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1、column10.architect11.chaos12.bacteriaPart 3 Un dersta nding ShortCon versati ons In this secti on youll hear some short con versati ons. Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.A.Readi ng.* B. Walki ng.C. Studyi ng.D. Pla nti ng trees.A.An imals are dyi ng.B.Ani mals

2、 can care too.* C. People depe nd on ani mals.D. People are faili ng.A.Go on a hot date.B.Retur n home.+ C. Fuel the car.D. Drive a lot.* A. Damage done by last ni ghts winds.B.Cars overturned in the streets.C.Several houses destroyed.D.Trees pulled out of the grou nd.A.The man will join the conserv

3、ation group.B.The man will pla nt trees in the forest.C.The man will cut dow n trees in the forest.+ D. The man wont go with the woman today.A.People should nt go on hikes in the forest.B.The woma n should nt remove thi ngs from the forest.C.Nature is nice for tak ing hikes in.D.The forest is nice a

4、nd should nt be disturbed.A.He will be the man ager.B.He will help the en vir onment.C.He will have authority.D.He will make money.* A. Husba nd and wife.B.Teacher and stude nt.C.Mother and son.D.Daughter and father.A.Mother and son.B.Father and daughter.C.Brother and sister.*D. Boyfriend and girlfr

5、iend.*A. The speakers dont like their preside nt.B.The man is happy with the preside nt.C.The preside nt is a symbol.D.The preside nt will be elected soon.Part 4 Un dersta nding Long2分)ll hear a longconversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hea

6、r.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.A.In a classroom.B.I n a zoo.C.I n a study room.*D. I n a forest.A.A dead bird.B.A sleep ing bird.+ C. A deer.D.A pretty girl running.A.The woma n did nt like talk ing with the man.*B. The woman enjoys talking with the man when shes free.C.

7、The man is a stude nt who is very serious about his studies.D.The man is much too busy with his studies.*A. Talki ng to females in class.B.Lying on the grou nd.C.Acting seriously.D.Sleepi ng in class.A.Teacher and stude nt.B.Boyfriend and girlfriend.+ C. Classmates.D.Brother and sister.Questi ons 6

8、to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.A.The farm the woma n moved to after theearthquake.B.Ways the woma n became safe from the earthquake.C.The effect the earthquake had on thewoma ns cows.D.The effects of the earthquake on the farm.A.On a path.D.Out with the cows.* A. They were moved by 5

9、meters.B.They were moved n ext to the roses.C.They were moved to the front of the gate.D.They were moved onto the path.A.The gate was nt there anymore.B.The woma n chased the cows.C.The house would nt be the same.* D. The husba nd was not hurt.A.He was trying to keep his cows safe.B.He was leav ing

10、the cows to check on his wife.C.He was trying to put things in the right places.D.He was attempti ng to catch his escapedcows.Part 5 Un dersta nding Passagesll hear a passage or passages. Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.A.Damage done by an earthquake.B.Rescue

11、 teams after the earthquake.C.Help give n by the UN and others.D.Earthquakes arou nd the world.* A. He said he had n ever see n such a big n aturaldisaster.B.He sent medical aid and food.C.He asked bordering countries for help.D.He gave sympathy for all the people killed.A.Israel.* B. Turkey.C.Germa

12、 ny.D.Greece.A.$6.7 millio n.B.$2 millio n.+ C. $540 thousand.D.$30 thousa nd.A.Germa ny.B.Fra nee.C.Ista nbul.* D. Izmit.A.Earthquakes in California.* B. Mexicos earthquake war ning system.C.The Richter scale.D.America n engin eers.*A. They want to improve their own.B.They want to help Mexica ns.C.

13、They want to get a gra nt.D.They want to make war nings more com mon.A.Mexico City.B.California.C.Flores and Gibbs on.+ D. The Nati onal Scie nee Fou ndati on.A.305.产,| B. 3.*C. 12.D.50,000.A.Public speakers watch the mon itors.*B. The mon itors can send out electro nic sig nalsto computers.C.Mexico

14、 City has good computers.D.City residents listen to the radio.Questi ons 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.A. Hate always has n egative con seque nces.B.Hate is a totally un acceptable emoti on.C.Hate cannot truly describe things like climate.D.Hate is both a good and bad emoti on.A.T

15、he con seque nces of deali ng withsometh ing.B.The distaste we have for some one.C.The fear we have of a pers on, thi ng, or idea.*D. The separation we are experiencing.13.*A. Fear.B.Love.C.Crime.D.Desire.A. Feeli ngs of prejudice to ano ther.B.Hating all the members of a certain group.+ C. Criminal

16、 acti ons because of prejudice.D.Crime that is socially un acceptable.15.A. Get that pers on kicked out of the group.+ B. Come to hate the whole racial group.C.Try to take revenge on that person.D.Force that pers on to apologize.Part 6 Compo und Dictatio n In this secti on you will hear a passage or

17、 passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its gen eral idea. Whe n the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. Finally, whe n the passage is read for the third time

18、, you should check what you have writte n.Questi ons 1 to 10 are based on the same passageor dialog.Childre n who are n earsighted see objects that are close to them clearly, but objects that are faraway are un clear. Eyeglasses help to clear theproblem. Despite using glasses,n ear-sighted ness will

19、 gen erally in crease un til thechild reaches the mid-tee ns. Thus a periodic ( 周期的)follow-up exam in ati on is (2)recommendedpreventTwo methods have bee n proposed to (3)n ear-sighted ness, one Wester nand one Chin ese. The Wester n method wasdeveloped by Mr. Bates, a British actor, in the early pa

20、rt of the last (4)1 century . Hetrained people to relax their eyes (5)frequentlyduri ng a period of intensereadi ng. His methods in cluded (6)covering open eyes with the palms ofthe hands and look ing at dista nt objects bymov ing the eyes from side to side. The usualpractice is to look at dista nt

21、objects byen couraged school childre n to look freque ntly at(8)The traditi onal Chin ese method in volves press ing certa in points arou nd the eyes with the fin gers. This also relaxes excessive tension in eye muscles. It (9),butit can also be done by stude nts themselves.Teachers and pare nts (10)Avoidi ng eyestra in, readi ng and study ing in a well-lit room, and tak ing breaks whe n work ing in front of a computer scree n or doing n earsighted work may also help.

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