文要点Woman: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. (P38)4. 我的朋友都是教师。My all friends are teachers. All my friends are teachers. all作为形容词与带定冠词和物主代词的名词一起用时,all应放在冠词或物主代词前面。All the things are in the bag. 所有的东西都在书包里。All his classmates are from the countrysi

25、de. 他所有的同学都来自农村。课文要点 We sell all our clothes at very good prices. (P41)5. 你想要支铅笔吗?是的,我想要一支铅笔。 Do you want a pencil?Yes, I want it. 你想要支铅笔吗?Yes, I want one. 是的,我想要一支铅笔。it也可以用来代替前面提到过的名词,指同一件事物。Do you want the pencil?你想要这支铅笔吗?是的,我想要这支铅笔。one为替代词,用来代替前面提到过的同类事物,但不是同一件,具有泛指的性质。Do you have a small knife?你

26、有小刀吗?Yes, I have a small one. 是的,我有一把小刀。课文要点 Oh, I like this one. (P41)6. 这双鞋多少钱?How much is these shoes?How much are these shoes?how much “(购物时)多少钱?”用来提问价格。当询问不可数名词或可数名词单数时,be动词用is;当询问可数名词复数的价格时,be动词用are。How much is the milk?牛奶多少钱?Its ten dollars. 10美元。How much are these books?这些书多少钱?They are 50 dollars. 50美元。课文要点How much is the white bag? (P40)7. 这双短袜是新的。This pair of socks are new. This pair of socks is new. 解

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