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1、(Check the homework)通过汇1. Ask students to givea report about theirsurvey,let them tell thewhole class theirclassmates problems.1. Students give a reportabout their survey,tell the报的 形 式检查 上 节课布 置 的调查作业, 2. Guessing games.Give the students somepictures and guess whatthe problem is.2. Guessing games.G

2、uess the answersaccording to the pictures.回顾了 上节课的 内Step容,考验学One 生对Unit1Warmin知识的 掌g-up握程度。(3 )提 供 学 生几张情 景画让他 们猜 出 画 中的 所 表 达的问题,使学 生 的 脑袋 可 以 迅速 地转动2起来,锻炼他们的 思维能力,以趣 味 性 的方 式导入了 本课课题。1.Check the newwords.( 1 ) Show morepictures and things to(1)Watch pictures learn通过图片get the students fill inthe bl

3、anks with rightsome new words and try tofill in the blanks with right与 单词对 words. words.Step应直观形(2)Organize them toTwo象,使学生(2)Read the new words read the new wordsPre-更 容 易 记 together.together.reading住单词,为2.Free talk.(5 )阅读语篇Show the letter and扫除 生 词 Students discuss in pairsreply on the screen障碍 ac

4、cording to the letter andand ask the students todiscuss in pairs, the reply that the teacherencourage them to show on the screen. Try to decide where they comedecide where they come对接 下 来 from.from.要读的 文3章 有 个 总的认识。Step 1. Scanning要 求 学 生Three Ask students to scan the Students scan the passage快 速 阅

5、读While- passage and find out and find out Steve 课s 文,找出reading Steve s problem. problem.本 课 的 中(24 )心思想。2.Careful reading.(1)Ask the students to让学 生 带read the letter, then (1) Read the letter and着任务(问answer the following answer the questions.题)去阅读questions.课文,去找1. What does Steve 1s.He uses the comp

6、uter for答案,有助father use the his work.于 学 生 更computer for? 2.No, he canTt.he reason加 准 确 地2.Can Steve play games is that his father thinks获取信息,on his father ssomething will go wrong if提 高 阅 读computer? Why? he plays games on it.效 果 和 技3.They copied the game to能。学生通the computer and after they过分层次3.What

7、 did they do finished playing, they took阅读文章,when David came it off the computer.获 取 具 体4round with a new 4.He found that he could no信息,把知computer game? longer find the important识点 和 课Step documents anywhere.文 理 解 在Three 4. What did Steve 5s.Because he knows he has分 段 学 习While- father find when he d

8、one something wrong.得以突破。reading used the computer last而 小组活(24 ) night?动能 通 过5 .Why does Steve feel学 生间的terrible?自主、合作学习,让学生 充 分 地(2)Students read the reply实践 运 用and语言,并激finish Activity 3.发 学 生 创造 性 思 维的发展。(2)Ask students to read (3)Check the answers.通过学 生the reply and finish细致阅读,Activity 3. Comple

9、te把 句 子 补the advice to Steve. (4)Read together.充 完 整 ,(3) Ask a student to be进一 步 掌“a little teacher ”to (5)Solve the difficulties握 提 建 议5check the answers. together.的 句 子 的(4) Organize the whole表达方式。class to read together.(5)Ask some little Students watch a video andteachers to solve the read with

10、it, then readdifficulties. loudly in groups.4 Practise reading.Get the students watcha video and read with it,读书在 英then let them read语 学 习 中loudly in groups.起 着 相 当重 要 的 作用,熟能生巧,通过跟读来 学 习正 确 的 语音语调,通过 小组朗读来 互 相学习,培养合作精神。1. Retell 通 过 复 述6(1)Let the students检查学 生complete the passage (1) Students comp

11、lete the对本课所with the words in the passagewith the words学 知识的box. (Activity 4) in the box. Activity 4掌握程度,此类输出Four练习有 利Post- (2)Call back the于 提 高 同reading answers (2)Call back the answers学们口 语(10 ) from the whole class from the whole class then表达能力。then read the short passage inlet them read the sho

12、rt the whole class .passage in the whole (3) Try to retell the passageclass . with the information in(3) Book close. Activity3.Organize the Ss to retellthe passage with theinformation in 2. Work in groups: ThinkActivity3. of a problem schoolwork or训练学 生2. Organization. family and give advice.综合 运 用W

13、rite the information in the所 学 知 识form.的能力。About _Problem7Advice1.Get the students to 1.Sum up the language引导学 生sum up the language points.对这节课Step points.的总结,让Five T: What have we学 生 做 自Summa learned today?由发言,培ry(2) Ss: 养 学 生 自2.Let the students to主学习,自choose the best team in 2.To choose the best主

14、 总结的this lesson. groups.良 好 学 习习惯。简短 的 评价 使 学 生的课堂 表现得 到 肯定 并 且 可以 激 励 学生 的 学 习兴趣,树立学 习 英 语的信心。8Step Ask the students to look Finish the homework.课后 作 业Six at the letter by Steve in有 助 于 学Home- Activity 2 and write a生 巩 固 已work letter about the学的知识,(1) problem.补充 其 他Use the information in方 面 的 锻Acti

15、vity 5 to help you.炼。写作是阅读的 拓展,让学生最终完 全掌握语言,语言。七、板书设计:Module 6 ProblemsUnit 2 If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you arehonest.use for doing/use do sth.take off 卸掉be angry with9Steve should .达标训练题. 从方框中选择合适的词完成句子。apologise come round honest truth pocket money1. What is your new

16、 classmate like? She is very quiet and _.2. I must _ for not being able to meet you.3. We only need to take some _ with us.4. At last he told the _ to his mom.5. Why don t you _ and see us this evening?. 根据汉语及所给短语提示翻译句子。1. 我用零花钱给妈妈买了一件礼物。(pocket money)_2. 他们至少两年没有见面了。(at least)3. 我由于自己犯了这么愚蠢的错误而在生自己的气。 (be angry withsb)_10

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