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1、C education(4)A familiarB helpfulC enough(5)A higherB lowerC half(6)A competitionB fightC conversation(7)A noB yesC sorry(8)A peacefullyB regretfullyC thankfully(9)A worriedB stressedC pleased(10)Amake a differenceB make a messC make a mistake【解答】15:BBACA 610:CBCCA1B 考查动词辨析A买;B卖;C生产;根据后面I had many t

2、hings that I no longer needed at home家里有很多东西不再需要,应该是想卖什么东西,故答案是B2B 考查动词辨析A使恼怒;B喜欢;C惩罚;根据I knew with the help of my father I could make money So for months and months I () myself by selling things on my dads bank account(账户)我知道,在父亲的帮助下,我可以赚钱所以好几个月,我在爸爸的银行账户上卖东西应该是玩得很开心,enjoy oneself玩得开心,故答案是B3A 考查名词辨

3、析A生意;B假期;C教育;根据下文 so I decided to expand (拓展)my business 想拓展我的生意,前面应该开始了自己的生意,故答案是A4C 考查形容词辨析A熟悉的;B有帮助的;C足够的;根据后面so I decided to expand my business by running a resale shop所以我决定经营一家再出售店来扩大业务,可知前面 I realized that selling things around the house我意识到房子周围卖东西,是不够的,故答案是C5A 考查形容词辨析A更高的;B更低的;C一半;根据 I went a

4、round to the yard sales and bought things at low prices and sold them at(5)prices to make money我到院子里收东西,低价买东西,后面挣钱,应该是高价卖出,故答案是A6C 考查名词辨析A竞争,比赛;B战斗;C对话;根据后面Through the communication,通过沟通,可知前面是对话,故答案是C7B 考查动词辨析A不是;B是的;C对不起;根据So I made a decision to help her out She looked at me for a while and then s

5、aid(7) After that I took away some of her things and over the next month I made ¥1,500for her! 于是我决定帮助她她看了我一会儿然后我拿走了她的一些东西,在接下来的一个月里,我为她赚了1500美元可知是同意了,故答案是B8C 考查副词辨析A平静地;B遗憾的;C感谢地;根据When I gave her the money, she broke down into tears当我把钱给她时,她泪流满面,结合文章可知是感谢我,故答案是C9C 考查形容词辨析A担心的;B紧张的;C高兴的;根据后面help so

6、meone in my life帮助 别人,还感谢他,应该是非常高兴的,故答案是C10A 考查短语辨析A有影响;B弄的一团糟;C犯错误;根据I know my skills could be used to help those in need and that even one small act of kindness could我知道我的技能可以用来帮助那些需要帮助的人,即使是一点小小的善行也可以有作用,故答案是A2(2017长沙)A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the parkThe young daughter was

7、a little bit tired,so they took a (31)C on the beach,when the daughter saw an old man selling apples,she asked her father to buy her an appleHer father didnt bring much money with him,but it was enough to buy two applesSo he did,and gave (32)A of them to his daughter,smilingHis daughter held one app

8、le in her left hand and the other in the right handThen the father asked her if she could (33)C one of the apples with himWhen the girl heard this,she quickly took a bite(咬) from one appleAnd before her father could speak,she also took a bite from the (34)B appleThe father was (35)BHe wondered what

9、mistake he made so that his daughter acted in such a greedy(贪婪的)wayHe was lost in thoughtPerhaps he was just thinking too muchHis daughter was too (36)C to understand about sharing and givingA smile disappeared from his faceSuddenly,his daughter with an apple in her left hand said,Daddy,have this on

10、e!It is much juicer and (37)AHer father was speechlessHe felt (38)C about making the judgment(判断)so quickly about a small childBut his smile (39)B knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite from each appleDont judge anything or draw a conclusion(结论)too quickly (40)A spare some more time to underst

11、and things better31AwalkBshowerCbreak32AbothBeitherCneither33AcutBwashCshare34AfirstBsecondCthird35AsatisfiedBsurprisedCmoved36AbraveBsillyCyoung37AsweeterBbittererCsaltier38AproudBgreatCbad39Awent awayBcame backCran off40AAlwaysBNeverCSeldom【解答】31C 考查名词,Awalk步行 Bshower淋浴 Cbreak间断 根据The young daught

12、er was a little bit tired这个小女孩有点累了,可知想要休息,take a break休息一下,固定短语,故选C32A 考查形容词,Aboth两者都 Beither两者中任一的 Cneither 既不 根据it was enough to buy two apples钱够买两个苹果的,可知是买了两个苹果都给了女儿,故选A33C 考查动词,Acut 切Bwash 洗Cshare分享 根据one of the apples with him和他其中一个苹果,结合选项,介词with可以和share构成短语sharewith和分享符合题意,句意是他问女儿是否可以和他分享其中一个苹

13、果,故选C34B 考查形容词,Afirst第一 Bsecond第二 Cthird 第三 根据语境,共买了两个苹果,可知女儿咬完一个,接着咬的是第二个,故选B35B 考查形容词,Asatisfied满意的 Bsurprised惊讶的 Cmoved感到的 根据He wondered what mistake he made so that his daughter acted in such a greedy(贪婪的)way他想知道他在教育孩子的时候到底做错了什么,以至于自己的女儿这么贪婪,结合选项,B选项符合题意,句意是父亲是感到惊讶的36C 考查形容词,Abrave勇敢的 Bsilly愚蠢的

14、Cyoung 年轻的 根据题干,可知考查句型tooto太以至于不能,understand about sharing and giving理解关于分享和给予,结合选项,可知父亲理解成或许女儿太小不能理解关于分享和给予37A 考查形容词,Asweeter甜味的 Bbitterer苦的 Csaltier咸的 根据It is much juicer and 它汁水更多,and连接的两个形容词,应该是属于一类,juicer汁水多的和sweeter甜味的,是一类,故选A38C 考查形容词,Aproud 自豪的Bgreat伟大的 Cbad糟糕的 根据about making the judgment(判断

15、)so quickly about a small child对一个小孩那么轻易的做出判断,可知父亲对这种武断的感觉很不好,结合选项,故选C39B 考查动词,Awent away离开 Bcame back回来 Cran off逃跑 根据前文A smile disappeared from his face爸爸脸上的微笑消失了,由此可知现在又回来了,故选B40A 考查副词,AAlways总是 BNever从不 CSeldom几乎不 根据Dont judge anything or draw a conclusion(结论)too quickly 不要对任何事情快速的下结论,可知要留有足够的时间去

16、更好的了解,结合选项,B C都表示否定,不合题意,故选A3(2016长沙)Do you believe that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet?The right words at just the right time could (31)B someones lifeWhen I was 3years old,my parents discovered I was (32)BAfter asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children,they decid

17、ed not to put me in a special schoolAlthough I seemed outgoing,my selfesteem(自尊心)was quite lowOn my first day at school,the other kids (33)Ame because of my hearing aid and the way I talkedI was hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n)(34)AkidMrsGreen,my (35)C,changed all of that with a simple threeword

18、 phraseOne morning,she asked the class a questionSitting at my desk silently,I(36)A her lips(嘴唇)and raised my hand right awayShe called on me in front of the blackboardI took a deep breath and (37)A answered MrsGreens questionI will (38)C forget what happened nextMrsGreen pointed directly at meWith

19、sparkling (闪光的)eyes and a big smile she cried:Thats right,Ben!For the first time in my young life,my confidence(自信)roseAt that moment,I decided that no matter how many (39)B I may face,I can overcome(克服)themThanks to those three (40)Cwords,my whole life changed from that moment31AendBchangeClose32Ab

20、lindBdeafCfat33Amade fun ofBtook care ofCmade friends with34AuglyBsmartChandsome35AdriverBdoctorCteacher36AreadBtouchedCreached37AnervouslyBlazilyCcarelessly38AoftenBeverCnever39AaimsBdifficultiesCinterests40AunkindBbitterCsimple【解答】31B 考查动词,Aend结束 Bchange改变 Close失去,根据文章最后一句话my whole life changed fr

21、om that moment那个时刻改变了我的一生,文章前后呼应,可知是正确的语言可以改变一个人的一生,故选B32B 考查形容词,Ablind 瞎的Bdeaf 聋的Cfat 胖的,根据After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children在咨询了很多医生和其他聋哑儿童的父母后,可知此处是说我是聋哑的,故选B33A 考查动词,Amade fun of 取笑Btook care of照顾 Cmade friends with 和交朋友,根据后文I was hurt deeply 我被深深伤害了,说明别的孩子取笑我,故选A34A 考查

22、形容词,Augly丑陋的 Bsmart聪明的 Chandsome 英俊的,根据前文because of my hearing aid and the way I talked因为我的助听器和我讲话的方式,可知我认为别人取笑我是因为这个样子太丑陋,故选A35C 考查名词,Adriver驾驶员 Bdoctor医生 Cteacher老师,根据She called on me in front of the blackboard她在黑板前叫我,可知在黑板前应该是老师,故选C36A 考查动词,Aread读 Btouched触摸 Creached 到达,根据语境,可知作者是个聋哑人,听不到声音,只能通过观

23、察辨别事物,所以此处是读老师的唇形,故选A37A 考查副词,Anervously紧张地 Blazily懒惰地 Ccarelessly粗心地,根据I took a deep breath 我深呼吸,说明我是紧张的,故选A38C 考查副词,Aoften经常 Bever曾经 Cnever从不,根据最后一句话my whole life changed from that moment那个时刻改变了我的一生,可知重要时刻是很难忘记的,故选C39B 考查名词,Aaims目标 Bdifficulties困难 Cinterests 兴趣,根据I can overcome(克服)them我可以克服它们,可知克服

24、的一般都是困难,故选B40C 考查形容词,Aunkind不厚道的 Bbitter痛苦的 Csimple简单的,根据那是对的,Ben,可知老师没说别的,就这简简单单的三个单词,故选C4(2015长沙)I am not a brave girl,and even a little mouse scares(惊吓) me(31)A Ive been crazy about bungee jumping(蹦极)One day,I found a good place for this exicing(32)Bin Thailand by surfing the InternetI packed my

25、bag and flew thereHowever,I had no idea how to get to the address listed on the(33)CI called them and took a taxi,but the taxi driver didnt know the way,eitherHe dropped me halfwayHaving bought some bread,I had to wait for the car that was supposed to pick me upJust then a young man jumped out of a car and asked if I was JennyThen we (34)C to the bungee jumping placeI was amazed by the sights along the road through the window of the carI quickly signed an agreement which said I I might die,and(35)B a harness(安全带)The guide led me through a gate,asked me to

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