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1、4.Where s Maria? She has gone to cuba她去了古巴(人还没回来)5.Great cha nges have take n place in my hometow n.6.There were _so many people thereJhatcouldn t find a proper place to take photosso- that+从 句(否定句)=too -to - so- that+从 句(肯定句)=形 /副 +e no ugh to do sthHe is so young that he cartgo to school=He is too

2、 young to go to school.=He isn told eno ugh to go to schoolHe is so tall that he can reach the apple on the tree=He is tall eno ugh to reach the apple on the tree.7.Listen! There goes the the bel听!上课铃响了 have /has been to s某人曾经去过某地(人已回来)sb have/has gone to某人去了某地(人不在说话者的地方)sb have /has bee n in s某

3、人呆在某地Words:develop(v)-developing/developed(adj)developme nt(n)发展 发展中的/发达的 发展/达;开发educate(v)-educati on(n教育 com mun ite(v)-com muni cati on(n)交流decide(v)-decisi on(n) 决定feed-fed-fed 喂,饲养 do -did-done 做 shut-shut-shut 关上 chat-chatted-chatted 聊天 spend-spent-spent花费 feel-felt-felt 感觉 fall-fell-fallen 掉l

4、earn-learned/learnt-learned/learnt 学 dream-dreamed/dreamt-dreamed/dream梦想tell-told-told 告诉 write-wrote-written 写take part in+活动 join+ 组织 leisure /social /volun teer activities 业余 / 社会 / 志愿活动be a volunteer成为一个志愿者 disabled children s一所me疾儿童养育院tell stories to the kids 给孩子们讲故事 feed the disabled childre

5、n 给残疾儿童喂饭a won derful experie nee 次精彩的经历 lear n a lot from sp 从 中学至U许多have no time/money/chances to do st没有时间 /钱/机会做某事have no time to travel没有时间去旅行write an article about teengers/smoking/healtl写一篇关于青少年 /扌由烟/健康的文章tell sb somethi ng about告诉某人一些关于 have/live a hard /happy life过着艰苦/幸福的生活 have a bala need

6、 diet 饮食均衡 describe sth in detail/detailedly 详细地描述某物in the past /at present/nowadays/now/in the futur过去 /现在 /如今 /现在,此刻,/将来 spe nd their childhood/the eve nin g/summer holiday /spe nd the whole holiday度过他们的童年/过夜/度过暑假/度过整个暑假couldn t/can t afford the children 供不起孩子上上学 child laborers 做童工in order to +V/s

7、o that+clause 为了 their families 养家糊口 get a good education受至U 良好的教育give support to sb/poor families为某人/贫困家庭提供帮助 get eno ugh food adj/adv+e no ugh 获得足够的食物day and ni ght develop rapidjy迅速发展 with the development of 随着 的发展I have ever-(clea n rooms/jump rope/chat on li ne/have summer classes/do f

8、arm work)1).Have you ever taken part in any social activities?/told stories to the kids / fed /cleaned rooms for/cooked for the disabled children? Yes, I have/No, I havent2)你曾经参加过一些公益活动/给孩子讲过故事/给残疾儿童喂吗?3)Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.1.虽然我没有时间去旅行,但是我仍然 感到很开心4)Could you plea

9、se tell me something about Chinese teenagei告诉有些有关-5)Can you describe it in detail?尔能详细地描述一下吗?6)They had to be child laborers.7)They worked day and night and n ever had eno ugh food to eat.8)our country/ china has developed rapidly中国发展迅速.9)With the development of China, many things have changed, and

10、children can get a good education now随着中国的发展 ,-10)China is a developing country while the USA is a developed countrySection C p5keep-kept-kept 保持 see sb doin g/do sth crowd in 挤在Succeed(v)- Success(nsuccessful(adj)-successfully(adv) n arrow-wide low-tall dark-bright slow-quicksee sth on eself亲眼所见/目睹

11、the whole city/night/family/class整个城市/整晚/整个家庭/班级poor conditions/living conditions 条件很差 /生活条件have a cha nee to do sth有 一个机会做某事 receive a good educati on 接受良好的教育far away 遥远 by letter and telegram/by doing sth通 过信件和电报keep in touch with 保持联系 get in/lose touch with 取得 / 失去联系a kinds/sorts of种类 all/differe

12、nt kinds/sorts of clothes 各/不同种类的衣服make rapid/much progress取得迅速的进 not only -but also- 不但-而且be successful/succeed in doing sth 成功做某事 dream about doing sth 展望,梦想sth happen to sb某人发生了某事 sb happen to do sth某人凑巧/碰巧做某事be like 象 reform and ope nin g-up改 革开放living conditions 生活条件 working tools 劳动工具com muni

13、catio n tools 通讯工具1.She has seen the changes in Beijing herse她亲眼目睹了北京的变化2.People kept in touch with their friends and relatives far away mainly by letter or telegram.人们主 要靠信件和电报与远方的亲朋好友保持联系3.Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. 北京取得如此迅速的进步它还

14、成功举办了 2008年的奥运会.4think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future认为记 住过去,立足现在,展望未来是非常重要的5.6.What has happe ned to Beiji ngs roaoteyn?现在北京的道路发生了怎样的变化What were Beijing s roadimlilte past?寸去北京的道路什么样7.What will Beijing s roads be theefuture?将来北京的道路会是什么样SectionD

15、p7con clude(v)-c on clusi on(n)结论P7 I.There is a very popular organization for young people in our community. I joined it two years ago. And I have taken part in many interesting activities. What we have done can not only help others but also make ourselves happy.Last Sun day, we went to an old peop

16、les home. After helpi ng them do some housework, we sang, dan ced and played games with them. The old people were excited at our visit. They told us in terest ing stories about themselves. We all had a good time.After this visit, my friend and I decided ti do more things to help them. Now more than

17、30 volunteers have joined our club. Every one thinks the experie nee is won a movie in the open air/in the movie theater看露天电影 / 电影院 watch TV at homego roller skati ng/skii ng/swimmi ng/shoppi ng/boati ng/fishi ng/climbi ng滑旱冰、滑雪游泳购物划船钓鱼登山Play hide-a nd-seek/computergames/basketball/foot

18、ball/baseball/table tenn is/te nn is/volleyball玩捉迷藏电脑游戏打篮球足球棒球乒乓球网球排球play the pia no/the guitar/violi n/the drums 弹钢琴吉他小提琴打鼓 fly kitesbe popular with 在-之间收欢迎 write a composition 写一篇作文an example of an outli ne个示例提纲 follow these ste 遵循这些步骤con sider sth carefully 仔细思考 . draw up 拟定,起草check over检查 with t

19、he help of 在-帮助下tha nks to 多亏,由于 tha nk you/tha nks for doing sth 因而感谢你语法:现在完成时:p118表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作或状态 ./表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响后结果.结构: 肯定句:主语 +have/has+动词的过去分词: Now our country has developed rapidly否定句: 主语 +haven t/hasn动词的过去分词 :I haven t seen hfm a long time一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+动词的过去分词:Have you ever

20、 fed them?Yes, I have. No, I haven t特殊疑问句:疑问词+ have/has+主语+动词的过去分词:Where have you been?时间状语:already已经/肯定句,yet还/仍然/(否/疑问),ever曾经(肯/疑),never从来不just刚刚/位与谓语前),before以前(位于句末),since+从句(一般过去时”过去的时间点,自从-以来,fo叶一段时间,长达since,for 划线用 how long 提问肯定句:I have already done my homeworkHave you done your homework yet?

21、 Yes, I have. No, I haven I haven t don my homework yet. what have you done for the old people?I have just come back from my hometow n.China has developed rapidly since reform and ope nin g-up.My granny has lived in Beiji ng for more tha n forty yearsI have lived here since 2000/s ince 10 years ago=

22、I have lived here for 10 yearswritten : (1) The different lives of Chinese teenager中国青少年的不同生活.P4 2cIn the past, children had little food to eat and few warm clothes to wear. Most of them had no chance to go to school because they were poor. And they had very few leisure activities. They had to work

23、and help support their families.With the developme nt of China, all those thi ngs have cha nged. Nowadays, childre n have a balanced diet and can wear different kinds of clothes. They can also get a good education.what s morthey enjoy more kinds of leisure activities, like drawing, singing, playing

24、musical instruments and receiving some other trai ning.(2)Cha nges in Li Mi ng sHometow n P8Changes in living conditions/working tools /communication tools /education生活条件/劳动工具/通讯工具/教育的变化Li Ming s hometow n has cha nged a lot in the past few years. In the past, peopleliving con diti ons were poor. A

25、big family was crowded in a small low house. People usually planted crops with the help of farm animals. And the children studied in an old school. Since the reform and opening-u, his hometown has developed rapidly and great cha nges have take n place in the liv ing con diti ons. People live in tall

26、 bright buildings. Machines have already taken the place of farm animals and the work in the fields has become much easier. Whafs more, childre n now study in a moder n school. Thanks to the gover nmenfs efforts, Li Mings hometown is becoming better and better.(3)Cha nges in my /our hometow n/My rep

27、ort on Beiji ng我家乡的变化/我的有关家乡的报告过去:房子旧,小, 河:脏,道路:狭窄, 生活条件:艰辛,交通工具:上班走路或骑自行车现在:房子:高楼大厦,住房宽敞,明亮,河:清澈,道路:环形路, 生活条件:舒服,交通工具:上班,许多人都有小车或搭公交Unit 1 Topic2 九年级上 China has the largest population ( P9-P10)SectionA p91.学习现在完成时跟 just, already, yet, ever, never, before so far连用2 so/neither引导的倒装句 3.谈论有关人口问题一: Adj

28、advEurrope( n)-Europea n( adj)欧洲的 probableprobably 可能,大概recent recently 近来的最近的 great greatly 巨大地,大大的n adj advluck lucky luckily difficultydifficult difficultly幸运地,运气好地 困难,费力二: keywords:policy/perce nt/excelle nt/con trol/populatio n/un less/offer/i ncrease/relati on/neither三 sb/teleph

29、one sb/ring sb up打电话给某人2.a boy called/named/with the name of Kangkang is my studen一个叫做-的男孩3. too many+n(pl) / people too much +Un/water much too+adj/fat太多 太多 十分,太,很4. hate to go shopping 讨厌去购物 hate/like to do/doing sth shopping center购物中心5.肯定句:so + be 助 v+/情态 v +另一个主语 “也”前者(肯定句)情况也适合后者“ A如此,B也如此”6.否定句:neithe叶be /助v+/情态v+另一个主语 “也” A如此,B也如此”7. so +主语+be /助 v+/情态 v “的确如此”对前面所说的情况进行肯定:“A如此,A的确如此”单)=such+a/an+adj+n单)so beautful a coun try=such a beautiful coun try如 此美丽的国家so+形+ that+从句 such+形+名+that+从句 如此-以至于-9. in those days那时候 at that time在那时

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