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1、评分标准Global scoring _overall rating一. TR(Task Response任务反应情况)二. CC(Coherence& Cohesion连贯和衔接)三. LR(Lexical Resources词汇资源)四. GR&A(Grammatical Range& Accuracy语法范围和精确度)写作步骤 1审题 分析题目 理解话题,遇到生词大胆猜 确定Argumentation /Report2 构思 brainstorming 写下ideas/key words .Argumentation型, 正反各列最多三点Report 型,列出 causes and so

2、lutions原则 Equality Safety Education Environment Health (physical/ psychological ) Culture and civilization Science and technology Time and money Emotion/ morality 3. 列outline 确定几段,每段中心句,使用准备套句和过渡句4. 动笔5 检查语法,拼写 题目分析1.Report要求分析某个问题或现象,找出原因,说明影响, 提出解决方法 1.18 Many children find it is difficult to conc

3、entrate or pay attention at school. What are the causes? What are the possible solutions to this problem? 2. ArgumentationArgumentation要求考生就某一话题或观点进行评价,驳斥,力求说服考官大人,常常以一般疑问句形式出现 5.10 Nowadays women have full-time work the same as men, logically men should share housework equally with women. Do you ag

4、ree or disagree?2013.01.19A 类In modern society, fatherhood should be emphasized as much as motherhood. Do you agree or disagree?Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Do the advantages of. outweigh its disadvantages?Do you think it is a negative or positive developmentReport 探讨成因与对策模式第一段 提出问题,

5、描述现状,表明写作目的 第二段 分析数个原因 第三段 提出相应对策 或 影响 结尾段 总结,发出号召或者倡议 ,展望未来 模板 In recent years/recently/nowadays ,名词词组has become a hot/thorny/pressing issue, 改写作文题/自由发挥与主题相关句子.People( parents, teachers, citizens.) have been attaching greater importance to this matter, for it may induce a host of problems such as 名

6、词.In this essay, I aim to explore/discuss/analyze this complicated/serious/severe/ worrying phenomenon from diverse perspectives , and bring up some effective measures/solutions.To my mind, an array of factors contribute to this complex situation. The first important reason / cause is. Another major

7、 factor is . And the most frequently stressed one isConfronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive measures. First of allMoreover. Last but not the least,When everyone is fully aware of the severity /significance /risks, and takes feasible measures, I firmly belie

8、ve that we will be able to . /Both the government and ordinary citizens should make concerted/joint efforts to1.The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. The rich is growing richer and the poor is growing poorer. What are the causes of this problem?What solutions can you propose to so

9、lve this problem?Nowadays , the widening gap between the rich and the poor has become a thorny issue, people have been attaching greater importance to this social problem , for it may induce a host of consequences such as hatred toward the billionaire or even social riot .In this essay, I aim to exp

10、lore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives , and bring up some effective measures. To my mind , the origins of the problem come as follows. To begin with ,the rich people are already blessed with superior education , better resources, some of them are born into the purple and can mak

11、e use of their wealth accumulated by their ancestors to make wise investment, while the impoverished people have no advantage in starting their business , for huge fund problem has always been an impediment/barrier /hurdle on their way to take the first step. Besides , it is always the rich people t

12、hat are in the dominant positions in the society , thus they are more likely to make policies which are in favor of their interest . And the increase of fortune/wealth seems to be a privilege of their own. Another factor we need to point out is that most of the rich people are always adventurous and

13、 willing to accept challenges and will try their best to achieve a goal despite constant failures . On the contrary , some poor people are always counting on luck and free lunch instead of striving hard for a change, therefore , their chances of making money will slip away every time they choose to

14、avoid difficulties and bury themselves in complaint . The situation cannot last too long and there must be some ways out. First ,governments are obliged to moderately redistribute social wealth by posing heavier taxes to the rich class and investing more in the warfare of the people living in povert

15、y. In addition, the authorities concerned are supposed to enact favorable financial policies for those people who want to start a company , for example , low-interest loan. To live in a common wealth society is the ultimate goal of mankind and we must cherish the hope that with the joint efforts fro

16、m government and the poor people themselves , the gap between the rich and the poor will be eventually bridged. 2. Science tells us some activities are good for our health and there are some unhealthy activities. But millions of people still do those unhealthy activities. Why is it happening?What ca

17、n we do to change this situation?staying upeating junk foodgoing on a strict diet increasing pressure from work and study leaves little time for bed time or for a decent meal.lack of self control and time management requirement due to the wrong concept of beauty , many girls sacrifice hea

18、lth for a slim body.Despite the fact that physicians warn us that certain activities may lead to cancer or other serious diseases , a large number of drinkers and smokers are still unwilling to drop their cups or throw the cigars away. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from

19、 diverse perspectives , and bring up some effective measuresWhy so are many people obsessed with such harmful activities ? Firstly , we can never deny the healing effect of cigarette or a glass of wine when we feel depressed , frustrated and lonely or simply need an inspiration .Secondly , lack of s

20、elf-control and perseverance is the main cause of our constant failures in kicking out the bad habit .When it comes to the addiction to the internet or TV watching ,( which brings physical damage as well , say ,obesity, failure of eyesight.), the disillusion of their dream should be responsible . Th

21、ose poor people, by watching the surreal but happy TV dramas or communicating with their cyber friends , can find spiritual satisfaction and emotional relief. The solutions , in my opinion , may come as follows. To begin with, wider promotion of the hazards of the relevant practices should be made b

22、y the media .Besides , the victims are encouraged to seek help from friends and family or communities which could provide professional advice and care. Another effective way is to divert attention to healthy sports , such as swimming or playing badminton ,which can also bring fun and relaxation.We a

23、re dreaming to enjoy a healthy life , but we should be conscious of the harm under disguise .With our joint efforts, I firmly believe that the situation will change for the better.3.The rise of living standard in a country often only benefits cities rather than rural areas. What problems can be caus

24、ed?How to reduce these problems?Many countryside people who want to seek superior life in the city will pose problems to the city first , such as surging urban population , traffic problems , more fierce competitions in the job market In addition , the villages will suffer from the negative impact o

25、f the population drain . (brain drain. )it is not unusual to find that many farms fall disused, for the strong young labor are in the city . Another fact we should notice is that many country factories will go bankrupt because of young labor shortage. The gap between the city and the village will be

26、 widened in terms of food varieties , nutrition , transport convenience , entertainment means and housing condition . Thus, there might emerge some social conflicts ,for the rural residents/dwellers/inhabitants might show discontent with the social inequality The absence of a large number of capable

27、 people , (who are usually the hardcore of the family , ) will make old people and children unattended , therefore , the problem of health and education of children is becoming increasingly serious. First , the government should give priority to the infrastructure construction of the rural areas. Mo

28、re money should be invested in the development of roads , medical care and education . Besides , more job opportunities should be provided to the rural inhabitants/dwellers who need not seek jobs in the city . Last but the least, more talents can be retained in their home town if the government coul

29、d provide rewards or incentives . It is you that make me understand the true meaning of love. ARGUMENTAION 1,对称型 counter-argument第一段 引入性话语,引出话题,简单陈述对该问题不同看法. 第二段 陈述一方观点,具体论证 第三段 过渡到另一方观点 ,具体论证 结尾段 总结双方表明立场看法 Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination but others think t

30、here are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.引言段 写法交代背景,引出话题,呈现双方观点模板Recently,has become a hot-button issue on which people retain different views. some people claim thatHowever, others argue that Before rendering my position, I think it is

31、essential to explore both sides of the hot issue.科技类 4. Mobile phones and the Internet play an important role in the way people relate to one another socially. Is this a positive or negative development?Advantages :1. The production efficiency is greatly enhanced by the popularity of technology. 2 Technological inventions could bring great convenience to our daily lives and lift the standard of living. disadvantages:1.Along with the leisure enriched by the Internet, people tend to ignore / neglect the commun

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